Quick Guide SysMon App
Quick Guide SysMon App
Quick Guide SysMon App
Document Version 1.1.0-2013-01-12
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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 5
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................. 6
INITIAL CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................ 6
Connection to SAP Solution Manager via Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP Activation and Log In) ............... 6
Mandatory Parameters: Server, User, Password .......................................................................................... 7
Optional App Passcode ................................................................................................................................ 7
Optional SUP parameters under Show Details ............................................................................................ 7
Direct connection to SAP Solution Manager (Gateway Log In) .................................................................... 8
Mandatory Parameters: Server, User, Password .......................................................................................... 8
Optional App Passcode ................................................................................................................................ 9
Optional parameters under Show Details ................................................................................................... 9
MAIN FEATURES .........................................................................................................................................10
APPLICATION SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................15
Logon Settings ............................................................................................................................................15
Supportability Settings ...............................................................................................................................18
Advanced configuration options in the devices settings ...........................................................................19
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The SAP Solution Manager provides a set of central monitors and an infrastructure that permanently
reports the status of the related IT landscape and automatically triggers alerts in the case of problems. The
SAP System Monitoring mobile app allows you to monitor your systems and to check alerts anywhere and
Key features:
Display status overviews of systems, databases, and hosts
Drill down to single metrics and events
View overviews of alerts
Get alert details for deep-dive analyses of certain symptoms
Confirm alerts
Send alert notifications
The application is available with SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP6. The mobile services must be configured and
the user enabled to use them.
This Quick Start Guide document describes the installation, configuration and core functionality of the SAP
System Monitoring mobile app for iPhone and iPad. Up-to-date version of this document is attached to the
SAP Note 1786544.
Locate and download the app from the Apple store.
The application is available for both iPhone and iPad.
Initial Configuration
The SAP System monitoring application can be run in the following connection modes:
Connection to SAP Solution Manager via Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP)
Direct connection to SAP Solution Manager
Demo mode with sample data
The connection mode defines how the connection is routed to the SAP Solution Manager back-end system.
Started for the first time the app presents a Welcome dialog with the three options. The user has to choose
one of the options and the apps remembers the choice and does not display the Welcome dialog again. It is
possible to change the connection mode or present the Welcome screen again via applications settings.
See the Application Settings chapter for more details.
Your IT department should provide you with the instructions how to connect the app to your SAP Solution
Manager e.g. which mode to choose and the appropriate setting values.
Enables/disables application
App Passcode
The application passcode is used to protect the application from unauthorized usage and for storing securerelevant data, such as passwords, in the secure storage (data vault). Usage of the application passcode is
optional. If used, user has to enter the passcode at applications start.
Company - ID
Security Config.
Basic, manual
Mobile User
Act. Code
An activation code for the mobile user configured in the Sybase Unwired
Platform server (with the Sybase Control Center tool).
If on, the mobile application will connect via HTTPS (appropriate if Relay
Server is used)
Typically the value of parameter Security configuration should be changed as SUP does not have default
security configuration.
The Mobile Userand Act. Code parameters are optional. They are required only you are performing
manual user registration on the Sybase Unwired Platform Server (e.g. automatic user registration is
disabled by your IT). In this case your IT department must provide you with valid values.
URL Prefix
The parameters are optional. The Service and URL Prefix parameters are internal, do not change them.
If required, change only the Use HTTPS parameter value.
Main features
The application shows technical systems for which system monitoring were successful setup. Technical
systems without monitoring setup are filtered out.
The application displays system components (also called managed objects), which comprise the technical
system object, system instances, databases, and hosts. Users can drill down to single monitoring metrics
and events.
To navigate through the systems you can use the System Groups (or POWL query) as defined for the
user in System Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager. For example, the standard All System group can be
used to display all systems in the SAP Solution Manager.
In the SAP Solution Manager users populate their System Groups in the Technical Monitoring work center.
This is called system group refreshing and needs to be performed once when the user starts to work with
SAP Solution Manager and occasionally if new technical systems added to the System Monitoring. System
Group refreshing is time consuming and is performed on user request only. When the app displays the
System Groups screen for the first time it fetches the data from the SAP Solution Manager (e.g. with the
actual refresh timestamp) but does not perform the refresh on the system groups. However, if the user
triggers the refresh on the view with the pull down to refresh, the app performs the refresh on the
system groups and displays updated system groups data.
To refresh the system groups perform explicit refresh on the System Groups view
with the pull down to refresh.
This feature is implemented in the 1.1.2 version. Make sure SAP Note 1799062 is implemented.
The SAP System Monitoring mobile app also allows you to add systems to your personal group of the
favorite systems that you work with regularly. Favorite systems are shown in the system group My
Systems. To add a system to your favorites, find it in another group, for example, in the All System
group, and do the long press on the system. The system will be added to the My Systems system group.
The star icon marks the favorite systems. To remove a system from the favorites system group, simply do
the long press on the system again.
For technical systems and managed objects, the application shows alerts and alert details. To jump to the
alerts of a system or system component, tap on the Alerts button next to that system, or system
component name.
The Alerts screen on iPhone resp. the left panel of the Alert Overview screen on iPad displays alert type
objects. Alert type is the alert definition in the system monitoring template. This is something that may
occur. Examples are Java instance not available or ABAP instance not available alert types. An alert or
alert instance is an existing instantiation of an alert type. This is a real event occurred somewhere. Alert
instances are shown in the Alert Details screen on iPhone resp. on the right pane of the Alert Overview
screen on iPad. For each alert type only the latest alert instance is displayed.
Users can confirm alerts (either the single alert instance or all alerts of the alert type) and send notifications
from the mobile device. To display the dialog, click on the button in the top right corner of the screen.
Application Settings
The SAP System Monitoring mobile app allows changing different configuration options in its Settings
Logon Settings
Logon Settings allows configuring the connection to the SAP Solution Manager. Usually the connection
mode is selected and the connection to the SAP Solution Manager is configured at the first application
start. The Logon Settings allows configuration of the initial connectivity (if for example user has chosen to
try the app in the demo mode with sample data) or change of an existing connection.
However, in the Application Connection settings dialog user can only change the SAP Solution Manager
user/password and request timeout parameters. Other parameters are read only. To change connectivity
parameter launch new initial connection configuration dialog by pressing the New Activation and Logon
button on the bottom of the screen.
Another useful option is the Reset Application button. Reset Application deletes all settings, resets the
app into initial status and shows the Welcome screen. Reset Application is the last option you have before
app reinstallation in case of unexpected behavior and continues failures.
The Application Connection Mode selector supports switching between different connections modes:
Demo mode
SUP connection
Direct Gateway connection
For a non-demo mode, if the mode is already configured, the app changes the connection appropriately
and refreshes the data. If the mode was not configured yet the app shows the connection configuration
dialog first. The New Initial Activation and Logon action allows configuration of one online connection
mode (Gateway or SUP) and resets the connection setting for another connection mode. The Application
Connection Mode allows the configuration of the both SUP and Gateway connections.
Switching between different connections modes is not considered to be a productive
use case.
The common parameters SAP Solution Manager user/password and the request timeout are not stored
separately but used for both SUP and Gateway connections.
To avoid unexpected locks either use the same app passcode or disable the app passcode for both SUP
and Gateway connection modes.
On iPad, if not in the favorite system group My System, reselect the current system group from the
System Groups pop-up menu. A system group may not be valid any longer if switched to a different SAP
Solution Manager system. You will receive a back-end error notification if the current system group
cannot be processed
Supportability Settings
Supportability Settings allows to enable E2E trace supportability feature and to display and to send the
application log per e-mail.