On Recalling ANT
On Recalling ANT
On Recalling ANT
Capiralinn and
n: Athlone.
), A Cyborg Manifesto: Science,Technology and Socialist
T w e n t i e t hC e n t u r y ' , p a g e s1 4 9 - l 8 t i n D o n n a H a r a w a y ( e d . ) ,
nd llomen: the Reinvention of Nalure, London: Free
On recallingANT
' r ' 5. :3 0 5 3 2 1 .
ntial Formation. London. Thousand Oaks and New Delhi:
The paper exploresone after the other the four difhcultiesof actornetworktheory,that is the words'actor','network'and 'theory'-without
forgettingthe hyphen.It triesto refocusthe originalityol what is morea
methodto deploythe actor'sown world buildingactivitiesthan an alternativesocialtheory.Finally,it sketches
someof its remainingpotential.
I will start by saying that there are four things that do not work
rvith actor-network theory; the word actor. the word network, the
word theory and the hyphen! Four nails in the coffin.
The first nail in the cofn is I guessthe word 'network', as John
Law indicates in his paper in this volume. This is the great danger of
using a technical metaphor slightly ahead of everyone'scommon
use. Now that the World Wide Web exists, everyone believes they
understand what a network is. tffhile twenty years ago there was still
some freshness in the term as a critical tool against notions as
diverse as institution, society, nation-state and, more generally,any
flat surface,it has lost any cutting edge and is now the pet notion of
all those who want to modernizemodernization.'Down with rigid
institutions,' they all say,'long live flexible networks.'
What is the difference between the older and the new usage?At
the time, the word network, like Deleuze'sand Guattari's term rhizome, clearly meant a serieso transformations-anslations, transductions-which could not be captured by any of the traditional
terms of social theory. With the new popularization of the word netrvork, it now means transport without deformation, an instantaneous, unmediated access to every piece of information. That is
exactly the opposite of what we meant. What I would like to call
click information' has killed the last brt of the crirical
j The Editorial Board of The Sociological Review 1999. Published by Blackwell Publishers,
:rl8 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 lJF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148. USA.
Bruno Lutour
cutting edgeof the notion of network. I don't think we should use
uny-r. u1l.urt not to mean the type of transformations
lations that we want now to explore.
The secondnail that I'd like to hammer into the coffin is the word
,actol.' in its hyphenatedconnection tvith the notion of 'network'.
From day one, f objected to the hyphen becauseinevitably it would
remind sociologists of the agency/structurecliche, or, as we say
French, of tbe'pont aux nes'of social theory' Most of
derstandings about ANT have come from this coupling of terms'
one that is much too similar to the traditional divides of social
The managerial, engineering,Machiavellian, demiurgic character
of ANT has been criticised many times. More exactly,critiques have
alternated, quite predictably, between the two hyphenated
one type of ritiqe has turned around the actot the
uround the network. The first line of criticism has insisted on
Schumpeterian, male-like, hairy gorilla-like character of
second line of criticism has focused instead on the dissolution of
humanity proposed by ANT into a field of forces where morality'
humanity, psychology was absent.Thus, the actor-network was split
'death Man' on the other'
into two: demiurgy on one side;
No matter how prepared I am to criticise the theory, I still think
that these two symmetrical critiques are off target even though the
'actor-network' invites this reaction. The original
very expressionof
idea was not to occupy a position in the agency/structuredebate,
not evento overcomethis contradiction.contradictions. most of the
predicatime and especiallywhen they are related to the modernist
ment, should not be overcome' but simply ignored or bypassed'But
I agree that the hyphenated term made it impossible to see clearly
the bypassoperation that had been attempted'
Let me try to refocus the argument. Let us abandon the words
,actor' and .network' for a moment and pay some attention to lwo
operations, one of franring (seethe chapter in this volume by Michel
C a l l o n ) a n d o n e o f s u r n m i n gu P .
It is not exactly true that social scienceshave always alternated
between actor and system, or agency and structure' It might be
more productive to say that they have alternated between two types
of equally powerful dissatisfactions:when social scientistsconcentrate on what could be called the micro level. that is face to face
interactions, local sites' they quickly tealize that many of elements
necessaryto make senseof the situation are already in place or are
coming irom far away; hence, this urge to look for something else'
On recalling AltlT
otion of network. I don't think we should use it
to mean the type of transformations and transnow to explore.
at I'd like to hammer into the coffin is the word
ated connection rvith the notion of
:cted to the hyphen becauseinevitably it would
cf the agency/structureclich, or, as we say in
aux nes' of social theory. Most of the misunANT have come from this coupling of terms,
ro similar to the traditional divides of social
ngineering, Machiavellian, demiurgic character
ticised many times. More exactly,critiques have
edictably, between the two hyphenated poles:
has turned around the actot the other turned
. The first line of criticism has insisted on the
e-like, hairy gorilla-like character of ANT; the
rism has focused instead on the dissolution of
by ANT into a field of forces where morality,
;y was absent.Thus, the actor-network was split
'death of Man' on the other.
rn one sidel
repared I am to criticise the theory, I still think
retrical critiques are off target even though the
"ctor-network' invites this reaction. The original
)upy a position in the agency/structuredebate,
r this contradiction.Contradictions,most of the
when they are related to the modernist predicaovercome,but simply ignored or bypassed.But
,henatedterm made it impossible to see clearly
r that had been attemPted.
cus the argument. Let us abandon the words
l' for a moment and pay some attention to two
'atning(seethe chapter in this volume by Michel
;wnming up.
lrue that social scienceshave always alternated
system, or agency and structure. It might be
say that they have alternated between two types
dissatisfactions:when social scientistsconcenI be called the micro level, that is face to face
ites, they quickly realize that many of elements
renseof the situation are already in place or are
a1: hence,this urge to look for something else,
C The Editorial Board of The Sociological Review I 999
Bruno Latour
through the study of accounting, managerial practice (Power, 1995),
organization studies (Czarniawska, 1997), some sociolinguistics
'oligoptica', Latour
(Taylor, 1993), panoptica (or what I now call
and Hermant, 1998),economics,the anthropology of markets,and
'really' big or 'overall', or 'overarching',
so on. Big does not mean
but connected, blind, local, mediated, related. This is already an
important contribution of ANT since it means that when one
explores the structures of the social, one is not led away from the
local sites-as it was the case with the dissatisfiedsocial scientistbut closer to them.
The secondconsequenceis lesswell developedbut equally important: actantiality is not what an actor does-with its consequence
what provides actants with
for the demiurgic version of ANT-but
their actions, with their subjectivity,with their intentionality, with
their morality. When you hook up with this circulating entity, then
you are partially provided with consciousness,subjectivity, actoriality, etc. There is no reason to alternate between a conception of
social order as made of a Society and another one obtained from
the stochasticcomposition of individual atoms. To become an actor
structure.I will
is as much a local achievementas obtaining a
come back to this aspect in a moment, but the consequence is
already important: there is nothing especially local, and nothing
especially human, in a local intersubjective encounter. I have pro'interobjectivity'
as a way of phrasing the new position of the
actor (Latour, 1996).
The third and very puzzling consequenceis that, by following the
movement allowed by ANT, we are never led to study social order,
in a displacement that would allow an observer to zoom from the
global to the local and back. In the social domain there is no
change of scale.It is so to speak always flat and folded and this is
especially true of the natural sciencesthat are said to provide the
context, the frame, the global environment in which society is supposed to be located. Contexts too flow locally through networks, be
these geography,medicine, statistics,economics, or even sociology.
This is where ANT has used the insights of sociology of scienceincluding of course the sociology of the social sciences-as much as
possible:economiesemergeout of economics;societiesout of sociologies; cultures out of anthropologies;etc. The topology of the
social, John Law is right, is rather bizarre, but I don't think it is
fractal. Each locus can be seenas framing and summing up. Actor'
'network' to play the role
is not here to play the role of agency and
of society.Actor and network-if we want to still use those terms-
On recalling ANT
accounting, managerial practice (Power, 1995),
(Czarniawska, 1997), some sociolinguistics
ptica (or what I now call 'oligoptica', Latour
, economics, the anthropology of markets, and
big or
[, local, mediated, related. This is already an
ion of ANT since it means that when one
es of the social, one is not led away from the
the case with the dissatisfiedsocial scientistluenceis lesswell developedbut equally imporrot what an actor does with its consequence
:sion of ANT-but
whar provides actants with
reir subjectivity, with their intentionality, with
you hook up with this circulating entity, then
rided with consciousness,subjectivity, actorialreason to alternate between a conception of
r of a Society and another one obtained from
sition of individual atoms. To become an actor
rievementas obtaining a'total' structure.I will
rspect in a moment, but the consequence is
here is nothing especially local, and nothing
a local intersubjective encounter. I have proy' as a way of phrasing the new position of the
puzzling consequenceis that, by following the
y ANT, we are never led to study social order,
at would allow an observer to zoom from the
and back. In the social domain there is no
so to speak always flat and folded and this is
: natural sciencesthat are said to provide the
re global environment in which society is supSontexts too flow locally through networks, be
licine, statistics,economics, or even sociology.
ras used the insights of sociology of sciencere sociology of the social sciences-as much as
:mergeout of economics;societiesout of sociof anthropologies; etc. The topology of the
right, is rather bizarre, but I don't think it is
in be seenas framing and summing up. Actor'
e role of agency and
to play the role
network-if we want to still use those termsO The Editorial Board ofThe Sociolosical Review 1999
designatestwo faces of the same phenomenon, like wavesand particles, the slow realization that the social is a certain type of circulation that can travel endlessly without ever encountering either the
micro-level-there is never an interaction that is not framed-or the
macro-level-there are only local summing up which produce either
local totalities('oligoptica') or total localities(agencies).
To have transformed the social from what was a surface, a territory, a province of reality, into a circulation, is what I think has
been the most useful contribution of ANT. It is, I agree,a largely
negativecontribution, becauseit has simply rendered us sensitiveto
a fourth consequencewhich is also the most bizarre: if there is no
zoom going from macro structure to micro interactions.if both
micro and macro are local effects of hooking up to circulating entities, if contexts flow inside narrow conduits, it means that there is
plenty of 'space' in between the tiny trajectories of what could be
'phusigenics', 'sociogenics'
called the local productions of
'Nature', 'Society', 'Subjectivity'
do not define what the world is
like, but what circulates locally and to which one 'subscribes'much
as we subscribe to cable TV and sewers-including of course the
subscription that allows us to say
This empty space
between' the networks, those terra incognita are the most exciting
aspectsof ANT becausethey show the extent of our ignorance and
the immense reservethat is open for change.But the benefit that can
be drawn from this vast empty space
between' network trajectories is not clear yet becauseof a third difficulty that I now have to
The third nail in the coffin is the word theory. As Mike Lynch
said some time ago, ANT should really be called 'actant-rhizome
ontology'. But who would have cared for such a horrible mouthful
of words-not to mention the acronym ARO'? Yet, Lynch has a
point. If it is a theory, of what it is a theory?
It was never a theory of what the social is made of, contrary to
the reading of many sociologists who believed it was one more
school trying to explain the behaviour of social actors. For us, ANT
was simply another way of being faithful to the insights of ethnomethodology: actors know what they do and we have to learn
from them not only what they do, but how and why they do it. It is
ars,the social scientists,who lack knowledge of what they do, and
not they who are missing the explanation of why they are unwittingly manipulated by forces exterior to themselvesand known to
the social scientist'spowerful gaze and methods. ANT is a wav of
O The Editorial Board of The Sociolosical Review I 999
Bruno Latour
delegitimatingthe incrediblepretensionsof sociologistswho, to r'rse
Bauman'sforceful expression(Bauman, 1992),want to act as legislators and to open yet another spacefor interpretivesociology.Far
from being a theory of the social or even worse an explanation of
what makes society exert pressureon actors, it always was, and this
from its very inception (Callon and Latour, 198I ), a very crude
method to learn from the actors without imposing on them an n
priori defrnition of their world-building capacities.The ridiculous
poverty of the ANT vocabulary-association, translation. alliance.
obligatory passagepoint, etc.-was a clear signal that none of these
words could replace the rich vocabulary of the actor's practice, but
was simply a way to systematicallyavoid replacing their sociology,
their metaphysicsand their ontology with those of the social scientists who were connecting with them through some researchprotocol--I use this cumbersome circumlocution to avoid the loaded
'studying', becauseANT researchers
cannot exactly be said to
the other socialactors.
I agreethat we have not always been true to the original task, and
that a great deal of our olvn vocabulary has contaminated our ability to let the actors build their own space,as many critiques have
charitably shown (Chateauraynaud,1991; Lee and Brown, 1994).
This weakness on our part does not mean, however. that our
vocabularywas too poor, but that, on the contrary, it was not poor
enough and that designing a space for the actors to deploy their
own categoriesis a much harder task than we thought at first-and
this appliesof course to this notion of deploymentitself. From the
very beginning, ANT has been sliding in a sort of race to overcome
its limits and to drop from the list of its methodologicalterms any
which would make it impossiblefor new actors (actantsin fact) to
define the world in their own terms, using their own dimensions and
touchstones. John Law and Annemarie Mol have used the word
fluid (Mol and Law 1994),Adrian Cussins,the word trails (Cussins,
1992),Charis Cussins,the word choreography(Cussins,1996).All
of thesewords designatein my view what the theory should be and
'double-clik'networks has rendered
diffusion of
what the excessive
irretrievable:it is a theory that saysthat by following circulations we
can get more than by defining entities, essenceor provinces.In that
sense,ANT is merely one of the many anti-essentialistmovements
that seemsto characterizethe end of the century. But it is also, like
ethnomethodology,simply a way for the social scientiststo access
sites,a method and not a theor1,,a way to travel from one spot to
the next, from one field site to the next, not an interpretation of
On recalling ANT
ncrediblepretensionsof sociologistswho, to use
:xpression(Bauman, 1992),want to act as legisyet another spacelbr interpretive sociology. Far
y of the social or even worse an explanation of
exert pressureon actors, it always was. and this
rtion (Callon and Latour, l98l). a very crude
om the actors without imposing on them an a
their world-building capacities.The ridiculous
I vocabulary association,translation,alliance,
point, etc.-was a clear signalthat none of these
: the rich vocabulary of the actor's practice, but
o systematicallyavoid replacingtheir sociology,
nd their ontology with those of the social scienIecting with them through some researchprotonbersome circumlocution to avoid the loaded
:auseANT researchers
cannot exactlybe said to
:ial actors.
Ive not alwaysbeentrue to the original task, and
our own vocabularyhas contaminatedour abill build their own space.as many critiques have
Chateauraynaud,l99l; Lee and Brown, 1994).
our part does not mean, however. that our
poor. but that, on the contrary. it was not poor
esigning a space for the actors to deploy their
much harder task than we thought at first-and
se to this notion of deploymentitself. From the
T has been sliding in a sort of race to overcome
rp from the list of its methodologicalterms any
it impossiblefor new actors (actantsin fact) to
iheir own terms,using their own dimensionsand
Law and Annemarie Mol have used the word
,1994\, Adrian Cussins,the word trails (Cussins,
ns. the word choreography(Cussins,1996).All
;nate in my view what the theory should be and
Iiffusionof 'double-click'networks has rendered
heory that saysthat by following circulationswe
ry defining entities. essenceor provinces.In that
rly one of the many anti-essentialistmovements
cterize the end of the century. But it is also, like
simply a way for the social scientiststo access
not a theory, a way to travel from one spot to
field site to the next, not an interpretation of
O The Editorial Board ofThe Sociolosical Review 1999
Bruno Latour
The reason why it could not stick to a theory of social order is that
the whole theory of society soon appeared to be enmeshed in a
much more complex struggle to define an epistemological settlement about: (a) what the world is llke outsidewithout human intervention; (b) a psychology inside-an isolated subjectivity still able
to also comprehend the word out there; (c) a political theory of how
to keep the crowds at bay without them intervening with their
unruly passionsand ruining the social order; and finally (d) a rather
repressedbut very present theology that is the only way to guarantee the differences and the connections between those three other
domains of reality. There is not one problem of deciding what society is, a second of explaining why there is a psychology, a third of
defining politics, and a fourth of accounting for the deletion of theological interests. Instead there is only one single predicament
which, no matter how entangled, has to be tackled at once. To sum
there' psychology,
there' nature,
it up in one simple formula:
'up there' theology. It is this whole package
that by happenstanceANT called into question at once.
There is no room here to review the whole question-I have done
so elsewhere(Latout 1999)-but only to indicate the consequences
for one possible future of ANT. ANT is not a theory of the social,
any more than it is a theory of the subject, or a theory of God, or a
theory of nature. It is a theory of the spaceor fluids circulating in a
non-modern situation. What type of connection can be established
between those terms, other than the systematicmodernist solution?
ANT and
This is, I think, clearly the direction of what is
in the
what would begin
contributionsto this
Let us not forget that the first thing we made circulate is nature
'out there' box. I was struck to see that
and reference,that is the
none of the writers. in this book or at the conferencefrom which it
derived, mentioned social constructivism and the recent Science
Wars. Clearly the treatment of the collective of scientific reality as a
circulation of transformations-is it even necessaryto say again
that referenceis real, social and narrative at once?-is now, if not
taken for granted, at least clearly articulated. If ANT can be credited
with something, it is to have developeda sciencestudiesthat entirely
'social construction' and the 'realist/
bypasses the question of
relativistdebate'.lt is not, it never was. a pertinent question.even
though it still amusesmany people who are not familiar with either
science studies or ANT. Social theory is now allowed to have as
with a bountiful
many points of contact. as many correspondences.
On recalling ANT
)uld not stick to a theory of social order is that
f society soon appeared to be enmeshed in a
x struggle to define an epistemological settlet the world is llke outsidewithout human interology inside-an isolated subjectivity still able
the word out there; (c) a political theory of how
r at bay without them intervening with their
ruining the social order; and finally (d) a rather
resent theology that is the only way to guaranLnd the connections between those three other
fhere is not one problem of deciding what socixplaining why there is a psychology, a third of
I a fourth of accounting for the deletion of thenstead there is only one single predicament
w entangled, has to be tackled at once. To sum
there' nature,
there' psychology,
there' theology. It is this whole package
: ANT called into questionat once.
here to review the whole question-I have done
:, 1999)-but only to indicate the consequences
rre of ANT. ANT is not a theory of the social,
. theory of the subject, or a theory of God, or a
s a theory of the spaceor fluids circulating in a
,n. What type of connection can be established
, other than the systematicmodernist solution?
rrly the direction of what is
ANT and
solve a number of the worries expressedin the
that the first thing we made circulate is nature
s the
there' box. I was struck to see that
in this book or at the conferencefrom which it
social constructivism and the recent Science
atment of the collective of scientific reality as a
brmations-is it even necessaryto say again
, social and narrative at once?-is noq if not
least clearly articulated. If ANT can be credited
to have developeda sciencestudiesthat entirely
on of
construction' and the
is not, it never was, a pertinent question,even
s many people who are not familiar with either
NT. Social theory is now allowed to have as
rct, as many correspondences,with a bountiful
O The Editorial Board of The Sociolosical Review I 999
Bruno Latour
What about the half hidden sphereabove,that has been used as a
guarantee for the rest of the modernist systems?I know this is a
very risky territory since if there is anything worse than dabbling
with non-humans, it is to take theology seriously.This line of work
is not representedat all, I agree,in this book. Yet, I think that it is
in theology that the notion of circulation is the most rewarding. preciselybecauseit quickly rejuvenatesa tissueof absurdities(what has
become a tissue of absurdities) becauseof the shadow cast by the
notion of a Science and by the notion of Society. Morality that
seemstotally absent from the engineering dreams of ANI may be
very abundant if we care to take it also for a certain type of circulation.
The point on which I want to conclude is somewhat different
from that of John Law. In his chapter, he asks us to limit ANT and
to tackle complexity and locality seriously and modestly. As with
severalof us, he is somewhat terrified by the monster that we have
begot. But you cannot do to ideas what auto manufacturers do with
badly conceived cars: you cannot recall them all by sending advertisements to the owners, retrofitting them with improved enginesor
parts. and sending them back again, all for free. Once launched in
this unplanned and uncharted experimentin collectivephilosophy
there is no way to retract and once again be modest. The only solution is to do what Victor Frankenstein did not do. that is, not to
abandonthe creatureto its fate but continue all the way in developi n g i t s s t r a n g ep o t e n t i a l .
Yes,I think there is life after ANT. Once we have strongly pushed
a stake into the heart of the creature safely buried in its coffin-thus
'actor', 'network',
abandoningwhat is so wrong with ANT, that is
without forgettingthe hyphenl-some other creaturemight
emerse,light and beautiful:our future collectiveachievement.
Bauman, Z. (19921.Intitnation.so/' Po.srnroderni.r'.
London: Routledge.
Berg, M. and A. Mol (1998) (eds). Dif.ferencesin llleclicine'.Lnratelling PraLtices,
Tedmiquesund Brtriri's.Durham. North Carolina: Duke University Press.
Bloor, D. ( 1998).Anti-Latour.' .S/r./iesin Historv und Philosoph.t,
C a l l o n . M . a n d B . L a t o u r ( [ 9 8 [ ) , ' L l n s c r e w i n g ( h e B i g L e v i a t h a n :H o w D o A c t o r s
Macrostructure Reality'. Atlvnces in Social Theorv untl lv[ethodology. Tov'ard an
Integrution o.f lltiuo and Mutro Sociolo.qlcs.K. Knorr and A. Cicourel. London:
Routledge.277 303.
C h a t e a u r a y n a u dF. ( 1 9 9 1 ) , ' F o r c e se t f a i b l e s s e ds e l a n o u v e l l ea n t h r o p o l o g i ed e s s c i ences.'C'ririail( (529 530):4-58 478,
On recalling ANT
.alf hidden sphereabove,that has been used as a
est of the modernist systems?I know this is a
since if there is anything worse than dabbling
t is to take theology seriously.This line of work
t all, I agree,in this book. Yet, I think that it is
notion of circulation is the most rewarding, preckly rejuvenatesa tissueof absurdities(what has
absurdities) becauseof the shadow cast by the
e and by the notion of Society. Morality that
t from the engineering dreams of ANI may be
r care to take it also for a certain type of circularich I want to conclude is somewhat different
,aw. In his chapter, he asks us to limit ANT and
y and locality seriously and modestly. As with
somewhat terrified by the monster that we have
rot do to ideas what auto manufacturers do with
's: you cannot recall them all by sending adverners, retrofitting them with improved enginesor
them back again, all for free. Once launched in
uncharted experiment in collective philosophy
etract and once again be modest. The only soluVictor Frankenstein did not do. that is, not to
re to its fate but continue all the way in developrtial.
is life after ANT. Once we have strongly pushed
rt of the creature safely buried in its coffin-thus
r so wrong with ANT, that is'actor',
'getting the hyphen!-some other creature might
rautiful: our future collective achievement.