RA 9504 Amending NIRC Section 34 (L)
RA 9504 Amending NIRC Section 34 (L)
RA 9504 Amending NIRC Section 34 (L)
SEC. 3. Section 34(L) of Republic Act No. 8424, as amended, otherwise known as the National Internal
Revenue Code of 1997, is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 34. Deductions from Gross Income. - Except for taxpayers earning compensation income
arising from personal services rendered under an employer-employee relationship where no
deductions shall be allowed under this Section other than under Subsection (M)hereof, in
computing taxable income subject to income tax under Sections 24(A); 25(A); 26; 27(A), (B), (C);
and 28(A)(1), there shall be allowed the following deductions from the gross income:
"(A) Expenses. "x x x.
"(L) Optional Standard Deduction. - In lieu of the deductions allowed under the preceding
Subsections, an individual subject to tax under Section 24, other than a nonresident alien, may
elect a standard deduction in an amount not exceeding forty percent (40%) of his gross sales or
gross receipts, as the case may be. In the case of a corporation subject to tax under section 27(A)
and 28(A)(1), it may elect a standard deduction in an amount not exceeding forty percent (40%)
of it gross income as defined in Section 32 of this Code. Unless the taxpayer signifies in his return
his intention to elect the optional standard deduction, he shall be considered as having availed
himself of the deductions allowed in the preceding Subsections. Such election when made in the
return shall be irrevocable for the taxable year for which the return is made: Provided, That an
individual who is entitled to and claimed for the optional standard shall not be required to submit
with his tax return such financial statements otherwise required under this
Code: Provided, further, That except when the Commissioner otherwise permits, the said
individual shall keep such records pertaining to his gross sales or gross receipts, or the said
corporation shall keep such records pertaining to his gross income as defined in Section 32 of this
Code during the taxable year, as may be required by the rules and regulations promulgated by
the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner.
"(M) x x x." "x x x."
SEC. 4. Section 35(A) and (B) of Republic Act No. 8424, as amended, otherwise known as the National
Internal Revenue Code of 1997, is hereby amended to read as follows:"SEC. 35. Allowance of Personal
Exemption for Individual Taxpayer. "(A) In General. - For purposes of determining the tax provided in Section 24(A) of this title, there
shall be allowed a basic personal exemption amounting to Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) for each
individual taxpayer.
"In the case of married individual where only one of the spouses is deriving gross income, only
such spouse shall be allowed the personal exemption.
"(B) Additional Exemption for Dependents. - There shall be allowed an additional exemption of
Twenty-five thousand pesos (25,000) for each dependent not exceeding four (4).
"The additional exemption for dependents shall be claimed by only one of the spouses in the case
of married individuals.