Understanding Mutual Fund Accounting

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Understanding Mutual Fund Accounting

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Mutual Fund is a Fund established in the form of a trust by a sponsor to raise money by the
trustees through the sale of units to the public under one or more schemes for investing in
securities in accordance with the regulations. Thus, a mutual fund collects money from the
investors, issues certificates to them known as units and invests the money collected in
securities so as to achieve mutual benefits in terms of capital appreciation in such securities.
It is a non-depository, non-banking financial intermediary, which acts as an important
vehicle for bringing wealth holders and deficit units together indirectly. Mutual funds are
distinct from portfolio management schemes and are essential vehicles for collective
investment in stock market, risk diversification and expert management advice of the fund
Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds:
Any meaningful evaluation of performance will necessarily have to measure total return per
unit of risk or the ability to earn superior returns for a given risk class. There are various
statistical techniques to measure this factor. One of the technique estimates the realized
portfolio returns in excess of the risk free return, as a multiple of the factor of the portfolio.
The factor of portfolio, in turn, measures the systematic or undiversifiable risk of the
portfolio, the relation to the market index.
Mutual funds sell their shares to public and redeem them to current net asset value (NAV)
which is calculated as under-

NAV of MF =

Total market value of all MF holdings - All MF liabilities

------------------------------------------------------------No. of MF units or shares

Market value of Scheme's Investments + Receivables +

Income + Other Assets - Accrued Expenses - Payables Other Liabilities

NAV of MF =
------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. of Units outstanding under the Scheme
The net asset Value of a mutual fund scheme is basically the per unit market value of all the
assets of the scheme. To illustrate this better, a simple example will help.
Scheme name
Scheme size
Rs. 50,00,00,000 (Rs. Fifty crores)
Face value of units
Rs. 10
No. Of Units (Scheme size) 5,00,00,000

Face value of units

Market value of shares

In shares
Rs. 75,00,00,000 (Rs Seventy Five crores)

NAV(Market value of
Investments / No. of units) = Rs. 75,00,00,000
Thus, each unit of Rs. 10 is worth Rs. 15.
Simply stated, NAV is the value of the assets of the assets of each unit of the scheme, or
even simpler value of one unit of the scheme. Thus, if the NAV is more than the face value
(Rs. 10), it means the money has appreciated and vice versa.
NAV also includes dividends, interest accruals and reduction of liabilities and expenses,
besides market value of investments.
Presentation of accounts:
Mutual funds , should prepare schemewise balance sheet as per Annexure IA and IB of
Eleventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996. As per regulation 54, every
mutual fund or asset management company shall prepare in respect of each financial year
an annual report and annual statement of accounts of the schemes and funds.
The balance sheet shall give schemewise particulars of its assets and liabilities and shall
contain particulars as per Eleventh Schedule. It should also disclose accounting policies
relating to valuation of investments and other important items. Under each type of
investment, the aggregate carrying value and market value of non-performing investments
shall be disclosed. It should also indicate the extent of provision made in revenue account
for the depreciation /loss in the value of non -performing investments. It shall also disclose
per unit Net Asset Value (NAV) as at the end of accounting year. Previous year figures
should also be given against each item.
It should also indicate the appropriation of surplus by way of transfer to reserves and
dividend distributed. It should also contain -

Provision for aggregate value of doubtful deposits, debts and outstanding and
Accrued income.

Profit or loss in sale and redemption of investment may be shown on a net


Custodian and registrar fees.

Total income and expenditure expressed as a percentage of average net

assets, calculated on a weekly basis.

Schemewise balance sheet normally contains the information under following groups Asset side - Investments, Deposits, Other Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Deferred revenue
Liability side - Unit capital, Reserves and surpluses, Loans, Current liabilities,
Accounting Policies:
Accounting policies of mutual fund schemes are somewhat different from those of an
industrial concern. Ninth schedule to SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations 1996 deal with
accounting policies and standards to be adopted by a mutual fund.
The accounting policies generally cover the following areas 1. Basis of Accounting
The fund maintain its books of account on an accrual basis.
2. Portfolio Valuation
Investment are stated at market/fair value at the balance sheet date/date of determination.
In valuing the scheme's investments.
(i) Securities listed on a recognized stock exchange are valued at the last quoted price on
the principal exchange on which the security is traded.
(ii) Money market instruments are valued at fair value as determined in good faith by Asset
Management Company (AMC)
3. Securities Transactions
Investment securities transactions are accounted for on a trade date basis. The scheme
uses the average cost method for determining the realized gain or loss on sale of
4. Investment Income
Dividend and interest income are recorded on an accrual basis.
5. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
Initial issue costs comprise those costs directly associated with the issue of units of the
scheme and include brokerage/incentive fees on issue of units, advertising and marketing
costs, registrar fees and expenses and printing and despatch cost, which are being
amortized over a period of ten financial years.
6. Dividend Equalization Reserve
The net distributable income relating to units issued/repurchased is transferred from/to
Dividend Equalization Reserve for Dividend Plan for determining the net surplus/deficit
transferred to /from Unit Premium Reserve.
The Scheme does not intend to declare dividends or make any other distribution in respect
of units held under the Growth Plan and accordingly has not accounted for Dividend
Equalization in respect of this plan during the year.

7. Unit Premium Reserve

Upon issue and redemption of units, the net premium or discount to face value of units is
adjusted against the Unit Premium Reserve of the Scheme, after an appropriate portion of
the issue proceeds and redemption payout is credited or debited respectively to the
Dividend Equalization Reserve.
The Unit Premium Reserve is available for dividend distribution except to the extent it is
presented by unrealized net appreciation in value of investments and deferred revenue
8. Agent's Commission
Agents commission expenses are not considered as distribution charges.
Annual Report:
According to Regulation 54 of SEBI regulations , every mutual fund of the asset
management company shall prepare in respect of each financial year an annual report and
annual statement of accounts for all schemes and fund as specified in Eleventh Schedule.
An annual report should contain the following :

report of the board of trustees on the operations

balance sheet

revenue account

auditor's report

brief statement of board of trustees on liabilities and

responsibilities of the trustees, objective of investments, basis
and policy of investments and comments of the trustees on
performance of scheme

a statement to the effect that "the price and redemption value

of the units, and income from them, can go up as well as down
with the fluctuation in the market value of its underlying

Statement giving relevant perspective historical per unit


Statement to the effect that "on written request, present and

prospective unitholder/investors can obtain copy of the trust
deed, the annual report at a price and the text of relevant

As per Regulation (57), every mutual fund is responsible to forward a copy of annual report
and other information containing details of investments and deposits held by the fund so
that the entire schemewise portfolio of the fund is disclosed to SEBI within six months from
the date of closure of the financial year. The reports required to be submitted to SEBI are as
specified in Regulation (58) above
Mutual Fund investors should go through the annual report, its contents and auditors report
carefully. They should also keep a track of NAV and investment portfolio.
Sanjiv Agarwal

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Operational Fund Accounting Service

Operational Fund Accounting (OFA) has become highly demanding for fund administrators due to fluctuating
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to reduce fund failures and efficiently manage overall fund accounting.






Our comprehensive suite of operational fund accounting services for investment managers, administrators and broker
dealers includes:
Reference Data Management

Security Master maintenance

Corporate Actions processing

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Trade reconciliation

Position & Lot reconciliation

Cash reconciliation

Trial Balance reconciliation

NAV reconciliation

Profit & Loss reconciliation

Pricing & Valuation


Daily Pricing/ MTM

Comprehensive listed prices

Loading client derivative prices

Daily portfolio valuation

Daily flash P&L

Fund Accounting

Post execution trade processing

Multicurrency/multi-base processing

Participant/ unitized accounting

Derivatives accounting

Currency gain/loss accounting

Investment gain/loss accounting

Partnership accounting

Tax-Lot accounting

Plan accounting

Fee/ Expense accrual calculations

Accrual analysis

Equalization calculations

Fund and Investor P&L allocations

Daily/ Monthly NAV/ GAV generations


Daily position and P&L reporting

Flexible reporting

Missing confirmation reporting

Financial reporting

Other customized reporting

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