1 Diurethics
1 Diurethics
1 Diurethics
This segment actively pumps sodium and chloride out of the lumen of the nephron (10%
of sodium reabsorption). Calcium is also rebsorption in this segment under the control of
parathyroid hormone.
4) Cortical collecting tubule (CCT). The final segment of the nephron is the last tubular site
of sodium reabsorption and is controlled by aldosteron. This segment is responsible for
reabsorption 2-8% of the total filtered sodium. Reabsorption of water occurs in the
medullary collecting tubule under the control of antidiuretic hormone.
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors:
Mechanism of action is inhibition of carbonic anhydrase in the brush border and intracellular
carbonic anhydrase in the PCT cell.
CAH catalyzes CO2 hydration/dehydration reactions:
H+ + HCO3 H2CO3H20 + CO2.
The enzyme is used in tubule cells to generate H+, which is secreted into the tubular fluid
in exchange for Na+.There, H+ captures HCO3, leading to formation of CO2 via the
unstable carbonic acid. Membrane-permeable CO2 is taken up into the tubule cell and
used to regenerate H+ and HCO3 . When the enzyme is inhibited, these reactions are
slowed, so that less Na+, HCO3 and water are reabsorbed from the fast-flowing tubular
fluid. Loss of HCO3 leads to acidosis. The diuretic effectiveness of CAH inhibitors
decreases with prolonged use. CAH is also involved in the production of ocular aqueous
humor. Present indications for drugs in this class include: acute glaucoma, acute
mountain sickness, and epilepsy, edema accompanied by significant metabolic alkalosis..
Dorzolamide can be applied topically to the eye to lower intraocular pressure in
Effect: the major renal effect is bicarbonate diuresis (sodium bicarbanate is excreted)
Side effects: alkalinization of the urine by these drugs may cause precipitation of calcium salts
and formation of renal stones.. Patients with hepatic disease may develop hepatic
encephalopathy because of increased ammonia reabsorption.
Loop diuretics
Mechanism of action: This drugs inhibit the cotransport of sodium, potassium, and
chloride. With oral administration, a strong diuresis occurs within 1 h but persists for
only about 4 h. The effect is rapid, intense, and brief (high-ceiling diuresis). The site of
action of these agents is the thick portion of the ascending limb of Henles loop, where
they inhibit Na+/K+/2Cl cotransport. As a result, these electrolytes, together with water,
are excreted in larger amounts. Excretion of Ca2+ and Mg2+ also increases. Special toxic
effects include: (reversible) hearing loss, enhanced sensitivity to renotoxic agents.
Indications: pulmonary edema (added advantage of i.v. injection in left ventricular
failure: immediate dilation of venous capacitance vessels preload reduction);
refractoriness to thiazide diuretics, e.g., in renal hypovolemic failure with creatinine
clearance reduction (<30 mL/min); prophylaxis of acute renal hypovolemic failure;
hypercalcemia. Ethacrynic acid is classed in this group although it is not
a sulfonamide.
Effects: 1. the massive sodium chloride diuresis.
2. if tissue perfusion is adequate, edema fluid is rapidly excreted and blood volume
may be significantly reduced.
3. they inhibit sodium, potassium, chloride, transporter.
- hyperuricemia
- nausea, vomiting, vertigo
- dermatitis
Potassium-sparing diuretics
These agents act in the distal portion of the distal tubule and the proximal part of the
collecting ducts where Na+ is reabsorbed in exchange for K+ or H+. Their diuretic
effectiveness is relatively minor. These drugs are suitable for oral administration.
Mechanism of action: They are antagonist (competitive or noncompetitive) of aldosterone in
the collecting tubules. By combining with and blockng the intracellular aldosterone receptor,
they reduce the expression of genes controlling synthesis of sodium ion channels and Na, K,
Spironolactone has 24-72 h. duration of action. The mineralocorticoid aldosterone
promotes the reabsorption of Na+ (Cl and H2O follow) in exchange for K+. Its
hormonal effect on protein synthesis leads to augmentation of the reabsorptive capacity
of tubule cells. Spironolactone, as well as its metabolite canrenone, are antagonists at the
aldosterone receptor and attenuate the effect of the hormone. The diuretic effect of
spironolactone develops fully only with continuous administration for several days. Two
possible explanations are: (1) the conversion of spironolactone into and accumulation of
the more slowly eliminated metabolite canrenone; (2) an inhibition of aldosteronestimulated protein synthesis would become noticeable only if existing proteins had
become nonfunctional and needed to be replaced by de novo synthesis. A particular
adverse effect results from interference with gonadal hormones, as evidenced by the
development of gynecomastia (enlargement of male breast). Clinical uses include
conditions of increased aldosterone secretion, e.g., liver cirrhosis with ascites.
Amiloride and triamterene have duration of action of 12-24 hours. They blocking the
sodium channels in the same portion of the nephron. Both inhibit the entry of Na+, hence
its exchange for K+ and H+. They are mostly used in combination with thiazide diuretics,
e.g., hydrochlorothiazide, because the opposing effects on K+ excretion cancel each
other, while the effects on secretion of NaCl complement each other.
Effects: All three drugs cause an increase in sodium clearance and a decrease in potassium
and hydrogen ion excretion and therefore quality as potassium sparing diuretics. They may
cause hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis.
1. edema with hypopotassemia, or hyperaldosteronism
2. hypertension
3. in association with other diuretics for hypopotassemia prevention
Side effects: hyperpotassemia.and hypoNa These drugs should never be given with
potassium drugs.
Spironolactone may cause endocrine abnormalities, including ginecomastia, and antiandrogenic effects. Also dyspepsia can occurs
Osmotic diuretics
Mode of action: They increase osmotic pressure of plasma, increase minute-volume of blood
and increase also the renal circulation and filtration.
Since NaCl and H2O are reabsorbed together in the proximal tubules, Na+ concentration
in the tubular fluid does not change despite the extensive reabsorption of Na+ and H2O.
Body cells lack transport mechanisms for polyhydric alcohols such as mannitol and
sorbitol, which are thus prevented from penetrating cell membranes. Therefore, they need
to be given by intravenous infusion. They also cannot be reabsorbed from the tubular
fluid after glomerular filtration. These agents bind water osmotically and retain it in the
tubular lumen. When Na ions are taken up into the tubule cell, water cannot follow in the
usual amount. The fall in urine Na+ concentration reduces Na+ reabsorption, in part
because the reduced concentration gradient towards the interior of tubule cells means a
reduced driving force for Na+ influx. The result of osmotic diuresis is a large volume of
dilute urine. Indications: prophylaxis of renal hypovolemic failure, mobilization of brain
edema, and acute glaucomacerebral edema, pulmonary edema, acute renal failure, in the
intoxications, shock cases, acute crisis of glaucoma, larynges edema. Side effects:
hypoNa, dehydrations, Rebound effect, headache, nausea, vomiting, thrombosis,
phlebitis, exacerbation of heart failure and pulmonary edema, acute renal failure.
according to the place of action:
1) Glomerulus
- glycosides
- methylxantines
- vasodiltors
2) proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
- carboanhydrase inhibitors
- acetazilamide (diacarb)
3) thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TAL)
- furosemide
- ethacrine acid
- bumetamide
4) distal convoluted tubule(DCT) (initial portion)
a) thiazide diuretics
- hydrochorthiazide
- cyclopentazide
- polythiazide
b) non thiazide diuretics
- chlortalidon
- clopamide
5) Terminal portion of the cortical collecting tubule and collecting tubule:
antagonists of aldosterone:
a) competitive: spironolactone
b) noncompetitive: amiloride, triamterene.
6) All nephron:
Osmotic diuretics: mannitol, urea.
formation from hypoxanthine via xanthine. These precursors are readily eliminated via
the urine. Allopurinol is given orally (300800 mg/d). Except for infrequent allergic
reactions, it is well tolerated and is the drug of choice for gout prophylaxis. At the start of
therapy, gout attacks may occur, but they can be prevented by concurrent administration
of colchicine (0.51.5 mg/d). Uricosurics, such as probenecid, benzbromarone (100
mg/d), or sulfinpyrazone, promote renal excretion of uric acid. They saturate the organic
acid transport system in the proximal renal tubules, making it unavailable for urate
reabsorption. When underdosed, they inhibit only the acid secretory system, which has a
smaller transport capacity. Urate elimination is then inhibited and a gout attack is
possible. In patients with urate stones in the urinary tract, uricosurics
are contraindicated.
Dextran is a glucose polymer formed by bacteria and linked by a 1!6 instead of the
typical 1!4 bond. Commercial solutions contain dextran of a mean molecular weight of
70 kDa (dextran 70) or 40 kDa (lower-molecularweight dextran, dextran 40). The
chain length of single molecules, however, varies widely. Smaller dextran molecules can
be filtered at the glomerulus and slowly excreted in urine; the larger ones are eventually
taken up and de degraded by cells of the reticuloendothelial system. Apart from restoring
blood volume, dextran solutions are used for hemodilution in the management of blood
flow disorders. As for microcirculatory improvement, it is occasionally emphasized that
low-molecular-weight dextran, unlike dextran 70, may directly reduce the aggregability
of erythrocytes by altering their surface properties. With prolonged use, larger molecules
will accumulate due to the more rapid renal excretion of the smaller ones. Consequently,
the molecular weight of dextran circulating in blood will tend towards a higher mean
molecular weight with the passage of time. The most important adverse effect results
from the antigenicity of dextrans, which may lead to an anaphylactic reaction.
Hydroxyethyl starch (hetastarch) is produced from starch. By virtue of its
hydroxyethyl groups, it is metabolized more slowly and retained significantly longer in
blood than would be the case with infused starch. Hydroxyethyl starch resembles
dextrans in terms of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic applications.
Gelatin colloids consist of crosslinked peptide chains obtained from collagen. They are
employed for blood replacement, but not for hemodilution, in circulatory disturbances.