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G.R. No. 132633 - People Vs Gemoya (4 Oct 00)

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 132633

October 4, 2000

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

ARMANDO GEMOYA, and RONILO TIONKO, accused-appellant.
Before us on automatic review is a joint decision of the Regional Trial Court of the Eleventh Judicial
Region stationed in Davao City (Branch 15), finding accused-appellants guilty of frustrated homicide
in Criminal Case No. 35,459-96, and sentencing each of them to a prison term of two years, four
months, twenty-one days to eight years and one day. The two accused appellants were also found
guilty of murder in Criminal Case No. 36,460-96, and were sentenced to suffer the death penalty.
The relevant facts are summarized in the People's Brief as follows:
At about 9:00 in the evening of January 27, 1996, the neighborhood of Barrio Malagamot,
Panacan, Davao City was awakened by a commotion. Irene Lantapon was among those who
went out to check what was happening. She saw accused Armando Gemoya and Candelario
Aliazar running towards their house (TSN, June 11, 1996, p. 20, November 5, 1996, p.65).
After about half an hour, Gemoya and Aliazar came back with Ronilo and Rolly Tionko, the
former's uncles and the latter's in-laws. They were armed with pipe, wood and an improvised
bow and arrow locally called "indian pana." It was like a sling shot with an arrow made of nail
with feathers in the end. Addressing a group of people who were huddled together, Ronilo
Tionko stopped and demanded an explanation for what happened to his brother-in-law. They
replied that nothing happened to him and advised them to go home. Accused ignored them
and proceeded to the house of the Alferezes, which was along the road in front of the school,
when they saw Wilfredo Alferez standing by the road waiting for a taxi (ibid, June 11, 1996,
p. 5, 16, 20-21; November 4, 1996, p. 57; November 5, 1996, pp. 66-67; November 6, 1996,
pp. 79-81).
The quartet rushed to him. Ronilo Tionko beat him with a cylindrical wood, Rolly Tionko with
a pipe of the same size while Aliazar held his arms behind him. Once Gemoya had aimed his
"indian pana," they stepped aside to ensure that they would not be hit. Wilfredo Alferez was
hit directly on his left chest. Slumped to the ground, Edgardo Jimenez rushed to his aid. His
daughter Rosalie, who had just come from school, tried to pull him away. Irene Lantapon
yelled at her to run as Gemoya was about to shoot his "indian pana" again. Before she could
do so, she was hit in her left ear. Then the four scampered away (ibid., June 11, 1996, pp. 67, 21-24; June 13, 1996, pp. 34-36; November 4, 1996, pp. 57-58; November 1996, pp. 6667; November 6, 1996, pp. 79-81).
Rosalie Jimenez and Wilfredo Alferez were rushed to the hospital. After minor treatment, she
was declared out of danger. Wilfredo Alferez was not as lucky. He was pronounced dead on
arrival (ibid., June 11, 1996, pp. 8-9; June 13, 1996, pp. 36, 41; November 6, 1996, p. 81).

Two separate Informations were filed against four suspects, namely, the herein two accusedappellants and two others who have remained at large, to wit:
Criminal Case No. 36,459-96
That on or about January 27, 1996, in the City of Davao, Philippines, and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused, conspiring together and mutually helping
one another, with intent to kill, hit with the use of an "Indian Pana", one Rosalie Jimenez. The
accused performed all the acts of execution which could produce the crime of Homicide, as a
consequence but which did not produce it by reason of a timely medical intervention, a cause
which is independent of the will of the perpetrators.
Contrary to law.
Criminal Case No.36,460-96
That on or about January 27, 1996 in the City of Davao, Philippines, and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused, conspiring together and mutually helping
one another, with intent to kill, treachery and abuse of superior strength, wilfully, unlawfully
and feloniously attacked, assaulted and hit with an "Indian Pana" one Wilfredo Alferez which
caused his subsequent death.
Contrary to law.
(pp. 7-8. Rollo.)
On May 28, 1996 and August 28, 1996, Armando Gemoya and Ronilo Tionko, respectively, entered
their pleas of "not guilty", and the two criminal cases were thereafter jointly tried, following which,
judgment was rendered disposing:
WHEREFORE, the prosecution having proven the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable
doubt in the two cases, judgment is rendered as follows:
1. Criminal Case No. 36,459-96 the penalty of two years, four months, twenty-one days to
eight years and one day is imposed on accused Armando Gemoya and Ronilo Tionko for
frustrated homicide with respect to victim Rosalie Jimenez.
2. Criminal Case No. 36,460-96 the death penalty is imposed on accused Armando
Gemoya and Ronilo Tionko for the murder of Wilfredo Alferez.
(p. 27, Rollo.)
In their individual and separate briefs, the following errors are assigned:
Accused-appellant Ronilo Tionko:


Accused-appellant Armando Gemoya:
After reviewing the evidence on record we find no compelling reason to depart from the factual
findings of the trial court that accused-appellants, in conspiracy with one another, committed the
crime of murder qualified by abuse of superior strength. In People vs. Patalin (G.R. No. 125539, July
27, 1999) we reiterated the ruling on this matter, thus:
Of primordial consideration in appellate matters is the legal principle that the assessment of
the credibility of witnesses and their testimony is a matter best undertaken by the trial court
because of its unique opportunity to observe the witnesses firsthand and to note their
demeanor, conduct, and attitude under grilling examination. We generally uphold and
respect this appraisal since as an appellate court, we do not deal with live witnesses but only
with the cold pages of a written record.
(p. 15)
Accused-appellant Gemoya claims that the uniform narration of facts by prosecution witnesses is not
supported by the documentary and the expert's testimony of the NBI Medico Legal Officer who
conducted the autopsy examination on the victim Wilfredo Alferez. Dr. Ricardo M. Rodaje affirmed
that he found no other injury on Wilfredo aside from the puncture wound on his chest which was the
sole cause of death (TSN, July 3 1996, p.46).
We are not persuaded by this argument.
It must be borne in mind that accused-appellant Gemoya has not denied having executed the fatal
act, which caused the death of Wilfredo Alferez. He admittedly discharged the weapon ("indian
pana") which hit a vital organ of the victim, causing his instantaneous death. His only lame excuse is

that, to defend himself, he used the sling shot ("indian pana"), which he grabbed from "somebody",
against the victim in the course of a tumultuous affray allegedly instigated by the victim himself.
When an accused admits having killed the victim, the burden of proving his innocence is shifted to
him. We ruled in People vs. Manlulu (231 SCRA 701 [1994]) that "by invoking self-defense, the
accused admit killing Alfaro. The burden of proof is thus shifted to them. Their duty now is to
establish by clear and convincing evidence the lawful justification for the killing." Accused-appellant
Gemoya can no longer invoke the constitutional right of being presumed innocent of the crime
charged. As far as he is concerned, the crime of murder in the case at bar is established once the
prosecution, establishes any of the qualifying circumstances with proof beyond reasonable doubt.
This is because the fact of death and the cause thereof are already established by the admission.
The intent to kill is likewise presumed from the fact of death, unless the accused proves by
convincing evidence that any of the justifying circumstances in Article 11 or any of the exempting
circumstances in Article 12, both of the Revised Penal Code, is present.
As we have earlier observed, however, we find no cogent reason to disregard the trial court's factual
findings on this score. We find nothing upon review of the record, which would convince us that
accused-appellant Gemoya and his cohorts were not the assailants in this case. The theory of selfdefense has not been duly established.
The fact that accused-appellant shot the victims with an "indian pana" cannot be negated by
supposed inconsistencies between the testimony of the eyewitnesses and the findings of the
medico-legal officer who conducted the autopsy examination. It matters not if Wilfredo suffered no
injury other than the fatal puncture wound. His death was caused by that puncture wound, and the
fact that there were four assailants who ganged upon the said victim is incontestable. These
established realities make accused-appellants criminally liable for murder, qualified by abuse of
superior strength.
Abuse of superior strength is considered whenever there is a notorious inequality of forces between
the victim and the aggressor, assessing a superiority of strength notoriously advantageous for the
aggressor which is selected or taken advantage of in the commission of the crime (People vs.
Bongadillo, 234 SCRA 233 [1994]). When four armed assailants, two of whom are accusedappellants in this case, gang up on one unarmed victim, it can only be said that excessive force was
purposely sought and employed.
Although only accused-appellant Gemoya may have inflicted the fatal wound upon the victim in this
case, accused-appellant Tionko is also liable for the crime of murder since evidently, the concerted
acts of the two accused appellants, and their two other companions, to obtain a common criminal
objective signify conspiracy among them. Ronilo Tionko beat Wilfredo with a cylindrical wooden
cane or "batuta", and Rolly Tionko with a pipe, while Gemoya, after his companions had step aside
to give him a clear shot, released his dart-missile at Wilfredo. A conspiracy exists when two or more
persons come to an agreement concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it
(People vs. Taguba, 229 SCRA 188, 1994).
Conspiracy need not be proved by direct evidence of a prior agreement to commit the crime. It may
he deduced either from the mode and manner in which the offense was committed or from the
accused themselves pointing to a community of interest or concerted action (People vs. Gayon, 269
SCRA 587 [1997]). Herein accused-appellants and their companions ganging up upon a single
common victim until one of them is able to inflict the fatal wound is clearly indicative of a common
design to assail and disable their victim-. Conspiracy can be inferred and proved by the totality of the
acts of the accused when said acts point to a joint purpose and design (People vs. Bayrante, 235
SCRA 19 [1994]).

With or without himself inflicting injuries upon victim Wilfredo, accused appellant Ronilo Tionko is
equally liable for the crime of murder in the case at bar as accused appellant Gemoya. He cannot
escape criminal liability under the circumstances even though the autopsy report indicated no other
injuries except the punctured wound on the victim's chest. A conspirator, no matter how minimal his
participation in the crime, is as guilty as the principal perpetrator of the crime (People vs. Alas 274
SCRA 310 [1977]). Holding the victim to render him immobile to enable his companions to
consummate their dastardly act (People vs. Dinglasan, 267 SCRA 29 [1997]) or standing guard or
lending moral support to the actual perpetrator is criminally responsible to the same extent as the
one who inflicted the fatal blow (People vs. Diaz, 271 SCRA 504 [1997]).
As regards their second victim, Rosalie Jimenez, however, we agree with accused-appellants that
the trial court erred in convicting them of frustrated homicide. As correctly pointed out in the People's
brief, the testimony of Jerry Lantapon and Irene Lantapon concurred to the effect that the hitting of
Rosalie was accidental as the second "indian pana" was intended for Wilfredo. The intent to kill
Rosalie which is essential if accused appellants were to be held liable for frustrated homicide is
therefore, absent.
The two accused-appellants herein are liable for the crime resulting from Gemoya's act of releasing
the second "indian pana", which accidentally hit Rosalie. Although Rosalie may not have been their
intended victim, accused-appellants, acting in conspiracy with one another as we have earlier
discussed, are liable for the consequences of their felonious act (see: Paragraph 1, Article 4,
Revised Penal Code). Mistake in the identity of the victim, which may either be (a) "error in
personae" (mistake of the person), or (b) "aberratio ictus" (mistake in the blow), is neither exempting
nor mitigating (People vs. Gona, 54 Phil. 605 [1930]). Accused-appellants, therefore, cannot escape
the criminal liability resulting from the injury suffered by Rosalie.
As for the penalty, even though it appears on record that Rosalie received medical treatment
immediately after her injury, there is no evidence regarding the extent of incapacity said injury
caused her. Accordingly, accused-appellants may only be held liable for the crime of slight physical
injury under Paragraph 2 of Article 266 of the Revised Penal Code, which provides:
ARTICLE 266. Slight physical injuries and maltreatment. The crime of slight physical
injuries shall be punished:
1. By arresto menor when the offender has inflicted physical injuries which shall incapacitate
the offended party for labor from one to nine days, or shall require medical attention during
the same period.
2. By arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos and censure when the offender has
caused physical injuries which do not prevent the offended party from engaging in his
habitual work nor require medical attendance;
3. By arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not exceeding 50 pesos when the
offender shall ill-treat another by deed without causing injury.
Since there is no showing that victim Rosalie Jimenez was incapacitated from carrying out her
habitual work after the injury, both accused-appellants in this case are sentenced to the penalty
of arresto menor or a fine of P200.00 and censure for the crime of slight physical injury.
As to the imposition of the death penalty upon both accused-appellants in this case, we agree with
the Solicitor General and accused-appellant Gemoya that the trial court seriously erred in not

considering the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender in favor of accused-appellant

Gemoya. The trial court likewise erred in imposing the maximum in the range of penalty for murder.
Under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, the crime of murder is punished by reclusion
perpetua to death. Where there are no aggravating and no mitigating circumstances attendant in the
commission of the crime the medium penalty shall be imposed. For the crime of murder, the medium
as well as the minimum penalty are the same because the lower range penalty, reclusion perpetua is
an indivisible penalty.
Applying the rule to the case at bar where there is the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender
and the absence of any aggravating circumstances other than those already absorbed in the
circumstances which qualified the killing to murder (People vs. Cheng, 279 SCRA 129 [1997l), the
minimum penalty of reclusion perpetua should be imposed.
Finally, as correctly pointed out in the People's brief. when death occurs as a result of a crime, the
heirs of the deceased are entitled to the amount of as P50,000.00 indemnity for the death of the
victim without need of any evidence or proof of damage (People vs. Galladan, G.R. No. 126932,
November 19, 1999; People vs. Espaola, 271 SCRA 689 [1997]). Thus, civil indemnity in the
amount of P50,000.00 for the death of Wilfredo Alferez will have to be awarded in favor of his heirs.
Accused-appellants being convicted as co-principals for the crime of murder, the two shall be held
solidarily liable for the civil indemnity.
WHEREFORE, accused-appellants are found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of: (a) slight physical
injury in Criminal Case No. 35,459-96 and each sentenced to a determinate prison term of thirty (30)
days of arresto menor; and (b) murder in Criminal Case No. 36,460-96 and accordingly each
sentenced to reclusion perpetua, and ordered to solidarily pay civil indemnity in the amount of Fifty
Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) to the heirs of Wilfredo Alferez for the latter's death, the two prison
terms to be served concurrently with one another. No special pronouncement is made as to costs.
Davide, Jr., C .J ., Bellosillo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Purisima,
Pardo, Buena, Gonzaga-Reyes, Ynares-Santiago, and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.

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