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Putting THE "I" IN: Ebook

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The benefits to the individual and
the entire business.




Table of Contents
The Power of CRM for the Individual | 5
Creating a Unified Voice to Your Customers | 7-8

Customer relationship management (CRM) software has
been used by organizations of all types and sizes for over
20 years. However, few have managed to tap into the true
potential of CRM.

The Value of CRM | 10

Many businesses have used CRM tools inside their sales, marketing and customer support

Conclusion | 12
Case Studies | 14-15

departments. But this often creates silos of data and expertise that are not widely shared with
the rest of the companymaking it impossible to fully streamline customer processes.
The lack of widespread CRM deployment stems from organizations choosing inflexible tools
that cannot be integrated, or ones that are too expensive to get every customer-facing team
member synchronized, regardless of department. Thats because traditional CRM systems were
designed to give managers reports to provide visibility into sales and business performance.
They werent created to improve the performance of individual employees with customer-facing
responsibilities. As a result, most people who use CRM software view it as a time drain instead
of a powerful, efficient tool to help them be more effective.
When organizations deploy a CRM system that is designed with individuals in mind, both internal
users and external customers win. Employees become more productive when they gain access
to more insightful business data. In addition, this more personalized approach to CRM can
lead to increased customer satisfaction because customers feel like they are being treated as
valued individuals with unique requirements. And when the CRM system is priced so that every
customer-facing employee can now have access, these benefits are significantly magnified.





To fully reap the benefits of CRM for the entire customer-facing organization, those who use
the system every day must actually want to use it. No matter how grand your plans are for
CRM, they will fall short unless every user is committed. Getting every employee on board who
supports customers means giving them a solution that works the way they do as individuals.
Each individual needs to see the system as a personalized, powerful tool to perform his or her
job more effectively. Then, the organization can start to behave as a single, organized entity
towards every customer.
CRM that individuals actually want to use has to render information quickly and easily. To start,
users should see all of the most relevant information about a customer on a single page without
having to navigate several windows or screens. They must be able from a single system to
use and share data easily across departments to foster a culture of collaboration. Individuals
need an easy way to make the system their own, configuring it in just a few clicks without

When organizations deploy a

CRM system that is designed with
individuals in mind, both internal
users and external customers win.
Organizations gain more productive
employees, and more insightful
business data.


involving IT resources. Additionally, they should also be able to consume data from their own
social and professional networks right inside the system to connect on a more meaningful level
with every customer.
And CRM for the individual must be highly mobile. Not only must the user have access to their
CRM data anytime, anywhere, but the experience must also be uniform across every device.
Users should not have to learn how to use a different system for every CRM touchpoint. The
experience must be simple and consistent, yet powerful and effective regardless of device.




In addition to offering innovative, individualized CRM, it is also important to equip more than
just quota-carrying sales reps and customer support agents with access to CRM functionality
and data. Today, many more individuals touch the customer, or are part of a customer-facing
process, in addition to sales and support professionals. By equipping everyone who interacts
with customers, organizations can further optimize processes, increase service levels, and
boost customer loyalty.
Lets take a look at some examples of how CRM built for the individual can and should
include more than just core sales, marketing and support professionals. Again, to fully
leverage the benefits of CRM, all employees that touch the customer must have access to
core customer data, with the ability to connect and share information and expertise across
the entire business.
Many CRM systems are configured to allow sales users to easily see data from the accounting
system such as purchase and payment history for their customers. But the accounting team
can gain value from direct access to CRM too. They can quickly and easily align invoices and
customers for faster, more accurate billing. This generates revenue faster while freeing the sales
team to focus on selling. With enhanced customer data, accounting professionals can better
understand each customer as an individual, gain insight into each deal, and understand and

Today, many more individuals

touch the customer, or are part of a
customer-facing process, in addition
to sales and support professionals. By
equipping everyone who interacts with
customers, organizations can further
optimize processes, increase service
levels, and boost customer loyalty.

optimize cash flow while keeping customers happy.

Customer Support Agents and Field Agents
Customer support agents are a valuable resource, and need access to critical data in CRM. By
using CRM as a complete repository of customer data, support agents can better understand
each customer. Agents can have instant access to complete histories, providing more
personalized support, thus increasing first-call resolution rates and driving higher levels of
customer satisfaction. Also, with a core CRM in place in customer support, agents at the call
center and in the field can more effectively collaborate around customer problems, share best
practices and seamlessly prioritize and escalate the most pressing customer issues.


Product Managers and Designers

Individuals who actually design or manage the creation of products and services continuously
look for new ways to deliver value to the customer through enhancements. These experts are
locked out of the CRM system in many organizations. An affordable CRM system allows sales
and support reps to call on expert help in real time, providing essential pre-and-post sales
support that goes above and beyond. They can stay on top of their tasks required to close the
deal without tracking endless emails or searching for documents filed in complicated systems.
In addition, the CRM system can show product experts what customers truly want and need in
the products and services offered, therefore improving offerings to align with true demand.
Project Managers
For businesses that sell services, it is particularly important to provide project managers with
access to CRM. Project managers serve as the conduit for keeping the company on track to
deliver services on time and on spec. By tracking major milestones through CRM, the sales,
support, and finance teams all have visibility into the success of a project and can pitch in when
a problem occurs.
Receptionists and other Front Office Employees
All too often, the true front line of customer response is ignored in a CRM deployment.
Receptionists, and anyone else who may field a customer call, can benefit from access to
a simple yet effective CRM tool. By quickly identifying the customer, their history, and level
of value to the organization, those who take inbound calls can deliver a level of customer
knowledge that differentiates them from competitors. They can also more efficiently route calls,
solve basic problems, or answer common questions.






Expanding CRM usage to a wider set of users might seem like a costly endeavor. And with many
CRM systems, this can absolutely be the case. A lot of CRM providers simply look to squeeze
every last license dollar they can out of their customers.
However, some vendors understand the power of making CRM accessible to a broader range of
individuals inside every organization, and have priced their offerings to be more affordable and
thus more widely deployed.
The price should also be transparent. Not just for the initial deployment, but for the foreseeable
future as well. This means no hidden fees, forced upgrades to more expensive editions based on
arbitrary limitations, or nickel and dime fees for required features such as mobile access.
To broadly deploy a CRM system that can bring value to your entire organization, its not just
critical to make sure the cost is clear, but the right benefits need to be provided as part of the
base cost. The system must offer more than Sales Force Automation: No organization should

To broadly deploy a CRM system

that can bring value to your entire
organization, its not just critical to
make sure the cost is clear, but the
right benefits need to be provided as
part of the base cost.


have to buy three or four different systems to manage core customer data. The CRM system
needs to provide case management, integrated marketing and robust reporting tools in order to
deliver a true 360-degree view of the customer. It needs to integrate easily and cost-effectively
with internal and third party systems. Also, be sure that the CRM provider does not place arbitrary
limitations on the product, which can lead to excessive additional charges or force unnecessary
upgrades to more expensive versions. If you take a closer look at costs and capabilities, it
becomes clear that all CRM systems are not equal in value received for the price paid.




Your business is unique. Individual. Just like every
employee in your organization. To truly stand out, you
need to differentiate from your competitors and delight
your customers. In todays fast-paced world, it is
becoming harder and harder to do with traditional, old
guard CRM technology.
By deploying modern CRM tools designed with individual users and individual organizations
in mind, you can take a giant leap in the right direction. That is because empowered users
ultimately equate to more informed business decisions. And when IT has flexible, powerful
tools to work with, they can easily develop the kinds of user experiences and optimized
processes that ensure you will have a true competitive edge
The good news is that the ease of todays cloud-based technology makes it even more cost
effective and painless than ever to get started. When the technology works the way you work,
and within your budget your only limitation is your imagination.





Redglaze Group
Redglaze Group consists of eight affiliated companies, each with unique requirements for their
Company Name: Redglaze Group
Employees Using Sugar: 74% across executive,

CRM system. The companies under the Redglaze umbrella provide a range of architectural
design and engineering services for some of the largest brands around the world. In the lowmargin construction industry, it is critical to streamline operations and present a consistent,

design, project management, and accounting

high-quality customer experience throughout an extended customer relationship that runs


from pre-sales, through concept and design, to construction and ongoing maintenance.

Location: Omaha, Nebraska

Description: Redglaze Group an architectural and

Customers typically work with multiple companies within the Redglaze Group, so information

engineering group with a technology background,

needs to pass seamlessly not just through the sales and project management processes, but

whose companies provide products and services to

also across the entire organization. To meet these needs, Redglaze created a cross-company

the construction industry.

Website: redglazegroup.com

system powered by Sugar, which allows them to provide clear project visibility across
companies, automate billing and service processes, and show customized views of customer
data, depending on the employees role in the organization.

Sugar allows us to behave as a very

organized, professional group because
we have the ability to empower our
salespeople, project managers,
engineers anybody to get the right
data, the right answers, to the right
people at the right time.
Dave Meinzer, President, Design Logistics
Redglaze Group

Today, within the Redglaze companies using Sugar, nearly 74% of employees rely on the Sugar
system to help them do their jobs. This not only includes core sales, marketing, and support
individuals, but also accounting, project management, and human resources personnel as
well. In addition, since Redglazes projects involve a lot of subcontractors, the company needs
to provide critical job information to these individuals while protecting confidential customer
data. The flexibility of Sugar allows Redglaze to quickly configure processes and data access
levels to provide necessary information while still optimizing billing and management on each
project. This has allowed Redglaze to streamline their business by sharing resources, gain a
30% improvement on the efficiency of sales and project management teams, and increase the
consistency of customer interactions across all companies.




Hilco, an Illinois-based financial services firm, faced a number of challenges in managing its
sales and project delivery process, which caused significant inefficiencies and duplication
of effort across the organization. There were multiple systems within the business that
independently housed and tracked identical customer and project information. As CMO Jim
Glickman states, We might enter the same information into 10 or 15 different places. That is
not an efficient way of doing business and it takes our people away from serving customers.

Hilco knew it needed to present a consistent face to prospects and reduce the number of

Company Name: Hilco Appraisal Services

data silos in the organization. The company also wanted to provide a seamless customer

Headquarters: Northbrook, Illinois

experience across the board in order to stand out from the competition.

Employees Using Sugar: 93%

Description: Hilco provides a suite of strategic

To accomplish this, Hilco went to work with SugarCRM partner Highland Solutions to build

solutions to help companies, advisors, and

a comprehensive approach to its customer-facing operations. Using Sugar as the core

investors identify the value in business assets,

platform, Hilco reinvented its customer processes around a unifying system called ESSTER

monetize those assets either through acquisition or

disposition, and leverage the assets to obtain debt
or equity capital.
Website: hilcotrading.com

(Engagement, Set-Up, Scheduling, Tracking, Evaluation and Reporting).

ESSTER was designed to streamline the processes surrounding the customer lifecycle and
get all of its customer-facing employees on the same page. The Sugar-based system acts
as a single source of truth around every customer so anyone, at any stage of a process, can

Over the long run these efficiencies

will provide a more profitable
approach to how we engage with our
customers. We couldnt have done
that without implementing a solution
like Sugar.

access and understand the entire customer history. This consolidated system also provided

Jim Glickman, CMO

Hilco Appraisal Services

The company can now provide a streamlined, efficient experience for its customers and

more in-depth and insightful reports, enabling Hilco to make more informed business
planning decisions.
All told, nearly every one of Hilcos employees now accesses ESSTER on a daily basis.
Not only has Sugar helped Hilco save hours of processing time and drive deeper insights
by using a widely-adopted system, it has helped Hilco set itself apart in its marketplace.
distinguish itself with a higher level of customer service having given every stakeholder
access to critical customer and business information in a highly usable, centralized system.



SugarCRMs market-leading Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) platform delivers

10050 North Wolfe Road | SW2-130

Cupertino, CA 95014
T: 408.454.6900 | F: 408.873.2872

an indispensable tool for every individual who


engages with customers. From sellers, marketers

customer relationships.

Copyright 2014 SugarCRM, Inc.

All rights reserved. SugarCRM and the SugarCRM
logo are registered trademarks of SugarCRM, Inc.
in the United States, the European Union and other
countries. All other trademarks are the properties of
their respective companies



and customer support agents, to receptionists

and executives, SugarCRM provides enhanced
intelligence around every user, helping employees
make better decisions and create extraordinary

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