BasicBuddhism-Mahâ Moggallanâ Thera Bojjhanga

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Pali Chanting
Mah Moggallan Thera Bojjhanga
- Discourse On Factors of Enlightenment To Mah Moggallna Thera
Evam me sutam
Thus have I heard:
ekam samayam, Bhagav
On one occasion the Blessed One
Rjagahe viharati Veluvane Kalandakanivpe
was residing at the Squirrels' feeding ground in the Bamboo Grove, near Rajagaha.
Tena kho pana samayena
At that time,
yasm Mahmoggallna Gijjhakte pabbate viharati
the Venerable Mah Moggallna who was living on the Gijjhakute Hill (Vulture's Peak),
bdhiko, dukkhito, blhagilno
was afflicted with a disease, was suffering therefrom, and was gravely ill.
Atha kho, Bhavag, syanhasamayam, patisalln vutthito
Then the Blessed One, arising from His solitude at even tide,
yenyasm Mahmoggallno ten'upasankami,
visited the Venerable Mah Moggallna
Upasankamitv paatte sane nisdi
and sat down on a seat made ready for Him.
Nisajja kho, Bhavag yasmantam Mah-moggallnam etadavoca
Thus seated, the Blessed One spoke to the Venerable Mah Moggallna:
Kacci te Moggallna Khamanyam,
"Well Moggallna, how is it with you? Are you enduring your suffering?
Kacci ypaniyam
Are you bearing up?
Kacci dukkh vedan patikkamanti no, abhikkamanti,
Do your painful feeling decrease or increase?
Patikkamosnam payati no, abhikkamo'ti
Are there signs of decreasing and not increasing?"
Na me bhante, khamanyam na ypanyam
"No, Venerable Sir, I am not enduring, I am not bearing up,
Blh me dukkh vedan
the painful feeling is very great.
Abhikkamanti no, patikkamanti
There is a sign of pain not decreasing
Abhikka-mosnam payati no, patikkamo'ti
but of their increasing."
Satti'me Moggallna, bojjhang
"Moggallna, these seven factors of Enlightenment
may sammadakkht, bhvit, bahulkat
are well expounded by me, and are cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattanti
They are condusive to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana.
Katame satta
What are the seven?"
Sati-sambojjhango kho Moggallna
"Mindfulness, the factor of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkhto, bhvito, bahulkato
is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattati
It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Dhamma-vicaya-sambojjhango kho Moggallna
"Investigation of the Dhamma, the factor of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkhto, bhvito, bahulkato


10/26/2014 - Pali Chanting|Maha Moggallana Thera Bojjhanga

is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me.

abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattati
It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Viriya-sambojjhango kho Moggallna
"Persevering effort, the factor of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkhto, bhvito, bahulkato
is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattati
It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Pti-sambojjhango kho Moggallna
"Rapture, the factor of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkhto, bhvito, bahulkato
is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattati
It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Passaddhi-sambojjhango kho Moggallna
"Tranquility, the factor of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkhto, bhvito, bahulkato
is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattati
It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Samdhi-sambojjhango kho Moggallna
"Concentration, the factor of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkhto, bhvito, bahulkato
is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattati
It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Upekkh-sambojjhango kho Moggallna
"Equanimity, the factor of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkhto, bhvito, bahulkato
is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattati
It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Ime kho, Moggallna satta bojjhang
"These seven factors of Enlightenment, Moggallna,
may sammadakkht, bhvit, bahulkat
are well expounded by me, and are cultivated and fully developed by me.
abhiya sambodhya nibbnya samvattanti
They conduce to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbana."
Taggha, Bhagava bojjhang
"Most assuredly, O Blessed One, they are factors of Enlightenment.
taggha, Sugata, bojjhang'ti
Most assuredly, O Welcome One (Sugata), they are factors of Enlightenment."
Idamavoca Bhagav
"Thus said the Buddha,
attamano, yasm Mahmoggallno
and the Venerable Mah Moggallna, glad at heart,
Bhagavato bhsitam abhinandi
was delighted at the utterances of the Buddha.
Vutthhi cyasm Mahmoggallno tamh bdh
Thereupon the Venerable Mah Moggallna recovered from that affliction,
Tath pahno cyasmto Mahmoggallnassa so bdho ahos ti
and that affliction of the Venerable Mah Moggallna disappeared.

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