Sindhura sarepalli
A. Concept
Multiple inputs and multiple output technology is a wireless technology that is used to
transmit the data from multiple transmitters to receivers at the same time.it is a revolutionary
approach in the field of mobile communications.it generally uses the property of Radio
frequency waves to reflect from various sources and finally reaching the destination source
and antennas with minimum losses.by taking the advantage of smart transmitter and
receivers, spatial diversity of mechanism has dramatically increase the efficiency and
operating range of broadcasting system.
Fig. 1.1 MIMO technology using multiple transmitters and receivers [10]
MIMO technology significantly increases the capacity of the channel there by we can
the bandwidth of the channel.in MIMO system we can increase the through put of the system
linearly by adding more number of transmitters, receivers and antennas, it made MIMO
technology more prominent in the field of mobile wireless technology[10].
It is the basis for broadband wireless technology which uses the spatial
dimension to increase the capacity and range of the system.in MIMO it uses multiple
antennas and by using multipath phenomena generally it is caused by trees, building,
mountains, using an algorithm at the receiver or special signaling procedure to sort out the
received signal.
B. Basics of MIMO technology
In the MIMO technology input data stream is coded and interleaved. Symbol mapper
is used to map the code words to data symbols. Using special encoder and spatial time
preceding the sample data is transferred to antennas feeding system. And later signal is
passed through channel and will be received at received array antenna system. The receiver
antenna will perform the reverse transmitter action to retrieve the data from the coded
sequence. The received samples shall undergo space-time decoding, symbol de-mapping, deinterleaving and decoding. Individual blocks presented the Figure.1.2 will give us many
challenges while designing in order to increase the simplicity, cost effectiveness, trade-off
between speed and latency
Where h is the normalized complex gain of wireless channel and the plot between C and SNR
will be
C=log 2 1+ /N |hi| b/ s /H z
Where h is the normalized complex gain of wireless channel and the plot between C and SNR
will be
D. Channel matrix
In MIMO system transmitter sends multiple streams of data to the receiver which is having multiple
antenna and signal processing systems and data is transferred through a single channel with different paths. A
MIMO system can be modelled as follows
y=HX + N
Where y is the output signal, H and N are channel matrix and noise vectors.
Here every individual will have only one active data stream, then MIMO MAC cane be treated as vector MAC
with single user antenna transmitting system and it can be represented as
E. Introduction
The wireless transmitting and receiving systems have many advantages then wired
MIMO systems in terms of efficiency, channel utilization, power and complexity. Various
technologies have been evolved to improve the through out of wireless MIMO system and
one of them is using spatial multiplexing codes. Signal processing and coding algorithms in
MIMO will effectively increase the Bit error rate, channel capacity and signal coverage. The
channel capacity depends upon the statistical properties and antenna element correlation
properties. Antenna correlation properties depend on scattering environment, distance
between transmitter and receiver, antenna configuration and Doppler Effect.
For a single user MIMO the channel capacity calculations and CSI of the receiver are
easier since there exist only one channel and information regarding those can be achievable
without much delay and disturbance. While coming to multiple channel MIMO calculation
are typical as there are array of channels existed in the MIMO. Each channel has different
CSI and CDI, which can be termed as multiple access channel(MAC) and broad cast
channel(BC).Shannon theorem is used to estimate the channel; capacity theoretically.
F. MIMO channel modelling
1) LOS component model
The Rician factor K, influences the channel capacity of the MIMO system. The more
is the Rician factor NLOS will become more dominant and it reduces the channel capacity of
the MIMO for same SNR because it leads to high antenna correlation, low spatial degree of
freedom. The wireless MIMO system will increase the coverage of long distanced areas
having low antennas. In indoor systems multipath scattering strongly influence the channel
capacity and here LOS component strongly dominates and here to employ in-building memo
systems such as WLAN.
2) Correlation model for NLOS model
In MIMO model channel can be considered as Gaussian channel and space diversity
of the antennas are effected by the loss due to scattering of the data from various obstacle.in
Rician channel model the channel matric can be represented as the sum of LOS components
and NLOS components.
According to this model
( R)1 /2
1 /2
( T ) H w
q ( t )= hqp ( t ) s p ( t )
C=log 2 ( 1+ |h| ) b/s / H W
If we use more number of antennas at the receiver end suppose if we use M R x
antennas at the receiver the capacity of the system SIMO can be given by
C=log 2 1+ |hi| b / s /H z
In MIMO system if we use N Tx antennas and M Rx antennas then capacity equation can be obtained by[3],[4],
C=log 2 1+ /N |hi|
We are assuming i.i.d Rayleigh fading case. If it is possible to add all the effects on the received signal
due to fading, interference, multipath losses the capacity of the channel can be rewritten as
N i
Where (i=1, 2, 3,m) are the non-zero Eigen values of w and m=min(M,N)
W = H H ,M N
H H ,N < M
Alternative approach is that we can divide MIMO network into parallel m SISO channels and
by performing singular value decomposition [4], [8].
C= log ( 1+
J. Model-1
In this approach we take 2 MIMO systems having same number of transmitting antennas as 2 and 3 and
4 at the receiving end. These are implemented using LST method by using space diversity model.
The below table gives us the information on the parameters taken for 3X2 and 4X2 MIMO system for the
Table. 1. Parameters
Fig. 3.2. BER performance of 3x2 and 4x2 system with SCM
K. Model-2
In this model we have taken (2x2), (3x3) and (4x4) LST systems and they are
implemented using space channel model. BER of the three models are drawn to understand
the variation in their bitrate and BER with respect to SNR.
It is clear that with increase in technological advancements in Information technology
field, MIMO is providing us greater flexibility and performance in wireless technology. So
far we achieved wide varieties of wireless communication schemes in our rea life such as 3G,
WLAN and BLAST. The sensitivity of the design influences the impact on cost effectiveness
and performance of the communication system.
It is observed from fig.3.2 that the performance of the system is increase by using
interference cancellation techniques at the receiving end. The BER of 4x2 is far better than
using 3x2 since additional diversity id provided by adding more number of antennas at the
receiving end in model-1
In model-2 the performance of the LST system increased with increase in number of
receiving antennas at the receiver.4x4 system performs better than remaining 3X3 and 2x2.in
comparison 4x2 systems performs better than 4x4 system. It means if the number of antennas
is increased bit rate of the LST system increase but BER shows poor performance.
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