2D Material Review
2D Material Review
2D Material Review
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2012 Phys. Scr. 2012 014006
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Two-dimensional crystals-based
heterostructures: materials with
tailored properties
K S Novoselov1 and A H Castro Neto2,3
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Graphene Research Centre, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117542,
Department of Physics Boston University 590 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Introduction
Technological progress is determined, to a great extent, by
the developments in materials science. The most surprising
breakthroughs are attained when a new type of material,
with unusual dimensionality and complexity, is created. Some
of the most famous examples are the conducting polymers,
heavy-fermion magnets, high temperature superconducting
cuprates, carbon nanotubes, graphene, topological insulators,
iron superconductors, just to name a few. One of the
ultimate goals of modern materials science is to develop
novel complex architectures and structures with tailored and
emergent properties. These properties are not necessarily easy
to predict due to the structural and electronic complexity
involved. Hence, beyond new technologies, new materials
create new challenges in condensed matter research.
The current progress in two-dimensional (2D) crystal
isolation [1] and growth [2] can lead to a new paradigm
of complex materials on demand by first identifying and
constructing the key building blocks and then combining
them into complex architectures. This approach consists
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2. 2D crystals
Since graphene was isolated for the first time [3] several
ways of synthesizing this material have been introduced. This
includes mechanical exfoliation (see figure 1) [1, 3] epitaxial
growing on the surface of silicon carbide [4], epitaxial
growth on metal surfaces [5], chemical exfoliation [6], etc.
Depending on the particular application, one or another
method can/should be used. There are also a number of ways
to modify the properties of graphene obtained by various
methods. The most common ones are the introduction of
mechanical strain (of various configurations) and chemical
modification. The latter also leads to the production of other
2D materials. Simply using graphene as a scaffolding, one can
attach various chemical species to it and end up with a new 2D
atomic crystal.
In general, all the methods of graphene production known
to us could be also applied to the production of other
2D crystals. Thus, mechanical exfoliation of other layered
materials has already been demonstrated [1] as well as
epitaxial growth on the surface of a metal [7] or chemical
exfoliation [8] (figure 2). This gives us huge opportunities
in terms of a variety of different properties covered by those
It seems clear that graphene is going to play an important
role in a series of technological applications, from transparent
3. 2D-based, 3D materials
Composite materials are omnipresent in technology and many
existing applications rely on light, conductive (or insulating),
and strong composites. The performance of such materials is,
however, fundamentally limited by the interaction between the
filler and the matrix. Hence, out of a great number of possible
combinations, only a few really work. Moreover, having a
[1] Novoselov K S, Jiang D, Schedin F, Booth T, Khotkevich V V,
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crystals Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 102 10451
[2] Kim K S et al 2009 Large-scale pattern growth of graphene
films for stretchable transparent electrodes Nature
457 706
[3] Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D, Zhang Y,
Dubonos S V, Grigorieva I V and Firsov A A 2004 Electric
field effect in atomically thin carbon films Science
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[5] Grant J T and Haas T W 1970 A study of Ru(0001) and
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Reina A, Jia X, Ho J, Nezich D, Son H, Bulovic V,
Dresselhaus M S and Kong J 2009 Large area, few-layer
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[6] Brodie B C 1859 On the atomic weight of graphite Phil. Trans.
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Blake P et al 2008 Graphene-based liquid crystal device Nano
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Hernandez Y et al 2008 High-yield production of graphene by
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[7] Nagashima A, Tejima N, Gamou Y, Kawai T and Oshima C
1995 Electronic structure of monolayer hexagonal
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[8] Coleman J N et al 2011 Two-dimensional nanosheets produced
by liquid exfoliation of layered materials Science 331 568
[9] Bae S et al 2010 Roll-to-roll production of 30-inch graphene
films for transparent electrodes Nature Nanotechnol. 5 574
[10] Liao L, Lin Y C, Bao M Q, Cheng R, Bai J W, Liu Y, Qu Y Q,
Wang K L, Huang Y and Duan X 2010 High speed graphene
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Geim A K 2009 The electronic properties of graphene Rev.
Mod. Phys. 81 109
6. Conclusions
We have learned in the last few years that 2D crystals
can be obtained by several methods such as exfoliation,
molecular bean epitaxy and chemical vapor deposition. We
also know that the physical and chemical properties of these
2D crystals can be modified by chemical or molecular doping,
by application of strain, shear or pressure, and by intercalation
with different types of atoms and molecules. We can now
create a new class of 2D artificial materials that do not exist in
nature and whose properties we can control and explore.
It is not hard to imagine that we can take all these 2D
crystals and pile them into 3D structures. Given that each one