XNA 4.0 RPG Tutorials Part 1

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XNA 4.

0 RPG Tutorials
Part 1
Getting Started
I'm writing these tutorials for the new XNA 4.0 framework. The tutorials will make more sense if they
are read in order. You can find the list of tutorials on the XNA 4.0 RPG tutorials page of my web site. I
will be making my version of the project available for download at the end of each tutorial. It will be
included on the page that links to the tutorials.
This is part one in a series of tutorials I plan to write on creating a role playing game with XNA 4.0.
I've worked on similar tutorials using XNA 3.0 and XNA 3.1. In the past I discovered better ways of
doing things in the process of writing the tutorials and had to go back to fix things. I'm hoping in this
series to not make those same mistakes.
To get started we want to create a new XNA 4.0 Windows game. Open Visual Studio 2010 or Visual C#
2010 Express. For the duration of these tutorials I will use Visual C# to mean either the full version of
Visual Studio or the Express edition.
From the File menu select the New Project item. In the dialog box that shows up select the XNA 4.0
Game Studio option under the Visual C# section in the Installed Templates pane. Select the
Windows Game (4.0) item in the project list. Name this new game EyesOfTheDragon. Visual C# will
create the basic solution for you. In the solution explorer there will be two solutions. The first is your
game, EyesOfTheDragon. The second is for the assets in your game, or content, like images and
sounds, EyesOfTheDragonContent.
For XNA 4.0 there are two graphics profiles your game can use. There is the new HiDef profile that
uses Shader Model 3.0 or greater. The Reach profile uses Shader Model 1.1 or greater. Right click the
EyesOfTheDragon project in the solution explorer and select Properties. That will bring up the
properties for the game. Under the XNA tab select the Reach profile. I will be using the Reach profile
for these tutorials. If you know your graphics card is able to use the new HiDef profile then by all
means use that profile. My version of the project will be using the Reach profile because my lap top
doesn't have a card that is supported under the HiDef profile and I use it frequently when I'm away.
I want to add in two class libraries to this project. The first will be a standard class library that holds
generic classes that can be reused in other projects. The other is an XNA game library. This library will
hold classes that can be shared between XNA projects. Right click your solution this time in the
solution explorer, not the project. Select the Add item and then the New Project entry. From the dialog
that shows up under the XNA Game Studio 4.0 entry select the Windows Game Library (4.0) option
and name the library XRpgLibrary. Right click your solution in the solution explorer again, select
Add and then New Project again. This time make sure the Visual C# entry is selected and add a new
Class Library. Name this new library RpgLibrary. In the two class libraries that were created right
click the Class1.cs entries and select Delete to remove them from the projects as you won't be using

There is one last thing you must do in order to use the libraries. You have to tell your game about them
so Visual C# knows to include them when it builds your game. You do that by adding references of the
libraries to your game. Right click your game project, EyesOfTheDragon, in the solution explorer and
select the Add Reference option. From the dialog box that pops up select the Projects tab. In the
projects tab there will be entries for the two libraries. Hold down the control key and click both of them
to select them both and then click OK.
With that done it is time to actually write some code! In a large game, and role playing games are large
games, it is a good idea to handle some things on a global level. One such item is input in the game. An
XNA game component would be perfect for controlling input in your game. When you create a game
component and add it to the list of components for your game XNA will automatically call its Update
method, and Draw method if it is a drawable game component, for you. Game components have
Enabled properties that you can set to true or false to determine if they should be updated. The
drawable ones also have a Visible property that can be used the same way to determine if they should
be drawn or not.
I'm going to add an XNA game component to the XRpgLibrary to manage all of the input in the game
in one location. For this tutorial I'm only going to handle keyboard input. In future tutorials I will add
in support for a mouse and Xbox 360 game pads. Right click the XRpgLibrary project in the solution
explorer, select Add and then New Item. From the XNA Game Studio 4.0 entry in the templates pane,
select the Game Component entry. Name this new component InputHandler. I'm a firm believer in
showing new code first so you can read it over before explaining things. I'm also breaking the code up
into regions using preprocessor directives. They don't affect the code at all but they help to keep your
code organized better. The code for the InputHandler class follows next.


namespace XRpgLibrary
public class InputHandler : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameComponent
#region Field Region
static KeyboardState keyboardState;
static KeyboardState lastKeyboardState;
#region Property Region
public static KeyboardState KeyboardState
get { return keyboardState; }
public static KeyboardState LastKeyboardState
get { return lastKeyboardState; }

#region Constructor Region
public InputHandler(Game game)
: base(game)
keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
#region XNA methods
public override void Initialize()


public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

lastKeyboardState = keyboardState;
keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();


#region General Method Region
public static void Flush()
lastKeyboardState = keyboardState;
#region Keyboard Region
public static bool KeyReleased(Keys key)
return keyboardState.IsKeyUp(key) &&
public static bool KeyPressed(Keys key)
return keyboardState.IsKeyDown(key) &&
public static bool KeyDown(Keys key)
return keyboardState.IsKeyDown(key);

Inside the class there is a region that will hold the fields of the class called Field Region. There are two
fields in the region. One holds the current state of the keyboard, keyboardState, and the other holds
the state of the keyboard in the previous frame of the game, lastKeyboardState. These fields are static,
meaning that they are shared between all instances of the InputHandler class and can be referenced
using the InputHandler class name rather than an instance variable.

Each time the game runs through the Update and Draw methods is considered to be a frame of the
game. When you are looking for a single press of a key you need to compare the state of the keyboard
in the last frame of the game and the current frame of the game. I will get to detecting single presses
The next region it the Property Region. This region holds properties that expose the fields of the class.
What I mean by expose is that C# is an object oriented programming language and I'm following the
basic principles of object oriented programming. The principle that I'm using here is encapsulation. The
idea of encapsulation means that other objects are denied access to the inner works of a class and
access the members of a class through a public interface. This public interface "exposes" what you
want to share of the objects of a class. The LastKeyboardState and KeyboardState properties return
the lastKeyboardState and keyboardState fields respectively.
In the Constructor Region is the constructor that XNA Game Studio created when you created your
Game Component. In the constructor I set the keyboardState field using the GetState method of the
Keyboard class.
In the Game Component Method Region are the other two methods that XNA created for you. They
are the Initialize and Update methods. There is no new code in the Initialize method. In the Update
method I set the lastKeyboardState field to be the keyboardState field and get the new state of the
keyboard. What this does is make sure that lastKeyboardState will hold the state of the keyboard in
the last frame of the game and keyboardState will hold the current state of the keyboard.
The last region in this class is the Keyboard Region. In this region I have all of the methods that are
related to the keyboard. There are three methods in this region. Two of them are used for detecting
single presses, KeyPressed, and releases, KeyReleased. The other is for determining if a key is down,
There is a good reason for having a method for checking for both single presses and releases and not
one or the other. Checking for a release is good for things like menus. You don't want the action to
occur precisely the moment the key is down. If you check for a press instead of a release in this
instance the press may spill over if you change states. There are times when you want instant action,
like firing a bullet. You don't want to wait for the button to be release before firing.
To detect a release you check if a key was down in the last frame and up in the current frame. For a
press it is reversed. You check if a key that was up in the last frame is now down.
I skipped over one region, the General Method region. In this region there is just one method, Flush. I
couldn't think of a better name for the method. The Flush method sets the lastKeyboardState field to
the keyboardState field. What this does is make the KeyPressed and KeyReleased methods return
false. It flushes what I like to call the input buffer. You can use it to make sure, if you are changing state
for example, that there is no spill over into the next state.
Now we can add this game component to the list of components for the game. That will take place in
the Game1 class. This is the main class for you game. The first step is to add a using statement for the
XRpgLibrary name space to bring it into scope. What is meant by bringing a name space into scope is
that you can refer objects with out using their fully qualified name. For example, in the Game1 class
you can reference the InputHandler class using InputHandler instead of its fully qualified name
XRpgLibrary.InputHandler. You will then add an instance of the InputHandler class to the list of

components of the game. Add the following using statement with the other using statements of the
Game1 class and change the constructor to the following.
using XRpgLibrary;
public Game1()
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

Components.Add(new InputHandler(this));

A common mistake made when creating a large game is not handling game state properly from the
start. If you try and go back and add it in later it is a major pain and one of the hardest things to fix if
not handled properly from the start. I will be managing game states, or game screens, with a game
component. I will need a basic state, or screen, to start from. Right click the XRpgLibrary project,
select Add and then New Item. Like you did before, select the Game Component option and name
this game component GameState. This is the code for the GameState class.


namespace XRpgLibrary
public abstract partial class GameState : DrawableGameComponent
#region Fields and Properties
List<GameComponent> childComponents;
public List<GameComponent> Components
get { return childComponents; }
GameState tag;
public GameState Tag
get { return tag; }
protected GameStateManager StateManager;
#region Constructor Region
public GameState(Game game, GameStateManager manager)
: base(game)
StateManager = manager;
childComponents = new List<GameComponent>();
tag = this;

#region XNA Drawable Game Component Methods
public override void Initialize()
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
foreach (GameComponent component in childComponents)
if (component.Enabled)


public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

DrawableGameComponent drawComponent;
foreach (GameComponent component in childComponents)
if (component is DrawableGameComponent)
drawComponent = component as DrawableGameComponent;

if (drawComponent.Visible)



#region GameState Method Region
internal protected virtual void StateChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (StateManager.CurrentState == Tag)
protected virtual void Show()
Visible = true;
Enabled = true;
foreach (GameComponent component in childComponents)
component.Enabled = true;
if (component is DrawableGameComponent)
((DrawableGameComponent)component).Visible = true;
protected virtual void Hide()
Visible = false;
Enabled = false;
foreach (GameComponent component in childComponents)
component.Enabled = false;
if (component is DrawableGameComponent)

((DrawableGameComponent)component).Visible = false;


When you create Game Components using the wizard they inherit from GameComponent. Game
states will do drawing so they need to derive from DrawableGameComponent. The three fields in the
class are childComponents, a list of any game components that belong to the screen, tag, a reference
to the game state, and StateManager, the game state manager that I haven't added yet. StateManager
is a protected field and is available to any class that inherits from GameState, either directly or
indirectly. There is a read only property, Components, that returns the collection child components.
The property Tag exposes the tag field and is a read only property as well.
The constructor of the GameState class takes two parameters. The first is a Game parameter that is a
reference to your game object required by game components. The second is a reference to the
GameStateManager so it can be assigned to the StateManager field. The constructor then sets the
StateManager field to the value passed in, initializes the childComponents field, and finally sets the
tag field to be this, the current instance of the class.
The Update method just loops through all of the GameComponents in childComponents and if their
Enabled property is true calls their Update methods. Similarly, the Draw method loops through all of
the GameComponents in childComponents. It then checks if the game component is a
DrawableGameComponent. If it is, it checks to see if it is visible. If it is visible, it then calls the
Draw method of the components.
The other methods in this class are methods that aren't inherited from DrawableGameComponent.
The first method, StateChange, is the event handler code changing game states. All active screens will
subscribe to an event in the game state manager class. All states that are subscribed to the event will
receive a message that they active screen was changed. In the ScreenChange method I call the Show
method if the screen that triggered the event, from the sender parameter, is the Tag property of the
current screen. Otherwise I call the Hide method. The Show method sets a screen enabled and visible.
The Hide method sets a screen disabled and not visible.
In the Show method I set the Visible and Enabled properties of the GameScreen to true. I also loop
through all of the GameComponents in childComponents and set them to enabled. I also check to see
if the component is a DrawableGameComponent and set it to visible. The Hide method works in
The next class to add is the GameStateManager class. Right click the XRpgLibrary project, select
Add and then New Item. From the XNA Game Studio 4.0 list select Game Component. Name this
new component GameStateManager. The code for that class follows next.


using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
namespace XRpgLibrary
public class GameStateManager : GameComponent
#region Event Region
public event EventHandler OnStateChange;
#region Fields and Properties Region
Stack<GameState> gameStates = new Stack<GameState>();
const int startDrawOrder = 5000;
const int drawOrderInc = 100;
int drawOrder;
public GameState CurrentState
get { return gameStates.Peek(); }
#region Constructor Region
public GameStateManager(Game game)
: base(game)
drawOrder = startDrawOrder;
#region XNA Method Region
public override void Initialize()
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
#region Methods Region
public void PopState()
if (gameStates.Count > 0)
drawOrder -= drawOrderInc;
if (OnStateChange != null)
OnStateChange(this, null);
private void RemoveState()
GameState State = gameStates.Peek();

OnStateChange -= State.StateChange;

public void PushState(GameState newState)

drawOrder += drawOrderInc;
newState.DrawOrder = drawOrder;
if (OnStateChange != null)
OnStateChange(this, null);
private void AddState(GameState newState)

OnStateChange += newState.StateChange;

public void ChangeState(GameState newState)

while (gameStates.Count > 0)
newState.DrawOrder = startDrawOrder;
drawOrder = startDrawOrder;

if (OnStateChange != null)
OnStateChange(this, null);


In the Event region is the code for the event that I created that will be triggered when there is a change
in state, or screens. You saw the handler for the event in the GameState class, StateChange. To
manage the states I used a generic Stack<GameState>. A stack, in computer science, is a last-in-firstout data structure. The usual analogy when describing a stack is to think of a stack of plates. To add a
plate you place, or push, it on top of the stack. The plate on top of the stack is removed, or popped, off
the top.
There are three integer fields: startDrawOrder, drawOrderInc, and drawOrder. These fields are
used in determining the order that game screens are drawn. DrawableGameComponent have a
property called DrawOrder. Components will be drawn in ascending order, according to their
DrawOrder property. The component with the lowest draw order will be drawn first. The component
with the highest DrawOrder property will be drawn last. I chose 5000 as a good starting point. When a
screen is added onto the stack, I will set its DrawOrder property higher than the last screen. The
drawOrderInc field is how much to increase or decrease when a screen is added or removed.
drawOrder holds the current value of the screen on top. There is a public property, CurrentScreen,
that returns which screen is on top of the stack.
The constructor of this class just sets the drawOrder field to the startDrawOrder field. By choosing

the magic number, 5000, and 100 for the amount to increase or decrease, there is room for a lot screens.
Far more than you will probably have on the stack at once.
In the Methods region there are three public and two private methods. The public methods are
PopState, PushState, and ChangeState. The private methods are RemoveState and AddState.
PopState is the method to call if you have a screen on top of the stack that you want to remove and go
back to the previous screen. A good example of this is you open an options menu from the main menu.
You want to go back to the main menu from the options menu so you just pop the options menu off the
stack. PushState is the method to call if you want to move to another state and keep the previous state.
From above, you would push the options screen on the stack so where you are done you can return to
the previous state. The last public method, ChangeState, is called when you wish to remove all other
states from the stack.
The PopState method checks to make sure there is a game state to pop off by checking the Count
property of the gameStates stack. It calls the RemoveState method that removes the state that is on the
top of the stack. It then decrements the drawOrder field so that when the next screen is added to the
stack of screens it will be drawn appropriately. It then checks if OnStateChange is not null. What this
means is it checks to see if the OnStateChange event is subscribed to. If the event is not subscribed to
the event handler code should not be executed. It then calls the event handler code passing itself as the
sender and null for the event arguments.
The RemoveState method first gets which state is on top of the stack. It then unsubscribes the state
from the subscribers to the OnStateChange event. It then removes the screen from the components in
the game. It then pops the state off the stack.
The PushState method takes as a parameter the state to be placed on the top of the stack. It first
increases the drawOrder field and set it to the DrawOrder property of the component so it will have
the highest DrawOrder property. It then calls the AddState method to add the screen to the stack. It
then checks to make sure the OnStateChange event is subscribed to before calling the event handler
The AddState method pushes the new screen on the top of the stack. It adds it to the list of components
of the game. Finally it subscribes the new state to the OnStateChange event.
The first thing the ChangeState method does is remove all of the screens from the stack. It then sets
the DrawOrder property of the new screen to the startDrawOrder value and drawOrder to the same
value. It then calls the AddScreen method passing in the screen to be changed to. It then will call the
OnStateChange event handler if it is subscribed to.
Now you can add a GameStateManager to the game. Go to the code for the Game1 class in your
game. You will want to add a field, below the SpriteBatch field, for the GameStateManager. You will
also want to initialize it in the constructor of the game and add it to the list of components. Add this
field and change the constructor to the following.
GameStateManager stateManager;
public Game1()
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);

Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
Components.Add(new InputHandler(this));

stateManager = new GameStateManager(this);


That is a lot of code but it doesn't really do anything. You can build and run but all you will get is the
blue screen as if you hadn't added any code. Right click the EyesOfTheDragon project in the solution
explorer, select Add and then New Folder. Name this new folder GameScreens. To this folder you are
going to add in two game states. The first state is a base state that will have fields common to all states.
The second is a title screen that will display an image. Special thanks to, Tuckbone, a reader of my
tutorials for creating the graphic. You can download the title image from here.
It is a good idea to organize your content. Right click the EyesOfTheDragonContent project, select
Add and then New Folder. Name this new folder Backgrounds. After you have downloaded and
extracted the image you will want to add it to the Backgrounds folder. Right click the Backgrounds
folder, select Add and then Existing Item. You will want to navigate to where you downloaded and
extracted the image and add the titlescreen.png entry. When you are making game graphics it is a good
idea to use an image format that doesn't have compression. PNG, BMP, TGA, are all good formats for
that. PNG and TGA are good because they support transparency.
Now, going back to the states. Right click the GameScreens folder in the EyesOfTheDragon project,
select Add and then Class. Name this new class BaseGameState. The code for that class follows next.


using XRpgLibrary;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
namespace EyesOfTheDragon.GameScreens
public abstract partial class BaseGameState : GameState
#region Fields region
protected Game1 GameRef;
#region Properties region
#region Constructor Region
public BaseGameState(Game game, GameStateManager manager)
: base(game, manager)
GameRef = (Game1)game;

The BaseGameState class is a very basic class. It inherits from the GameState class so it can be used

in the GameStateManager. The lone field in the class is GameRef that is a reference to our game
object. The constructor takes two parameter. The first is the current game object required by game
components and the second is a GameStateManager object required by the GameState class. The
constructor just sets the GameRef field by casting the Game parameter to the Game1 class.
The next screen is going to be a title screen. You are going to get a few errors for the screen because I
made quite a few changes to the Game1 class to get this screen to work. After I've shown you the code
for the screen and explained it I will give you the complete code for the Game1 class. Right click the
GameScreens folder in the EyesOfTheDragon project, select Add and then Class. Name this new
class TitleScreen.


using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using XRpgLibrary;
namespace EyesOfTheDragon.GameScreens
public class TitleScreen : BaseGameState
#region Field region
Texture2D backgroundImage;
#region Constructor region
public TitleScreen(Game game, GameStateManager manager)
: base(game, manager)
#region XNA Method region
protected override void LoadContent()
ContentManager Content = GameRef.Content;
backgroundImage = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Backgrounds\titlescreen");
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)




There are using statements to bring classes from the XNA Framework, XNA Framework Graphics, and
XNA Framework Content name spaces into scope. The Graphics ones are for drawing and the Content
ones are for loading in content. There is also a using statement to bring our XRpgLibrary name space
into scope.
The class inherits from the BaseGameState class. There is just one field in the class at this time, a
Texture2D, for our background image. The constructor takes two parameters. They are the same as any
other game states, the current game object and a reference to the GameStateManager.
In the LoadContent method I get the ContentManager that is associated with our game using the
Content property of GameRef. I then use the Load method passing in the location of the background
of our image.
In the Draw method I draw the image. There is first a call to Begin on SpriteBatch. 2D images, often
called sprites, are drawn between calls to Begin and End of a SpriteBatch object. You will have errors
related to the SpriteBatch because I haven't made that change to the Game1 class yet. After the call to
Begin is the call to base.Draw to draw any child components. I then call the Draw method to draw the
background image passing in the image to be drawn, the destination of the image as a rectangle and the
tint color. You can tint objects using this tint color. Using white means there is no tinting at all. Finally
there is the call to End.
There have been a number of changes to the Game1 class. I will give you the new code for the entire
class and then go over the changes that I made. Here's the code.


using XRpgLibrary;
using EyesOfTheDragon.GameScreens;
namespace EyesOfTheDragon
public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
#region XNA Field Region
GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
public SpriteBatch SpriteBatch;

#region Game State Region

GameStateManager stateManager;
public TitleScreen TitleScreen;
#region Screen Field Region
const int screenWidth = 1024;
const int screenHeight = 768;
public readonly Rectangle ScreenRectangle;
public Game1()
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = screenWidth;
graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = screenHeight;
ScreenRectangle = new Rectangle(
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
Components.Add(new InputHandler(this));
stateManager = new GameStateManager(this);

TitleScreen = new TitleScreen(this, stateManager);


protected override void Initialize()

protected override void LoadContent()
SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
protected override void UnloadContent()
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)


protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)


The first change is that I grouped the fields into regions. The one region, XNA Fields, is for fields that
XNA created. I change the SpriteBatch field to be public and I changed it to start with a capital letter. I
added in another region, Game State Region, that holds fields related to game state. There is the field
for the game state manager and a field for the new TitleScreen we created. The other new region is the
Screen Field Region. This region holds fields related to the screen. There are two integer fields that
hold the width and height of the screen. The third is a rectangle that describes the screen.
The constructor has changed quite a bit. The first change is that I set the PreferredBackBufferWidth
and PreferredBackBufferHeight properties of the GraphicsDeviceManager to be the width and
height of the screen from the Screen Field Region. I then create the instance of ScreenRectangle that
will describe the screen. The constructor continues on as it did before but I create the TitleScreen field
passing in the required parameters and then call the ChangeState method of the game state manager
passing in TitleScreen.
I think this is enough for this tutorial. I'd like to try and keep them to a reasonable length so that you
don't have too much to digest at once. I encourage you to visit the news page of my site, XNA Game
Programming Adventures, for the latest news on my tutorials.
Good luck in your game programming adventures!
Jamie McMahon

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