Human Rights Situation in The Philippines

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The Philippines is a law abiding democratic nation that upholds human rights and

rule of law. But what is human right? From the day of our conceptions we are entitled not

to deprived life. Human rights are commonly understood as being those rights which are

inherent in the mere fact of being human. The concept of human rights is based on the

belief that every human being is entitled to enjoy her/his rights without discrimination.

Examples of rights and freedoms which have come to be commonly thought of as human

rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of

expression, and equality before the law; and economic, social and cultural rights, including

the right to participate in culture, the right to be treated with respect and dignity, the right to

work, and the right to education. One important implication is that human rights must

themselves be protected by law. The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment

of measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to human dignity, reduce

social, economic, and political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by equitably

diffusing wealth and political power for the common good. Furthermore, any disputes about

these rights should be submitted for adjudication through a competent, impartial and

independent tribunal, applying procedures which ensure full equality and fairness to all the

parties. The idea of basic rights originated from the need to protect the individual against

the arbitrary use of state power. Attention was therefore initially focused on those rights

which oblige governments to refrain from certain actions. Human rights in this category are

generally referred to as fundamental freedoms. Human rights and fundamental freedoms

allow us to fully develop and use our human qualities, our intelligence, our talents and our

conscience and to satisfy our spiritual and other needs. As human rights are viewed as a

prerequisite for leading a dignified human existence, they serve as a guide and hallmark

for legislation. A human right situation in the Philippines has been a great dilemma that we

are facing. The most controversial yet our government seems to be ignorant of this issue

or they are aware yet they are not doing their responsibilities to secure and maintain the

entitled human rights, instead they are the one who suppress our rights that we long to

have. Philippine national police themselves practice extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrest to

the civilians who contradict the current administration. We are expecting them that they are

our protector and serving the people to improve peace and order in our country. But they

are used by our uncivilized leaders and craving for their possessions and positions. Prison

conditions were harsh, and the slow judicial process as well as corrupt police, judges, and

prosecutors impaired due process and the rule of law. Some of us are blind regarding the

present conditions that where we are now. We cannot blame them if they are doing these

immoral acts because if they wont then they will be oust by our leaders and may not be

appoint by our beloved president. Besides criminals and terrorists, human rights activists,

atheists and agnostics, left-wing political activists, and Muslims were sometimes the

victims of improper police conduct. Violence against women and abuse of children

remained serious problems, and some children were pressed into slave labor and

prostitution. Since 2001 when President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo began her term in office

over 800 people have been victims of extra - judicial killings. In 2007, one of the United

Nations Special Reporter report about extrajudicial killings, Summary or Arbitrary

executions spent 10 days in the Philippines investigating these killings. He spoke to

witnesses and victims, as well as senior members of the military and the government,
finding that witnesses have been systematically intimidated and harassed. He says the

military is implicated directly or indirectly in a significant number of deaths. Victims over the

past six years have included trade unionists, farmers' rights activists, people from

indigenous communities, lawyers, journalists, human rights campaigners and people of

religion. The fifth annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index released by the international

press freedom watchdog Reporters without Borders (RSF) has ranked the Philippines

among the worst-ranked countries for 2006 at 142nd place. It indicates the continuing

murders of journalists and increased legal harassment in the form of libel suits as part of

the problem in the Philippines. From1986 to 2005, 52 journalists have been murdered.

Recently on November 23, 2009, 57 people were abducted and executed by

approximately 100 gunmen while in route to file election papers for Ismael Mangundadatu

as a candidate for governor of Maguindanao in the May 2010 election. The candidate was

not with the entourage as he has received death threats. Reports indicate that many of the

57 people murdered were subjected to terrible acts prior to their deaths. 24 of the victims

were women; at least 22 journalists were killed in the attack, the largest killing of journalists

in a single day. After the massacre, martial law in Maguindanao was implemented by

arroyo’s administration. Even the CHR does not support this so called martial law. The

commission also warned the investigators should make sure they follow proper procedures

during this time when collecting evidence on the Maguindanao massacres. Last January

Cebu pacific alleged discrimination against the special child was an issue, violating human

rights against the special child.

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