00 Ilclan Outline Final 00 Ilclan Outline Final
00 Ilclan Outline Final 00 Ilclan Outline Final
00 Ilclan Outline Final 00 Ilclan Outline Final
IlClan builds upon the foundations set up in Field Manual: 3145 and Era Report 3145. The focus of this
sourcebook is two-fold and as such, will be a departure from previously established sourcebook formats.
The first focus is that of fiction; IlClan will have a novella, broken into six parts that roughly equate to the
year covered in each proceeding chapter. The novella will expand on several of the eras established
characters from FM45 and ER45. The second focus is on each year from 3145 through the first half of 3151,
culminating with the conquest of Terra and the establishment of the ilClan Supremacy. Rules at the end of
the book will be campaign-focused, including ATOW storyhooks similar to those in ATOW and ATOWC, a
new WS, and several RISC gear.
Additional material, including a new Field Manual and Threats series, will introduce the Supremacys military
structure, culture, and war philosophies, as well as delineate current combat theaters and operations.
Currently, the outline of the book is short roughly 4-6 pages (dependent on the total number of maps used)
and is considered art-lite. If additional padding is needed, custom versions of character
vehicles/BattleMechs may be solicited to fill out the 192 page count. If this occurs, solicitation of such
designs will happen at that time.
(New Art: Original Cover featuring a scene of Mech battle between Ulysses Banacek (Blood Asp Ultra)
and Julian Davion (Atlas II). The battle is fought in a Circle of Equals located in the center of the
ruins of Unity City. Visible should be one of the stationary Mechs designating the edge of the circle.
This is a clash of titans amidst urban ruins/palace courtyard.)
2 PP
Introduction (500): In-universe summary sheet from Janella Lakewood to Julian Davion, identifying the
purpose of the document as a quick summary of events immediately prior to the momentous
formation of the ilClan Supremacy. The report is dated October 3151. A historians caveat is
presented as well, taking into account the continued brokenness of the communications grid. News
reports that highlight other occurrences are seeded throughout, providing context from other areas
of the Sphere.
How to Use this Book (250): Boilerplate explanation for how the product is arranged (use this Outline
as a guide).
7 PP
22 PP
Period Review: Overview of the events of 3146, written in similar vein to Wars of Reaving but with
subsection breaks.
This review draws from all events listed for 3146 in the approved Dark Age timeline for this
product. Additional events and detail are encouraged. When crafting invasion waves and other
assault plans (with the exception of raids, covert operations, or quick strikes), please consult with
the LD, ALD, and Cartographer first.
Running Timeline Sidebar (1,500): A timeline of the same period, covering significant battles and
developments. Items in the sidebars should be included here to provide linear context. Consider
this also as an opportunity to lay down events for RPG plot hooks.
Contextual sidebars [individually assigned]
The following events should be the central focus of a sidebar. These articles can be in the same vein as
those from the Hot Spots series: articles, columns, transcripts, etc. and should present a profactional bias appropriate to the section. All of these events will be detailed in the Period Review;
these present context and can be off-factual in nature through omission, perspective ignorance,
and biased viewpoint. The fictional author of this book (Janella Lakewood, of the Republic) has
included them for important relevance, so they should NOT be snarky, frivolous, or inane in detail
or context. Their purpose is to provide context, and sometimes an alternate point of view.
[Jan] Callendres task force hits Victoria in the same manner as Menkalinan. [500]
[Apr] Increase in the number of pirate raids against Filtvelt Coalition. [500]
[Jun] Anastasia Kerensky becomes saKhan of Clan Wolf. The remaining Wolf Hunters, who have been
fighting under contract to the Lyrans, defect to the Wolves. [500]
[Sep] Arc-Royal falls to the Hells Horses. Grand Duke Martin Kell killed and the Hounds forces onplanet destroyed. Many Hounds dependents flee to hook up with Callandre's force. Wolf-in-Exile
forces abandon the planet and relocate to Melissia. [500]
[Oct] Alaric Ward offers reconciliation to any Wolves-in-Exile who wish it, but the offer is a trap. The few
who accept are killed when they arrive at the rendezvous point. [500]
[Nov] The Coordinator declares a month-long celebration on Luthien in recognition of the DCMS string
of victories. [500]
*Art: Half-page panels. Suggestions should draw from events tagged for sidebars, to help highlight
those particular happenings.
*Art: up to 4 operational maps, half-page each (black and white)
7 PP
22 PP
Period Review: Overview of the events from 3147 written in similar vein to Wars of Reaving but with
subsection breaks.
This review draws from all events listed for 3147 in the approved Dark Age timeline for this
product. Additional events and detail are encouraged. When crafting invasion waves and other
assault plans (with the exception of raids, covert operations, or quick strikes), please consult with
the LD, ALD, and Cartographer first.
Running Timeline Sidebar (1,500): A timeline of the same period, covering significant battles and
developments. Items in the sidebars should be included here to provide linear context. Consider
this also as an opportunity to lay down events for RPG plot hooks.
Contextual sidebars [individually assigned]
The following events should be the central focus of a sidebar. These articles can be in the same vein as
those from the Hot Spots series: articles, columns, transcripts, etc. and should present a profactional bias appropriate to the section. All of these events will be detailed in the Period Review;
these present context and can be off-factual in nature through omission, perspective ignorance,
and biased viewpoint. The fictional author of this book (Janella Lakewood, of the Republic) has
included them for important relevance, so they should NOT be snarky, frivolous, or inane in detail
or context. Their purpose is to provide context, and sometimes an alternate point of view
[Jan] Acting in their capacity as part of the Clan Protectorate member-state of the FWL, Clan Sea Fox
enacts an economic interdiction of several former League worlds, which soon begins to take a toll
on its people. [500]
[Mar] Julian Davion accepts the crown in a hasty ceremony. He vows to bring the fight to the
Confederation and assures the AFFS High Command that Suns worlds will not remain Combine
holdings for long. [500]
[Apr] Marian Hegemony conducts raids against FWL border worlds, expanding the Hegemonys
territory by a few worlds. [500]
[Jun] In a blitzkrieg assault using Dominion support forces, the Ravens attempt to annex the Pesht
District. [500]
[Oct] Marian Hegemony forces hit Gibraltar. Evidence of Magistracy and Capellan support uncovered.
*Art: Half-page panels. Suggestions should draw from events tagged for sidebars, to help highlight
those particular happenings.
*Art: up to 4 operational maps, half-page each (black and white)
7 PP
22 PP
Period Review: Overview of the events from 3148 written in similar vein to Wars of Reaving but with
subsection breaks.
This review draws from all events listed for 3148 in the approved Dark Age timeline for this
product. Additional events and detail are encouraged. When crafting invasion waves and other
assault plans (with the exception of raids, covert operations, or quick strikes), please consult with
the LD, ALD, and Cartographer first.
Running Timeline Sidebar (1,500): A timeline of the same period, covering significant battles and
developments. Items in the sidebars should be included here to provide linear context. Consider
this also as an opportunity to lay down events for RPG plot hooks.
Contextual sidebars [individually assigned]
The following events should be the central focus of a sidebar. These articles can be in the same vein as
those from the Hot Spots series: articles, columns, transcripts, etc. and should present a profactional bias appropriate to the section. All of these events will be detailed in the Period Review;
these present context and can be off-factual in nature through omission, perspective ignorance,
and biased viewpoint. The fictional author of this book (Janella Lakewood, of the Republic) has
included them for important relevance, so they should NOT be snarky, frivolous, or inane in detail
or context. Their purpose is to provide context, and sometimes an alternate point of view
[Feb] Major battle on Thule between Dominion and Cloud Adder forces. Khan Steiner killed. Dominion
barely holds the planet. The Adder Galaxy Commander accepts hegira from the Dominion rather
than nuke the continent, as he has been ordered to do by ilKhan Ulysses Banacek. [500]
[Mar] MIIO agents provoke riots and rebellion in systems around Liao. The Capellan answerarmed
suppressiononly adds fuel to the fire. [500]
[Mar] Wolves takes advantage of the Horse losses on Coventry and seize Incukalns and Upano but are
stopped cold on Pobeda after Alaric redirects the remains of the Coventry assault force there. [500]
[Jun] The Rim Collection receives a delegation from the province of Timbuktu; a protective alliance is
formed. Timbuktu, Wiltshire, Hinkley, Coldbrook, and Halifax join the Rim Collection, forming the
Timbuktu Collective. LCAF forces on the Lyran worlds are either absorbed or ejected (sans
equipment). [500]
[Sep] Xieng Khouang Massacre. Rumors that ComStar can but refuses to fix the local HPG because of
anti-Capellan prejudice prompt the ransacking of the capital city's station. [500]
[Sep] Concerned with recent aggressions by the Foxes, several independent worlds located between
the FWL and Magistracy petition Canopus for entry into the Magistracy. Payvand, Obrenovac,
Rohinjan, Saonara, Rushegg, and Ayn Tarma join the Canopian nation; the Foxes are incensed
and begin destroying merchant fleets in those systems. The Merchants Nightmare campaign is
effective and brutal, cutting off a quarter of the Magistracys imports. [500]
[Dec] Pirates of the Rim Territories conquer the defenseless Lyran worlds of Elume, Canal,
Tsarahavana, and Issaba. [500]
*Art: Half-page panels. Suggestions should draw from events tagged for sidebars, to help highlight
those particular happenings.
*Art: up to 4 operational maps, half-page each (black and white)
7 PP
22 PP
Period Review: Overview of the events of 3149 written in similar vein to Wars of Reaving but with
subsection breaks.
This review draws from all events listed for 3149 in the approved Dark Age timeline for this
product. Additional events and detail are encouraged. When crafting invasion waves and other
assault plans (with the exception of raids, covert operations, or quick strikes), please consult with
the LD, ALD, and Cartographer first.
Running Timeline Sidebar (1,500): A timeline of the same period, covering significant battles and
developments. Items in the sidebars should be included here to provide linear context. Consider
this also as an opportunity to lay down events for RPG plot hooks.
Contextual sidebars [individually assigned]
The following events should be the central focus of a sidebar. These articles can be in the same vein as
those from the Hot Spots series: articles, columns, transcripts, etc. and should present a profactional bias appropriate to the section. All of these events will be detailed in the Period Review;
these present context and can be off-factual in nature through omission, perspective ignorance,
and biased viewpoint. The fictional author of this book (Janella Lakewood, of the Republic) has
included them for important relevance, so they should NOT be snarky, frivolous, or inane in detail
or context. Their purpose is to provide context, and sometimes an alternate point of view.
[Mar] Hall, Outreach, Terra Firma, and Epislon Eridani fall to the Regulans. [500]
[Mar] The RAF, under command of Paladin Treyarch, liberates several worlds on the Horse/Dominion
border as Stone prepares to open the Fortress. The attacks are more unconventional, through
heavy (and precise) strikes, cultivating and fomenting armed revolts, and strategic heavy strikes to
force the Clans out of their static defensive role. [500]
[Apr] Daoshen Liao sends a diplomatic team to meet with the Combine and offers a strategic alliance to
coordinate a two-pronged assault on the Republic. Intel is shared. [500]
[Jul] Clan Sea Fox faces the arrival of Clan Cloud Adder and Stone Coyote at their Chainlane outpost.
The defending Foxes surrender and are annihilated. [500]
[Aug Feb] The Hegemony targets several Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey worlds for raids. [500]
[Sep] Clan Wolf arrives at Steelton only to discover evidence of a massive naval fleet near the system
fringe. Rather than tangle with such a flotilla, the Wolves pull back and are content with smaller
probing attacks, wary of the unknown armada. A few months later, the Watch discovers the flotilla
is one of five massive task forces preparing to assault the Horse and Falcon zones. Hints of a
similar situation on the Raven (former Pesht District) border as well. [500]
[Nov] Luthien is liberated and then claimed by the Dominion as the DCMS reluctantly abandons the
capital, enacting a deadly scorched-earth policy put in place centuries ago by Sanathia Kurita. A
few Dominion regiments remain on the world, awaiting reinforcements. The remainder of the fleet
departs for parts unknown. [500]
*Art: Half-page panels. Suggestions should draw from events tagged for sidebars, to help highlight
those particular happenings.
*Art: up to 4 operational maps, half-page each (black and white)
7 PP
22 PP
Period Review: Overview of the events of 3150 written in similar vein to Wars of Reaving but with
subsection breaks.
This review draws from all events listed for 3150 in the approved Dark Age timeline for this
product. Additional events and detail are encouraged. When crafting invasion waves and other
assault plans (with the exception of raids, covert operations, or quick strikes), please consult with
the LD, ALD, and Cartographer first.
Running Timeline Sidebar (1,500): A timeline of the same period, covering significant battles and
developments. Items in the sidebars should be included here to provide linear context. Consider
this also as an opportunity to lay down events for RPG plot hooks.
Contextual sidebars [individually assigned]
The following events should be the central focus of a sidebar. These articles can be in the same vein as
those from the Hot Spots series: articles, columns, transcripts, etc. and should present a profactional bias appropriate to the section. All of these events will be detailed in the Period Review;
these present context and can be off-factual in nature through omission, perspective ignorance,
and biased viewpoint. The fictional author of this book (Janella Lakewood, of the Republic) has
included them for important relevance, so they should NOT be snarky, frivolous, or inane in detail
or context. Their purpose is to provide context, and sometimes an alternate point of view
[Jan-Mar] Using new technology, the assaulting Cloud Adders closes off several worlds using TIAMAT,
trapping Horse and Bear forces (and destroying at least one flotilla attempting transit). [500]
[Feb] The first Stone Coyote forcesmostly inexperienced and hastily built combined-arms battalions
using advanced technologyarrive to invade Pesht and other district worlds. Within days of their
arrival, they defeat a sizeable DCMS force. The remainder of the DCMS, caught along the AFFS
border and fueled by amped-up hatred for the new invaders and the loss of Luthien, follows the
lead of two District Warlords and repositions to push back the new threat. [500]
[Mar] Clan Wolf, in an attempt to redirect attention from its actions in taking Dominion worlds, pulls a
feint. Striking deep, Alaric invades Steelton to face down ilKhan Banacek and is killed, along with a
sizeable portion of the Wolf touman. [500]
[Apr] The Dominion takes advantage of light Stone Coyote defense at Pesht and claims it for the
Dominion, annexing 12 other worlds between its border and the district capital. [500]
[May Nov] The Davions lash back at the crumbling Republic, retaking six worlds, then jump to
Northwind and Terra. Julian confronts Stone regarding his actions. Harwell attempts to intervene
and is killed. Stone surrenders the Republic to Davion, citing rumors of a growing threat along the
Clan zones. [500]
[Aug] Hazeldean, San Nicholas, Huntington, Lahti, and Landfall are taken by Tamarind-Abbey. The
Sea Foxes raid Sackville and Merton, and captures Alymer and Tormentine. [500]
[Nov Dec] Horse troops land on Steelton. A long Trial results in the Horses being absorbed into the
Soldiery Caste by the Cloud Adders, citing a 60 year old agreement. The new Cloud Horses are
tasked with assaulting the Dominion. [500]
*Art: Half-page panels. Suggestions should draw from events tagged for sidebars, to help highlight
those particular happenings.
*Art: up to 4 operational maps, half-page each (black and white)
7 PP
19 PP
Period Review: Overview of the events of the first half of 3151 written in similar vein to Wars of
Reaving but with subsection breaks.
This review draws from all events listed for 3151 in the approved Dark Age timeline for this
product. Additional events and detail are encouraged. When crafting invasion waves and other
assault plans (with the exception of raids, covert operations, or quick strikes), please consult with
the LD, ALD, and Cartographer first.
Running Timeline Sidebar (1,000): A timeline of the same period, covering significant battles and
developments. Items in the sidebars should be included here to provide linear context. Consider
this also as an opportunity to lay down events for RPG plot hooks.
Contextual sidebars [individually assigned]
The following events should be the central focus of a sidebar. These articles can be in the same vein as
those from the Hot Spots series: articles, columns, transcripts, etc. and should present a profactional bias appropriate to the section. All of these events will be detailed in the Period Review;
these present context and can be off-factual in nature through omission, perspective ignorance,
and biased viewpoint. The fictional author of this book (Janella Lakewood, of the Republic) has
included them for important relevance, so they should NOT be snarky, frivolous, or inane in detail
or context. Their purpose is to provide context, and sometimes an alternate point of view
[Jan Mar] Duchy troops take Valerius, Maximillian, and Blantleff. A diplomatic mission from the
Lothian League cements an alliance between the Duchy and the League. [500]
[Feb Jun] The Cloud Adders moves fully into the Dominion, taking 22 worlds in the first wave; only six
survive the Cleansing. Raven troops (with Dominion support) lands on Dyev, retaking the world in
late June. The Raven khans are killed in the assault; the remaining Raven forces are absorbed into
the Dominion as a mass Adder battle fleet arrives. [500]
[Feb] Banacek honors the Dominions request to a Trial, easily killing both Khans. The Dominion is
absorbed into the Cloud Adder touman and immediately moves towards the Davion Republic. The
ilKhan then faces the Falcons Alpha Galaxy and Malvina Hazen on Skye. Hazen is killed and the
Falcons absorbed into the Soldiery Caste. [500]
[Mar] The Cloud Adders arrive at Terra. Julian bargains for a single Trial of Conquest and is sufficiently
defeated. Banacek declares the Cloud Adders as the ilClan and executes Stone, leaving Julian to
serve as the head of the Spheroid Caste. The new ilClans forces reassemble and slam into the
remaining Republic worlds seized by the Capellans, handily ejecting the defending CCAF. [500]
[Apr Jun] The shattered Ravens refuse to surrender to the ilClan; troops land and conquer several
Raven Alliance worlds as Cloud Horse troops are tasked to invade the rebellious Davion and
Confederation worlds along the Supremacys borders. [500]
[May] Fox envoys arrive at Terra to challenge the ilClan and fail the subsequent Trials of Conquest.
Stripped of their military power, the Foxes are tasked as the new Supremacys Merchant Caste.
[Jun] A hypothetical look at how the new ilClan army should be organized, and the remaining threats.
*Art: Half-page panels. Suggestions should draw from events tagged for sidebars, to help highlight
those particular happenings.
*Art: up to 4 operational maps, half-page each (black and white)
14 PP