Choosing A Topic Sentence Worksheet: Name: Date
Choosing A Topic Sentence Worksheet: Name: Date
Choosing A Topic Sentence Worksheet: Name: Date
forest. In the story, the moment that the gloom leaves them,
it states, All at once, as with a sudden smile of heaven,
forth burst the sunshine, pouring a very flood into the
obscure forest, gladdening each leaf, transmuting the yellow
fallen ones to gold, and gleaming adown the gray trunks of
the solemn trees. The objects that had made a shadow
hitherto, embodied the brightness now. (143). Furthermore,
Ms. Hibbins and the other supposed witches use the woods
at night in order to talk to the Black Man and use their
witchcraft. We learn at the end of chapter 8 that Ms. Hibbins
goes into the forest in order to talk with the Black Man. This
represents the freedom of the forest as both good and bad.
Good, for it gives Hester and Dimmesdale the freedom to
forget their sins, but also bad, for the witches go out and
sign their name in the devils book.
Main Idea and Possible Transitional Phrases:
2. Example#1: A body paragraph from an essay
on The Great Gatsby.
Throughout the novel, the majority of Gatsby's decisions are
based upon his obsession with Daisy. As previously
mentioned, his overwhelming desire to build up his
reputation and his wealth in many cases was driven by a
singular reason to impress Daisy and capture her
affections again. Rather than gain that position through
honest hard work, Gatsby instead lets his ravenous desires
take over and allow him to choose the fast and easy ways of
gaining money and position, like the shady business
practices of bootlegging, deceit, gambling, and conspiracy.
Alongside this obsessive motivation, Gatsby at times lets
emotions like anxiety or shame rule his conduct. For
3. Example#3:AbodyparagraphfromanessayonTheirEyes