Antitrust Checklist 3
Antitrust Checklist 3
Antitrust Checklist 3
Economic effect
Components of same entity
3. Rejected Justification:
Free riders
Cooperative association (Topco)
C. Group Boycotts (Sherman Act 1 + FTCA 5)
1. Current LawPer Se Illegal if have Market Power (Northwest Stationary)
2. Factors in Analysis:
Alternative means of redress
Barrier entry
Common plan/boycott behavior
Product need not be essential
Market power or absence thereof (+25% >)
3. Rejected Justifications:
Public policy
Free riders
4. Potential Justifications:
Free riders possibly/economic efficiencies
Heavily regulated industries/due process (Silver)
Absence of market power leads to rule of reason (Northwest Stationary)
Efficiency through integration (Rothery)
D. Monopolization (Sherman Act 2)
1. Current lawRule of Reason (Alcoa)
a. possession of market power
b. willful acquisition or maintenance of that power
2. Justifications/Defenses:
Thrust upon
Natural monopoly
Achieved by natural growth
Legitimate business reasons
United Shoe Fiasco
3. Rejected Justifications:
4. Factors in Analysis:
Geographic and product market
Price elasticity of demand
Unreasonable restraint on trade
Mere size not determinative (US Steel Corp)
Intent of monopolist (Aspen Skiing Co.)
Barriers to entry
5. Impermissible Monopoly
Essential monopoly doctrine
a. control
b. inability to duplicate
c. denial of use
d. feasibility
hoarding a critical raw material
coercing supplier to deal or to charge higher prices
2. direct injury
A. Interstate Commerce
1. Current LawMust be in interstate commerce antitrust laws to apply
2. Analysis Factors:
Focus on defendants conduct (Summit)
Manufacture not commerce
Effects must be felt within United States
B. Patent Law
1. Patent May assign rights (i.e. through license)
2. Patent Pools are legitimate Settlement of disputes
C. Filed Rate Doctrine
1. Antitrust law does not apply to rates filed with a regulatory agency
2. Rate cannot be challenged because state action doctrine
D. State Action Doctrine
1. Current LawMidcal Test
a. policy must be articulated and affirmatively expressed by state
b. actively supervised by state
2. Factors of Analysis:
Part onestate is only legislature
Policy must be clear
Municipality bestowed with specific powers from state legislaturesatisfies Midcal one and two
City government cannot be sued for treble damagesonly injunction
Compulsion not necessary, authorization sufficient (Southern Motor Carrier)
Permissive regulation doesnt satisfy active supervision (Ticor)
Judicial review inadequate for state supervision
Peer review committees are agents of state if satisfy due process
Noer-Pennington Doctrine
a. sham exception
E. International Jurisdiction
a. jurisdictionconduct outside US , must have substantial effects within US
b. comityif conflicting laws, must be compelled by foreign entity, otherwise within jurisdiction