Master Teacher Responsibilities

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TAP Leadership Team Participation (TLT)

Analyze student data to identify student learning goals;
develop a universal school improvement plan;
create a school assessment plan;
monitor goal setting, activities
classroom follow-up and goal attainment for cluster groups and Individual Growth Plans (IGPs);
assess teacher observation results
Cluster Group Planning and Implementation
develop the long-range cluster plan, weekly cluster group meeting records, and activities with
other members of the leadership team
lead, co-lead or attend selected cluster meetings weekly following the STEPS for Effective
Learning (training by NIET)
provide appropriate follow-up in the classroom; and
assess all cluster groups progress toward goals
Manage Teachers Individual Growth Plans (IGPs)
oversee groups of teachers in developing goals,
provide instructional interventions with proven results
facilitate teacher proficiency with the new strategies through classroom-based follow-up, and
ensure that the progression of teacher skill development is aligned with changing student learning
conduct classroom observations and conferencing for both announced and unannounced
Classroom Follow-Up
provide support following every cluster meeting (e.g., observation/feedback, model teaching,
demonstrated lessons and team teaching following every cluster meeting and in individual
teacher mentoring situations).
Professional Growth
has a high level of educational knowledge,
afforded the opportunity to work with the TAP program specialists and other master teachers to
enhance their skills
provide teachers with only the best instructional interventions and strategies
mentor teachers will also attend selected in-service training sessions.
Overview of Master Teacher Position

primary role is, with the principal, to analyze student data

create and institute an academic achievement plan for the school
lead cluster groups and provide demonstration lessons,
coaching and team teaching to career teachers.
on average two hours per day teaching students
collaborate to determine the adoption of learning resources
partners with the principal in evaluating/observing other teachers
partner with the principal in sharing some of the responsibility of interacting with parents.
Role and Responsibilities
Analyze school-wide student data as the basis for developing a school plan
Develop the school plan utilizing the TAP processes
Oversee planning, facilitation and follow-up of cluster group meetings during Professional Growth


Team teach with colleagues, demonstrate model lessons, and help implement curriculum
Observe and provide peer assistance and coaching toward meeting teachers IGP goals
Observe teacher performance using the TAP Rubrics and conduct follow-up teacher conferences
Participate in all TAP trainings and become a Certified TAP Evaluator
Attend professional development meetings
Work an expanded calendar year (compensated 20 additional days per diem)

The principal, TAP program specialists, and other master teachers will observe master teachers through
announced and unannounced observations on an ongoing basis; as well as, mentor and career teachers
will participate in master teacher observations.

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