War and Peace at The Feto-Placental Front Line: Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion

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IMAJ VOL 16 october 2014

War and Peace at the Feto-Placental Front Line:

Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
Caterina De Carolis MD1, Carlo Perricone MD2 and Roberto Perricone MD3

Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics II, San Giovanni-Addolorata Hospital, Rome, Italy
Reumatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Rheumatology, Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Key words: recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) antiphospholipid

syndrome (APS), natural killer cells (NK), thyroid, cytokines

IMAJ 2014; 16: 667668

I basic features of the fetal-maternal communication system

mplantation is an event depending on several steps. The

of human pregnancy comprise two arms (placental and paracrine). The villous trophoblasts are the fetal tissue of the anatomic interface of the placental arm, while the fetal membranes
are the fetal tissues of the anatomic interface of the paracrine
arm of this system. A communication link is established by
way of the placental arm: maternal blood directly bathes the
villous trophoblasts; fetal blood is contained in fetal capillaries
that traverse the intravillous space. At every step, there is a
continuous embryo-uterus interaction. The discovery of the
implantation window and emergence of the concept of uterine
receptivity led to the intriguing idea that cytokines could be
central to such a process [1].
During apposition/adhesion, the induction of adhesion
molecules and the proper ligands are critical steps. Hence, it
is essential that the expression of receptors/ligands at the cell
surface of the embryo and uterus coincide. Interleukins (IL) are
involved and hormonal regulation plays a major role in both the
uterus and the embryo. Adhesion molecules are also modulated.
Subsequently, invasion-penetration occurs, and at this step several enzymes are involved, especially matrix metalloproteases,
counterbalanced by their inhibitors. In normal pregnancy, the
maternal immunological response against trophoblast antigens,
concomitant with a transient depression of maternal cell-mediated immunity to protect semi-allogenic embryo from rejection,
is the predominant mechanism for a high live birth rate.
Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) is defined as two
or more consecutive spontaneous abortions, a heterogeneous
condition (with numerous causes and clinical presentations)
that may occur at any stage of pregnancy [2]. Mechanisms of
RSA involve immune mediated pathways including the presence of a predominant T helper (Th)1-type immunity during

pregnancy, a decrease in T regulatory cells and an increase in

natural killer (NK) cells. These phenomena can occur locally (at
the site of implantation) and are often reflected in the peripheral
blood. The interaction between human leukocyte antigen molecules regulate NK cells activity at the maternal-fetal interface.
Two main populations have been suggested, NK1 and NK2.
The peripheral NK cells (PNKs) cytokine repertoire comprises
mainly type 1 cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFN) and
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF), although proper stimuli
can induce production of type 2 cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5
and IL-13 [3]. Even more intriguing, NK cells have long been
suspected as the cause of RSA since the original report by Aoki
and colleagues [4]. In RSA, increased numbers and killing activity of NK cells in the peripheral blood predict the likelihood of
another miscarriage and are considered a causal and prognostic
factor for infertility, and miscarriage. Thus, NK cells may also
play a key role in immunological infertility and in RSA if the
concentrations are too high. In RSA, the creation of an imbalance in Th1-Th2 response, resulting in a prevalent Th1 cytokine
environment in the periphery, may lead to NK cell activation
and proliferation, which could result in migration of cytotoxic
NK cells into the uterus and, in turn, contribute to mechanisms
involved in miscarriage [5]. Alternatively, the local endometrial
immune assessment may be disrupted at various levels, causing
defects in homing of the proper NK population to the uterus,
local production of cytokines and hormones such as IL-15 and
prolactin, and impairment of more downstream events such as
production of immunoregulatory factors by uterine NK cells.
Disruption at any of these levels may alter the ability of the uterine NK cell population to perform its normal functions and may
result in an unsuccessful pregnancy [6].

NK and antiphospholipid antibodies (APL)

APL are found in approximately 517% of the general population but are more frequent in patients with RSA [3]. An
increased number of NK cells correlate with reduced gestational age at abortion in patients with APS-RSA. NK cells
might precipitate damage initiated by aPL or they might cause
pathology in RSA independent of aPL, contributing to RSA

IMAJ VOL 16 october 2014


in patients with APS. APS is an autoimmune disease characterized by the presence of one or more laboratory findings of
APL and at least one clinical manifestation in addition to deep
venous and/or arterial thrombosis and/or pregnancy disease
comprising RSA, with or without thrombocytopenia The association between APS and RSA is well known, such that RSA
represents one of the clinical diagnostic criteria for APS.
The risk of pregnancy loss in women with APS is higher
from the 10th gestational week (GW) onward (fetal period).
The Sapporo criteria and the revised criteria for APS underline this situation by considering only patients with one or
more unexplained fetal loss (of a morphologically normal
fetus) beyond the 10th GW, or three or more unexplained
consecutive spontaneous abortions before the 10th GW.
A number of controversies plague the current understanding of APS and RSA; thus several authors have reviewed the
role of APS and specifically of APL in RSA and stressed the
existence of different subclasses of clinical subsets of RSA in
APS patients. Indeed, intrinsic to the definition of APS is a
dichotomy regarding patients who have multiple (> 3) abortions within the first 10 GWs and those who have at least one
abortion beyond the 10th GW.
Striking evidence of how NK cells behave as pathogenic
effectors in RSA comes from a recent study that suggested the
possible role of NK cells in the pathogenesis of abortive events
in a subpopulation of APS-RSA patients, previously explained in
terms of autoimmune specific reactions (APL-mediated).
aPL may cause pregnancy loss via many mechanisms such
as thrombosis in decidual vessels, platelet activation, increased
expression of adhesion molecules on endometrial cells, and
inhibition of anticoagulants. Furthermore, aPL inhibit human
chorionic gonadotropin secretion by trophoblast cells, prevent
the metalloprotease urokinase from binding to receptors on
the trophoblast and inhibit prostaglandin synthesis by decidual
cells (decidualization), activated placental complement NK
cells, and increase of TNF, IL-1b and IL-6 [7].

thyronine and thyroxine act on migration and proliferation of

dendritic cells, NK cells and T cells. Previous studies suggested
that the measure of peripheral blood NK cell percentage was a
reliable predictor of pregnancy outcome in women with infertility and RSA rather than the measure of NK cell activity. All
these data support the recommendation of assessing peripheral
blood NK cell percentage in the context of female reproductive
failure since it may enhance treatment outcome by delineating
the underlying etiology [10].

NK, thyroid and aPL

Anti-thyroid antibodies and aPL are associated with reduced
fertility, miscarriage and preterm delivery, but the precise
mechanisms by which thyroid antibodies as well as those
against other tissues are suppressed during pregnancy and
often exacerbate after delivery remain obscure. Presumably, the
rapid reduction in immune suppressor functions after delivery leads to the reestablishment and/or exacerbation of these
conditions. Subclinical hypothyroidism of the mother may
impair the course of pregnancy and may disturb the normal
development of the fetus [8,9]. It usually originates from an
underlying autoimmunity, the most common cause of thyroid
dysfunction in pregnancy. Thyroid-stimulating hormone may
act as a direct stimulator of the immune response, and triiodo-

4. Aoki K, Kajiura S, Matsumoto Y, et al. 1995. Preconceptional natural-killercell activity as a predictor of miscarriage. Lancet 1995; 345: 1340-2.


The interactions between NK cell and other autoimmune factors, such as aPS and thyroid, may be associated with impaired
pregnancy, and the modulation in the number of circulating
NK cells is most likely a primary event rather than an active
inflammation/drug administration consequence during an
inflammatory/autoimmune process. Thus, NK cells are key
players in the pathogenesis of RSA. The role of NK cells at
different anatomic sites as well as the role of genetic factors,
especially in terms of response to different stimuli from the
local microenvironment to which NK cells home and become
activated, should be further investigated.
Dr. C. De Carolis
Gynaecology and Obstetrics II, Azienda Ospedaliera San GiovanniAddolorata, Via dell Amba Aradam 9, 00184 Rome, Italy
Phone: (39-067) 705-5657
email: [email protected]

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