Checklist en TU Berlin
Checklist en TU Berlin
Checklist en TU Berlin
for an application
to a masters
program at
TU Berlin
Mailing Address:
Technische Universitt Berlin
IA 1 Graduate Admissions
Strae des 17. Juni 135
D - 10623 Berlin
Tel.: 030 314 29999
Fax: 030 314 28442
I. Application form
Printed and signed uni-assist online application form,
additional to your online-application (for applicants
who have not passed/will not pass their primary
university degree at TU Berlin) (Quick Access: 93893)
Printed and signed application form for direct
applicants at TU Berlin (for applicants who have
passed/will pass their primary university degree at
TU Berlin)
(Quick Access: 93894)
With the following list you can check what documents you
have to submit as hard copies for an application to a masters
program at uni-assist or graduate admissions IA1.
It is only a support for your application. All application
documents have to be submitted as hard copies in the proper
form and in time to uni-assist (additional to your onlineapplication) or graduate admissions IA1. Incomplete
applications will be rejected due to formal reasons.
Please use the Quick Access Codes to find out about the
required documents and the deadlines.
You can find more detailed information on our homepage.
Just enter the mentioned quick access code into the field as
shown below.
Please note:
These documents must be submitted under all
o These documents must only be submitted if the
circumstances apply to you.
(!) Please check point X.