EXPERT LECTURE - Dinesh Vaswani
EXPERT LECTURE - Dinesh Vaswani
EXPERT LECTURE - Dinesh Vaswani
When it comes to disaster management we find that there are several SOPs,
rule books, Acts enacted, plans drawn up, etc. However, each time a crisis
situation develops why is that there are more faux pas to talk about and lessons
learnt to carry back. Interestingly, we still don't learn and the mistakes continue to
be repeated. What is it that is being missed out? The policies, acts, SOPs , etc. do
adequately cover the broader aspects, however, at the basic or field level the
actual working hands have got no organized knowledge to handle every type of
situation. And the only way that every kind of situation can be covered is by
spreading awareness to each and every citizen, further to keep on and on drilling it
till it is understood like the back of one's hand.
It is this "Many a Slip Twixt the Cup and the Lip" that Wing Commander
Dinesh Vaswani would be covering in the expert talk utilizing a large number of
real life situations. The talk covers some basics of Disasters, an insight into Indian
Air Force structure and operations, while providing knowledge on the areas where
mistakes are made and methods to eliminate them....Community Based Disaster