2014 12 11BoardMinutes

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December 11, 2014
6:15 PM
Present: Connie Beyor, Chairperson, Nola Gilbert, Liza Comiskey and Richard Flint.
David Roddy absent from the meeting.
Others Present: Marcel Choquette, Principal, Karen Casavant, Assistant Principal,
Winton Goodrich, Superintendent, Lora McAllister, Assistant Business Manager,
Jerry, Channel 15 Cameraman, Amy Garrity-Parent, Parent and Terry Brace, Head
Connie Beyor called the Meeting to Order at 6:27pm.
Agenda amendments
Define and set the parameters for the Capital Reserve Fund Use.
Approve the minutes of last board meeting
Revise minutes to add the approval of the check warrants at the
last board meeting.
Public Comments:
Amy Garrity Parent expressed concerns about changes at the

would like to continue seeing evidence that promotes a culture of caring

at Highgate Elementary School. She stated that it is very important for the
students to see recognition awards again displayed the school walls. Marcel
Choquette stated that the awards and trophies were replaced after the painting
and cleaning was completed.
Approval of Prior Board Meeting Minutes
Richard Flint moved, seconded by Liza Comiskey, to approve the amended November
20, 2014 minutes. Connie Beyor requested the minutes be revised to include
signing of check warrants at the last board meeting. The board approved the motion
on a 4-0 vote.
Select-Board Tax Cap Discussion:
Connie attended the last Select Board meeting
and told them that the Highgate School Board had not had a full discussion about
the tax cap and was not able to provide a decision at this time. Win explained that
the tax cap resolution is rather ambiguous and did not know if the cap was either
for local school tax rate cap or state school tax rate cap. If the resolution caps
the state tax rate, then the legislature would have to find another revenue source
besides the property tax. The problem is 70% of FNW tax payers pay property tax
rates based on income levels now. The current legislative recommendation is to
increase the state tax rate by 2 cents. Connie stated that the board will remain
mindful of what the community can afford and to present a budget that provides a
good education for a reasonable cost. The board did not take action on the Tax Cap
Financial Report:Lora McAllister is anticipating more revenue from the State
Special Ed reimbursement. Some of the contracted expenses will be shifted to the
Capital Reserve Fund. There is a shift in the transportation cost due to Project
Soar contract. Richard Flint moved, seconded by Liza Comiskey, to accept the
financial report on a 4-0 vote.
Check Warrants:
The board reviewed and tabled the check warrants until after
the executive session.

- Win talked about the elimination of the extended day program at MVU.
MVUs initial goal was to create a Thunder Block for additional time for a
student/teacher advisory period. At the time, it was anticipated there would be no
additional cost to the elementary districts and to MVU. In actuality, research
identified huge additional costs to all the schools and few benefits for MVU
students. Therefore, the Thunder Block has been eliminated for next year; MVU
dismissal time will return to 2:37. The benefit to Highgate will be to reduce the
paraprofessional budget by roughly $30,000. The second benefit is Highgate will
be able use the additional time for teacher professional development. Also, the
after school program will start at 3:00
so students will arrive home earlier.

- Win requested that board members transition to a separate Gmail address
for board business.
The strategic planning forum will be held at MVU on January
from 2:30 to 8:30pm, and will be facilitated by the Vermont Council on Rural
Principals Report:
Marcel reported on the second round of professional development for the Math
Studio initiative. The primary focus is to increase the focus on first instruction for
students. Kyle and Marcel are currently analyzing data from the Math Studios.
The staff will have a holiday party on Dec. 17
at 3:30pm; Marcel invited the board
to come to meet with staff members. The Abbey is having the holiday dinner on
December 18
from 11 to 1pm. The school community partnership, working with
Karen Casavant, has invited seniors from the community to dine at the school.
About 47 seniors have responded that they will be coming for the annual event.

Seventeen parents and grandparents attended the second grade writing event on
December 11th.
Per Board direction, Marcel researched whether parents wanted more information
about standards-based report cards. No parent concerns were expressed.
However, Marcel will develop additional strategies for informing parents about the
report card process.
Next Meeting Dates:
Highgate Board Meeting- January 8th at 6:15pm
Strategic Forum-January 28
at MVU 2:30pm-8:30pm.
Executive Session:
Richard Flint moved, seconded by Liza Comiskey, to enter
executive session at 8:30 pm. The board approved the motion on a 4-0 vote. The
Board invited Marcel Choquette, Becky Hart, Lora McAllister and Win Goodrich.
The board exited executive session at 9:15pm and took no action on contract issues.
The board then directed the superintendent to:
Investigate the Therrien Boiler Co. warranty and bad part,
Research Norm Etkinds recommendations for window replacement and
return on investment.
The Board reviewed physical plant priorities for the budget.
Roof, parking lot, security cameras and windows in brick building.
and 4
grade wing heat loss.
Zero-turn mower/compact tractor bids.

Liza Comiskey moved, seconded by Richard Flint, to enter executive session for
budget and contracts. The board approved the motion 4-0 vote.
Richard Flint will work out haying and garden use of the Highgate 20 acre
field with Jim Messier, Ag Dept. Head at MVU.
Richard Flint moved, seconded by Liza Comiskey, to enter executive session at
9:30pm. Board approved on a 4-0 vote.
The board exited second executive session at 9:50pm. No action taken.
Richard Flint moved, seconded by Liza Comiskey, to approve check warrants. The
board approved the motion on a 4-0 vote.
Connie Beyor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Nola Gilbert
Highgate School Board Clerk

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