Vedic Recitation and Effects On Brain
Vedic Recitation and Effects On Brain
Vedic Recitation and Effects On Brain
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Accepted 8 July 2015
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Cortical thickness
Gray matter density
Diffusion tensor imaging
a b s t r a c t
We studied a group of verbal memory specialists to determine whether intensive oral text memory is
associated with structural features of hippocampal and lateral-temporal regions implicated in language
processing. Professional Vedic Sanskrit Pandits in India train from childhood for around 10 years in an ancient, formalized tradition of oral Sanskrit text memorization and recitation, mastering the exact pronunciation and invariant content of multiple 40,000100,000 word oral texts. We conducted structural analysis
of gray matter density, cortical thickness, local gyrication, and white matter structure, relative to matched
controls. We found massive gray matter density and cortical thickness increases in Pandit brains in
language, memory and visual systems, including i) bilateral lateral temporal cortices and ii) the anterior
cingulate cortex and the hippocampus, regions associated with long and short-term memory. Differences
in hippocampal morphometry matched those previously documented for expert spatial navigators and individuals with good verbal working memory. The ndings provide unique insight into the brain organization implementing formalized oral knowledge systems.
2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A large body of research has established that acquisition of certain
long-term skill sets or knowledge is linked to plasticity in both grey
matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in multiple cortical and subcortical regions (May, 2011; Zatorre et al., 2004). As reviewed by May (2011,
see references within), various expert groups such as sportsmen,
mathematicians, ballet dancers, and professional board-game players
all show particular morphological features that may be related to
learning and plasticity.
Our goal in the current work was to examine the potential impact of
extensive memorization and verbal recital practice on brain plasticity,
as identifying brain regions implicated in these functions can elucidate
the functional capacities of both lateral and medial temporal regions,
as detailed below. To investigate the potential impact of extensive
memorization and verbal recital practice on brain plasticity we recruited a sample group of traditional Sanskrit learnersYajurveda Sanskrit
Panditswho memorize and recite one set of the most ancient Sanskrit
Corresponding author at: Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC), Via delle Regole
101, Mattarello, TN, Italy.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.F. Hartzell).
texts, the Vedas and their subsidiary texts (Vedgas). The Sanskrit
Vedas are late bronze/early iron-age oral texts passed down for over
3000 years in an unbroken tradition in India. They form the core of
the ancient Sanskrit knowledge system, which developed extensive
oral and later written literature in a wide range of traditional subjects
still taught in India's Sanskrit institutions using traditional oral memorization and recitation methods (Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, 2014). Professional Vedic Pandits undergo rigorous training in exact
pronunciation and invariant content of these oral texts for 7 or more
years, with 810 h of daily practice (totaling ~10,080 h over the course
of the initial training), starting in their childhood, and mastering multiple 40,000 to 100,000 word oral texts (compared to ~38,000 in the book
of Genesis). The training methods strongly emphasize traditional faceto-face oral learning, and the Yajurveda recitation practice includes
right hand and arm gestures to mark prosodic elements. After graduation from training, professional Yajurveda Pandits work as teachers or
Vedic priests, with daily recitation reduced to ~3 h.
We note that while the ability of Yajurveda Pandits to perform
large-scale, precise oral memorization and recitation of Vedic
Sanskrit texts may, prima facie, appear extraordinary or bordering
on impossible, textual memorization and recitation are in fact standard
practice in traditional Sanskrit education in India (Rashtriya Sanskrit
1053-8119/ 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
There are today in India around 150,000 students engaged in traditional Sanskrit studies at approximately 5000 government and private institutions (Mishra, 1997; Rashtriya
Sanskrit Sansthan, 2010-2011; Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, 2014; Pathashala, 2014).
The topics (and texts memorized) at these institutions include Sanskrit literature, grammar, law, history, philosophy, astronomy, yoga, logic, and Vedas, subsidiary Vedic disciplines, and Vedic commentary (Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, 2014). There are in addition
some 246 registered Ayurvedic traditional medical colleges in India where some 50,000
students memorize portions of Sanskrit core ("root") medical texts and subsidiary texts
as part of their training (Central Council of Indian Medicine, 2014; Hartzell and Zysk,
1995). Specically for Vedic studies, there are currently an estimated 34,000 Vedic Pandits
in training in both government and non-government traditional Vedic schools (Shastri,
2014; Pathashala, 2014; Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, 2014; Mishra, 1997).
Forty-two male volunteers participated in the study conducted at
the National Brain Research Center in India. Twenty-one professionally
qualied Pandits were recruited from government-supported Vedic
Pandit schools in the greater New Delhi (India) area. They underwent
an extensive semi-structured interview prior to scanning to evaluate
their extent of training, family history, current practice routines, multilingualism, handedness and eye dominance. Professional qualication
constituted demonstrable mastery, i.e. complete memorization and
full recitation ability, of at least the ~ 40,000 word Yajurveda Sahit
text. All Pandits memorized part or all of one or more additional canonical texts (the length of these texts ranged from 1013 to 165,156 words
but we could not quantify precisely how much of these additional texts
was memorized by each Pandit). All began their training at an early age
(M = 12.33, SD = 1.59, range 916), trained full-time for 7 years, for a
total of approximately 10,080 h, and continued training and reciting at
reduced daily hours for additional years (M = 2.38, SD = 2.29, range
08). From the interview reports, we estimated the total practice
hours after competing the training (M = 11,141 h, SD = 27,196,
range 2365129,295). Note that Pandits enter training without any entrance exams, so there is no pre-selection for memory or recital abilities,
and the dropout rate from the study program is only around 5% (Shastri,
2014). Thus, graduating the studies is not indicative of self-selection either prior to or during the studies themselves. Pandits had all either
graduated from or were in the nal year of professional Vedic Pandit
training, and all were self-rated as uent in speaking, reading and
writing Sanskrit. None of the Pandits in our participant group came
from traditional family lineages of reciters (see SI Methods). See
Supplementary Information (SI Methods and SI Table 1) for additional
Pandit demographics and practice specics.
Twenty-one control volunteers were recruited to match the Pandit
population in gender, age (Mpandits = 21.7; SD = 2.8 vs. Mcontrols =
22.8; SD = 3.6, T-test, P = .3) and number of languages spoken
(Mpandits = 3.1; SD = 0.8 vs. Mcontrols = 3.1; SD = 1.3, T-test, P = .9). Participants in the control group were members of India's National Brain
Research Centre community or students from a nearby technical college. All volunteers were right-handed, right-eye dominant, with no
left-handed parent or sibling (Knecht et al., 2000). Multilingualism
and handedness/eye-dominance were assessed by culturally-adapted
Hindi versions of the Penn State Language History Questionnaire (v.2;
Li et al., 2006), and Edinburgh Handedness questionnaire (Oldeld,
1971). (Adaptations and translations by N.C.S., T.N., J.H, and a fourth
native Hindi/English speaker). The protocol was approved by India's
National Brain Research Centre Ethics Committee and all participants
provided written informed consent.
Image acquisition
Two T1-weighted 3D-MPRAGE sequences were acquired for each
participant on a Philips Achieva 3 T scanner with an 8-channel head receive coil (FOV 256 256 176 mm, voxel size 1x1x1mm), TE 3.2 ms,
TR 934 ms, ip angle 9, 176 sagittal-oriented slices, acceleration 2
(sense), total acquisition time 06:49.8. Image quality was evaluated
immediately after each structural acquisition to control for motion effects or other artifacts. The two structural images of each participant
were aligned using FSL's 4.1.8 FLIRT (Jenkinson et al., 2002; Jenkinson
and Smith, 2001), and averaged to increase signal-to-noise ratio.
Image intensity non-uniformities were corrected in AFNI (Cox, 1996).
The resulting mean structural image was used for all subsequent
analyses. Diffusion data were acquired for a subset of 15 Pandits and
15 controls using single-shot EPI during the same MRI session (FOV
256 256 128 mm3, voxel size 2 2 2 mm3), TE 75 ms, TR
8000 ms, ip angle 90, 64 transverse slices, slice thickness 2 mm, fat
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
Fig. 1. Surface projection of areas where Pandits showed greater gray matter density/volume (GM) than controls as indicated by a whole brain Voxel Based Morphometry analysis. Analysis
here and all other analysis corrected for family-wise error at P b .05, using FSL's TFCE cluster-extent correction (see SI Tables 2 and 3 for cluster details).
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
and the right perirhinal cortex (PRC). As shown in Fig. 1 (and see SI
Tables 2 and 3), in the left hemisphere GM differences in the lateral temporal cortex were found in posterior STG, MTG, and ITG, while in the
STP, GM differences were found in the planum temporale (PT), extending into the angular gyrus and supramarginal gyrus in the parietal lobe.
In the cerebellum Pandits showed greater GM than controls in multiple bilateral structures (Fig. 2A), encompassing 34% of the total GM in
the cerebellar template. The cerebellar subregions included both left
and right Crus I, Crus II, V, VI, VIIb, VIIIa, VIIIb, IX and X, as well as several
midline Vermis regions. Greater GM for Pandits was most dominant in
Crus 1 and Crus II, VIIb and VIIIa (the cerebellar cluster regions and relative volume in each cerebellar sub-region for which GM was higher for
Pandits is reported in SI Tables 3 and 4). In subcortical regions, we found
a more heterogeneous result pattern, with Pandits showing greater GM
than controls in a small cluster of the posteromedial right hippocampus
(Fig. 2B), whereas they showed less GM than controls in a large cluster
(62% of subcortical template GM) encompassing the more anterior
portions of the hippocampus bilaterally and bilateral regions of the
amygdala, caudate, nucleus accumbens, putamen and, thalamus (see
Figs. 2C and D, and SI Table 3).
To directly compare our hippocampus results with prior literature
that documented hippocampus-related volume changes in expert spatial navigators (London taxi drivers; Maguire et al., 2000), we isolated
the Pandit N control cluster within the right hippocampus, and also
established its left hemisphere mirror image. In each region we then calculated the mean GM change for Pandits and controls. Following
Fig. 2. Whole-brain VBM results in subcortical and cerebellar regions, overlaid onto the group GM template (left hemisphere on left). (A) Cerebellar subregions where Pandits showed
greater GM than controls include, bilaterally, Crus I, Crus II. V, VI, VIIb, VIIIa, VIIIb, IX and X, as well as several midline Vermis regions (see SI Tables 3 and 4 for details). (B) Pandits showed
greater GM than controls in the right medial posterior hippocampus; blue indicates anatomically-dened hippocampus mask. (C) Bilateral subcortical regions where Pandits showed less
GM than controls: amygdala, caudate, anterior hippocampi, nucleus accumbens, putamen and thalamus. (D) Mean GM values for Pandits and controls for subcortical structures. All results
P b .05, FWE-corrected.
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
Maguire et al (2000), mean GM was also calculated for the anterior aspects of the hippocampus that fell within the large cluster where Pandits showed lower GM than controls. Fig. 3 bears out the greater
density for controls in the anterior hippocampus, which is markedly absent, and even reversed, in the right mid-posterior hippocampus. (Note
that diverging from our analysis, Maguire et al. did not include Age as
covariate in the between-group tests, and doing the same in the current
study revealed even stronger similarities to their ndings; see SI Discussion and SI Fig. 2 for visual comparisons). We then evaluated whether
these conclusions about the hippocampus would hold up if the whole
brain VBM analysis was repeated at different smoothing kernels. The
anterior hippocampal results (Pandits b controls) survived tests at additional FWHM Gaussian smoothing kernels of 2.35 mm, 4.71 mm, and
7.06 mm (sigma of 1, 2 and 3, respectively), while the right posterior
hippocampus result (Pandits N controls) survived at the additional
Gaussian kernel of 7.06 mm (sigma 3). We also conducted a whole
brain analysis within the Pandit group to test whether GM density correlated with Start Age or with total post-training hours of Pandit recitation practice (OPHTC), both with Age and total brain Volume as
covariates. We found no signicant correlations.
better study hippocampal differences between the groups. Both analyses considered the hippocampus as a region of interest, and examined
VBM and local-volume changes in a more circumscribed manner. The
implementation details of these analyses are described in the Methods.
In brief, in both analyses we used accurate hippocampal segmentations
in original space, obtained from FSL's automatic subcortical segmentation (FIRST; Patenaude et al., 2011), which were then further manually
annotated. For the VBM analysis we implemented a high-resolution
alignment to common space, optimized for subcortical structures. We
used the Jacobians of the deformation to common space in order to
modulate intensity values within each person's hippocampus. For the
local-volume analysis we implemented a procedure similar to FSL
FIRST's vertex-based subcortical shape analysis. This analysis was
based on 3 main steps: i) aligning participants' hippocampi to common
space, ii) producing a consensus shape of hippocampal areas where
participants overlapped, and iii) quantifying, for each point on the consensus shape's boundary, its distance to the nearest boundary of each
person's hippocampus. (This analysis is identical to FSL FIRST's vertexwise local distance calculations, but uses boundaries in voxel space rather than derived 2D meshes). Using this procedure we could determine,
for each point on the consensus shape boundary, whether the two
groups differed in local volume. In contrast to VBM, this analysis is immune to any spatial smoothing effects, and reects strictly local volume
The hippocampal-optimized VBM procedure indicated a large portion of the posterior-middle right HF where Pandits had greater GM
than controls (see Fig. 4, and see Supplementary Table 7 for cluster specics). The volume of this region formed between 73 and 98% of the hippocampal mask (depending on smoothing kernel; FWHM 2.35 mm =
73%, FWHM 4.71 mm = 80%, FWHM 7.06 mm = 92%, FWHM
9.42 mm = 98%; note that smoothing was implemented only within
the hippocampal mask, thus obviating effects of nearby regions). At
larger smoothing kernels (7.06 mm and 9.42 mm), we also found a cluster in the left posterior hippocampus where Pandits had greater GM
than controls.
The hippocampal shape analysis revealed a portion of the right midanterior hippocampus with greater volume for the control group (see
Inline Supplementary Figure S2). We then tested, within the Pandit
group, whether hippocampal GM density or shape correlated with Pandit Start Age or with total post-training hours of recitation practice
(OPHTC), both adjusted for Age and total brain Volume as covariates.
We found no signicant correlations.
Inline Supplementary Fig. S2 can be found online at
Hippocampus-focused analyses
Given that the hippocampal data in the whole-brain analysis may reect the impact of imperfect alignment or smoothing of data from outside the hippocampus, we implemented two additional analyses to
Fig. 3. Gray matter differences in hippocampi as indicated by a Whole Brain Voxel Based
Morphometry analysis. Pandits showed less gray matter than controls in bilateral anterior
hippocampal formation (left) and more gray matter than controls in a right middle-posterior
hippocampal formation cluster (right). * = P b .05, *** = P b .001.
Fig. 4. Hippocampal region-of-interest analysis: areas within the right and left hippocampi where Pandits showed greater GM than controls. In addition to the whole brain analysis, we
conducted a region-of-interest analysis using subcortex-optimized nonlinear alignment to MNI152 T1 1 mm common space. Greater GM density for Pandits was found in the mid-posterior
right hippocampus, independent of spatial smoothing kernel. Greater GM density for Pandits was found in the posterior left hippocampus, but only when using 7.06 and 9.42 mm smoothing
kernels. Statistical maps for both right and left hippocampus shown at 7.06 mm smoothing kernel, overlaid on MNI152-T1 1 mm template.
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
right occipito-temporal gyrus (OTG) and in the left rostral ACC extending into dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. Fig. 5 presents these regions as
identied by two analyses, using two single voxel thresholds to identify
both less localized clusters where all voxels passed the P b .05 threshold,
and more highly localized clusters where all voxels passed a threshold
of P b .005. We conducted a whole brain analysis to test, within the
Pandit group, whether CT correlated with Start Age or total posttraining hours of recitation practice (OPHTC), adjusted for Age as covariate. We found no signicant correlations.
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
Fig. 7. Axial slices showing clusters (in green) where Pandits showed greater fractional anisotropy than controls, The statistical fractional anisotropy map (green) is overlaid on an MNI
template, and shown alongside areas of the mPFC/ACC where Pandits showed greater GM than controls in the whole-brain analysis (red-orange), P b 0.05, FWE-corrected using Threshold
Free Cluster Enhancement. Left hemisphere shown on left.
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
could reect the fact that the Pandits' memorization, recall and production of oral language content does not require putting ideas into words
de novo, and so does not engage this particular use of these frontal regions that have been implicated in higher level language processing
through studies typically not involving recited speech. Follow-up functional studies will be useful for clarifying the functional contribution of
these temporal-parietal structural differences to the Pandits' verbal recitation practices.
Pandit GM cerebellar differences were found in regions involved in
cortico-cerebellar networks subserving language and memory (Marien
et al., 2014), and executive function (Stoodley, 2012), and in which
GM increases have been correlated with factors relevant to Vedic recitation: e.g. skilled hand movements with Vermis VI/VIIb (Di Paola et al.,
2013) and bilingual semantic and phonemic uency in left Crus II
(Grogan et al., 2009). The large volume of Sanskrit memorized and recited by the Pandits, and their mastery of Sanskrit's complex morphology
(Whitney, 1924) and semantics (Apte, 1890) may also contribute to the
large increase in Pandit cerebellar GM (1/3rd of total cerebellar GM), a
nding considerably larger than previously reported in cerebellar morphology analyses.
Visual system
Increased GM and CT in Pandits' visual/visual-association cortices
may relate to their traditional multi-year training regimen that consists
of close face-to-face oral instruction and repetition (including one-onone training) and synchronized recitation gestures. Alternatively, or additionally, it may reect the type of cross-modal plasticity and enhanced
function previously documented in the visually impaired, such as ultrafast speech comprehension and exceptional spatial acoustic cue detection in blind (Dietrich et al., 2013; Voss et al., 2004). One possibility,
which necessitates further functional neuroimaging investigations, is
that occipital regions are recruited to aid the extensive oral languagerelated computations performed by Pandits; these regions have been
shown to have the potential for rapid functional plasticity even in
healthy subjects (Merabet et al., 2008).
WM structural differences
The WM tracts crossing through the Pandit FA clusters have been
implicated in language processing. Increased FA in left forceps minor,
genus of the corpus callosum, anterior thalamic radiation (ATR), and anterior corona radiata has been linked to mathematical ability (NavasSanchez et al., 2014), while stutterers have decreased FA in the forceps
minor (Beal et al., 2013; Civier et al., 2015). Lesion studies have implicated left inferior frontal-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), left ATR, and left
uncinate fasciculus (UF) in semantic processing (Han et al., 2013) and
uency (Almairac et al., in press), while in healthy participants left
IFOF and UF are both prominently involved in amodal (domain general)
semantic memory (de Zubicaray et al., 2011). As shown in Fig. 7, the FA
clusters border the CT/GM Pandit increases in the mPFC/ACC, suggesting
they may also be related to those structural differences.
Convergence and divergence between morphometric measures
The different measures we used provided convergent information
regarding changes in several brain regions, but several also identied
unique change patterns. The VBM results highlighted extensive differences in bilateral temporal regions, vmPFC and lateral occipital regions,
and the CT ndings documented similar changes in vmPFC, the right lateral temporal regions and right occipito-temporal regions, though less
extensively than VBM. However, the right temporal pole areas identied by the CT analysis were not identied by VBM, and conversely, occipital and posterior midline regions identied by VBM were not
identied by CT. With respect to FA ndings, there was a good overlap
between the diffusion results and the mPFC/ACC cluster identied in
both the CT and VBM analysis. Finally, within the clusters showing LGI
changes, we did not nd any changes in CT.
While it is interesting to nd convergence in some aspects of the results, it is important to note that prior work suggests that VBM, CT and
LGI target at least partially different organizational aspects of structural
morphometry. We rst address the relation between VBM and CT.
Whereas CT, as implemented in FreeSurfer, loads strictly on the local
cortical thickness, FSL's VBM analysis, which includes modulation by
the Jacobian to account for stretching and compression, reects (based
on GM probability metrics from the GM segmentation step) a combination of thickness, surface area and differences in folding. For this reason
VBM has sometimes been interpreted as measuring overall local volume (Hutton et al., 2009). Prior studies that have used both VBM and
CT to study a single dataset show their divergent, rather than strictly
convergent nature. Blankstein et al. (2009), Voets et al. (2008), and
Bermudez et al (2009) are good examples of such work. Voets et al.,
who compared VBM and surface-based morphometry (SBM), concluded that, VBM-style approaches are sensitive to a combination of cortical
thickness, surface area and shape measures. SBM, on the other hand,
uses an explicit model of the neocortex, offering independent measures
of thickness, surface area and folding patterns. Thus, areas of signicant
difference in VBM GM density may be found without a corresponding
change in SBM-derived cortical thickness (Voets et al., p. 667).
Formal attempts at relating VBM and CT have been only moderately
successful. Voets et al. (2008) tried examining the Jacobian of the warp
eld, or dividing CT by change in metric distortion on the vertex wise
level, but these did not account well for the divergence between VBM
and CT. Palaniyappan and Liddle (2012) used a region of interest analysis
and found that between-group differences in VBM data were only moderately mediated by different surface morphometry features such as CT,
LGI and surface area: a large proportion of VBM-related variance (between 36% and 80%) was not accounted for by these surface measures.
Furthermore, depending on brain region, different surface features
accounted for the between-group VBM differences. VBM and surface
measures therefore appear to target partially different aspects of brain
morphometry; this may have to do with the fact that these measures
are related to separate genetic traits (e.g., Winkler et al., 2010).
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
With respect to LGI and CT, while one might expect that the two
measures would generally be negatively correlated, this relationship appears modest, and also varies spatially. As part of their study, Hogstrom
et al. (2013) examined the relationship between LGI, and CT. While
there was a negative relation between LGI and CT in all lobes, it was relatively weak (0.17 b R b 0.08), with signicant correlations limited
to medial prefrontal cortex, superior frontal gyrus, and precuneus. In all,
prior work highlights the utility of using multiple measures for understanding changes to different facets of brain morphometry, and our current ndings are largely consistent with the import of that body of work.
Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),
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Please cite this article as: Hartzell, J.F., et al., Brains of verbal memory specialists show anatomical differences in language, memory and visual
systems, NeuroImage (2015),