Case Study ON: Risk Analysis and Management
Case Study ON: Risk Analysis and Management
Case Study ON: Risk Analysis and Management
[ SY.BSc IT ]
Vishnu Waman Thakur Charitable Trust’s
College Of Arts, Commerce and Science
This is to Certify That NISHANT NAIR OF
S.Y.Bsc. (IT) Class Has Satisfactory completed the
case study on Risk Analysis and Management for
the year 2008-09
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Date: College
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Some general questions in our mind
What is it?
Risk analysis and management are a series of steps that help a
software team to understand and manage uncertainty. Many
problems can plague a software project. A risk is a potential
problem—it might happen, it might not. But, regardless of the
outcome, it’s a really good idea to identify it, assess its probability
of occurrence, estimate its impact, and establish a contingency plan
should the problem actually occur.
Why is it important?
Think about the Boy Scout motto: “Be prepared.” Software is a
difficult undertaking Lots of things can go wrong, and frankly, many
often do. It’s for this reason that being prepared understanding the
risks and taking proactive measures to avoid or manage them is a
key element of good software project management.
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Uncertainty — the risk may or may not happen; that is, there are no
100% probable risks.
Loss — if the risk becomes a reality, unwanted consequences or
losses will occur.
When risks are analyzed, it is important to quantify the level of
uncertainty and the degree of loss associated with each risk. To
accomplish this, different categories of risks are considered.
Project risks threaten the project plan. That is, if project risks
become real, it is likely that project schedule will slip and that costs
will increase. Project risks identify potential budgetary, schedule,
personnel (staffing and organization), resource, customer, and
requirements problems and their impact on a software project.
Technical risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the software
to be produced. If a technical risk becomes a reality, implementation
may become difficult or impossible. Technical risks identify
potential design, implementation, interface, verification, and
maintenance problems. In addition, specification ambiguity,
technical uncertainty, technical obsolescence, and "leading-edge"
technology are also risk factors. Technical risks occur because the
problem is harder to solve than we thought it would be.
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Business risks threaten the viability of the software to be built.
Business risks often jeopardize the project or the product.
Candidates for the top five business risks are:
Building a excellent product or system that no one really
wants (market risk).
Building a product that no longer fits into the overall
business strategy for the company (strategic risk).
Building a product that the sales force doesn't
understand how to sell.
Losing the support of senior management due to a
change in focus or change in people (management risk).
Losing budgetary or personnel commitment (budget
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Risk identification is a systematic attempt to specify threats to
the project plan (estimates, schedule, resource loading, etc.). By
identifying known and predictable risks, the project manager takes a
first step toward avoiding them when possible and controlling them
when necessary.
There are two distinct types of risks for each of the categories
that are generic risks and product-specific risks. Generic risks are a
potential threat to every software project. Product-specific risks can
be identified only by those with a clear understanding of the
technology, the people, and the environment that is specific to the
project at hand. To identify product-specific risks, the project plan
and the software statement of scope are examined and an answer to
the following question is developed: "What special characteristics of
this product may threaten our project plan?"
One method for identifying risks is to create a risk item
checklist. The checklist can be used for risk identification and
focuses on some subset of known and predictable risks in the
following generic subcategories:
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Business impact—risks associated with constraints imposed by
management or the marketplace.
The U.S. Air Force has written a pamphlet that contains excellent
guidelines for software risk identification and abatement. The Air
Force approach requires that the project manager identify the risk
drivers that affect software risk components performance, cost,
support, and schedule. In the context of this discussion, the risk
components are defined in the following manner:
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Cost risk—the degree of uncertainty that the project budget
will be maintained.
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estimate the impact of the risk on the project and the product,
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Developing a Risk Table
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A project team begins by listing all risks (no matter how
remote) in the first column of the table. This can be accomplished
with the help of the risk item checklists referenced in Section Risk
identification. Each risk is categorized in the second column
(e.g., PS implies a project size risk, BU implies a business risk). The
probability of occurrence of each risk is entered in the next column
of the table. The probability value for each risk can be estimated by
team members individually. Individual team members are polled in
round-robin fashion until their assessment of risk probability begins
to converge.
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Next, the impact of each risk is assessed. Each risk component
is assessed using the characterization presented in Figure Impact
assessment, and an impact category is determined. The
categories for each of the four risk components performance,
support, cost, and schedule are averaged3 to determine an overall
impact value.
Once the first four columns of the risk table have been
completed, the table is sorted by probability and by impact. High-
probability, high-impact risks percolate to the top of the table, and
low-probability risks drop to the bottom. This accomplishes first-
order risk prioritization.
The project manager studies the resultant sorted table and
defines a cutoff line. The cutoff line (drawn horizontally at some
point in the table) implies that only risks that lie above the line will
be given further attention. Risks that fall below the line are re-
evaluated to accomplish second-order prioritization. Referring to
Figure above, risk impact and probability have a distinct influence
on management concern. A risk fac tor that has a high impact but a
very low probability of occurrence should not absorb a significant
amount of management time. However, high-impact risks with
moderate to high probability and low-impact risks with high
probability should be carried forward into the risk analysis steps that
All risks that lie above the cutoff line must be managed. The
column labeled RMMM contains a pointer into a Risk Mitigation,
Monitoring and Management Plan or alternatively, a collection of
risk information sheets developed for all risks that lie above the
cutoff. The RMMM plan and risk information sheets are discussed
in Risk Refinement and Risk Mitigation.
Risk probability can be determined by making individual
estimates and then developing a single consensus value. Although
that approach is workable, more sophisticated techniques for
determining risk probability have been developed. Risk drivers can
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be assessed on a qualitative probability scale that has the following
values: impossible, improbable, probable, and frequent.
Mathematical probability can then be associated with each
qualitative value (e.g., a probability of 0.7 to 1.0 implies a highly
probable risk).
Using the CTC format for the reuse risk noted in Section 6.4.2, we
can write:
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Given that all reusable software components must conform to
specific design standards and that some do not conform, then there
is concern that (possibly) only 70 percent of the planned reusable
modules may actually be integrated into the as-built system,
resulting in the need to custom engineer the remaining 30 percent of
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All of the risk analysis activities presented to this point have a single
goal—to assist the project team in developing a strategy for dealing
with risk. An effective strategy must consider three issues:
Risk avoidance
Risk monitoring
Mitigate those causes that are under our control before the
Conduct peer reviews of all work (so that more than one
person is "up to speed”).
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As the project proceeds, risk monitoring activities commence. The
project manager monitors factors that may provide an indication of
whether the risk is becoming more or less likely. In the case of high
staff turnover, the following factors can be monitored:
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Risk Information sheet
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1. Software Engineering
-by R. Pressman
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