Relating To Isvara
Relating To Isvara
Relating To Isvara
From a series of talks given by Swami Dayananda in Surat, India in February, 1994. Published in the 9th
Anniversary Souvenir of Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Oct 1995.
relationship between energy and matter. An equation does not really exist in
some definite place. It exists only in the head of a person to help him
Therefore, they are not the total authors of your body. There is a creator
beyond comprehension. This creator has the knowledge, the skill to put
together any creation, but also seems to have the material needed for
creating. Can this intelligent being, the creator, also be another person
sitting in the corner of the universe creating this creation? Such a concept of
varas heavenly existence comes from not inquiring into cause and effect
relationships properly.
appreciating an intelligent cause, like a pot maker for a pot. So a pot maker
is understood simple because there is a pot. Then, naturally you also have to
appreciate that a pot maker has the skill to make a pot, and unless he has
some material, the pot cannot come into existence. Therefore the material
cause is as important as the knowledgeable maker. So we find in every
creation there are two causes. One is the maker and the other is the material.
A pot maker needs the appropriate material to create a pot, so there should
also be appropriate material for vara.
material? The pot maker finds material in the creation, but vara has to find
the material in himself. In fact, vara is the material. Then only can vara
create. When we look at how material relates to other products, we find that
where there is pot there is clay, where there is a shirt there is fabric, where
there is a chain there is gold. Therefore, where there is jagat there is vara.
vara can be without jagat creation, like clay can be without pot. But pot
cannot be without clay. That is why vara can be without jagat, but jagat
cannot be without being Bhagavan. vara is the knower of all knowledge.
So the whole of jagat is nothing but a manifestation of vara, who is all
knowledge. All knowledge in vara manifests in the form of jagat. That is
When a person commits a crime he offsets the order, but if that person had a
different background, perhaps he would not have committed the crime at all.
Even someone who has done harm to you and if you know the persons old
problems or adverse background, you can understand his limitations and
release your hurt. That is within the order. When you understand the order,
then only you can be free from the hurt of that person. As long as you hold
on for revenge, you will not be free of the hurt. We are also blessed with the
ability to put things in the right order. So, how do I find this right order? I
first recognize the Lord in the form of knowledge. Knowledge is in the form
of order. I dont rub against this order. Then you find you are relating to
vara, because vara is objectivity. vara is order. When I offer no
resistance to the rules of vara, to the presence of vara, I find myself
relating to vara. When there is an absence of resistance on my part, that is
when I reveal that the Lord rules outside and he rules inside also. When I
discover the Lord in and through everything, the difference between I, jagat
creation, and vara becomes too thin and disappears. This is all in the
wake of knowledge. Therefore, being aware of vara is essentially relating
to vara.