John Austin (1790-1859) The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (1832)
John Austin (1790-1859) The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (1832)
John Austin (1790-1859) The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (1832)
Lecture I
True LAW then = a command (law is a subset of all commands) coupled with
an evil to be done if the command be disregarded.
Lecture I (cont.)
Law, then requires a command and a sanction. Rewards create rights, but
are not law in the strict sense.
Commands are
A wish or desire conceived by a rationale being that another do or
forebear from doing particular act(s).
A sanction or evil from the superior to the inferior for non- compliance.
Expression of the wish from the superior to the inferior.
Lecture I (cont.)
Lecture I (cont.)
Lecture II
Word of God
Prophets, etc.
How to test the utility of an act? Test the probable effect on general
happiness of the effects of many such acts.
If to the good, it is Gods law, and we should punish its violation. Why?
Lecture III
If Divine Law must be gathered from utility, how can we know them fully and
correctly? Generally we cannot.
Absurdity God has given us laws to obey which no one can know fully and
These are then positive morality Gods Laws are really rules of (assumed)
authority, testimony, or trust.
Too many who postulate Divine law in this way have been advocates of a
particular position rather than disinterested inquirers or observers.