PHP Exercises 2013

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470 IAP 2013

PHP Exercises
Here are some exercises on PHP. The first two are simply to get you used to the syntax of PHP,
and the last three go over many server-side programming issues that you will encounter
frequently. Each exercise tells you when you should be able to successfully complete the
exercise. If you encounter problems, our best suggestion is to first look at lecture notes, and then
consult the PHP manual at
In the first two exercises, you are asked to write a function first. You can check yourself by
calling the function in the script after it is declared. If the file is named filename.php, simply type
php filename.php on an Athena or Mac OSX terminal, and observe the output. For example:
The file hello.php:
function hello() {
echo hello;
On the terminal:
$ php hello.php
Afterwards, you will need to use the function, in conjunction with other code and HTML, to get
the desired output on a webpage.

Exercise 1: Charlie bit my finger! (after lecture 3)

Part 1: Charlie will bite your finger exactly 50% of the time. First, write a function
isBitten() that returns TRUE with 50% probability, and FALSE otherwise.
Hint: You may find the rand() function useful.
Part 2: Below the function, write code to generate a webpage that displays Charlie bit your
finger! or Charlie did not bite your finger! using the isBitten() function.

Exercise 2: Counting words (after lecture 6)

Part 1: Write a function countWords($str) that takes any string of characters and finds the
number of times each word occurs. You should ignore the distinction between capital and
lowercase letters, and do not have to worry about dealing with characters that are not letters.
Hint: Create an associative array mapping word keys to the number of times they occur. You will
need to look at PHP's string functions to split a sentence into words.
Hint 2: The print_r($array_name) function is useful for examining the contents of an
Part 2: In the same file, write a form consisting of a single text field and a submit button. The
action attribute to the form should be the same page that the form is on (dont hard code, use
$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]). The form should send the contents of the text field via GET.
Upon submitting the form, you should be redirected to the same page, but the URL should
contain the string from the text field as a GET request normally behaves.
Side note: Prevent security vulnerabilities with $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]. For more
information, take a look here:
Part 3: Check for the existence of a GET request. If a GET request exists with the name of the
input field that you made in Part 2, run the contents of the request through your
countWords($str) function. Take the output array of the function, and display an HTML
table of words and the number of times they occur. Make the table sorted by decreasing number
of occurrences.

Exercise 3: Register and login (after lecture 10)

In this exercise, you will implement a basic registration and login system, without worrying
about any styling issues. You will get practice with forms, sending requests, and working with a
MySQL database.
This is a relatively long exercise. Much of the code from the last example in the PHP: MySQL
lecture is applicable here, although you will be making a few critical improvements. You should
review the code presented in the video lectures if you get stuck, but make sure write your own
code from scratch to make sure you understand how forms, PHP, and databases interact.
In parts 2-3, the behavior of your page depends on whether a POST request exists. Basically,
you're sending the form to the same PHP file that originally generated the form. Thus, your PHP
files need to detect the existence of values in the $_POST array, and respond accordingly.
Part 1: Make the database connection
Write a PHP file that can be added to other PHP files using the include or require
functions. This file should:
Make a connection to a MySQL database, and log in with valid credentials. The
connection resource should be stored in a variable with an appropriate name.
Create a database 6470 if it does not exist.
Select the 6470 database.
Create a table 6470exerciseusers if it does not exist with the following fields:
The USERNAME field should be designated as UNIQUE.
If any of these operations cause an error, stop execution and print the error message
Part 2: Write the registration form
Note that all of this part should be done in the same PHP file. The script should respond
differently depending on the situation (whether a POST request exists, whether the username is
already taken, etc.).
Write a PHP file that will output a form containing 3 fields: username, password, and phone
number. These fields should be sent via POST to the same file, which should take care of
inserting them into a database named 6470 and table named 6470exerciseusers (as shown above),
and then confirm the registration by displaying the username and phone number back to the
If the username already exists, your INSERT query should fail if you designated the
USERNAME field as unique. You should query the database before attempting the insert, and if
the username exists already, display an error message and a blank registration form again.

Note that the PASSWORD field assumes that you are storing a hex-string representation of a
SHA-1 hash of the password. As explained in the lectures, you should never store passwords in
plaintext. There are more secure ways of storing the password. If you choose to use a different
method, the PASSWORD_HASH field of the table may no longer be CHAR(40) and you should
change it as appropriate.
Remember to properly escape user input before making the database query.
Part 3: Write the login form
Write a PHP file that will output a form containing 2 fields: username and password. Upon
submission of the form, the code should check against the database to see whether the usernamepassword pair was correct. If so, display a welcome message. If not, display the message
Invalid username or password followed by the same login form.
Once again, there should only be one PHP file, and you should redirect to the same place after
submitting. The output should be one of three options:
1. The login form.
2. The welcome message, if successful login.
3. The invalid message and the login form, if failed login.
Since we havent implemented cookies or sessions, if you successfully log in, visiting the page
again (or refreshing without resending POST data) should put you back to the login form, as if
you are not logged in. This is fine for now. We will fix this when we deal with session variables.

Exercise 4: I lost my password! (after lecture 10)

This exercise is a continuation of the previous exercise, implementing more features than a
simple register and login process.
As with the previous exercise, each part should be in a single PHP file. The script should
respond accordingly to the situation, but forms should redirect to the same page.
Part 1: Write the reset password form
Write a form to allow a user to reset their password with their username and phone number. If
the username and phone number match entries in the database, you should generate a random
string as a password (make it of reasonable length, alphanumeric), inform the user of the random
string generated, and make appropriate changes in the database. Remember that the database
stores the hashed version of the password.
If the username and phone number combination does not exist, inform the user of the failure to
reset the password, and display the reset form below the message.
Part 2: Write the change password form
Write a form to allow a user to change their password. It should take 3 fields: the username,
current password, and new password. When the form is submitted, the code should make
appropriate checks against the database, and if the username and password are correct, modify
the entry to reflect the change in password. The user should receive a message that informs them
of the successful password change. Remember that the database stores the hash of the password.
If the username and current password combination is not correct, the password should not be
changed. Inform the user of the failure to change the password, and display the change password
form below the message.

Exercise 5: Remembering things (after lecture 10)

This exercise is a continuation of the previous two, and deals specifically with sessions and
cookies. Recall the differences between the two, including where the information is stored and
how long the information persists. To refresh yourself on these topics, take a look at lecture 9,
the slides used in the presentations, or a tutorial on these topics.
In this exercise, start with your code from Exercise 4. We will build upon it.
Part 1: Keep me logged in!
Starting with the login form in Exercise 4, add the following:
A successful login should set some session variable so that the server knows that the user
is logged in. For example, set $_SESSION[loggedin] to be TRUE.
When the page is loaded, check the session variable. If the user is logged in, display the
welcome message instead of the login form.
Add a Log Out button to the welcome message that, when clicked, removes the session
variable so that the user is logged out. Clicking the button should redirect the user to the
same page, which now shows a login form.
This behavior should be consistent with the lifetime of sessions. That is, the user should stay
logged in despite refreshing and opening the same page in multiple tabs, but should be logged
out once the browser is closed.
Part 2: Remember me!
Add a Remember me! checkbox to the login form. If the box is checked and the login is
successful, save a cookie that identifies the user to the server. On further visits to the page, the
user should appear logged in, even if the browser has been closed.
You may choose a reasonable expiration time for the cookie. Remember also that if the user
manually logs out by clicking the Log Out button that the cookie should be deleted (set the
expiration to be some time in the past).
There are many (wrong) insecure ways to do this, such as simply saving a cookie with the
username that will achieve the desired behavior. If you are looking to make the system more
secure, Ill refer you to Charles Millers Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice guide here:

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