The Wayland News August 2015
The Wayland News August 2015
The Wayland News August 2015
Front left: Jan Godfrey, Chair of Trustees Wayland Partnership, with the Rev'd Gerry Foster Vicar front right and behind Church
Wardens and some members of St. Mary's Church Watton
St. Marys Church Watton invites you to
join in the sponsorship of the organ. This is
one of the fundraising initiatives in 2015
for the refurbishment of our organ.
We are but custodians of our heritage and
treasures, it is up to us to preserve and
maintain them for future generations using
our wonderful church. Our organ is not
only used to lead the worship at our
services but to hear a pipe organ at a
wedding adds to the joy of the occasion, at
our Civic services it adds to the ceremony
and comforts the mourners at sad times too.
It also brings back special memories of
childhood hymn singing with impromptu
gatherings and is a musical treat for
concerts and recitals.
Saham Fundraiser
St Marys Church
Watton Open
August 2015
Listen very
carefully, I shall
say this only once
Edith and Rene or should I say Rita and Keith? From the Groups first show.
Tickets for 'Allo 'Allo are on sale
from Mullenger & Co, 18 High
Street, Watton 01953 883474 from
1st August. It promises to be the
best evening's entertainment you can
Magical Tour
Baffles Guests
Guests at the recent Inner Wheel Birthday
Supper watched in mystified amazement as
the Speaker for the evening, Bishop Peter
Fox, took them on an illustrated Magical
demonstrations of many traditional tricks.
About 60 people attended the event held in
Queens Hall to mark the 34th
Anniversary of the formation of the Inner
Wheel Club of Watton. President Brenda
Davis welcomed the guests especially
District Chairman, Yvonne Eaton, and
Rotary President, Francis Ulrych and his
wife, Diane, and members from various
Clubs in District 8 some of whom had
travelled long distances to attend. There
August 2015
A Quick Look
Well here we are in August and the
same old arguments about the same
old subjects are still being conducted
by our leaders, though it is impossible
for us at ground level to decide who
is right or wrong, since we are never
privy to the real facts.
For instance - energy. Should we rely
on wind, waves or sunshine to generate
our electricity, or should we build
nuclear power stations or coal-fired
ones ?
Each one of these methods is supported
by various factions, but unfortunately
their reasonings are tainted by vested
interests, so that we, the consumers,
never get the full picture.
And the EU. Those who recommend
that we leave give us facts and figures
to support their cause that seem to be un
-answerable, but then we hear from
others who make it abundantly clear
that life outside the EU would be
Since both sides of the dispute come
from people who are respected leaders
of finance and trade, and thus must
know what they are talking about, how
can we be expected to make a reasoned
judgement, should the proposed
referendum ever take place ?
Another argument that has been ongoing for years is that of where to build
a new run-way to relieve our crowded
airports. Luckily we in Norfolk arent
too closely involved, and it is a bit of
good news for those who live around
Stansted that, at least for now, the threat
to expand centres on Heathrow and
Gatwick. But some might have the view
that enough is enough, and they should
make do with what theyve got. After
all, if you wish to visit a theatre and find
that all seats have been booked, you
have to accept that the venue is limited
and there is no room for you, and it is
not possible for the management to
extend the premises. The same could
apply to airports. Yes, there might be
profits that might be missed, but
expansions cannot go on for ever.
Rather a lot has been made of a chap
being fined for not moving out of the
middle lane on a motorway, and
everyone knows that such behaviour
can cause annoyance, but this could be
avoided if we were allowed to overtake
on the inside, where necessary, as in
some other countries.
But there are plenty of traffic rules that
are regularly disobeyed solely because
there are insufficient police patrols,
though of course that is no excuse for
bad driving habits.
A few weeks ago it was rather amusing
to read that Alan Titchmarsh had run
into trouble for having referred to
bastard digging, which was a
traditional term in gardening circles, for
it seemed that one or two complaints
had been received from sensitive
members of the public. The B.B.C. later
said that it would have been acceptable
had the remark been made after the nine
p.m. watershed. Presumably it is
assumed that children who are up at
8.55 will be contaminated by such
language, so heaven forbid what the
affect would be on them if they were
allowed to stay up a few more minutes
to watch the start of Mock the Week .
On the subject of setting good
examples, I must mention the apparent
lowering of standards in the national
press in recent times, for rarely a day
passes without some minor errors
occurring in my daily paper.
Fortunately they are not usually
grammatical ones, and are probably due
to correspondents submitting
their articles on-line, so that the
checking by sub-editors is no
longer in vogue. This is a pity,
for if we wish our youngsters
to formulate letters correctly,
the press should continue to set
an example.
The well-worn argument about
Fox Hunting is about to come
up for review, but some MPs
are bemoaning the fact that a
free vote will not be allowed,
each member being required to
toe the party line. This brings
up the question as to why free
votes should not be allowed on
ALL matters, since only then
can a citizen rely on his elected
member voting in the way his
constituents desire, which does
not always coincide with party
In our local papers lately
housing commands a sizeable
portion of the topics aired, and
numerous pages are devoted to
house sales and many articles
are written about the most
desirable properties, many of
which are said to be the result
of many years of careful
improvement in order to make Rosemary and Peter Sharman Celebrated their Diamond
them what the writers call their Wedding anniversary on the 9th July and would like to
dream house. Yet, after all thank all their family and friends for their good wishes
the work, and the end product and flowers.
being exactly what they have
been aiming for, the house is up for
sale ! If I managed to complete a dream
house, I would want to keep it.
At the time of writing these notes it has
been announced that shops are to be
allowed to open for longer hours on
Sundays. In some ways this seems a
pity, as tradition has always demanded
St Marys Church, Watton Organ
that the Sabbath be held as a bit
Refurbishment Fundraising Event
different to the rest of the week, but if
To raise funds for the refurbishment of St
traders wish to operate on Sundays,
Marys Organ, the Organ Refurbishment
then there is no real reason why they
Committee are organising an Auction of
shouldnt, for anyone who doesnt
Promises and Goods to be held on October 17th
agree is not obliged to visit their stores,
at 7pm. The organ is in need of substantial
while there are those whose working
renovation and is so much part of our activities
week does not allow them other days in
at St Marys and for the town of Watton, be it
which to shop.
for Sunday Services, Weddings, Funerals, Civic
What a difference there is to those
Services or Concerts.
This event is the
days, not so long ago, when whole
penultimate fund raising activity we will be
towns seemed dead on a Sunday, and
undertaking for the refurbishment of our organ.
it was impossible to get anything to
Fundraising started in 2013 and to date we have
eat, even in public houses, apart from
raised 16,000. However total funds needed are
a packet of crisps.
37,000 plus VAT and we will also be applying
It seems that despite the development
for grants to help us achieve our target.
of the mobile phone industry, there
We are looking for all sorts of pledges, from
are still many parts of the country that
restaurant meals, hairdos, beauty treatments, the
have poor service, and planning
use of a holiday cottage, an afternoon helping
permission is now to be given to more
someone in the garden, fetching someones
higher masts to facilitate better
shopping for them, or doing their ironing, a
bouquet of flowers or a days field sports. The
Of course this has resulted in protests
list is endless. We will also be appealing for
from folks who think that this will
donations of items to auction off during the
further the desecration of the
evening, however these should be easily
countryside. While none of us wishes
moveable (ie a case or bottle of wine/
to see further blots on the landscape,
champagne, a box of chocolates, new electrical
these new masts will hardly rival the
items etc.)
current objects of hate, the batches of
The evening will be held in St Marys Church
wind turbines, and will soon blend
with a very experienced and respected
into the natural scene and will soon
Auctioneer and will be advertised extensively.
no longer be any source of
Tickets for the event will be 3 which will
annoyance, while allowing the
include a glass of wine or soft drink with
previously deprived members of the
nibbles and other light refreshments will be
community to share the benefits
available throughout the evening.
enjoyed by the rest of us.
We sincerely hope that our event will be
Recently publicity has been afforded
supported by local businesses as this should be
to Robot Lawnmowers, which allow
a fun evening for a very worthwhile cause.
lazy gardeners to snooze in their easy
Support for this event will give our campaign
chairs while Robby the Robot cuts the
just the boost it needs to achieve our goal,
lawn (actually they have been around
therefore if you can help in any way or would
for some years). When will there be a
like tickets for the event, then please ring the
robot that will differentiate between
number shown below.
flowers and weeds, so that I can join
Ann Reeve (Mrs) On behalf of the Organ
the snoozers while he keeps my
Refurbishment Committee.
garden tidy ?
01953 882065 07733211410
And bring me my Pimms, too.
Good afternoon.
Follow us on Twitter @StMarysWatton.
Diamond Celebration
for Rosemary & Peter
Auction of
Pledges wanted
Dance Away
at the Queens Hall Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dancing
at the Queen's Hall August 1st, Sept 5th, October 3rd
August 2015
August 2015
In your garden
with Lotta Potts
August can be a funny month weatherwise. I always think of it as a dusty
month: the harvested fields look dusty
and the trees also look dusty and
droopy. That's in 'a normal' year when
it should be hot. It's worse if the
weather is cool and wet as everything
still looks just worn out. It shouldn't
have come as a surprise, therefore, to
find out that most of the flowering
plants at this time of the year are the
toughest and longest lasting into what
will be deteriorating weather and day
Maybe I am a bit slow on the uptake
but whilst I was doing a bit of research
into what's good and what's to do this
month (oh come on you didn't think I
had all this stuff in my head did you?)
it turned out that as well as the July
plants that are still going, the ones that
peak in August will go on a lot longer.
In other words the ones at their best in
July will last until August or
September but if you go for those such
as fuchsias, sedum spectabile and its
relative sedum telephium subs
maximum 'Atropurpureum' (this is the
one with purple foliage and pink
flowers), phygelius capensis (Cape
figwort), perovskia (Russian Sage)
'Blue Spire' or the smaller 'Little Spire'
these will all go on until October and
given reasonable conditions will go on
a bit longer. Good value Id say and
we haven't even looked at dahlias! The
Russian sage is so-named because the
leaves smell a bit like ordinary sage.
Don't be tempted to eat it as I cannot
find any reference to it as a culinary
If you have the time and opportunity
it's a good month to visit open gardens.
The NGS Yellow Book is a good
investment but last time I looked most
of the gardens tended to be late spring/
early summer so mainly it's the stately
homes and castles circuit that will
probably have the best late summer
displays. It would be wonderful to
have some rolling acres to
accommodate all the best of all seasons
either in separate 'rooms' or in
extravagantly mixed borders. We in
the majority have to exercise our skills
in incorporating single specimens
artfully placed so that the plant is
shown at its best when it is at its best.
I've been trying for years and one day...
Ashill and
Holme Hale
Garden Club
Auction of Promises
October 17th at 7pm
Wanted Promises
Auction Items
August 2015
Bowls Club
Cares? Initiative.
Functions arranged by us include
the Town Carol service, the Unity
Service, Lent Talks, and Walk of
Witness on Good Friday. At town
events such as the carnival we
have a stall with information on
church activities and competitions
for children. Several times a year
we arrange donations to charity
from our events such as the Town
Carol service. We meet on the
2nd Wednesday of every month,
(excluding August), in the
Methodist church vestry at 2.30
pm. and always welcome new
members. If you would like more
information call 01953881080,
and come and visit our stall at the
Wayland Show.
August 2015
AVA 30th Birthday Celebration Watton Country Blossom and Yarn Festival
Letters to the
West Norfolk
August 2015
Tha Ovington
Waal thas thet toime o tha munth agin so fust
Id betta arsk har yew gittin on tergitha. Hent
hed a lotta rearn yit hev we? Thas soo dry
tha ole teartas hev bin jumpin owt tha
grownd an streart inta tha pot, yew kin
awmoost hear them agooin aaaah
Tell yew wos gitten abowt an thas them
dratted owld hoss flies, cor doont thar gi
yew gip iffen yew doont git them orf pretty
kwick, my missus she suffa suffin crewl
from tha dratted owld things, I tall hare she
orta hev on hare jumpa wen she goo owt
pickin goosgogs an currens, she niva teark
no mind o me tho.
Horry doont git bit by em,
I reckon tha olwd fly
would keel oova afore thet
hed a charnst to gi him a
Saw tha owld cowncil
chairwummen owt thotha
day, orl togged up in har
yella coot luggin a grate
ole bag alonga har. I say
tew har I say, Wot ivva
are yew a doing my
mawtha, yewll frighten tha
kiddies, wi orl thet stuff yore
luggin abowt an dressed like a
Ill hev yew know Sid, Im dewin my civic
dewty, and pickin up orl tha rubbish wot sum
people chuck owta thar car winders, tryin
tew kip our willage orl spick an span, cos
yew nivva know whose cumin rownd ter hev
a look. Might even be tha big man from
Breckland, cos he oonly live up tha rood
I spect shes dewin har bit an yew hev tew
hand it tew har cos thet ware hossing down
with tha only bitta rearn we hed this munth.
Weer gunna hev a bitta citement nex year,
cos tha cowncil are goonta orgnise a goo cart
rearce down Chuch rood. Orl tha ole boys is
gooin rownd eyein up orl tha yung mawthas
Mighty Oakus at
Watton Carnival
August 2015
Councillors Chat
With Cllr Michael Wassell
Planning: As readers will be aware Watton
is currently being plagued by a large number
of planning applications. I was delighted to
speak against the planning application made
by Hopkins Homes for a development on
Saham Road. At the planning committee
meeting, Town, and District Councillors
along with with affected residents and
members of adjacent parish councils were
able to persuade the elected members of the
planning committee to overturn the
recommendation for approval and they voted
to refuse the application. It is entirely
possible that Hopkins Homes will appeal
against this decision, they have done so in
the past. But previously the independent
planning inspector has upheld the decision
made by Brecklands planning committee
and hopefully they will do this again. In
about 80% of the decisions that go to appeal
the inspector supports the locally made
decision, so the odds are with us..
As I write this I am also going to speak
against the planning application which has
been put in by Gladman Developments Ltd
for 180 houses on land west of Thetford
Road, opposite the current Hopkins Homes
development. This is due to go to the
planning committee on the 20th July and I
am delighted to say that this had been
recommended for refusal, and by the time
you are reading this, hopefully the planning
committee will have uphold this decision.
Again the applicant could go to appeal.
For the Gladman application there have been
over 200 objections, which is far better than
the Saham Rd development which had
around 90.. But even the 200+ for the
Thetford Rd development is a very small
proportion of the population of Watton. If
we contrast these numbers with the over 350
letters of objection that were received for a
Gladman application in Mattishall which has
a population of around 2500. These 350
objections represents 14% of the population.
Contrast this with Watton; if we are
generous and say that there were 250
objections for Thetford Road and 100 for
Saham Rd this represents 3.47% and 1.39%
respectively of the 7200 people who live in
If we were to equal the
representations from the residents of
Mattishall we should have had over 1000
objections. Are we really to believe that the
residents of Watton are less concerned about
what happens in their town than the residents
of Mattishal are about their village? Thats
what the figures appear to show!
Some concerned citizens have established
a group called What Watton Wants which has
been set up to give a focal point to support
residents concerns about potential
unsuitable developments in Watton. This
is a great initiative and one that I
wholeheartedly support, and would
encourage as many residents of the town to
get involved in. We still have a number of
development applications pending for
Watton, details can be found on the What
Watton Wants web site and on the
Breckland web site.
The number of
objections is relevant, both when the
application goes to committee and also if
an appeal is put in. You do not have to be
adjacent to a development site to object (or
support of course, not all developments are
unsuitable). We may be constrained by
statute and the reality is that we are not
going to win all of the battles, but there is
strength in numbers, so get involved, dont
just complain on social media sites; they
may allow the venting of emotion, but in
planning terms they are irrelevant. It is far
more productive to spend time getting
involved in What Watton Wants, putting in
objections on the Breckland Council web
site and contacting the Planning Minister
in Westminster. If you do decide to write
to the Planning Minister, then please copy
me, as Leader of Breckland Council, in.
And now as they say for something
completely different! The Health and
Safety (HSE) and HM Revenue &
Customs (HMRC) have joined forces to
deliver live webinars (web based seminars)
for businesses who are growing and want
to find out more information on managing
their health and safety and taking on new
As businesses start to grow or take on
more employees they may have to face
new issues and concerns. These live
Bradenham &
Diabetes UK
Shipdham &
District Book Group
Coffee Morning
Thank You
Cream Teas
Sunday August 16th
3pm - 5pm,
tickets 5 on the day.
Chequers, Chequers Lane. Saham
Toney IP25 7HQ
Garden games and a raffle.
In aid of St George's Church.
Big Cuppa
Coffee Morning
At the Wells Cole Community Centre
Saham Toney on Friday 21st August 10am to 12Noon
Entry 1 which includes a Drink & Biscuit
Raffle - Bring & Buy - Cakes - Everyone Welcome
Sun 2nd
Sun 9th
Sun 16th
Sun 23rd
Sun 30th
Sun 2nd
Sun 9th
Sun 16th
August 2015
Breckles, Caston, Great Hockham, Griston,
Merton, Stow Bedon, Thompson
The righteous are like palm trees planted
in the house of the Lord;
they flourish in the courts of our God.
Psalm 92:12-13
Watton Churches Together has had a positive year. At our AGM in July
2015, officers were elected for the next year. Julie Jennings from the
Roman Catholic Church Community became the Chair and Brian Nash
from St Marys and the Methodist Church became the Vice Chair.
Elaine Rodgers from St Marys volunteered to act as Secretary for a
second year and Vice Secretary is Gill Smith, also from St Marys.
Terri Charman from the Roman Catholic Community continues as
Treasurer, with Brian Nash as Vice Treasurer. We have been sorry to
say Goodbye to some who are moving away, namely Steve and
Barbara Sowerby, Lynn and Paul Short and Maureen Huggett and are
thankful for all their involvement, including Revd David and Sandy
Greenaway, whom we wish a very happy retirement. Others from all
three church communities are involved and we always welcome
newcomers, as we seek together to reach out with the love of God, in
partnership with other community groups.
We will be having a stand at the Wayland Show on Sunday 2nd August.
Please come and find us! Also, at the Military Vehicles Day on Saturday
22nd August on St Marys Church field. Please come and visit us!
The Apostle Peter wrote: live in harmony with one another; be
sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not
repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing. Throughout
history, the church has not always been a blessing in the world, made
up as it is of imperfect people, who make mistakes, but we truly seek to
be united in changing that history for good in the community of Watton.
Have a safe and enjoyable time over these summer months.
God bless you: Revd Gerry Foster
August 2015
surroundings sharing a delicious
afternoon tea. Susan has been
mainly responsible for the
development of the Dragonfly
Gallery and is loved by our
artists and visitors alike.
A first for us this year was the
Big Lunch. This is a national,
annual event introduced by the
Eden Project, supported by the
Big Lottery which takes place on
the first Sunday of June. As we
had a Gallery Exhibition Launch
on Saturday 6th we decided to
follow it with a small event,
giving people the chance to chat
over a simple meal. About 20
people attended and, despite the
because of itit was really good
fun. We will begin planning and
advertising much earlier next
year, so put the first Sunday of
June in your diaries.
A Seven Year Stitch, the
exhibition by Linda Turner in the
Dragonfly Gallery, was one of
the most successful solo shows
we have had in the Dragonfly
Gallery since the Gallery opened
in 2007. The quality and variety
of her work is amazing and very
appealing to the many local
people who enjoy quilting,
embroidery and textile design.
The groups of Americans who
visited Lindas exhibition were
very impressed too.
We have received applications
from 18 artists for our summer
exhibition and it looks like being
one of the best yet. Join us for
Strawberries and Ice-cream!!
Business LunchJuly 9th
We were delighted to welcome
Executive Anna Graves to a joint
business lunch with the Wayland
Chamber of Commerce on July
9th. We enjoyed hearing how she
views the way forward for
Business, and especially Tourism
in Wayland over the next few
years and about the planned
management team
1300 raised
for Big C
August 2015
Free Bowls
Tom's Kickboxing