Patent Us 600457
Patent Us 600457
Patent Us 600457
Patented~ Mar. 8, 1898.
No. 600,457.
SPECIFICATION forming- part of Letters Patent No. 600,457, dated March 8, 1898.
Application tiled October 24, 1896. Serial No. 609,969. (No model.)
It is Well known that if any voltaic couple the numeral l designates a soft-iron core
be immersed in water or placed in moist earth piece extending longitudinally of the entire
the positive element of the couple will unf battery and preferably in the form of a bolt
dergo a galvanic action of sufficient intensity having at one end a nut 2, which permits of
to produce a current when the terminals of the parts of the battery being readily assem
the couple are brought in contact, and this bled together and also quite as readily taken
form of battery is commonly known as the apart for the purposes of repair, as will be
water battery, usually employed for charg readily understood. The central longitudi
ing electrometers, but not capable of giving nally-arranged core-piece l of the battery has
25 any considerable current owing to their great removably fitted on the opposite ends thereof
internal resistance. Now the principle in the oppositcly-located end heads 3, confining
volved in this cla'ss of batteries is utilized to . therebetween the magnetic coil-body 4c of the
some extent in carrying out the present in battery, said heads 3 being of wood or equiva
vention, but I contemplate, in connection lent material. The coil-body 4 of the battery
30 with water or moisture as the electrolyte, the
electromotive force andbeing practically free While the iron wire 6 is preferably bare or
the windings, as clearly shown in Fig. 3 of primary current produced within the coil 4 is
the drawings, so that in each coil or layer of
the windings there will be alternate convolu will therefore be seen that the construction
tions of the copper and iron wires forming of the battery illustrated in Fig. 4 is practi 70
the voltaic couple, and it will of course be cally a self-generating induction-coil, and it
understood that there may be any number of can be used for every purpose that a coil of
separate coils or layers of the Wires accord this character is used,for as long as the coil
ing to the required size and capacity'of the body 4 is wet or damp with moisture electric
battery. Each coil or layer of the windings currents will be produced in the manner .de 75
is separated from the adjacent coils or layers scribed. It will also be obvious that by rea
tric current.
through the interposition of any electrical tery will suggest themselves to those skilled
ciently strong inductive effect for practical of insulated copper wire and bare iron wire
closely wound into a coil-body, substantially
as described`
3. An electrical battery for use with water
as an electrolyte comprising a voltaic couple
of insulated copper and bare iron wire wound
and the terminals 16 of the solenoid or sec ondary coil fitted on the coil-body of the
ondary coil may be connected up with any couple, substantially as set forth.
In testimony that I claim the foregoing as
instrument usually operated by secondary
currents-such, for instance, as a micro my own I have hereto affixed my signature in
phone-transmitter or telegraphic relay. The the presence of two witnesses.
magnetic vfield produced by the current trav
ersing the coil-body 4 induces a secondary
current in the solenoid or secondary coil 12,
when the ordinary make and break of the