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Interview questions
ASP.NET part 1
ASP.NET part 2
ASP.NET part 3
Orientation property of the Menu control sets the display of menu on a Web page to vertical or horizontal.
Originally the orientation is set to vertical.
ASP.NET part 4
2. Differentiate between:
a.)Client-side and server-side validations in Web pages.
- Client-side validations happends at the client's side with the help of JavaScript and VBScript. This happens before the Web page is sent to
the server.
- Server-side validations occurs place at the server side.
ASP.NET part 5
Download ASP/C# FAQ
ASP.NET part 6
ASP.NET part 7
ASP.NET part 8
ASP.NET part 9
ASP.NET part 10
- Authentication is the process of verifyng the identity of a user using some credentials like username and password while authorization
determines the parts of the system to which a particular identity has access.
- Authentication is required before authorization.
ASP.NET part 11
For e.g. If an employee authenticates himself with his credentials on a system, authorization will determine if he has the control over just
publishing the content or also editing it.
ASP.NET Advantages
It explains the settings of a Web Parts control that can be included to a specified zone on a Web page.
ASP.NET Issues
In order to enable the impersonation in the web.confing file, take the following steps:
- Include the <identity> element in the web.config file.
- Set the impersonate attribute to true as shown below:
<identity impersonate = "true" />
- In file-based dependency, the dependency is on a file saved in a disk while in key-based dependency, you depend on another cached item.
ASP.NET Caching
ASP.NET Exception Handling
ASP.NET Master pages
ASP.NET resources
ASP.NET session state
ASP.NET authentication
ASP.NET Globalization
- These are the objects on ASP.NET pages that run when the Web page is requested.
- Some of these Web server controls, like button and text box, are similar to the HTML controls.
- Some controls exhibit complex behavior like the controls used to connect to data sources and display data.
Net mobile
- AHyperLink control does not have the Click and Command events while the LinkButton control has them, which can be handled in the
code-behind file of the Web page.
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- Privileges as per role restrict the user's actions on the system and ensure that a user is able to do only what he is permitted to do on the
b.) How would you turn off cookies on one page of your website?
- This can be done by using the Cookie.Discard property.
- It Gets or sets the discard flag set by the server.
- When set to true, this property instructs the client application not to save the Cookie on the hard disk of the user at the end of the session.
12. What are the various types of validation controls provided by ASP.NET?
ASP.NET provides 6 types of validation controls as listed below:
i.) RequiredFieldValidator - It is used when you do not want the container to be empty. It checks if the control has any value or not.
ii.) RangeValidator - It checks if the value in validated control is within the specified range or not.
iii.) CompareValidator - Checks if the value in controls matches some specific values or not.
iv.) RegularExpressionValidator - Checks if the value matches a specific regular expression or not.
v.) CustomValidator - Used to define User Defined validation.
vi.) Validation Summary -Displays summary of all current validation errors on an ASP.NET page.
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- Structures can not have constructor or destructors while Classes can have them.
- Structures do not support Inheritance while Classes do support Inheritance.
20. What are the various session state management options provided by ASP.NET?
- ASP.NET provides two session state management options - In-Process and Out-of-Process state management.
- In-Process stores the session in memory on the web server.
- Out-of-Process stores data in an external data source. This data source may be a SQL Server or a State Server service. Out-of-Process
state management needs all objects stored in session to be serializable.
ASP.NET interview questions - Jan 04, 2011 at 05:16 PM by Rahul
What is caching?
Caching is the technique of storing frequently used items in memory so that they can be accessed more quickly.
By caching the response, the request is served from the response already stored in memory.
Its important to choose the items to cache wisely as Caching incurs overhead.
AWeb form that is frequently used and does not contain data that frequently changes is good for caching.
Acached web form freezes forms server-side content and changes to that content do not appear until the cache is refreshed.
Advanced Asp.net interview questions
ASP.NET practice test
Aweb application resides in the server and serves the client's requests over internet. The client access the web page using browser from
his machine. When a client makes a request, it receives the result in the form of HTML which are interpreted and displayed by the browser.
Aweb application on the server side runs under the management of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS passes the request
received from client to the application. The application returns the requested result in the form of HTML to IIS, which in turn, sends the result
to the client.
4. Describe the sequence of action takes place on the server when ASP.NET application starts
first time
Following are the sequences:
IIS starts ASP.NET worker process - worker process loads assembly in the memory - IIS sends the request to the assembly - the assembly
composes a response using program logic - IIS returns the response to the user in the form of HTML.
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11. What are the ways of preserving data on a Web Form in ASP.NET?
ASP.NET has introduced view state to preserve data between postback events. View state can't avail data to other web form in an
application. To provide data to other forms, you need to save data in a state variable in the application or session objects.
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17. Describe how ASP.NET maintains process isolation for each Web application
In ASP.NET, when IIS receives a request, IIS uses aspnet_isapi.dll to call the ASP.NET worker process (aspnet_wp.exe). The ASP.NET
worker process loads the Web application's assembly, allocating one process space, called the application domain, for each application.
This is the how ASP.NET maintains process isolation for each Web application.
20. Explain the difference between Server control and HTML control.
Server events
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Server control events are handled in the server whereas HTML control events are handled in the page.
State management
Server controls can maintain data across requests using view state whereas HTML controls have no such mechanism to store data
between requests.
Browser detection
Server controls can detect browser automatically and adapt display of control accordingly whereas HTML controls cant detect browser
Server controls contain properties whereas HTML controls have attributes only.
23. What are the navigation ways between pages available in ASP.NET?
Ways to navigate between pages are:
Hyperlink control
Response.Redirect method
Server.Transfer method
Server.Execute method
Window.Open script method
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39. List down the sequence of methods called during the page load.
Init() - Initializes the page.
Load() - Loads the page in the server memory.
PreRender() - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML
Unload() - runs just after page finishes loading.
MSIL is the Microsoft Intermediate Language. All .Net languages' executable exists as MSIL which gets converted into machine specific
language using JIT compiler just before execution.
50. What is break mode? What are the options to step through code?
Break mode lets you to observe code line to line in order to locate error. VS.NET provides following option to step through code.
Step Into
Step Over
Step Out
Run To Cursor
Set Next Statement
51. Explain how to retrieve property settings from XML .config file.
Create an instance of AppSettingsReader class, use GetValue method by passing the name of the property and the type expected. Assign
the result to the appropriate variable.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Software Testing
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Software Testing
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Ranveer 12-6-2011 12:34 AM
ASP.NET interview questions
What are different types of JIT?
-Pre-JIT, Econo-JIT, Normal-JIT
How can we perform transactions in .NET?
-Open a database connection using open method of the connection object.
-Begin a transaction using the Begin Transaction method of the connection object.
-Execute the SQL commands using the command object.
-Commit or roll back the transaction using the commit or rollback method of the transaction object.
-Close the database connection.
What is reflection?
-Reflection is used to browse through the metadata information.
-Using reflection you can dynamically invoke methods using system.Type.Invokemember
Which class does the remote object has to inherit?
What are the different kinds of marshalling?
What are different types of caching?
-Page Output caching
-Page Fragment Caching
Akash 12-6-2011 12:34 AM
ASP.NET interview questions
What is a Assembly?
Assembly is a unit of deployment like an exe or a dll.
Explain the concept of strong names.
-Strong Name is same as GUID in COM components
-Strong Names helps GAC to differentiate between two versions
-It is required when we deploy assembly in GAC.
-Strong Names use public and private key concept
Difference between Namespaces and assembly.
Assembly is physical grouping of logical unit whereas Namespace is logically groups classes.
What are the different types of Assembly?
- Private assembly
- Public assembly
Where is version information stored of an assembly?
Stored in assembly in manifest.
Kedar 12-6-2011 12:34 AM
ASP.NET interview questions and answers
Explain Global assembly cache, GAC.
Global assembly cache contains shared assemblies that are globally accessible to all .net application on the machine.
Shared assembly is installed in the GAC.
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Page Controller Pattern in ASP.NET
Here it shows how a page controller pattern works in ASP.NET.
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