Women Abuse: Domestic Violence and Abuse
Women Abuse: Domestic Violence and Abuse
Women Abuse: Domestic Violence and Abuse
Woman abuse is the intentional and regular use of tactics to establish and
maintain power and control over the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors of
a woman. It occurs in all socio-economic, educational, and cultural
backgrounds. It is a misuse of power that manipulates the bonds of intimacy,
trust and dependency to make the victim vulnerable.
Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, yet the problem is often
overlooked, excused, or denied. This is especially true when the abuse is
psychological, rather than physical.
Domestic abuse, also known as spousal abuse, occurs when one person in an
intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person.
Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence.
Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to
gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser doesnt play fair. Abusers
use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under
his thumb. Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around
Domestic violence and abuse does not discriminate. It happens among
heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age
ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more
commonly victimized, men are also abusedespecially verbally and
emotionally, although sometimes even physically as well. The bottom line is
that abusive behavior is never acceptable, whether its coming from a man, a
woman, a teenager, or an older adult. You deserve to feel valued, respected, and
Woman abuse can take many forms, including:
Physical abuse: slapping, hitting, punching, biting, and pulling hair,
burning, use of weapons.
Set-up Your abuser sets you up and puts his plan in motion, creating
a situation where he can justify abusing you. Your abusers apologies
and loving gestures in between the episodes of abuse can make it
difficult to leave. He may make you believe that you are the only
person who can help him, that things will be different this time, and
that he truly loves you. However, the dangers of staying are very real.
Domestic violence is prevalent in Pakistan at an alarming rate. Women are the
sufferers and are subjected to physical, psychological and sexual abuse in their
home by partners, in-laws and in some circumstances by their brothers and
parents. The factors associated with domestic violence in Pakistan are loweconomical status of women, lack of awareness about women rights, lack of
education, falsified beliefs, imbalanced empowerment issues between males and
females, male dominant social structure and lack of support from the
government. Integrated supportive services, legal intervention and redress
should be made available in situations of domestic violence. Support and help
for women to rebuild and recover their lives after violence, should be a part of
the intervention strategy, including counseling, relocation, credit support and
employment. In order to prevent women from domestic violence and provide
them medical as well as judicial and legal support, new plans and interventional
maps should be made in the societies in collaboration with health team
members, religious and societal leaders, NGOs, police department and people
from other similar groups. This strategy implementation should be enforced.
Woman abuse is any use of psychological, physical or sexual force, actual or threatened, in an intimate relationsh
Intimate relationships include a current or former spouse, and an intimate, or dating partner. Violence is used to
intimidate, humiliate or frighten victims, or to make them feel powerless.
Men can also be abused, but the term 'woman abuse' recognizes that women are most often the
victims of abuse and men are most often the perpetrators.
Cycle of Violence
Any type of abuse occurs (physical/sexual/emotional)
Tension Building
Abuser may den y abuse took place or say it was not as bad as the victim claims
The cycle can happen hundreds of times in an abusive relationship. Each stage lasts a different
am ount of time in a relationship. The total cycle can take an ywhere from a few hours to a year or
more to complete.
It is important to rem ember that not all dom estic violence relationships fit the cycle. Often, as tim e
goes on, the 'making-up' and 'calm' stages disappea