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Bioenergy to Enterprise

A Case Study of Women Empowerment
Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh

The Bundelkhand region in Madhya Pradesh State is lagging

The Gaushala model was first piloted in Orchha, Madhya Pradesh

behind in terms of development, human, social, economic and

as Sri Ram Raja Gaushala and then replicated to two other

environmental indicators as compared to other agro-ecological

locations namely Dayoday Gaushala in Lalitpur, Sri Raghav Gau

zones of the state. People have limited access to information on

Sambardhan Sala Gaushala Mauranipur (both are in Uttar

developmental plans, schemes and products. Lack of affordable

Pradesh State). The model has been termed as Community

and reliable energy supply is a major constraint in value addition

Managed Energy Services Model.

and income generation in the region.


As gender inequalities are high in the region state of rural women

Development Alternatives provided technical assistance and

in the region is also not good. Malnutrition is a common feature of

service support for the initiative. The Madhya Pradesh

the women in the region. The region has faced drought like

Government and USAID provided the major financial support.

conditions in last five years. In the drought-hit Bundelkhand

Later as the programme progressed relevant agencies were

region, livestock, other than agriculture, is a major source of

contacted for funds.

income generation. The region has 1100 cattle per 1000

Process and approach

population. However, only 58 per cent of the cattle produce milk.

Development Alternatives perceives this as a huge potential to

The programme aims at empowering women so that they can

rejuvenate the entire value chain of livestock-based economy in

acquire enhanced stake in natural resource management and

an integrated manner with women in central role. Additionally,

economic value addition. For this, women have been clustered

methane captured from the livestock waste can mitigate climate

into different Self Help Groups (SHGs), which are referred to as the

change by reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions and

Women Energy Clusters (WEC).

enhance the economy by fulfilling the energy demand. Prevailing

About 50 groups of women were formed with each group

condition has made people specifically rural women of

consisting of 10-12 female members. These groups were imparted

Bundelkhand region more vulnerable to climate change impacts.

training to demonstrate technologically modern; environmental


friendly and sustainable methods of livestock rearing and fodder

cultivation. These groups of women then applied for a piece of

Based on the above observations Development Alternatives

At A Glance
Sri Ram Raja Gaushala, Orchha Town, Block Niwari
District Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India
Plant Operational Since

Government wasteland to develop this land as a Gaushala (cattle

initiated a programme to empower women, institutionalize and

shelter), where scrap cows could be kept and taken care of.

build their capacities to stand and fight for their rights.

Around eighteen acres of land was allotted to mahila mandal

Development Alternatives with support from United States

(Women Energy Clusters) out of which total land used for

Agency for International Development (USAID), started an

agriculture is around 5.3 acres and 1.5 acres for infrastructure

initiative known as Gaushala (cow shelter) model. The main

development whereas rest of the land is used for grazing and

objective of the Gaushala model is to develop and establish

fodder production. Along with this a biogas plant has been

community based enterprises with active participation of rural

installed in the Gaushala campus with support of United States

women while simultaneously empowering them.

Agency for International Development (USAID).

Location Map

Beneficiary Enterprises
8 livelihood enterprises has engaged 30-40 women
Power Plant Design
60 cubic meter digester, 5 pit slurry tankgas engine
of 5 KVA with single phase generator
Funding Agencies
United States Agency for International Development
SBI, Arghyam, Madhya Pradesh Government
Implementing Agency
Development Alternatives, India


Bioenergy to Enterprise

A Case Study of Women Empowerment
Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh

The Bundelkhand region in Madhya Pradesh State is lagging

The Gaushala model was first piloted in Orchha, Madhya Pradesh

behind in terms of development, human, social, economic and

as Sri Ram Raja Gaushala and then replicated to two other

environmental indicators as compared to other agro-ecological

locations namely Dayoday Gaushala in Lalitpur, Sri Raghav Gau

zones of the state. People have limited access to information on

Sambardhan Sala Gaushala Mauranipur (both are in Uttar

developmental plans, schemes and products. Lack of affordable

Pradesh State). The model has been termed as Community

and reliable energy supply is a major constraint in value addition

Managed Energy Services Model.

and income generation in the region.


As gender inequalities are high in the region state of rural women

Development Alternatives provided technical assistance and

in the region is also not good. Malnutrition is a common feature of

service support for the initiative. The Madhya Pradesh

the women in the region. The region has faced drought like

Government and USAID provided the major financial support.

conditions in last five years. In the drought-hit Bundelkhand

Later as the programme progressed relevant agencies were

region, livestock, other than agriculture, is a major source of

contacted for funds.

income generation. The region has 1100 cattle per 1000

Process and approach

population. However, only 58 per cent of the cattle produce milk.

Development Alternatives perceives this as a huge potential to

The programme aims at empowering women so that they can

rejuvenate the entire value chain of livestock-based economy in

acquire enhanced stake in natural resource management and

an integrated manner with women in central role. Additionally,

economic value addition. For this, women have been clustered

methane captured from the livestock waste can mitigate climate

into different Self Help Groups (SHGs), which are referred to as the

change by reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions and

Women Energy Clusters (WEC).

enhance the economy by fulfilling the energy demand. Prevailing

About 50 groups of women were formed with each group

condition has made people specifically rural women of

consisting of 10-12 female members. These groups were imparted

Bundelkhand region more vulnerable to climate change impacts.

training to demonstrate technologically modern; environmental


friendly and sustainable methods of livestock rearing and fodder

cultivation. These groups of women then applied for a piece of

Based on the above observations Development Alternatives

At A Glance
Sri Ram Raja Gaushala, Orchha Town, Block Niwari
District Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh, India
Plant Operational Since

Government wasteland to develop this land as a Gaushala (cattle

initiated a programme to empower women, institutionalize and

shelter), where scrap cows could be kept and taken care of.

build their capacities to stand and fight for their rights.

Around eighteen acres of land was allotted to mahila mandal

Development Alternatives with support from United States

(Women Energy Clusters) out of which total land used for

Agency for International Development (USAID), started an

agriculture is around 5.3 acres and 1.5 acres for infrastructure

initiative known as Gaushala (cow shelter) model. The main

development whereas rest of the land is used for grazing and

objective of the Gaushala model is to develop and establish

fodder production. Along with this a biogas plant has been

community based enterprises with active participation of rural

installed in the Gaushala campus with support of United States

women while simultaneously empowering them.

Agency for International Development (USAID).

Location Map

Beneficiary Enterprises
8 livelihood enterprises has engaged 30-40 women
Power Plant Design
60 cubic meter digester, 5 pit slurry tankgas engine
of 5 KVA with single phase generator
Funding Agencies
United States Agency for International Development
SBI, Arghyam, Madhya Pradesh Government
Implementing Agency
Development Alternatives, India


Bioenergy to enterprise

Bioenergy to enterprise

Business model

Renewable energy based enterprises

The capacity of the bio-gas plant at Sri Ram Raja Gaushala in

Orchha is 5 kilo-volt ampere (single phase). The KVIC model forms
the basis of biogas generation plant. An engine is attached with 60
cubic meter digester. Power generated from the biogas plant is
used to run various enterprises like milk chilling plant, spice
grinding, oil expeller, and water pump for irrigation. The slurry left
in the digester is used as compost after vermin-composting.

The power generated from the biogas plant is used to provide

energy services to supply drinking water, irrigation and running of
micro-enterprises like milk chilling plant, flour mill, oil expeller and
spice grinding which were otherwise operated by diesel/coal.
Several other potential areas of livelihood generation, like organic
farming, green energy based irrigation services, construction and
operation of domestic biogas plant, repairing and maintenance of
gas engine etc. are also introduced through this gaushala model.


Environmental changes

The Orchha gaushala is enjoying the energy services for different

purposes, which includes lifting ground water for irrigation,
running flour mills, spice grinding machines, oil expelling and milk
chilling units. The members of the gaushala are also getting
premium price by selling treated slurry in the form of enriched
organic compost/vermicompost. The gaushala workers are also
cultivating green fodder for their in-house cattle and potential

The electricity generated is currently being used for

enterprise development but there is a need to upgrade the
engine to 8-12 KVA so to serve domestic needs as well.

According to estimates an investment of USD1.2 million

towards the initiative over the next five years will be able to
create 5000 jobs and reduce the emissions by 1200 tonnes per

The team is now in the process of developing a PoA

(Programme of Activities) to avail benefits from reduced
carbon emissions.

The most obvious environmental benefit from the initiative is

mitigating methane emissions. Total methane captured and used
so far is approx 32,000 cubic meter, generated over 9000 units of
electricity. Besides, no waste is generated in usage of the biogas
form of energy. Slurry, which is produced from the digester as a by
product can be utilized as well. The slurry provides additional
nutrients for bed technique for vermicomposting. The model has
enhanced the use of treated slurry as organic manure thereby
resulting in gradual reduction in the use of chemical fertilisers.
Gaumutra - cow urine is being used as a natural insecticide.

The financial status of the gaushala model helps the participants

to understand the related linkages in the potential market.
Demonstration of this biogas model at three different locations
of Bundelkhand has already started inspiring potential takers.

Its pertinent to map community needs and aspiration for

setting community based enterprises to ensure project

To setup any community based micro-enterprises market

availability and feasibility should be kept into consideration.

Women were central to the present model and played very

instrumental role in operation and maintenance too. Literacy,
awareness and training programmes were run to mobilize and
educate women.

Skills development
The Gaushala workers primarily women have been trained to
operate and maintain the biogas plant. Women have also been
trained in fodder cultivation and management.

Gender concerns
Approximately 40 members of women SHGs representing 5 to 6
villages own and manage one women energy cluster (Shri Ram
Raja Gaushala) for which an institutional and financial model
including leveraging of carbon finance is demonstrated, validated
and made available for replication.

Gaushala is run by women of the Sankalp

Swashakti Mahila Mandal.
TARA Akshar a literacy programme was run in
the intervention villages.
Total methane captured and used so far is
approx 32,000 cubic meter generated over
9000 units of electricity.
One of the major indirect impact of Gaushala
model is fodder security and protection for
the scrap cows.
Additional infrastructure developed includes
vermicompost bed, two submersible pumps
of 2 & 5 horsepower, a borewell and spice
grinding unit.



Socio-economic changes














The Women Energy Cluster (WEC) provides energy for 6-8

livelihood enterprises engaging 30 to 40 women. This initiative of
Development Alternatives to empower rural women has boosted
the confidence of the women in Bundelkhand region.

Development Alternatives has analysed the complete value

chain and is in a position to develop a customized technocommercial detailed project report (DPR).

For all three gaushalas, the energy team is now planning to set
up small enterprises that utilize local resources e.g. natural
pesticides (cow urine based), nursery, water supply, and
organic vegetables.


Flow Diagram of Shri Ram Raja Gaushala Model

About the Partners

Development Alternatives (DA) is a 26 years old research and implementation focused not-for-profit
organisation. The activities of DA broadly cover the areas that underline sustainable development process.
Website: www.devalt.org

For further details please contact

Development Alternatives
B-32 TARA Crescent, Qutub Institutional Area,
New Delhi -110016, India. Tel: (+91) -11-2613 4103
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.devalt.org
KVIC Model - Biogas Power Plant

Shri Ram Raja Gaushala, Orchha



Bioenergy to enterprise

Bioenergy to enterprise

Business model

Renewable energy based enterprises

The capacity of the bio-gas plant at Sri Ram Raja Gaushala in

Orchha is 5 kilo-volt ampere (single phase). The KVIC model forms
the basis of biogas generation plant. An engine is attached with 60
cubic meter digester. Power generated from the biogas plant is
used to run various enterprises like milk chilling plant, spice
grinding, oil expeller, and water pump for irrigation. The slurry left
in the digester is used as compost after vermin-composting.

The power generated from the biogas plant is used to provide

energy services to supply drinking water, irrigation and running of
micro-enterprises like milk chilling plant, flour mill, oil expeller and
spice grinding which were otherwise operated by diesel/coal.
Several other potential areas of livelihood generation, like organic
farming, green energy based irrigation services, construction and
operation of domestic biogas plant, repairing and maintenance of
gas engine etc. are also introduced through this gaushala model.


Environmental changes

The Orchha gaushala is enjoying the energy services for different

purposes, which includes lifting ground water for irrigation,
running flour mills, spice grinding machines, oil expelling and milk
chilling units. The members of the gaushala are also getting
premium price by selling treated slurry in the form of enriched
organic compost/vermicompost. The gaushala workers are also
cultivating green fodder for their in-house cattle and potential

The electricity generated is currently being used for

enterprise development but there is a need to upgrade the
engine to 8-12 KVA so to serve domestic needs as well.

According to estimates an investment of USD1.2 million

towards the initiative over the next five years will be able to
create 5000 jobs and reduce the emissions by 1200 tonnes per

The team is now in the process of developing a PoA

(Programme of Activities) to avail benefits from reduced
carbon emissions.

The most obvious environmental benefit from the initiative is

mitigating methane emissions. Total methane captured and used
so far is approx 32,000 cubic meter, generated over 9000 units of
electricity. Besides, no waste is generated in usage of the biogas
form of energy. Slurry, which is produced from the digester as a by
product can be utilized as well. The slurry provides additional
nutrients for bed technique for vermicomposting. The model has
enhanced the use of treated slurry as organic manure thereby
resulting in gradual reduction in the use of chemical fertilisers.
Gaumutra - cow urine is being used as a natural insecticide.

The financial status of the gaushala model helps the participants

to understand the related linkages in the potential market.
Demonstration of this biogas model at three different locations
of Bundelkhand has already started inspiring potential takers.

Its pertinent to map community needs and aspiration for

setting community based enterprises to ensure project

To setup any community based micro-enterprises market

availability and feasibility should be kept into consideration.

Women were central to the present model and played very

instrumental role in operation and maintenance too. Literacy,
awareness and training programmes were run to mobilize and
educate women.

Skills development
The Gaushala workers primarily women have been trained to
operate and maintain the biogas plant. Women have also been
trained in fodder cultivation and management.

Gender concerns
Approximately 40 members of women SHGs representing 5 to 6
villages own and manage one women energy cluster (Shri Ram
Raja Gaushala) for which an institutional and financial model
including leveraging of carbon finance is demonstrated, validated
and made available for replication.

Gaushala is run by women of the Sankalp

Swashakti Mahila Mandal.
TARA Akshar a literacy programme was run in
the intervention villages.
Total methane captured and used so far is
approx 32,000 cubic meter generated over
9000 units of electricity.
One of the major indirect impact of Gaushala
model is fodder security and protection for
the scrap cows.
Additional infrastructure developed includes
vermicompost bed, two submersible pumps
of 2 & 5 horsepower, a borewell and spice
grinding unit.



Socio-economic changes














The Women Energy Cluster (WEC) provides energy for 6-8

livelihood enterprises engaging 30 to 40 women. This initiative of
Development Alternatives to empower rural women has boosted
the confidence of the women in Bundelkhand region.

Development Alternatives has analysed the complete value

chain and is in a position to develop a customized technocommercial detailed project report (DPR).

For all three gaushalas, the energy team is now planning to set
up small enterprises that utilize local resources e.g. natural
pesticides (cow urine based), nursery, water supply, and
organic vegetables.


Flow Diagram of Shri Ram Raja Gaushala Model

About the Partners

Development Alternatives (DA) is a 26 years old research and implementation focused not-for-profit
organisation. The activities of DA broadly cover the areas that underline sustainable development process.
Website: www.devalt.org

For further details please contact

Development Alternatives
B-32 TARA Crescent, Qutub Institutional Area,
New Delhi -110016, India. Tel: (+91) -11-2613 4103
Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.devalt.org
KVIC Model - Biogas Power Plant

Shri Ram Raja Gaushala, Orchha



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