Edited by:
Jay Olson, McGill University, Canada
Reviewed by:
Felipe De Brigard, Duke University,
Anthony S. Barnhart, Northern
Arizona University, USA
Andreas Hergovich, University of
Vienna, Austria
Gustav Kuhn, Department of
Psychology, Goldsmiths, University
of London, New Cross, London
SE14 6NW, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
Magicians use misdirection to prevent you from realizing the methods used to create
a magical effect, thereby allowing you to experience an apparently impossible event.
Magicians have acquired much knowledge about misdirection, and have suggested
several taxonomies of misdirection. These describe many of the fundamental principles
in misdirection, focusing on how misdirection is achieved by magicians. In this article
we review the strengths and weaknesses of past taxonomies, and argue that a more
natural way of making sense of misdirection is to focus on the perceptual and cognitive
mechanisms involved. Our psychologically-based taxonomy has three basic categories,
corresponding to the types of psychological mechanisms affected: perception, memory,
and reasoning. Each of these categories is then divided into subcategories based on the
mechanisms that control these effects. This new taxonomy can help organize magicians
knowledge of misdirection in a meaningful way, and facilitate the dialog between
magicians and scientists.
Keywords: misdirection, attention, magic, memory, perception, reasoning, taxonomy
Misdirectionmanipulating the spectator away from the cause
of a magic effectis widely considered a central element of
the practice of magic: [m]isdirection is a principle element in
the art of deception (Randal, 1976, p. 380), magic is misdirection and misdirection is magic (Hugard, 1960, p. 115),
and [m]isdirection is the meat of deception, the stuff of which
illusion is made (Leech, 1960, p. 6). But whilst many books
and articles have been written on it, a clear understanding of
this concept remains elusive (Lamont and Wiseman, 1999). This
paper attempts to provide such an understanding. It will review
previous work on this topic, attempt to determine the psychological mechanisms involved, and suggest a taxonomy based on
these mechanisms, one that can help guide when and where
misdirection might be best employed.
Several taxonomies of misdirection have been suggested previously; these are useful for identifying and describing many of the
fundamental principles involved. Most of these taxonomies have
focused on the particular ways that misdirection can be achieved.
In contrast, we propose that a more natural, less arbitrary way of
making sense of misdirection is by emphasizing as much as possible the underlying psychological mechanisms. In order to get a
better sense of which mechanisms these might be, we will first
attempt to define misdirection more precisely1 .
Misdirection is sometimes defined as the intentional deflection
of attention for the purpose of disguise (Sharpe, 1988, p. 47); as
1 Throughout the manuscript we refer the reader to videos that describe some
such, it would encompass anything that prevents you from noticing the secret method (i.e., the technique used to bring about
the observed effect). It has also been suggested that misdirection is not simply about directing attention away from the cause
of a magic effect, but toward something interesting, which again
prevents the spectator from noticing the method (Wonder, 1994).
Whilst some misdirection principles involve manipulating
what people attend to (and thus, what they see), real misdirection deceives not only the eye of the spectator, but his mind
as well (Leech, 1960, p. 6), More precisely, successful misdirection might manipulate not only peoples perceptions, but their
memory for what happened, or their reasoning about how the
effect was done. A distraction that prevents people from experiencing an effectwhether by manipulating perception, memory,
or reasoningis clearly futile (Lamont and Wiseman, 1999).
Misdirection is also ineffective if it allows people to see (or work
out) the method, since a key aspect of magic is the witnessing of
an event that is apparently impossible. If people become aware of
the misdirection, the impossible becomes possible, and the magic
disappears (Pareras, 2011).
Another important feature of misdirection is that the principles used should be counterintuitive. For example, attentional
misdirection is particularly effective when it exploits our incorrect
assumptions about perception. Phenomena such as change blindness and inattentional blindness strongly suggest that instead of
being dense and complete, our visual representations are relatively
sparse, with attention being the critical element in visual awareness (Rensink, 2002, 2013). Our surprise at violations of these
assumptions illustrates the gap between what we believe about
our perceptual systems and their actual operation (Levin et al.,
2000), making it a perfect phenomenon for magicians to exploit.
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
asks a spectator to join him on stage. Such moments offer valuable opportunities to execute a method, such as switching a deck
of cards. Flustering can be achieved by asking the spectator a difficult or potentially embarrassing question; not only does this
distract the person, but it ensures that the rest of the audience
focuses their attention on the spectator, and thus, away from the
magician. Finally, perplexity occurs in a situation that is either
complicated or puzzling to the spectator. This is rather challenging to create, as there is a fine line between confusion and
boredom, and the latter should be avoided at all cost.
Kuhn et al.
For example, in the Cups and Balls routine, small climaxes such
as when the balls appear or disappear offer ideal diversions
of attention that allow the magician to prepare for the next
Taxonomy of misdirection
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
Kuhn et al.
The primary purpose of any taxonomy of magic is to organize the
methods and effects used in known magic tricks. An important
secondary purpose is to do so in a way that enables clear connections to be drawn between the tricks and the psychological
principles they draw upon. To show how such a taxonomy might
look, we focus here on the area of misdirection.
As a first step, we will describe magic tricks in somewhat
abstract terms, focusing on the general factors that govern their
effectiveness, rather than the particular details of a performance.
(Ideally, however, both abstract and concrete taxonomies would
be possiblecf. Rensink and Kuhn, under review). And rather
than a taxonomy based directly on the particular methods used
or effects created, we propose one that arranges these (in their
abstract form) according to two fundamental taxonomic principles. First is the principle of maximal mechanism: the taxonomy
should be based as much as possible on known psychological mechanisms and principles. Second is the principle of effect
priority: the highest levels of the taxonomy are those involving the mechanisms being affected (i.e., those underlying the
Taxonomy of misdirection
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
FIGURE 5 | Schematic diagram of the psychologically-based taxonomy, showing its highest levels. Here, divisions are based on the mechanisms
underlying the effects involved.
Given the central role of attentional processes in creating our conscious experience (e.g., Kuhn et al., 2008a; Rensink, 2010), it may
not be a surprise that their manipulation is the goal of the largest
group of perceptually-based misdirection techniques (Figure 6).
Attention is a notoriously difficult phenomenon to define; among
other things, it is currently unclear how many attentional process
there are, or exactly what each of them does (see e.g., Rensink,
2013). But whatever characterization is used, there appear to be
three distinct aspects of attention that can be manipulated, each
involving a distinct set of mechanisms:
1) Attentional focus, which describe what you are attending to.
2) Attentional timing, which describes when you pay attention.
7 Lamont and Wiseman also treat attention and eye movements synonymously
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
FIGURE 6 | Schematic diagram of attentional misdirection. Here, the initial level is based on the mechanisms affected (focus, timing, capacity). Later
divisions are based on the mechanisms that underlie the methods involved.
Kuhn et al.
described above (Supplementary Video 2), magicians typically carry out the method on the third strike, when events
seem less novel (Kaufman, 1989). Another principle that falls
within this category is the idea that people are less likely to
attend to justified rather than unjustified actions (Lamont and
Wiseman, 1999). Similarly, sucker tricks and the theory of
false solutions can influence attentional processes in that we
simply pay less attention toward alternative solutions.
Much of implicit control relies on naturalness. Magicians
repeatedly state the importance of actions and props that
seem natural in order to avoid suspicion, and therefore, attention (Ganson, 1956; Lamont and Wiseman, 1999). Whether
something is natural or not depends on the event itself as
well as the context in which it occurs. For example, palming a card always results in a rather unnatural hand posture,
but the posture will seem much more natural if the hand
is holding a glass at the same time. Lamont and Wiseman
classify techniques relating to naturalness as part of psychological misdirection. However, as these principles work on
attentional mechanisms, we consider them part of perceptual
iv) Motivational control. Another powerful principle is to control
the motivation of the spectator to search for a method. For
example, a poorly motivated person is less likely to seek out
the method, and so more likely to attend to things the magician does not want them to see (Lamont and Wiseman, 1999).
Other principles relate to the magicians persona or expertise: if the magician is more likeable, for example, you are
less likely to want to trip him up by attending to the wrong
location. One of the most skilled card magicians, Lennart
Green, often pretends to be incapable of handling playing
cards, reducing the motivation of the nave spectator to search
for expert sleight of hand.
Control of attentional timing. Just as we can focus our attention on particular objects or locations in space, so can we focus
it on particular moments in time. Magicians have accordingly
developed several types of techniques that manipulate how much
attention is paid at a particular time within a magic trick. Such
control is similar to the temporal misdirection of Lamont and
Wiseman (Section Lamont and Wiseman: Magic in theory),
except that our taxonomy prioritizes the mechanisms, rather than
the methods by which the misdirection is achieved. Peoples level
of attention can either be manipulated through physical cues, or
by exploiting fluctuations in attention that naturally occur during the performance, and require a semantic understanding of the
i) Physical cues. Magicians have techniques to control the level
of attention, many of which rely on physical cues. Slydini,
a master in misdirection, developed body postures that led
to tensions and relaxations in attention (Ganson, 1980). For
example, forward postures will result in tension and thus
heighten peoples level of attention, whilst leaning back is an
apparent relaxation and reduces the level of attention.
ii) Semantic. Other techniques rely on an understanding of the
performance; thus, they are often categorized as semantic
Taxonomy of misdirection
In addition to attention, our perception of a stimulus is influenced by various other factors, such its visibility and the context
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
Many memory misdirection techniques try to ensure that relevant information about a magic method is simply forgotten.
This can be done in several ways. For example, people remember
more of an event immediately after it has occurred, as compared to some time later. The use of such delays is therefore an
important kind of memory misdirection, and one of the reasons
why magicians typically attempt to separate in time the method
from the effect (Fraps, 2014; Leech, 1960). Leech calls this principle time misdirection; it is used in effects such as a prediction
that relies on forcing a card (Supplementary Video 4) so that
the spectator forgets which card he actually cut to. The extent
of forgetting also depends on what the spectator is doing during the time delay; much is still unknown about what factors
influence this.
Another important principle is the idea of confusion. Although
akin to the similar concept used in other areas (attention),
here it relates to the how the complexity of the environment
affects memory: because our memory has a limited capacity,
the more items there are, the less likely we will remember them
all. There are several ways in which confusion can be created.
For example, in card magic, magicians typically create magic
routines that involve an entire deck of cards rather than a
single card.
Confusion also helps prevent the audience from determining
which details are relevant, further minimizing the chances that
important parts of the method are remembered. A popular way
of doing this is to provide the spectator with false solutions. These
often take the form of pretending to carry out one effect whilst
in fact doing something else (for example making a pen vanish
after making it clear that they were attempting to vanish a coin,
Supplementary Video 2). These techniques are often used to control attention, but they are also used to control memory: once we
have a solution in mind, we are more likely to forget alternatives
(Tamariz, 1988).
Related to this is distinctiveness. People are more likely to
remember events that are distinctive; as such, magicians try to
ensure that props or actions relating to the method lack distinctiveness, and thus will be quickly forgotten. This is typically
achieved by either manipulating the props themselves or by
manipulating the context and thus making them appear less
distinctive and less likely to be remembered. For example, a mindreading trick may require the spectator to write down a word;
if the writing is done quickly on a bland scrap of paper that is
used incidentally, the audience may forget that anything was ever
written down.
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
FIGURE 8 | Schematic diagram of memory misdirection. The initial level is based on the mechanisms affected (maintenance, reconstruction). The divisions
at lower levels are based on how these processes are controlled.
FIGURE 9 | Schematic diagram of memory misdirection. Here, the mechanism affected is undifferentiated reasoning (further distinctions might be made
1 day). Categories are based upon the various ways to control this.
magician, shuffled the cards, in the hope that he/she will misremember a crucial detail, namely who it was that shuffled the
cards (Giobbi, 1994); or suggest that the spectator cut to a particular card when in fact they cut to a different one (Supplementary
Video 4).
A final way to increase misremembering is to increase the time
lag between encoding and retrieval. As before, then, increasing
the delay between method and effect are powerful ways of making it more likely that crucial aspects of the magic trick will be
Kuhn et al.
Taxonomy of misdirection
same sequence of events as does the rest of the audience. But this
assumption is often false. Consequently, magicians often exploit
the misalignment between different peoples understanding of an
event, known as the principle of Dual Reality. For example, the
magician might use trickery to ensure the volunteer experiences a
different event compared to the rest of the audience, while using
linguistic subtleties to convince both parties that they experienced the same events. The concept of dual reality is an extremely
powerful principle in magic.
Multiple outs. Most people assume that a magic trick has a single
pre-determined end. However, many tricks have multiple possible
endings, allowing the magician to choose between them, depending on what other choices have been made. For example, multiple
predictions for each of the numbers 14 could be in an envelope;
the magician would remove only the appropriate one based on
the spectators choice. The principle of multiple outs is a powerful
method that uses linguistic cues to misdirect peoples interpretation of the event. Moreover, it also relies on peoples erroneous
assumptions about the nature of magic tricks (i.e., all tricks have
a pre-determined end).
Effort put into an effect. It is difficult for non-magicians to realize how much time, effort and money can be put into what might
appear to be a simple trick (Teller, 2012). Thus, people will often
exclude potential solutions to a trick simply because they believe
that no-one would go to so much effort just to create it. This false
assumption is powerfully exploited when magicians pretend to
perform a trick as an impromptu demonstration (whereas in reality vast amounts of preparation have gone into preparing it). This
might explain why people tend to experience impromptu magic
demonstrations as being more impressive than large-scale stage
Pre-show. Another false assumption commonly made is that
magic tricks begin when the performer says they begin. However,
many magicians use pre-show work to gather information about
members of the audience, which can then be used later on in the
show. The misdirection here involves using subtle forms of language and deception that prevent the other audience members
from realizing that this information could have been gathered
Performing magic does not necessarily require a deep understanding of why misdirection works; most magic practitioners
are simply interested in improving their magic performance.
Consequently, previous taxonomies of misdirection have tended
to emphasize those aspects dealing directly with technique.
However, in recent years there has been increased interest in
understanding why these techniques (and their related principles) work, ideally by linking them to what is known of human
cognition (Kuhn et al., 2008a). To facilitate this, we have proposed here a way to organize knowledge about magic (or at least,
misdirection) such that is based on our current understanding of
perception and cognition. Our psychologically-based taxonomy
Kuhn et al.
is far from complete, and as our understanding of both misdirection and cognition advance, aspects of this taxonomy will
change. But we envisage that it will help the dialog between magicians and scientists and act as a useful perspective from which
to explain the psychological mechanisms involved. Among other
things, we hope that it will help highlight misdirection principles
to an audience with less knowledge in magic. We also hope that it
might provide a template for a similar organization of knowledge
about other aspects of magic more generally (see also Rensink and
Kuhn, under review).
Defining misdirection has been far from trivial, and there is
still no general consensus on its definition. We chose a rather
broad definition of misdirection so as to include a wide range of
cognitive mechanisms. If our definition is too broad, we could be
in danger of developing a taxonomy of magic in general rather
than misdirection. Whilst Hugard (1960), implicitly suggests that
misdirection and magic can indeed be used synonymously, we do
not intend to develop a complete taxonomy of magic here. Indeed
there are countless magic principles that do not fall within our
taxonomy, in that they do not involve misdirection (e.g. forcing,
optical illusions, suggestions. . . ).
Magicians are undoubtedly masters of deception. But they
tend to be skeptical about whether science can teach them anything about misdirection, or magic in general (Teller, 2012).
In most other domains (e.g., medicine or sports), practitioners have improved performance by understanding the mechanisms involved. Its hard to see why magic should be an
exception. Thus, although our psychologically-based taxonomy
is primarily intended to further our understanding of cognition, it may well help magicians improve their misdirection. To
begin with, it could help magicians draw links between misdirection and formal theories of cognition, which could help
them develop more effective tricks. For example, there is much
scientific knowledge about several rather counter-intuitive cognitive biases and illusions (e.g., change blindness, inattentional
blindness, false memories, choice blindness), which helps explain
the mechanisms behind these illusions. And as in any other
domain, it is likely that knowledge about the cognitive processes will eventually lead to improvements in the methods used,
and maybe even new misdirection principles (see also Williams
and McOwan, 2014; Rensink and Kuhn, under review). In any
event, we hope that our taxonomy will encourage further scientific research in the field, and so help us better understand the
human mind.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 04 September 2014; accepted: 13 November 2014; published online: 09
December 2014.
Citation: Kuhn G, Caffaratti HA, Teszka R and Rensink RA (2014) A psychologicallybased taxonomy of misdirection. Front. Psychol. 5:1392. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.
This article was submitted to Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, a section of the
journal Frontiers in Psychology.
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