Royal Ceramic PLC
Royal Ceramic PLC
Royal Ceramic PLC
Under Act 19 of 1955 on the 1 st September 1955 Ceylon Ceramic Corporation was established.
The greatest development of the ceramic industry in Sri Lanka achieved during the period from
At the end of the 25 years civil war, countrys national security and peace have been
established. Political stability is the key to create a favorable foreign investment climate
in a country. Average FDI inflows between 1978 and 2005 were $ 101.1 million and it
The economy continued to expand robustly, creating opportunities for new business
activities throughout the country since year 2009. GDP growth rate, inflation, interest
rates, per capita income, FDI, earning from exports of the country is highly favorable for
better business environment for entrepreneurs . Sri Lanka rose to 89
There will be a good demand for high quality ceramic products such as tableware,
sanitary ware, wall tiles & floor tiles and ornamental ware when comes to constructions
and completion of these projects.