Genetic Analysis of Low Resistivity Reservoir: Gang Wang, Kai Shao, Yuxi Cui
Genetic Analysis of Low Resistivity Reservoir: Gang Wang, Kai Shao, Yuxi Cui
Genetic Analysis of Low Resistivity Reservoir: Gang Wang, Kai Shao, Yuxi Cui
Abstract: With the improve of development and research in the Oilfield, many Oilfields were found to have lots
of Low Resistivity Reservoir . there are two definitions for the low resistivity reservoir:For The first one ,Low
Resistivity Reservoir is the oil reservoir which the rate of resistance augment is Less than 2, for The second one
,Low Resistivity Reservoir is the oil reservoir which the Resistivity of the oil reservoir is Less than the Reservoir
Resistivity in the same Oilfield. In fact the second definition is based on the first definition . So the first definition
is a more general significance.
Keywords: Low Resistivity Reservoir; water saturation; pore structure.
Many Oilfields were found to have lots of Low Resistivity Reservoir can explain that the existence of
Low Resistivity Reservoir has certain conditions and regularity. Based on the characteristics of low resistivity
reservoir indicated by well logging plot, the genesis of low resistivity reservoir is systematically studied in
aspects of petrophysical property, reservoir height, cation-exchange in shaly sand, invasion of filtrate in drilling
and influence of conductive minerals ,etc.
Through comparative analysis, summarized the formation mechanism of low resistivity reservoir, the
research shows that factors can affect the low resistivity reservoir is divided into the following types:
Under conditions of low amplitude structure ,effective driving force is small, differentiation of oil and
water is bad,so that water saturation is high.Construction amplitude is one of the important factors controlling
the magnitude of oil abundance.low Construction amplitude means as a driving force of buoyancy is relatively
small, so the oil and gas can only enter into the aperture is relatively large, relatively small capillary pores of
resistance.Due to the driving force and capillary resistance mismatch ,The rock with relatively small channels
will become without oil, thus leading to a low oil-abundance in the conditions of low amplitude structure.
Theoretical calculations and experimental results show, Rock resistivity and the rate of resistance
augment will significantly reduced With increasing of water saturation,so that Rock resistivity is Generally low
in the reservoir with low oil-abundance.
I Complex pore structure leads to the fixed water content increased, so that the reservoir resistivity
decreases. It is One of the reason which lead to the low resistivity reservoir
The potential and force theory reveals that gravity and the forces caused by the g rounding water are
the main driving forces, and capillary pressure is the main res istance force in the process of the migration and
accumulation of oil/ gas. Because the capillary pressure is directly related to the pore structure, displacement
pressure and the pore number that oil/ gas can enter, it plays the key function in the migration and accumulation
of oil/ gas. According to the capillary theory and the characteristic of the migration and accumulation of oil/ gas
in the low- resistivity reservoirs, expatiated is the formation mechanism of the low resistivity
reservoirs.Because of the function of the capillary pressure, phenomena such as reservoirs far from the oil/ gas
sources, fine lithologic reservoirs, complicated pore structures, huge storage capacity in single reservoir and
amounts of vertically developed reservoirs, may cause the formation water not to be replaced by oil/ gas in the
middle and small pores in low- resistivity reservoirs so that the water saturation is higher, and the reservoirs
have the lower resistivity characteristics, that is, high water saturation results in low- resistivity reservoirs.
Clay mineral which Additional electrical conductivity is strong will make the Rock resistivity become
low. Content and composition of clay minerals is another important reason leading to Low Resistivity Reservoir.
Clay minerals contribute to conductivity of rock from two aspects.Firstly, Small particles of clay minerals will
form a large number of micro pores in the reservoir, High bound water content can significantly reduce the
resistivity of the rock, And with the increase of clay content ,the impact on the resistivity will increase.
Secondly, Clay mineral which Additional electrical conductivity is strong will Contribution to the conductivity
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Fig 2 Bridge
Fig 3 Thread
Thin sand-mud interbed lead to Contradiction between resistivity macro anisotropy and resolution of
logging instrument which results from thin sand-mud interbed can lead to Low Resistivity Reservoir.The
resistivity between oil-bearing sandstone and mudstone is Different; The resistivity between oil reservoir and
oil-water layer is Different,For a geological body which Contain Different parts of the resistivity, the resolution
of conventional resistivity logging tool has some limitations.
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Reservoirs containing conductive minerals ,such as pyrite ,is One of the reason which lead to the low
resistivity reservoir.Pyrite is one of the common mineral components in clastic reservoir, with a high a Highly conductive mineral, Pyrite has a great influence on rock resistivity. Even reservoir
contains only relatively small amounts of Pyrite, it can cause the formation of apparent resistivity significantly
lower. The influence on rock resistivity which come from Pyrite can seriously interfere with the evaluation of
fluid properties, the ability to use resistivity to distinguish oil and water layer becomes bad.
Its cause analysis, for low resistivity reservoir logging evaluation and identification methods, mainly
based on two aspects: First, expand basic research, by analyzing the characteristics of low resistance causes of
conventional logging information implied in extracting the corresponding identification methods, improve or
develop new methods of interpretation, strengthen research fine log interpretation technology; Second,
improvements or development of new logging equipment, the use of new logging technology targeted for low
resistivity reservoirs identify evaluated.
Irreducible water saturation - water saturation cross plot analysis
1Sw=SwiOnly oil-producing formation;
2Sw>Swi, Formation oil also water;
3Sw>>Swi, Producing only water.
irreducible water saturationThe key to this approach is for the prospective irreducible water saturationi,
in the following ways:
1) Conventional method, by core analysis results, the establishment of the relationship between water and
bound permeability, porosity, particle size in value.
2) NMR logging method, by T2 cutoff to seek.
3) Relationship core by capillary radius and capillary pressure measurements of the spectral distribution of T2
establish irreducible water saturation and permeability and T2 spectrum.
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