Chapter Three The Statistical Characteristics of Event Data: DRAFT October 30, 2000
Chapter Three The Statistical Characteristics of Event Data: DRAFT October 30, 2000
Chapter Three The Statistical Characteristics of Event Data: DRAFT October 30, 2000
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actors involved (major states, and countries with high GDP, get far more coverage than small or
poor states), and by the accident of a reporter being at a place when something interesting
happens, and the editors putting that report into a newspaper or onto a wire service.
This chapter will explore several issues involving the statistical characteristics of event data.
We will first look at the definition of what constitute an event, an issue on which the existing
literature shows less than complete consensus. We will then systematically go through the
sources of error and uncertainty that come between events on the ground and a coded event
data set. Coding mistakes are one source of these errors, but by no means the only, nor
necessarily the greatest, source of error. Based on this model, we examine the consequences of
alternative means of coding and aggregating events, showing that in at least some circumstances,
analyses are relatively insensitive to specific coding schemes and weighting methods. Finally, we
look at how the dynamic event data approach to early warning, which will be explored in the
remaining chapters, compares to the alternative approach of structural early warning.
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which to infer the underlying coding rules. Through the use of the phrase "direct towards," some
definitions (Burgess and Lawton, 1972; Azar and Ben-Dak, 1975) also implicitly require an
assessment of motive on the part of the initiator of the event. This leaves considerable room for
ambiguity in interpretation. Lest this seem like a trivial point, one major source of ambiguity in
event coding arises from policy statements with no explicit target audience, e.g., "Iraq announced
it was raising its oil output beyond OPEC quota levels." Some coding systems do not consider
this an event because of the absence of a target; others consider it an event with "the world" as
the target.
At the risk of definition proliferation, we suggest the following formal definition of an event:
An event is an interaction, associated with a specific point in time, that can be described in a
natural language sentence that has as its subject and object an element of a set of actors and as
its verb an element of a set of actions, the contents of which are transitive verbs. 1
When applied to a specific data source, replace the words "can be" with "is." This definition
encompasses most of what is currently considered to be event data but, unlike the existing
definitions, it can be unambiguously implemented. The key elements are: time, natural language,
actors, and actions.
Time. All event data record a time or period of time when an interaction occurred. The most
common unit used is the day, although in some instances (for example, studying crisis
negotiation) a finer unit such as the hour might be appropriate. Most analyses of event data
aggregate to either months or years.
Natural language. Event data coders do not observe events; they observe reports of events
presented in a natural language such as Arabic, Chinese, English, German, or Hindi. Empirically,
events can only be defined with respect to a human language or set of languages. The event
As a matter of record, while this definition appears to be designed to justify machine coding a priori, it was
actually a consequence of some years of experiments with machine coding and the gradual realization that
interactions that do not meet this criteria are likely to be ambiguous to humans as well as machines.
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coding exercise converts natural language into nominal data that can be analyzed using formal
Actors. Any model of political activity will be specific to certain persons, organizations, and
places, all of which are specified by noun phrases in the language or languages used in the source.
Many of these phrases may be synonyms referring to the same actor. For example, in U.S.
political discourse, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics might variously be called the
USSR, the Soviets, the Soviet Union, or by the name of its current leader (e.g., Khrushchev,
Brezhnev). For most international relations research, the actors will be political entities;
however, the definition is flexible and allows for the possibility of human-nature interactions if
this is important for the research questions being studied.
Actions. An event coding scheme deals only with certain interactions between actors. All of
these interactions can be described by transitive verbs; for example, apologize, met with,
endorsed, promise, accuse, threaten, or attack. (Transitive verbs are those that can take a direct
object and indirect object. For some events, the second actor is the direct object of the sentence
("Syria accused Israel . . ."); in other cases, it is the indirect object ("Saudi Arabia promised
economic aid to Syria"). As with the nouns, multiple verbs might signify the same category of
behavior, either because the words are synonyms within the language (e.g., grant, bestow,
contribute, donate, fund, present, provide) or because the behaviors, although linguistically
distinct, are politically equivalent, a characteristic that Most and Starr (1989: chapter 5) refer to
as "foreign policy substitutability." These equivalence sets will vary with the specific problem
or the theoretical approach and in large part determine the validity of a particular coding scheme.
One objection that could be raised to the approach of focusing on a standard list of verbs and
actors is that in some unusual situations, the exact wording of an official speech will be an
important point in negotiations. For example, President Richard Nixon's use of the term
"People's Republic of China" rather than "Red China" signaled the beginning of the USA-PRC
dtente in 1970. Similarly, the United States insisted on some very precise wording in the
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statements by Yasir Arafat in 1988 prior to the re-establishment of U.S. diplomatic contact with
the PLO. However even a negotiation involving specific language generates a large number of
standard event verbs such as accept, reject, inform, confer, and rebuke. Precise language may be
the object of a negotiation, but rarely is it part of the process of negotiation, and even less does it
affect the reporting of the political behavior.
This does not rule out the possibility of focusing on specific phrases that are used with
specialized intent in diplomatic communication. For example, the phrase "frank discussion,"
when used by the U.S. State Department, almost always means that the discussions involved
substantial disagreement. To the extent that these words are used consistently, they can be
coded as signaling disagreement: The phrase "had frank discussions" might code to a WEIS 111
(Turn down proposal) rather than a WEIS 025 (Explain policy), despite the latter interpretation
being closer to the dictionary meaning of the phrase.
The language vary dramatically between sources. Pro-government and anti-government
sources might report the same occurrence using quite different words:
Terrorists slaughtered innocent civilians in the town of Ochos Rios before being driven off by
government troops.
Liberation forces battled occupying forces in the town of Ochos Rios, causing several
casualties before retreating.
Rhetorical flourishes terrorists versus liberation forces, slaughtered versus causing, driven off
versus retreated often say more about the source than they do about the political behavior. In
many cases, such rhetoric is used in a highly styled fashion that can actually improve coding
accuracy, once the patterns are identified and vocabulary lists customized. From either phrasing
of this event one can infer that things were not very quiet in Ochos Rios and that people were
killed. With multiple reports of this type, one can reasonably infer some sort of insurgency.
Similarly, the extensive popular literature on differences in U.S. and Japanese business
negotiating styles (e.g., Hall and Hall, 1987) points out that Japanese negotiators rarely explicitly
reject a proposal (e.g., "We will consider your proposal." means "No.") whereas U.S. negotiators
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tend to use extremely strong language (e.g., "We can't possibly work with that." means "We're
getting close to an agreement."). To the extent that such phrases are used consistentlyand
unless they are used consistently they have no information value under any circumstancesthe
phrases can be accommodated in any systematic coding framework, although the lists of verbs
may need to vary with the source of the statement. Because those lists are explicit and
reproducible, the source of errors due to misinterpretation can be isolated and identified. In some
cases, the terms used may be so ambiguous as to preclude coding altogether. However, if the
source itself is ambiguous, human coding will also be unreliable and the appropriate action is to
find an alternative source of information.2
For example, one can imagine a situation where an area had a substantial amount of economically motivated
banditry as well as politically motivated guerrilla activity but where the government press referred to all violent
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endogenous and exogenous events depends on the theory being studied. What is noise to one
model may be the signal of another, just as the variation in growth of a soybean plant due to
insect damage is noise in a study of fertilizers but signal to a study of insecticides.
Events in
codes to
Final data
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introduced in journalistic and historical sources; these have been discussed exhaustively in the
event data literature.
Censoring occurs nonuniformly. Any event data set has a vector dC (i.e. a vector indexed on
the set of classification codes C)3 that is the ratio of the frequency of codes in the observed data
set to their frequency in an ideal data set where all events occurring in the system were reported.
These ratios can be quite lowit is unlikely that existing data sets capture more than a few
percent of all political activity except for extreme events such as the outbreak of war. To the
extent that some events are more important than others in determining international behavior,
censoring is probably inversely proportional to importance: the more important an event, the
more likely it will be reported.
The converse of censoring is "disinformation": strings in the source text concerning events
that did not actually occur. These might be introduced deliberatelyfor example the deception
campaigns that preceded the US ground offensive against Iraq in 1991but they are more
commonly generated by rumors and second-hand information. While disinformation from
deception and rumor is probably not a major component of event data, it is more problematic
than pure noise because it is very non-random and is specifically designed to make the system
appear as though it is operating under a different process than that actually occurring.
In particular, rumors must convey plausible patterns of human behavior or they will not be
voluntarily transmitted. For example, in the week following the June 1989 Tiananmen Square
massacre in Beijing, many rumors circulated about pro-democracy military forces preparing to
move against the city. These rumors eventually proved to be completely groundless but were
credible: when a comparable situation occurred in Romania in December 1989, military units did
turn against the government. The nature of rumors and story-telling means that a credible
sequence of events is generated; if information is missing from the story, it will be provided in a
In Figure 1, d is placed prior to the source text because that is where most censoring occurs in the real world
events occur but are not reported. For reasons that will be clear momentarily, it is more convenient to index d
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fashion that makes sense to the teller and listener, rather than generated randomly. Rumors, as a
consequence, may be more likely to fit models of political behavior than will actual events. Note
that if regularity did not exist in the international system, disinformation and strategic deception
could not exist since the entity being deceived must be able to fit the information to a pre-existing
model of international behavior.
3.2.3. Misclassification
Misclassification occurs when the code assigned to a text string does not correspond to the
code that was intended when the coding scheme was designed. Any event data set has an error
matrix M where eij gives the probability of misclassifying vj as vi. This error matrix incorporates
errors due to both validity and reliability problems.
The coding errors generated by human and machine coding are quite different. Most human
coding errors either involve relatively subtle differences in behavior (e.g. deciding whether a
negative statement should be coded into WEIS's "comment", "reject" or "protest" categories) or
missing the event altogether. As a consequence, in human coding M has a block structureone
can arrange the row and columns of M is a fashion where non-zero entries are most likely to
occur in adjacent cells with the remainder of the matrix being zero: A trade agreement may be
confused with a cultural exchange but it is unlikely to be confused with a war.
(The single most common human coding error, however, is a form of censoring rather than
misclassification: human coders tend to miss some of the dyadic events in a sentence. For
example the simple phrase "Representatives from France and Russia will visit Baghdad and
Teheran next week" generates eight WEIS eventsfour dyadic visits (WEIS 032) and four dyadic
hostings (WEIS 033)and human coders tend to miss some of the combinations. Humans are
also more likely than machines to miss events in compound sentences.)
Machine coding, in contrast, will occasionally generate event codes that are completely
implausible (uses of force between allies) due to sentences that have unusual grammatical
constructions or that use metaphors mistakenly interpreted as events. While these are relatively
rare and can usually be avoided with an appropriate filter, the statistical techniques appropriate
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for machine-coded data may be different from those appropriate for human-coded data. In
machine coding, the structure of M generally varies with the event category.
For example, the widespread use of military metaphors to describe conflictual but nonviolent
effects (e.g. "At the United Nations, Iraq's ambassador blasted the U.S. policy on continued
sanctions" versus "Israeli warplanes blasted suspected Hizballah positions in southern Lebanon")
means that the WEIS force code is often erroneously coded. The WEIS accuse and deny
categories, in contrast, are almost never incorrectly miscoded, and typically the word used in the
news report will be "accuse" or "deny." The major WEIS category promise is usually correctly
identified, but the subcategory may by incorrectly specified if the dictionaries do not have
contain the appropriate direct object (for example "promised to send emergency aid" is in our
dictionaries; "promised to send trained dogs to find earthquake victims" is not).
When machine coding is used, the rate of classification errors can be substantially reduced by
the use of simple filters that tell the program to skip sentences that appear too complex or do not
have sufficient information to code correctly; this process of "complexity filtering" is discussed
in Chapter 2. For example a sentence such as
Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, a veteran troubleshooter, was named on Tuesday to oversee all
U.N humanitarian operations in Iraq and Kuwait, and on Iraq's borders with Turkey and Iran,
where hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled in recent weeks.
contains references to five different actors and at least three verb phrases is much more likely to
be incorrectly coded (by a machine or a human) than a simple "Syria accused the United States
of..." sentence.
3.2.4. Schematic Error
A final source of classification error is "schematic error." This occurs when the coding
system combines two sets of behavior that have distinct natural-language representationsand
which should remain distinct for theoretical or analytical reasonsinto a single category. The
system may also do the oppositeseparate two sets of behavior that could be combinedas in
WEIS's notoriously overlapping warn and threaten categories.
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Event structures allow multiple events to serve the same function. Coding errors within these
substitution sets will have no effect on the fit of the structure, since all events within the set are
equivalent. The existing coding schemes of COPDAB and WEIS implicitly use a high degree of
substitution, since they map many distinct text strings into the same event code. However, the
substitution mapping is done at the coding stage rather than the modeling stage.
If one were dealing with a set of models where the substitution sets were always the sameif
a pair of events v1 and v2 were found in one substitution set they would always be found in a
substitution set whenever one or the other were presentthen the problem of determining the
details of a coding scheme would be solved. Again, existing event sets implicitly do this already.
However, the substitution sets probably vary across models. For example, the event
[move an aircraft carrier from the Mediterranean to the Gulf]
and the event
[move an aircraft carrier from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf]
are roughly equivalent as far as US relations with Iraq are concerned, but have very different
implications for relations between the US and Korea. The specific event structure being
analyzedthe context of the eventis important.
Schematic error also occurs when certain event types are ignored altogether. WEIS and the
international scale of COPDAB were designed for the coding of inter-state events, and implicitly
focused on the militarized conflicts of the Cold War. Trade was considered routine and not
coded, but even trade disputes received little attention. Several categories of politically salient
activity that have become very important in the late- and post-Cold War periodfor example
refugee flows and human rights violationsdo not have separate codes, nor, as the IDEA project
has pointed out, are several types of general political activity such as the adjudication of a
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The standard technique for estimating the size of an unknown population is to sample the
population twice and compare the number of cases captured in both samples4. Let N be the true
population size, n1 and n2 the sizes of two independent random samples from N, and m the
number of cases that occur in both random samples. The probability of a case being in sample 1
is p 1 = n1 N; probability of a case being in sample 2 is p2 = n2 N, so
n1 n2
m = p 1 p 2 N N =
Once N is known, the number of cases being censored can be estimated by comparing the number
of events found in a source to the estimated population size N.
The weakness in this approach is the requirement that the two samples be random. All text
sources of event data are biased to report certain events while ignoring others, rather than
randomly sampling from all possible events. However, comparing two sources that are
attempting to provide equivalent coveragefor example the New York Times and the Los Angeles
Timeswould provide a rough estimate of the censoring probabilities. This technique could also
be used to ascertain which event categories are more frequently censored.
This method is typically used to estimate fish or insect populations; it has also been used to estimate the
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In McClelland's assessment, however, this transition away from the general systems
approachwhich was rooted in continuous-time dynamics and interval-level variablesfailed.
After some years of work with event data focusing on several crises, he concluded:
It proved relatively easy to discern event patterns and sequences intuitively. We found we
could follow the successions of action and response in flow diagram form. Stages of crisis
and the linkage of event types to temporary status quo situations also were amenable to
investigation. We were defeated, however, in the attempt to categorize and measure event
sequences. This was an early expectation that was disappointed by the data which showed
too few significant sequences to support quantitative or systematic treatment. (McClelland,
As a consequence of this failure, McClelland's "World News Index" project, published in the
mid-1970s, used interval-level variables in its measures. With the hindsight of two decades, the
failure of a discrete event approach appears due to a paucity of data and processing capability.
McClelland writes of analyzing hundreds or at most thousands of events; a contemporary event
data researcher has available tens of thousands of events and computer power sufficient to work
with millions.
After this early definition of international politics as event sequences, the field of quantitative
IR moved rapidly to analyzing events with interval-level techniques. This change was probably
due to the general shift in quantitative IR in the late 1960s away from historical approaches
towards theories based on the model of the physical sciences and economics. By the 1970s a
Kuhnian split was underway in international relations with the traditionalist and behavioralist
camps proudly speaking totally different languages, whereas when McClelland's 1961 World
Politics article was written, this split was not apparent. For example, Rummel (1972) proposes
a science of international politics similar to meteorology, using interval-level metaphors such as
field theory and interval-level techniques such as factor analysis. Azar, while using WEIS as the
model for COPDAB, abandoned McClelland's nominal categories in favor of an interval-level
measure and approached coding as a scaling problem. Azar and Sloan (1975) consists entirely of
interval-level data and Azar emphasizes
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quantitative aggregations, called here 'analytic data', [which] are summaries of the weighted
frequencies of interactions. They describe the amount of conflict or cooperation exchanged
between or within nation-states over some unit of time. (Azar 1980:150)
This conversion of discrete entities to interval-level data is somewhat puzzling from a
statistical standpoint. The reason probably is due as much to paradigmatic developments in
quantitative international relations as in the nature of the data. During the 1970s, data-based
studies of international behavior saw the ascendancy of correlational analyses, particularly
regression. The mathematics behind these techniques had been fully developed by
econometricians and could be easily applied to international relations data using SPSS and other
statistical packages; comparable tools were not available for sequence analysis. The successful
formal theories were continuous-variable models such as the Richardson arms race model and
DYNAMO-like global models. Rational choice models preserved some discrete variables,
particularly in game theory, but even these models used continuous variables in expected utility
The emphasis on crisis, initiated by McClelland and expanded in a large event-based crisis
management literature (e.g. Hoople, Andriole and Freedy 1984, Azar et al. 1977) also contributed
to the emphasis on interval-level variables. Implicit in most of the crisis models is either a simple
distinction between crisis and non-crisis or a unidimensional ordinal set of "steps" to crisis (e.g.
Hoople, 1984). Crisis forecasting is reduced to a problem of monitoring some activityusually
some aggregated measureto ascertain when the system is going to change states. The crisis
literature also frequently emphases the concept of the "intensity" of events, another interval
The advantage of this approach is that a wide variety of methods are readily available. The
clear disadvantage is that the process of reducing behavior to a single dimension through scaling
Another factor favoring continuous formulations may be the ease with which one can draw a line representing a
continuous variable and call it a "pattern" (for example Brody, 1972) whereas discrete sequences are more
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loses a great deal of information and introduces a large number of free parameters (the issue of the
choice of weights will be discussed in detail below). For example in principle (although almost
never in practice), a month characterized by a large amount of conflict in the first two weeks
(negative numbers on most scales), followed by a large amount of reconciliation in the last two
weeks (positive numbers) could aggregate to value close to zero, which is the same value that
would occur in a month where nothing happened.
A second, more subtle, problem occurs with aggregation: it removes the analysis a step
further from the cognitive and organizational processes that are generating the events. While
decision-makers may do some aggregationone of the most commonly used metaphors in
political analysis is indicating whether a situation is "heating up" or "cooling down"detailed
political responses are usually triggered by specific sets or sequences of events, not by the
crossing of some numerical threshold.
In political activity, unlike economic activity, both the stimuli and responses are likely to be
discrete, not continuous. Prices of stocks or the levels of interest rates, for example, move in
predictable adjustments and when they fail to move continuously across that range (as in an
investigation of NASDAQ trading a couple years ago), suspicions are triggered. Furthermore,
small changes in the price will almost always result in proportionally small changes of supply
and demand.
Political events, in contrast, move in jumps that are predicated on the prior state of the
system. The fall of a single rocket following a period of peace will trigger a major response,
whereas the fall of a single rocket during a period of war usually will go unnoticed. A model that
can maintain the event data in its disaggregated form is, ceteris paribus, more likely to be
successful in predicting actual behavior.
Despite these disadvantages, one of the most common techniques used in event data analysis
is to aggregate events over timetypically by week, month or yearusing a numerical scale.
This changes the data set from an irregular, nominal-level time series to a regular, interval-level
time series. An event data scale assigns a numerical value to each event category found in the
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coding scheme. Table 3.1 shows subsets of the Azar-Sloan (1976) and Goldstein (1992) scales,
which apply to the COPDAB and WEIS coding schemes respectively; the full scales can be
found in the event coding appendices of this volume.
Scale value
Scale value
Goldstein Scale
WEIS Category
Military Engagement
The Azar-Sloan and Goldstein scales are the systems most commonly used in the literature,
but other systems exist; their development is summarized in Goldstein (1992:373-374). The
Goldstein scale has been used in a number of recent studies, including Huxtable and Pevehouse
1996, Goldstein and Pevehouse 1997; Schrodt and Gerner 1997, 1998, Bond et al. 1997; Kinsella
1995, 1998; Reuveny and Kang 1996a, 1996b. Prior to this, Vincent's (1990) scale for
aggregating WEIS events was used in a number of studies, most notably Goldstein and Freeman's
(1990) book-length study of superpower interactions.
All of these scales have been constructed by querying panels of experts about the relative
intensity of various event categories. In most cases, the weights have been assigned on a single
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As in "folk theorem": we've heard this phrase many times over the years but have no idea who originated it. The
Azar-Sloan value for "inciting of riots" (COPDAB category 12) is equal to 44; "full-scale war" is 102.
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consistently show that event data seem to be relatively insensitive to these changes. This would
help explain why coding and scaling systems such as the Goldstein scale and the WEIS categories
have been effective for political analysis despite their rather ad hoc nature, and also provides
some indication of the relative importance of censoring, coding, and schematic errors discussed in
Section 3.1.
3.3.1. The Effects of Simplifying Scales
In this subsection, we will examine the effect of simplified weighting schemes on the
delineation of phases of political behavior in the Middle East (1979-1995) is done in Chapter 4,
using the Goldstein (1992) scale as the reference point.7 The weights will be progressively
simplified to give decreasing levels of differentiation between the event categories. These
simplified scales are shown in Table 3.2; in the analysis the data were reduced to monthly
aggregations using six different systems that derive progressively less information from the daily
events.. By comparing the results of these various weighting schemes we can evaluate the extent
that the results of an analysis are dependent on the choice of a particular weighting scheme.
Goldstein weights
all events = 1.
The details of the analytical method will not be repeated here; these are discussed in the various sections of
Chapters 4 and 6.
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Table 3.3 reports the effects of these alternative weights on a discriminant analysis for the
assignment of crisis phase (see Chapter 4, section 4.3). The results are rather striking: There is
almost no difference between the weighting systems: all behave almost identically in various
measures of the discriminant analysis. In fact, the Goldstein scale is actually the least effective
weighting system for differentiating between the a priori clusters of behavior. The most effective
measures seem to be the number of cooperative events, and the total number of events, though
the differences in classification accuracy are not large.
Wilks' signif
# factors
random date(4)
random dyad(5)
1. Percentage of the cases classified correctly.
2. Variance explained by the first three factors of the discriminant analysis.
3. Canonical correlation for the first discriminant function. The canonical correlation is equivalent to the Pearson
product moment of the value of the discriminant function regressed on a set of dummy variables representing
each of the categories in the data set
4. This set used the Goldstein weights but randomized the order of the dates in the data set. (4)(5)4. is, the data
had no correspondence to the actual political phases, but the5. isd the information in eac to the patterns observed
in a given month.
5. This set randomly ordered the information in each dyads so that the marginal characteristics of the data set remain
the same, but the data are randomly order and have no relation to either the actual phase or to each other.
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The discriminant analysis on the two random data sets produce quite different results from
the analysis of the actual events. The random data have almost a 70% accuracy rate in phase
classification, probably because of the contrast between the very high dimension (54) of the
variable space and the relatively small number of clusters being classified (7). However, the
Wilks' measurement correctly adjusts for thisdespite the high classification accuracy,
shows that the none of the discriminant functions are statistically significant. 8
A second set of tests was done with using the LML clustering measure discussed in Chapter
4, Section 4.5. Figure 3.2 shows the cluster boundaries generated by each of the weighting
vectors, using the LML difference level =0.15 (except the Goldstein weight, where =0.309).
Table 3.4 shows the number of cases where the boundaries determined by the simplified vectors
are within 3 months of the a priori boundaries discussed in Chapter 4, Table 4.1, and the
Goldstein boundaries.
These results are generally similar to those found in the discriminant analysis: in general the
simplified weights do as well or better than the Goldstein scale in matching the a priori
boundaries, and there is little difference in the results obtained with the various simplified
weighting schemes. The "total" vectorwhere all event types are weighted equallyalso has a
high level of correspondence with the divisions found by the other methods; the "difference"
variation on this does as well in matching the a priori transitions but (unsurprisingly)
corresponds more closely to the Goldstein divisions than does the constant vector. In contrast to
the discriminant analysis, the vector with the least correspondence to the other transitions
This is an instructive example of why inferential statistical methods, rather than gross classification accuracy, is
needed to evaluate these models.
The higher value of in the Goldstein weights is a result of those weights being between -10.0 and 10.0, whereas
the remaining weights are between -1 and 1. Because the high number of zero values in the vectors more or less
forces the regression line through zero, the data are effectively not invariant to a change of scale despite the use of
a correlation measure, and the higher variance of the Goldstein scale leads to higher correlation values.
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considers only the cooperative events; in particular this has almost no correspondence with the a
priori transitions.
Table 3.4. Correspondence between the boundaries generated by default vectors and
other techniques
a priori
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where "distance" is defined by the correlation metric and the "average distance" is calculated as
the average distance between points. Fc is similar to the F-ratio maximized in discriminant
analysis except that only the distance between adjacent clusters is considered and measure uses
the total distance between points, rather than group variances.
The GA works reliably and most of the experiments produced similar sets of cluster
boundaries. The boundaries are, however, dependent on the value of in the LML criterion:
Higher values of consistently produce higher F c values, but fewer clusters, because of the
stricter threshold for establishing a new cluster.
The results of a number of different experiments with the genetic algorithm are shown in
Figure 3.3. The thick lines above the X-axis are a histogram of the cluster boundaries identified
by 100 GA runs for =0.15; Fc in these runs ranged from 1.70 to 1.51 compared to Fc = 1.08 for
the Goldstein weights.10 The solid squares on or near some of these lines show the number of
cluster boundaries found for 25 GA runs with =0.25. The solid triangles just below the X-axis
show the location of the cluster boundaries generated by the Goldstein weights for =0.30. As
indicated in Table 2, the relationship between the simplified weighting schemes and the divisions
For =0.25 the range of Fc for 25 GA experiments is 2.35 to 1.90; for the Goldstein scale Fc = 1.30. By
comparison, the Fc values for the other weighting systems are difference = 1.18; total = 1.46; cooperation =
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Event Data
Page 3-25
found by the GA are generally similar to the relationship between those divisions and the
Goldstein divisions.
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Event Data
Page 3-26
increasing the variance of the estimates of the parameters of a regression equations: Because the
correlation distance is invariant with respect to a linear transformation of the weights, very
different sets of weights can be used to produce essentially the same distances. This is
consistent with the fact that there is relatively little variance in the delineation of the clusters but
huge variance in the values of the weights producing those clusters. Consequently, producing an
"ideal" set of weights via an estimation procedureexpert panel, genetic algorithm, or
otherwiseis probably a hopeless task.
A genetic algorithm was also used to maximize the separation of the clusters, given the a
priori cluster boundaries in Table 4.1 in Chapter 4. The purpose of this experiment was to see
whether it would be possible to find a better set of weights than those provided by Goldstein for
that set of cluster transitions.11 Twenty experiments were done, with the GA allowed to run for
128 generations.
The results of this experiment differed substantially from the experiments where both the
weights and cluster boundaries are allowed to vary. In particular, there is a significant correlation
at the 0.01 level between the weight vectors in about 30% of the cases. None of those weight
vectors, however, correlate significantly with the vector of Goldstein weights. Furthermore, the
We also tried to estimate optimal weights in a linear fashion using discriminant analysis, where the independent
variables were the WEIS event counts (by 2-digit category) totaled across all of the dyads by month. While this
technique removes the information on which dyads were interactingto differentiate the dyads and event
categories would involve 1188 variables and we have only 208 data pointsthis method could provide a rough
estimate for the event weightings appropriate for the full system.
The results were generally disappointing. The classification accuracy with all variables was only 73%, and
the first three discriminant functions explained only 75% of the variance. There was no discernible pattern to the
weights or functions. When stepwise discriminant was used the accuracy dropped to 60% but the variables
chosen tended to be those with a high density of events: 01 (Yield), 02 (Comment), 03 (Meet), 11 (Reject), 12
(Accuse), 13 (Protest), 21 (Seize) and 22 (Force). The discriminant weights mirrored those of the Goldstein
scale to some extent: 01 = 0.65, 02 = 0.70, 03 = 0.23, 11 = -0.48, 12 = -0.09, 13 = 0.22, 21 = -0.32 and 22 =
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value of Fc for the optimized vectors is 1.58 while the Fc value for the constant vector is 1.54, so
the optimization provides very little improvement in the separation of the clusters.
The variance of the weight in many of the optimized vectors is quite small: Half have a
standard deviation between 0.5 and 1.0; the remainder have a standard deviation between 5.0 and
7.0 (the Goldstein weights have a standard deviation of 4.34). This bi-modal distribution is
entirely a function of whether or not the vector contains both positive and negative weights: the
low-variance vectors have only positive weights.
The high correlation between these optimal vectors and the constant vector suggested one
additional experiment: computing the distance between points by correlating the frequencies of
the 2-digit WEIS events without applying any weighting (in principle this method could also be
applied to 3-digit categories). The LML measure was computed as before, with the only
difference being that the correlation was computed on vectors containing counts of the twentytwo 2-digit WEIS events for each dyad-month, so each correlation used 22 x 56 = 1232 points
rather than the 56 points of the vectors containing the Goldstein scores.
Figure 3.4 shows the LML t curves from this analysis, and Figure 3.5 shows the cluster
boundaries. In general, the event count measure produces results quite similar to those of the
Goldstein measurethe correlation (r) between the Goldstein LMLt and event count LML t is
0.63 particularly in terms of matching the a priori cluster boundaries. (The =0.15 threshold is
used for the event count boundaries, which in part explains the higher number of clusters for that
measure.) Once again this suggests that the clustering method is not strongly dependent on the
Goldstein weights, and the frequency of coded events alone is the primary factor that
differentiates the major political features of the data. In another experiment that parallels the
"report" scale used in subsection 3.3.1, LML curves were computed for a data set that replaced
all event counts that were greater than zero with a value of 1in other words, a set that
measured only the presence of events rather than their quantity. This produces credible cluster
breaksfor example it correlates at the 0.78 level with the LML curve from the true data set
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Page 3-28
when the constant vector is usedthough unsurprisingly the variation of the curve is attenuated
compared to that produced by the actual data.
Event Count
Figure 3.4. Comparison of LML for the event count and Goldstein weights
Figure 3.5. Cluster breaks for the event count and Goldstein weights
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Page 3-29
nominal variables rather than scaled data. The substantive problem involved forecasting conflict
in the former Yugoslavia for the period 1990-1999.
The original motivation for this experiment was, in fact, pragmatic. Hidden Markov models
(HMM) involve a large number of parameters and are estimated with a numerical optimization
technique that produces a large number of local maxima. The models had originally been
estimated using the 22 WEIS cue categories (plus a non-event code), but the resulting
parameter estimates had come nowhere near converging to a single set of estimates, and were
proving very difficult to interpret.
Based on the earlier experiments with the discriminant and LML analyses on the Middle
East, it seemed possible that this lack of convergence might be due to the model trying to derive
too much detail from the data. For example, if any incidences of violence in the region resulted in
events distributed across the WEIS violence categories expel, seize and force, and
likewise cooperation involved a combination of meetings, promises, agreements and requests,
then attempting to draw subtle distinctions between these categories would be futile. While
estimation of an HMM uses a non-linear method, one likely result of this co-occurrence of event
types would be an effect similar to that of co-linearity in linear regression: the standard errors of
the parameter estimates would increase substantially, and models with very similar degrees of fit
might have quite different parameters, as was being found. The models were therefore reestimated using the following five-category system:
0. Non-event
1. Verbal cooperation (WEIS categories 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 09,10)
2. Material cooperation (WEIS categories 01, 06, 07)
3. Verbal conflict (WEIS categories 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
4. Material conflict (WEIS categories 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)
This reduced the total number of parameters in the model by about a factor of 5. It is also likely
to reduce the effect of coding variance and coding error somewhat: Several of the verbal
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conflict codes in WEIS are ambiguous even for human coders, and the automated coding
probably generates some misclassification in those categories.
The results of this experiment are given in Table 3.5; the rows refer to various combinations
of optimization weight (P vs. N) estimated at 1, 3 and 6-month forecast lags (see Chapter 6). 32
Monte-Carlo genetic algorithm estimates were done for each set of experimental parameters. For
purposes of comparison, Table 3.5a presents the results for the 23 event-category model; Table
3.5b shows the results for the 5 event-category model in the same format.
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In general, the results of the 5-category analysis are comparable to those of the 23-cateogry
analysis. In both schemes, the drop-off in accuracy with the increasing forecasting lag is
smallabout 4% from the 1-month to 6-month forecast lagthough consistently there is a small
decrease. The overall accuracy decreases about 4% for the P models and increases about 8% for
the N models. The largest difference in the results occurs with respect to the accuracy of the
high-conflict predictions in the P modelsthese average about 18% better in the percentage of
the observed high week that were correctly forecast, albeit at the cost of an 8% decrease in the
corresponding percentage of the observed low weeks that were correctly forecast. The N model
shows an 11% increases in the percentage of the observed low weeks that were correctly forecast
and a 5% increase in the percentage of forecasts of high conflict that actually had high conflict.
All of the remaining statistics differ from the original model by less than 3%.
This analysis clearly supports the hypothesis that the use of simplified event coding systems
at worst involves only a small penalty in terms of predictive accuracy, and at best can actually
improve the accuracy, probably through the reduction of noise. This is particularly important
when automated coding is being used, since automated coding is generally less capable of making
subtle distinctions between event categories, but generally is quite good at making large
distinctions such as the difference between cooperative and conflictual behavior.
(Meanwhile, the intuitive insight that motivated this experiment did not prove to be correct:
The simplified coding system reduced the variance of the HMM parameter estimates somewhat,
but not to the point where these converged to a single, readily-interpreted set of estimates. This
could either be due to the collinearity remaining in the datawhich looked at the activity of four
actors in this subsystemor to intrinsic indetermancy of HMM parameter estimates.)
3.3.4. Analysis
Based on these experiments, it appears that most of the information that can be used to
differentiate political behavior is found in the event counts themselves, rather than in the detailed
classification or weighting of events. This could be due to at least two factors.
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First, almost all event data contain a large number of time points where no activity has been
reported; these non-events are unaffected by any change in the weighting or classification
schemes. Around 50% of the dyad-months in the Levant data set have zero values, as are about
50% of the dyad-days in the most intensely-active dyad in the Balkans data set, Serbia=>Bosnia.
Second, the existence of any activity in a dyad may be a signal that Reuters reporters or
editors think that the political behavior in the dyad is important: this is particularly true with
respect to verbal activities where Reuters has often has an option of reporting the activity (in
contrast to physical actions such as demonstrations and military clashes, which are reported
more frequently).
This in turn means that results of event data analyses are likely to be very robust, rather than
being dependent on any particular idiosyncratic choice of scale or coding scheme. The
experiments here are by no means definitive, since they have examined only two geographical
regions and three analytical techniques. The Levant and Balkans are definitely atypical of dyads
in generalthey have greater levels of conflict, and are much more thoroughly covered by the
news mediabut they may be representative of the conflict-prone regions that are most
frequently analyzed using event data. Similarily, the correlational methods used in discriminant
analysis and the LML clustering are typical of most statistical analysis.12 It therefore seems
unlikely that the development of a complex and highly differentiated scale to be a magic bullet
These tests have all used machine-coded data, so the insensitivity might be due to the errors found in automated
coding. However, this seems somewhat unlikely given the magnitude of the effect, the fact that the overall error
rate in machine coding is comparable to that of human coding, and the fact that many of the categories that are
ambigous in machine coding are also ambiguous to human coders.
Along a similar line, a journal referee for an earlier version of this research suggested that the results should
not be accepted until we replicated them on all dyads in the international system. While we concur that this
would be interesting, there are roughly 40,000 such dyads, the optimized weight and HMM experiments each
required about 24-hours of computer time, and we were disinclined to spend the next two centuries doing that
exercise. Readers might, however, find it useful to do comparable experiments with whatever region and
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that will suddenly reveal features of the data that were completely invisible to simpler
techniques. While one can not necessarily conclude that Less is more in event data, there is
also little evidence that More is more.
The downside of this dependence on event reports is that we know event coverage to be
inconsistent across geographical regions and sources. In one of the earliest studies of regional
source effects, Doran, Pendley and Antunes (1973) found substantial differences in reports of
domestic violence in Central America depending on whether regional or North American sources
were used. More recently, Davenport and Galaich (1998) found very substantial differences
across geographical regions in reports of human rights violations found in the New York Times.
When Schrodt, Huxtable and Gerner (1996) compared Reuters-based data on the Levant and
West Africa, missing data was more of a problem in the latter region than in the former, and a
discriminant analysis using the Goldstein scale classified a priori behavioral phrases with only
about 75% accuracy in West Africa versus the 90% accuracy in the Levant.
This inconsistency does not necessarily imply that event data cannot be used for political
analysisto the contrary, as increasingly sophisticated techniques are employed in the analysis
of event data, the results are becoming ever stronger and more consistent. However, if those
results are strongly dependent on the frequency of the reports rather than on their content,
comparisons across geographical regions and across different sources may be more difficult than
had been anticipated when the event data exercise began. Any source (or combination of sources)
of eventswhether a global source such as Reuters, Associated Press or Agence France Presse, a
hegemonic source such as the New York Times or Times of London, or the various capital-city
regional sources found in COPDABpresents only a tiny subset of the "events" that occur in a
day. The question for the event data analyst is not whether that subset is comprehensiveit
never will bebut whether it is useful for the research task at hand.
Finally, this lack of sensitivity to event weights and categorization has an important
implication for the use of machine-coded data. While machine-coding is more consistent over
time than human-coded data, machine-coding is less sensitive to nuances of reported political
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behavior, and it is possible that those nuances could be very important. This question has, in
fact, driven much of the debate about event data coding from the earliest developments of the
Our analysis does not support the conclusion that nuance is important: Because similar
results can be obtained from huge differences in the weighting of event categories and high level of
aggregation in the nominal coding of events, there is little evidence that subtle differences in the
coding of events would have a major difference on statistical measures based on that data.
Consequently, inexpensive machine-coded data is likely to contain most of the relevant
information that a vastly more expensive human-coded data set would contain. In particular, the
most common machine-coding error is confusing the object of an action with an indirect object or
a location. Coding programs will not, however, create a actor that is not mentioned in the text.
For example, if a series of events involves Israel, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinians, some
actions of Israel towards Syria might be incorrectly coded as applying to Lebanon or the
Palestinians., but it would never create an extraneous Egypt=>Jordan event from these texts. If
most of the information found in event data comes from "who" rather than "what," relatively
simple coding systems that can be efficiently coded with automated techniques will prove quite
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Event Data
Page 3-35
Statistical approaches to early warning can be classified into two broad categories: structural
and dynamic. 13 The structural category consists of studies that use events (or more typically, a
specific category of event such as a civil or international war) as a dependent variable and explain
these using a large number of exogenous independent variables. In the domain of domestic
instability, this approach is exemplified by the work of Gurr and his associates, most recently in
the "State Failure Project" [SFP] (Esty et al. 1995, 1998); Gurr and Lichbach (1986) and Gurr
and Harff (1996) provide surveys of these methods more generally. In the field of international
instability, the structural approach is illustrated by the work of Bueno de Mesquita and his
associates, and more generally by the Correlates of War project; Wayman and Diehl (1994),
Gochman and Sabrosky (1990) and Midlarsky (1993) provide general surveys. These
approaches have tended to use standard multivariate linear regression models, although recently
the research has branched out to other techniques; for example, the SFP uses logistic regression,
neural networks and some simple time series methods.
In contrast to the structural approach, in dynamic early warning models event data measures
are used as both the independent and dependent variables. Most of the event data projects of the
late 1970s classified dyads with respect to the likelihood of a crisis based on a set of event-based
empirical indicators. For instance, the Early Warning and Monitoring System (EWAMS),
developed with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA;
see Hopple 1984; Laurance 1990), evaluated three WEIS-based indicators (conflict, tension, and
uncertainty) to determine an alert status for any dyad. Azar et al. (1977) use a similar approach
based on whether behaviors measured with the COPDAB event scale fall outside a range of
"normal" interactions for the dyad.
This discussion will not consider the large literature on non-statistical (qualitative) approaches to forecasting
Contemporary surveys of qualitative approaches can be found in Rupesinghe & Kuroda (1992), Gurr & Harff
(1994), and Adelman & Schmeidl (1995). We also will not deal with the topic of long-range forecasting using
formal methods, which is primarily done using simulation. Ward (1985) and Hughes (1993) provide surveys of
that literature.
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Page 3-36
Researchers justify the dynamic approachwhich is at odds with most statistical modeling
in political science in using only lagged endogenous variablesin three ways. The first rationale
is that many of the structural variables that are theoretically important for determining the
likelihood of conflict do not change at a rate sufficient for use in an early warning indicator; in fact
many are essentially fixed (e.g. ethnic and linguistic heterogeneity; historical frequency of
conflict; natural resource base). Data on variables that are changingfor example unemployment
rates, economic and population growth ratesare often reported only on an annual basis, and the
quality of these reports tends to be low in areas under political stress.
The second justification for the dynamic approach is that it reduces the information required
by the model. The data collection effort of the first phase of SFP, for example, measured 75
independent variables (Esty et al 1995:9); this requires a large amount of information from a vast
number of sources.14 In contrast, the event data collections used in dynamic models focus on
reported political interactions that can be collected systematically in real-time, which increases
the predictive utility of the model.
The final justification for dynamic modeling involves the nature of political events
themselves: the approach assumes that the effects of exogenous variables used in the structural
models will be reflected in the pattern of events prior to a major change in the political system.
As illustrated in Figure 3.6, the dynamic approach effectively uses the lagged values of the events
as a substitute for the structural variables.
However, the final models developed in the project found that most of the forecasting power could be accounted
for with only three variablesinfant mortality, trade openness, and democracy (Esty et al 1998:viii). Phase II of
the SFP involves some limited analysis of dynamic variables, and suggests expanding this approach in future
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Estimated Model
Figure 3.6. Comparison of the structural and dynamic approaches to early warning
To take a concrete illustration, Gurr (1995: 7) notes "We think, for example, that ethnic
heterogeneity probably is most significant for state failure when it coincides with lack of
democracy and low regime durability." Consequently, the SFP includes measures for those three
variables: ethnolinguistic diversity, regime democracy, and regime durability.
A dynamic approach, in contrast, would not measure these aspects of a political system
directly, but would instead assume that each would be reflected in the types of events picked up
by the international media. The presence of democracy, for instance, would be reflected not only
in periodic elections but in a large number of reports of disagreements between the government
and the elected opposition. A low level of regime durability would be reflected in coups and
attempted coups. To the extent that ethnicity was an important political factor, it would be
reflected in ethnically-oriented political rallies, outbreaks of violent ethnic conflict and similar
events. A suitably-designed event coding scheme should detect the presence or absence of these
events and make the appropriate forecast, without directly measuring the underlying variables.
At a theoretical level, the dynamic-events approach accepts the importance of exogenous
structural variables: Ceteris paribus, countries with a high level of ethnic heterogeneity will have
a different propensity for conflict than those with a low level; democracies are likely to be
different than autocracies, and so forth. The difference between the early warning approaches is
a matter of measurement: the structural modeling approach seeks to measure these variables
directly, whereas the dynamic approach assumes that to the extent that the variables are relevant
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for early warning problems, they can be measured indirectly through the patterns of events the
variables generate.
This is an optimistic, but not wholly implausible, assumption. For example, in the Reutersbased data with which we have been working, there is a clear contrast between Israel and Syria with
respect to the presence of a democratic opposition and between Lebanon and Egypt with respect
to the importance of ethnicity: The ethnic conflict in Lebanon is one of the most conspicuous
features of the data set. Our impression is that the increase in democracy in Jordan, and the
fluctuations in the Egyptian government's acceptance of a democratic opposition, would also be
reflected in the activities reported in Reuters, although we have not attempted to analyze this.
An econometric analogy to this is found in the distinction between "technical" and
"fundamental" analysis of stock prices. A fundamental analysis attempts to predict price
changes on the basis of underlying factors such as marketing, management, raw material prices,
and macroeconomic trends. Technical analysis, in contrast, assumes that these factors will be
reflected in the patterns of the movements of the price of a stock (or set of stocks) and therefore
analysis of those prices alone will provide sufficient information for forecasting. Fundamental
analysis corresponds to the structural approach to modeling political events; technical analysis to
the dynamic.
Until relatively recently, technical analysis generally had a bad reputation, consisting as it
did largely of statistically-dubious patterns based on small samples, wishful thinking, and gurus
whose fortunes were based more on the sale of books than on trading stock. With the increase in
computing power in the 1980s, the situation changed, and "programmed trading systems" can
now process sufficiently large amounts of information to generate profits (and periodically throw
the market into chaos) working solely with information endogenous to the market itself. The
increased information processing capacity in the 1990s in contrast to that available in the 1970s
may have a similar effect on event data analysis.
Because of the labor-intensive character of human event coding, the primitive statistical
methods available at the time, and institutional factors (Daly & Andriole 1980; Andriole &
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Hopple 1984; Laurance 1990), the event-based early warning research was largely discontinued
during the 1980s. Nonetheless, a small set of dynamic modeling efforts continued. These
employed increasingly-advanced econometric time-series methods that modeled an interval-level
measure of events as an autoregressive time series with disturbances. Goldstein & Freeman
(1990) provide a book-length example of this approach; Ward (1982), Dixon (1986), Ward &
Rajmaira (1992), Lebovic (1994) and Goldstein and Pevehouse (1996) illustrate the continued
development of dynamic models of events, although these studies generally used event data to
explore political interactions rather than for forecasting.
Unfortunately, standard econometric time series methods have only limited utility in the
problem of early warning. In general, time series analysis seeks to determine a function
y t+k = f(yt, y t-1..., Xt, Xt-1...) for some k>0
In English, the fundamental problem of time series is to determine the future values of a variable
y given some present and past values of that variable and (possibly) the present and past values
of a vector of exogenous variables X. Due to the importance (and potential financial rewards) of
accurate economic forecasts, there is a massive literature on time series estimation in
econometrics (see Hamilton 1994).
In contrast, the problem of statistical early warning consists of finding a time T such that
y t - ys > t > T > s
for some indicator variable y. In English, this means that the variable y has consistently higher or
lower values after time T than it had prior to time T, which would occur in aggregated event data
following a qualitative shift in the type of political behavior in which a dyad was engaged.
An additional distinction is that econometric time series generally are highly autoregressive
(e.g., GNP, unemployment, prices of consumer goods, and inflation rates) or at least have an
autoregressive component combined with generally random noise (e.g., stock prices; exchange
rates). The GNP or unemployment rate of a major industrialized economy has tremendous
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inertia. For instance, while the stock market crash of October 1929 was sudden, the high
unemployment rates of the Great Depression required two or three years to fully develop.
Furthermore, most econometric time series are measured continuously rather than episodically,
so missing data is less of an issue.
Early warning, however, focuses on shifts in the time-series that are not autoregressive, even
although the series taken as a whole might be autoregressive. An autoregressive model of warand-peace will be very accurate, as illustrated by the presumably apocryphal story about the
European political analyst who said "Every day from 1910 to 1970 I predicted that Europe
would remain at peace when at peace, and remain at war when in war, and I was only wrong four
times." This type of model is not, however, very useful. (More technically, such a measure
succeeds according to a frequency-based measure but fails according to an entropy-based measure,
which places higher weight on the prediction of low-probability events.) The econometric
problem most comparable to political early warning is forecasting sudden economic shifts such as
those observed in exchange rate fluctuations (e.g., the collapse of the Mexican peso or the
European Exchange Rate Mechanism). These problems are similar to political early warning in
the sense that they are primarily psychological and do not reflect a major change in the
underlying physical reality: the economic fundamentals of the Mexican or European economies
did not change dramatically during the days of the exchange-rate crises, but the perceptions of the
future values of the relevant currencies did change.
Despite these complications, it should be noted that in two very important respects
prediction is an easier problem than the typical econometric estimation problem. First,
forecasting models have right-and-wrong answers, or at least their accuracy can be evaluated
probablistically. Coefficient estimation problems, in contrast, do not have answers: one can
always specify an error structure, prior probability or alternative model structure that places the
estimated emphasis on different variables, and there is no empirical method of deciding between
these specifications. Secondand closely related to the first issueforecasting problems are not
affected by collinearity, which is the bane of coefficient estimation in the social sciences because
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every behavior tends to be linked to every other behavior. Coefficient estimates with low
standard errors are clearly useful for obtaining a theoretical understanding of a situation, but they
are not essential for the pragmatic purposes of forecasting (Wonnacott & Wonnacott 1979:81).
For this reason, it is not surprising that models with very diffuse coefficient structuresfor
example neural networks and VARincreasingly are found in early warning research.
Most of the examples of early warning used in this book employ some form of sequence
analysis. As discussed in Chapter 4, the sequence analysis approach has a long history in
political scienceat the most fundamental level, it is simply a systematic rendition of the "case
study" or "lessons of history" technique that has been used by decision-makers since time
immemorial (see May 1973, Mefford 1985, Neustadt & May 1986, Vertzberger 1990, Khong
1992) . History is considered relevant to decision-makers because they assume that when a
particular set of events and circumstances observed in the past is observed again, the resulting
events from that prior case can also be expected to apply in the new case, all other things being
This simple observation is both reinforced and attenuated by the fact that it is reflexivethe
methods that decision-makers use to interpret the past have an impact on how they create the
future. If decision-makers act consistently on the "lessons of history", then history will in fact
have lessons.
By itself, however, belief in the importance of historical examples is insufficient to create
empirical regularities because of "Van Crevald's Law"15: A conspicuously successful strategic
innovation is unlikely to succeed twice precisely because it was successful the first time. More
generally, work of the Santa Fe Institute on the so-called the "El Farol Problem" (see Casti 1997)
has demonstrated that systems of adaptive utility maximizers generally do not exhibit regularized
"...war consists in large part of an interplay of double-crosses [and] is, therefore, not linear but paradoxical. The
same action will not always lead to the same result. The opposite, indeed, is closer to the truth. Given an
opponent who is capable of learning, a very real danger exists that an action will not succeed twice because it has
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Event Data
Page 3-42
behavior because they look at history. In computer simulations, such agents tend to show
quasi-chaotic behavior that is not predictable. If the political world consists solely of rational
adaptive agents, there is little point in trying to make predictions based on past behaviors.16
There are undoubtedly some forms of international behavior (for example international exchangerate behavior) for which this is true.
But it is not be true in all cases. Situations of international conflict usually involve
organizational behavior rather than individual behavior, and for a variety of reasons both
theoretical and practical, organizations are substantially less likely to engage in rapidly adaptive
behavior than are individuals. Mature organizations instead are likely to rely on rule-based
standard operating procedures (SOPs) that are designed to insure that a specific set of stimuli will
invoke a specific response (Cyert and March 1963, Allison 1971). A classical Weberian
bureaucracy, unlike the adaptive maximizer of complexity theory, is virtually designed to assure
the success of a sequence analysis approach.
The SOPs are themselves adaptivethey are designed to effectively solve problems and many
are acquired through historical experience. But in a situation of the protracted interaction, two
organizations with SOPs are coadaptive: each responds in part to the environment created by the
other.17 In most circumstances, this eventually brings their SOPs into a Nash equilibrium within
the space of possible SOPs where neither can change strategies unilaterally without a loss of
utility. This is more likely to occur when the same organizations have been interacting over a
period of time, and when the payoff environment has been relatively stable. This is found,
Predictions could still be made on the basis of other characteristics of the systemfor example the effects that
economic or technological changes have on the utility functions of the actors, and even predictions about the
range of strategic outcomes. But in the absence of a completely specified model and complete information,
there is little point in trying to make point predictions in a chaotic system.
A detailed discussion of the concept of coadaptation is beyond the scope of this chapter, but general discussions
from a natural science perspective can be found in Maynard-Smith (1982) and Kauffman (1993); Anderson,
Arrows and Pines (1988) discuss a number of social science applications, and Schrodt (1993) applies the concept
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notably, in the situation of protracted conflicts and enduring rivalries. These are situations
characterized by exactly the competitive SOP "lock-in" that we've outlined aboveantagonists
fight, on repeated occasions, over the same issues, often over the same territory, and without
To summarize, sequence-based prediction will not work in all circumstances, but it will work
in a significant number of cases. In addition, those instances where it will not workrapid and
complex adaptationare frequently situations where other methods are not going to work either.
This relevance of event sequences may also explain in part why study of history remains popular
with politicians and diplomats despite our best efforts to divert them to the study of game
theory and statistics.
3.7. Conclusion
One of the anonymous referees who reviewed the validity studies in Schrodt and Gerner
(1994) observed "Because human coding of events is so miserable, why should you even try to
duplicate it with a machine?!". Good point: if WEIS can only be coded with 83% inter-coder
reliability, perhaps we should be looking for an alternative system that could be coded at, say,
95% reliability.
McClelland (1983) notes that WEIS was intended to be the first cut at developing an event
data coding scheme. Instead WEIS became the final word and the de facto U.S. government
standard. WEIS has obvious problems such as the ambiguous warning/threat distinction, and
similar events in distinct cue categories (e.g. 013 "admit wrongdoing; retract statement" and 061
"express regret; apologize"), and in addition harbor other application-specific cases of ambiguity
that become obvious only when one is training coders.
The original event data researchers were intent on getting the maximum amount of information
out of a newspaper story. Information was relatively scarce; and the investment of time required
first to train a coder and then have the coder locate and read a story was large in comparison to
the time require to extract some additional information. We also suspect that the extent to which
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the coder's cognitive biases would cause systematic errors was underestimated: The political
science research community in the 1960s was not exactly known for a diversity of perspectives,
and insights from cognitive psychology on the effects that preconceptions had on interpretation
did not become widely incorporated into the discipline for another decade.
This balance has changed with the availability of machine coding. The initial costs in
generating a new set of event data involve developing dictionaries, but once these are complete,
the incremental cost of coding additional stories is effectively zero. Consequently we might be
better off throwing away information that cannot be coded reliably and focusing instead on
sentences that can be reliability categorized. For example there is probably little point in
attempting to code the affective content of carefully worded official statements whose underlying
premise is "Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to hell in such a fashion that they look
forward to the trip." These are the sort of sentences that even humans can't reliably code, and we
should not expect machines to reliably code them . Coding systems that are designedand
testedfor reliability might result in event sequences that give a clearer signal of political events.
At the very least, any project that intends to invest a substantial amount of effort in
dictionary development (whether in the refinement of the event coding vocabulary or in the
refinement of the coding scheme itself) should probably first ascertain the extent to which those
refinements will make a difference given the analytical technique being used. For example, the
report weighting scheme discussed in subsection 3.3.1 can be tested on a set of data generated
using a standard .verbs dictionary, and the resulting data set should give at least a rough idea of
how much explanatory power is found in the existence of reports alone. (The detection of
reports is still sensitive to the .actors dictionary, and the actor vocabulary should almost always
be modified to accurately code any new region or time period.)
One of us recently reviewed a project that had spent a great deal of time and money
meticulously human-coding events using a detailed framework whose coding manual was over
one-hundred pages in length. At the analytical phase, however, the data, were subsequently into
simple verbal-physical/cooperation-conflict categories similar to those used in section 3.3.3.
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They were then used to estimate a neural network model that was insensitive to missing values
and coding error, and had a very diffuse parameter structure that virtually precluded the analysis
of the effect of the individual event category. This is the data analytical equivalent of buying a
very expensive red wine and adding it to a tomato sauce that will be simmered for three hours.
Maybe your guests will notice the difference, but in all probability, they wont, and an ordinary
table wine would have produced indistinguishable results. Similar economies are possible with
machine-coded event data.
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Event Data
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XYt = wct =
wi cit
Statistical Characteristics of
Event Data
Page 3-47
is computed with "distance" || xi - xj || is defined by the correlation metric and the "average
distance" is calculated as the average distance between points:
Between cluster distance =
|| xi - xj ||
iC 1jC 2
|| xi - xj ||
iC 1 j> i
where Ni = number of points in cluster i. The measurement of the points in adjacent clusters
rather than comparing the distance of a cluster to all other clusters is done to allow the possibility
of the system returning to an equilibrium behavior, so that clusters that are separated in time
might occupy the same space.
The genetic algorithm uses 32 w vectors that are initially set randomly to numbers between
-10.0 and +10.0, the same range as the Goldstein weights. After the fitness of each vector is
computed (a "generation" in the genetic algorithm), the vectors are sorted according to the value
of Fc and the 16 vectors with the lowest fitness are replaced with new vectors created by
recombination and mutation of the top 16 vectors.18 The probability of a vector becoming a
"parent" is proportional to the relative fitness of the vector (in other words, vectors with higher
fitness are more likely to be used to produce new vectors). Mutation involves adding a random
number between -1 and +1 to the weight, and mutation is done on 50% of the weights in the new
Most of the results we report are based on runs where the system ran for 48 generations: this
was usually sufficient to find a vector that showed little or no change. The system was
One new vector was generated by taking the average weight of the top 16 vectors, on the logic that weights that
were not important in the distance calculations (notably those for codes that occur infrequently in the data set)
would go to zero as the random weights canceled out. These average vectors were tagged so that their survival in
future generations could be tracked. They were rarely selected in the first set of experiments where both the
weights and cluster breaks were allowed to vary, but were frequently selected in the second set of experiments
where the weights were optimized for a given set of cluster divisions.
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Event Data
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occasionally allowed to run for 128 generations; this produced essentially the same results as the
shorter runs. This system was implemented in a C program; the source code is available from the