Consent To The Contract.: 1. A Contract May Be Annulled Where One of The Parties Is Incapable of Giving
Consent To The Contract.: 1. A Contract May Be Annulled Where One of The Parties Is Incapable of Giving
Consent To The Contract.: 1. A Contract May Be Annulled Where One of The Parties Is Incapable of Giving
due, and observe honesty and good faith. This means that a
persons way of exercising his right must not be of bad faith
or prejudicial to another. Otherwise, the person exercising
and abusing said right shall be made liable under Art. 20
which covers the obligations of persons causing damage to
another to indemnify latter for the sameand Art. 21, which
covers the obligation to compensate another for the damage
i. According to the Court in Sea Commercial Company, Inc. vs.
Court of Appeals, the absence of good faith is essential to
the abuse of right, and that a person exercising his right
arbitrarily or unjustly shall be made liable. Hence, as
persons, we have numerous rights that we can exercise that
are respected by the laws, and these rights must be
performed in ways that will not negatively affect others with
the legal rights respected under the laws. If, notwithstanding
the prohibition, rights are abused, liabilities will arise therein
as to deter the abuser from repeating the said act as well as
to compensate the person negatively affected by the
damage done.
i. It is a obligatory upon the State, as mentioned in Art. II, Sec.
27 of the 1987 Constitution, to take effective measures
against graft and corruption involving public officers in the
exercise of their rights. The doctrine of state immunity shall
not apply to said public officers where said abuse, although
in the exercise of their official duties, are done in bad faith or
in excess of his authority. The Constitution, although
respective of the rights directed to public officers, does not
belie the fact that there may be abuse of said rights granted
to them.
i. XYZ, an employer who lays off his employees by virtue of
retrenchment but later on hires other persons to perform the
tasks that retrenched employees used to perform, will be
liable for damage. This is because retrenchment is a
management prerogative and is a just cause for termination
of employees due to economic/financial purposes. However,
it can be realized that XYZ was in bad faith in laying off
employees, and that his acts were clearly made to
circumvent the security of tenure of old employees, hence,
he shall be made liable for damages caused.
3. Acquittal of the accused does not extinguish civil liability.
c. Under the Art. III, Sec. 1 of the 1987 Constitution, no person shall
be deprived of life xxx without due process of laws. This provision
affirms the fact that a person, upon being unjustly attacked, may
offer protection to himself to uphold his right to his life. However, it
must be noted that another man (the one who unjustly attacked)
also has his constitutional right to life, which makes it reasonable
for the accused to be required to prove self-defense as a justifying
circumstance to his killing of another.
d. Where XYZs testimony regarding the night of the commission of
alleged self-defense, and where grave inconsistencies were found
to be present, the Court must hold that the elements for selfdefense to be raised was not completely established. Hence, XYZ
could be held liable for murder.