03 01 Gold Exploration
03 01 Gold Exploration
03 01 Gold Exploration
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Specific criteria used for exploration for new ore may be derived from genetic models. These might include specific lithological assemblages, fractionation trends, alteration assemblages and ore-controlling structures, for example. Three lithogeochemical methods of use in exploration include: diagnostic petrogenetic trends, obtained from geographical or
statistical analyses of major and minor element data; diagnostic mineral assemblages, obtained through petrographic and
XRD analyses; and specific elemental signatures (gains, losses, and isotopic shifts), also obtained from analytical data.
Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits formed from high-temperature metalliferous fluids generated in the sub-seafloor
through heating (from a subvolcanic intrusion) of downwelling seawater. Both the subvolcanic intrusions and related volcanic rocks have somewhat aberrant petrochemical trends, caused by unusually rapid heat removal to the hydrothermal system; extensive fractionation is evident in both major element and REE trends. Alteration includes lower semi-conformable
horizons, albite-epidote-actinolite-quartz zones, and under some deposits, broad carbonatized zones. Alteration pipes vary
from those with cores of Fe-chlorite and silica and rims of Mg-chlorite (after smectite), through Mg-chlorite core and sericite-rim pipes, to silica-sericite Fe-carbonate pipes. All are Na-, Ca- and Sr-depleted.
Lode-gold deposits are associated with major transgressive (typically high-angle reverse) fault zones. Vein systems typically
occur either in dilational jogs, near fault terminations, or at contacts between units with high ductility contrast. Regional
alteration is dominated by CO2 addition. Iron-dolomite and/or ankerite are most common near the deposits, but dolomite
or calcite form the regionally developed alteration assemblage. Sphene occurs distally, but rutile is common near vein systems. Sericite and albite or K-spar occur within a few tens of metres or less of the deposits.
Magmatic sulphide deposits formed by segregation of immiscible sulphide liquid from a parent mafic or ultramafic magma.
Deposits occur in intrusions and flows with unusually high Mg/Fe ratios. Nickel is depleted relative to Mg in fertile intrusions. Olivine in barren intrusions is rich in Ni, compared with fertile intrusions. Because sulphur saturation is promoted by assimilation of sulphur from an external source, Se/S ratios are higher in ore-bearing intrusions. Sulphur isotopes
may deviate strongly from mantle compositions because of assimilation, particularly in post-Archean intrusions.
Conventional prospecting and airborne geophysical surveying will have
continued importance in finding new mineral resources, but exploration will become increasingly dependent on the application of geological principles, as well as advanced technology. Some regional and local
geological elements are critical to locating economic ore deposits: many
of these attributes indicate new ore potential, and thus are exploration
guides. The genetic model for each ore deposit type is based on extensive field observations, coupled with intensive petrochemical, mineralogical and isotopic investigations. Critical lithological assemblages,
specific fractionation trends, and diagnostic alteration assemblages are
In Proceedings of Exploration 97: Fourth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration edited by A.G. Gubins, 1997, p. 191208
Exploration Geochemistry
Volcanic-associated deposits occur in terrains dominated by submarine
volcanic rocks: the deposits are typically in volcanic strata, but may also
be in or near sedimentary strata that are an integral part of a volcanic
complex. Volcanic-associated deposits contain variable amounts of economically recoverable copper, zinc, lead, silver and gold that were
deposited on or just below the paleo-seafloor, from high-temperature
(250400C), moderately saline (~35 wt.% NaCl) metalliferous fluid.
Their close spatial and genetic association with volcanic rocks has
prompted the use of the classification term Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide deposits, or VMS deposits as their most common acronym.
VMS deposits in the Precambrian occur as two compositional
classes, the copper-zinc and zinc-lead-copper groups (Franklin et al.,
1981; Franklin 1995). Phanerozoic deposits also include a copper-rich
category characterized by VMS deposits in mafic volcanic dominated
terrains (Large 1992). The copper-zinc deposit group has been further
divided into two types (Morton and Franklin, 1987): one typified by the
deposits in the Sturgeon Lake, Ontario area (Mattabi-type); and, the
other by deposits at Noranda and Mattagami Lake, Qubec. (Noranda
type). An important sub-group of the zinc-lead-copper deposits are Aurich VMS deposits (Poulsen and Hannington, 1996), which are typified
by Eskay Creek- and Boliden-type deposits. Each type displays distinctive compositional and alteration aspects. Consequently, mineralogical
and petrochemical criteria used as exploration guides must be sufficiently extensive to include all sub-types of deposits.
Some of the geological attributes (Figure 1) that are of use in exploring for VMS deposits include:
1. Presence of submarine volcanic strata: paleo-water depth controls
some variations in volcanic morphology, as well as alteration
assemblages and ore composition. Physical volcanological studies
provide useful information to help determine which assemblages
and compositions to expect.
2. Presence of a subvolcanic intrusive complex at shallow crustal
levels (ca 2 km). These can be any composition represented in the
overlying volcanic rocks, and generally: a) are sill complexes that
locally transect stratigraphy; b) are texturally variable, composite
intrusions, formed through multiple intrusions of the magmas at
the same crustal level; c) are [highly] variably fractionated, [with
reverse zonation common in] felsic intrusions containing abundant xenoliths of earlier mafic intrusions, with mafic portions more
abundant along their top (as irregular pods) and ends; or mafic
intrusive complexes that are commonly highly fractionated with
Franklin, J.M.
Table 1:
Alteration Index
Element Ratios
Alteration Process
Sericite Index
Chlorite Index
Al2O3 / Na2O
Ishikawa, 1976
Modified Hashimoto
Coad, 1982
Hashigushi Index
addition of Fe as Fe2O3
Hashigushi, 1983
Residual Silica
Lavery, 1985
e.g. Zn/Na2O
Normative plots
Petrochemical trends
Recent studies of hydrothermally active sites on the modern seafloor
(Embley et al., 1988; Franklin 1996; Hannington et al., 1995) as well as
research on subvolcanic and related volcanic rocks associated with
ancient deposits (Campbell et al., 1982), have demonstrated the presence of very specific, and possibly unique petrochemical trends that are
related to the ore-forming process. Galley (1995) has summarized many
of the lithogeochemical methods that are useful exploration tools. Many
alteration indices have been developed to test petrochemical data for the
presence of alteration (Table 1). While these are useful and simply
applied, in many cases, mineralogical data are equally sensitive, and
more easily applied (particularly in the field) indicators of ore potential.
As described above, an important constituent of the hydrothermal system is the heat source, commonly represented by a subvolcanic intrusion. Compositional variations within these intrusions and their
associated volcanic rocks can be affected by the presence of a hydrothermal system in two ways: the rapid removal of heat can cause unusual
fractionation to occur within the subvolcanic intrusion, and secondly,
hydrothermal fluid may enter into the melt. Hydrothermal signatures
are developed through assimilation of previously altered wall rocks.
Fracture-controlled alteration is generally sub-solidus and occurs after
approximately 80% crystallization (Norton and Knight, 1977).
The presence of anomalously fractionated basaltic sequences has
been documented on the Galapagos Ridge (Embley et al., 1988) and at
Cyprus (Schmincke et al., 1983). In both cases, fractionation has proceeded from N-MORB through ferrobasalt, Fe-Ti basalt to andesite
Gresens, 1967
Grant, 1986
Baumgartner & Olsen, 1995
(Figure 2). Sulphur and the volatile contents increase with amount of
fractionation, although sulphur decreases remarkably in the
end-member andesite. Efficient removal of olivine and immiscible-sulphide droplets into the base of shallow magma chambers has occurred
during fractionation.
Fractionation [has] may also have affected shallow-level felsic subvolcanic magma chambers, as at Sturgeon Lake (Beidelman Bay intrusion) and Noranda (Flavrian intrusion). Rapid removal of heat may
have forced disequilibrium crystallization, causing early formation of
anomalous amounts of Ca-plagioclase and ferromagnesian minerals.
Irregularly disposed mafic portions of these intrusions are common
near their stratigraphic top and lateral terminations. Removal of Cafeldspar from the melt, or complexing of Eu during catastrophic ingress
of seawater could [has] result[ed] in depletion in europium relative to
other REEs (Campbell et al., 1982) forming a distinctive REE pattern
(Figure 3). However, europium depletion may also be associated with
hydrothermal alteration of these high-level complexes.
Although virtually no data exist on the Cl contents of ancient
sequences, these data may be useful indicators of the potential for hydrothermal activity to have occurred in an area. Recent data on the Sr isotope and Cl contents of the various members of the fractionated suite at
Galapagos indicate that these melts were likely progressively contaminated by seawater. This could have been caused either by assimilation of
old crust or ingress of hydrothermal fluid into the melt. Cathles (1990)
suggested that the latter process may be important in forming large
hydrothermal systems. However, the Galapagos suite could also be the
result of progressive melting of previously altered oceanic lithosphere.
Exploration Geochemistry
Figure 1: Composite section through a volcanogenic massive sulphide system. Note locally advecting seawater near the deposit, which could form a Nadepleted, Mg-enriched alteration zone. The scale of this alteration depends on the longevity of the system, as well as the physical nature of the footwall rocks.
Figure 2: Fractionation index of seafloor basalt near active spreading ridges. Note the high values and relatively narrow range of Mg numbers (Mg/Mg
+ Fe) for basalts not associated with VMS deposits (Northern Rift Zone), compared with the large range and low values for those rocks associated with
deposits (Horst and southern rift zone).
Franklin, J.M.
Figure 5:
Figure 4:
Composite characteristics of local and regional alteration associated with massive sulphide deposits formed in shallow-water (< 2 km).
Exploration Geochemistry
have shown that on a regional basis, calcite has been added to the felsic
strata, and Fe-dolomite to mafic strata (see Figure 5) in the Sturgeon
Lake, Ontario, area. Siderite occurs immediately below and within a few
hundred metres of deposits, whereas Fe-dolomite and calcite occur farther away from the deposits. Although the total CO 2 content of the rocks
remains essentially unchanged (about 510% of the rock), the high Fe
content of the mineralizing fluid that passed through these rocks converted the earlier-formed Ca and Fe-Mg-Ca carbonates to siderite. Concomitantly, Mn was incorporated into the siderite. Data on carbonate
nodules that are presently forming under the deposits at Middle Valley
and Escanaba Trough confirm this transition.
The alkali depletion that is common in many alteration zones is
manifest as abundant aluminosilicate minerals (andalusite and, less
commonly, kyanite) in areas of abundant carbonate alteration. In the
absence of carbonate, margarite (at Snow Lake; Zaleski, 1989) and chlorite replace the feldspar.
Amphibolite-grade metamorphism significantly changes the alteration assemblages under VMS deposits. At upper greenschist facies,
chloritoid forms in the carbonatized alteration zones. Although Mgchlorite remains stable well into amphibolite facies, Fe-chlorite has
changed to staurolite in districts such as Snow Lake, Manitoba (Walford
and Franklin, 1982) and Manitouwadge (Friesen et al., 1982). In very
Fe-rich rocks (and in the absence of potassium) anthophyllite is abundant (Froese, 1969).
The mica species in alteration pipes are poorly documented. At Mattabi, although sericite is the most abundant mica, paragonite is common
(but difficult to recognize), even in Na-depleted rocks.
Franklin, J.M.
Figure 7:
Mineral zonation associated with Zn-Pb-Cu deposits (Kuroko type). After Iijima, 1974. For descriptions of zones see text.
Figure 8: Harker diagram illustrating Na and K metasomatized felsic volcanic compositions in the ergslagen district. Infilled circles represent normal felsic
compositions, with K-enriched rocks from the upper part of the semiconformable alterations zone to the right, Na-enriched rocks from the lower zone to the left.
smectite-chlorite, zeolite and Mg-carbonate near the top, and albitechlorite-epidote (or, deeper albite-chlorite-epidote-actinolite) assemblages at lower stratigraphic positions. These latter zones are similar to
those in the Snow Lake, Manitoba district (Skirrow and Franklin, 1994).
Exploration Geochemistry
(Herzig et al., 1991), and the shale beds associated with several deposits
(Kidd Creek, Uchi, West Arm) were all deposited penecontemporaneously with VMS deposits, or slightly pre-date them. Some exhalites have
no apparent relationship with known VMS, and represent a period of
extensive, but shallow, low temperature hydrothermal convection. Modern sea-floor hydrothermal sites also have hydrothermal sediments surrounding them (Hannington et al., 1990). Finally, many VMS deposits
have thin, laterally extensive tails leading away from the economic sulphide deposits; these may extend for hundreds of metres or more. They
usually contain sub-economic metal contents; most are composed of
barren pyrite.
The near-field sedimentary strata may be divided into two groups;
those that contain sulphide as at least an accessory mineral, and those
that contain oxide minerals. The origin of each of these is somewhat
complex. Sulphidic sediments may have incorporated fallout particles
from hydrothermal plumes. They may also have formed from the discharge of poorly focussed low-temperature hydrothermal fluids in areas
surrounding the high temperature vents. The oxide zones may be
formed from the oxidation of sulphides (Hannington et al., 1990; Kalogeropoulos and Scott, 1983), or by direct precipitation of oxide minerals
(i.e., iron formation).
The geochemical aspects of these two types of deposits that pertain
to exploration have only been examined in a few districts. Some preliminary findings are as follows.
For sulphidic sediments:
1. Base metal contents increase towards the ore zone, although rather
irregularly (Kalogeropoulos and Scott, 1989).
2. The silver contents of disseminated sulphides in any type of VMSrelated sedimentary rock are higher than in pyrite from strata
where the sulphide was generated biogenically (Elliot, 1984). At
Kidd Creek, for example, disseminated sulphide in the hangingwall graphitic shale unit contains 60 ppm Ag, in comparison with
the silver content of pyrite from unmineralized black shale of
18 ppm. Pyrite from VMS-related sedimentary rocks also has
lower Ni and Co contents (200 and 120 ppm, respectively) than the
abundances in biogenic pyrite (2000 and 650 ppm).
3. The sulphur isotopic composition of sulphides in sediments associated with Precambrian VMS mineralization typically has a very
narrow range ( 1), clustered around 0, in contrast to sulphides in shale not associated with VMS deposits, which are probably biogenic (Goodwin et al., 1976), and have very wide ranges
(typically 8 to +8).
For oxide-rich sediments derived through degradation of VMS sulphides, only a few indicators are noteworthy.
1. Hannington et al. (1988) have demonstrated that gold is enriched
by a factor of 10 to 100, by a secondary process in the oxidized sulphidic sediments at the TAG field (Mid Atlantic Ridge) and in the
ochres at Cyprus (Herzig et al., 1991). This enrichment may only
be present where bottom water was oxidizing, i.e., in Phanerozoic
open-ocean areas.
2. The lead isotope composition of oxidized sulphide material is conserved from the primary deposit composition, and is much less
radiogenic than the lead in oxides generated by weathering of ferruginous (non-sulphide) rocks, or from iron formation (Gulson
and Mizon, 1979).
Lode gold deposits occur in close association with major deformation
zones, and can occur in virtually any rock type (Keays et al., 1989). The
general characteristics of Archean examples of this deposit type have
been summarized by Kerrich (1983), Colvine et al. (1988), Card et al.
(1989) and Robert and Poulsen (this volume). Lode gold deposits occur
in sequences of all ages, although they may be more plentiful in Archean
rocks; Superior Province has produced 142 million ounces of gold, only
surpassed by the paleoplacer deposits of the Witwatersrand (Card et al.,
1989). Otherwise their geological characteristics are similar regardless
of age.
The lode-gold group of deposits includes both vein and disseminated (or sulphidic schist) types. These two types account for the majority of the gold produced in Canada. They are associated with major fault
zones, and are themselves structurally controlled. They appear to form
very late in the geological history of their regions, typically after the peak
of metamorphism.
Some geological attributes useful for exploring for this deposit type
(after Poulsen, 1996; Robert, 1996) are:
1. Areas containing significant volumes of mafic volcanic rocks and a
major fault zone, especially near the edge of a volcanic domain are
most favourable. Shear zones or faults demonstrating high-angle
reverse to reverse oblique motion contain the largest deposits
(Sibson et al., 1988).
2. Gold deposits do not normally occur in the first-order fault or
shear system, but in subsidiary fault and shear zones.
3. Favourable segments of fault or shear zones are those intersecting
favourable host rocks such as small felsic intrusions, iron formations, and iron-rich rocks. Also, portions of a shear or fault system
where splays or deviations from the overall trend are evident are
more productive.
4. Rocks surrounding the deposits are commonly (but not ubiquitously) carbonatized.
Petrochemical trends
As gold deposits formed well after nearly all of their host rocks, little
if any information on the petrogenesis of these rocks has relevance to the
deposits. A hypothesis has been presented (e.g., Callan and Spooner,
1989) for a genetic relationship between the tonalitetrondhjemitegranodiorite magmatic assemblage and gold deposits. The isotopic data
used in their argument do not provide a unique resolution of this
hypothesis. Although the common association of small albitic porphyry
intrusions with gold deposits also provides some possibility for a genetic
relationship, age data (Anglin et al., 1988; Marmot and Corfu, 1989),
as well as petrogenetic arguments (the porphyry bodies usually pre-date
the metamorphic peak, the veins postdate it; Robert, 1996) make any
genetic relationship virtually impossible.
Rock et al. (1989) and Wyman and Kerrich (1989) noted the association of gold deposits with shoshonitic (typically lamprophyric) intrusions. Although no direct genetic (or temporal) connection with this
magmatic suite has been confirmed, the age of these intrusions is similar to ages determined for some gold veins (Bell et al., 1989). This similarity may reflect some common source attributes for gold-bearing
fluids and alkaline rocks, but no more direct genetic relationship has
been established.
Franklin, J.M.
Alteration associated with gold deposits has a very complex genesis.
Only a few diagnostic features have been observed, and these must be
treated with some caution (Fryer and Franklin, 1982).
Alteration is caused by two processes.
1. Dynamo-thermal alteration, usually on a regional scale, accompanied the formation of most major shear and fault zones. Feldspar
destruction (yielding a mica) was commonly accompanied by
dissolution of some components, leading to volume loss within a
shear zone (Beach, 1976). Alkali elements may have been gained,
through mica formation, or lost, through feldspar destruction.
Typically, ferromagnesian components are conserved. Fluid movement through shear zones caused hydration, and possible resetting of isotopic systems. All of these alteration processes can
combine to yield a geochemical signature with no relevance to the
ore-forming process. Almost any shear zone will be mineralogically
and chemically modified; caution must be exercised in using these
changes to determine ore potential.
2. Ore-related fluid movement through the area of gold mineralization imparted mineralogical and geochemical change at two scales
(Figure 9). Many aspects of alteration associated with gold deposits
are reviewed by Colvine et al. (1988).
3. At a local scale, sulphidation, alkali (either K or Na) and carbonate
metasomatism, boron enrichment, and hydration are very common. The scale of alteration is typically from a few centimetres to
a few metres adjacent to veins. The area affected by alteration is
controlled by the fracture-induced permeability of the rocks. Per-
Figure 9:
Exploration Geochemistry
ever, K-feldspar (microcline) is extensively developed around the
ore (Kuhns, 1986), with sericite alteration peripheral to the microcline zones.
Elemental additions most diagnostic of gold mineralization are (in
approximate order of importance) Au, S, CO2, K, Rb, SiO2, Na, As,
Sb, W, B, Mo and Pb (Davies et al., 1982; Andrews et al., 1986 and
references therein). A few elements, notably Ca and Sr, may be
depleted, due to feldspar destruction. Given that volume reduction
may have occurred during deformation, some immobile elements
(e.g., Al2O3, TiO2, Zr) display apparent increase, but mass balance
calculations may confirm that such changes occur through volume
or mass change, rather than real gain or loss. The size of geochemically anomalous zones of these elements is variable, from centimetres to hundreds of metres away from ore. Typically, the zones of
geochemically measurable alteration are about the same width as
the ore deposits themselves, and are symmetrical to the ore zone.
+ calcite + quartz [1]
At a scale of 25 m away from the veins, ankerite appears in the alteration asemblage:
chlorite + calcite + CO2 + albite
+ paragonite + quartz [3]
muscovite + albite
In gabbroic rocks where potassium was added (either from the altering fluid or prior to carbonatization), the reactions described by Clark
et al. (1986) pertain:
On a regional scale (10s or more metres):
amphibole + epidote
+ H2O + CO2 + K2O
sphene + CO2
+ chlorite + calcite + quartz
+ muscovite + quartz + H2O
The important aspects to note are the presence of rutile (rather than
sphene) as a result of CO2 metasomatism, and that with increased
X CO2, the biotitechloritecalcite assemblage produced in reaction [5])
Franklin, J.M.
changes to dolomitemuscovitequartz (reaction [7]). Knowledge of the
titanium mineral species, as well as the mica species and carbonate composition can provide some estimate of closeness to a gold-bearing
(hopefully!) system of conduits (i.e., faults/shear zones). This type of
mineral determinative work can be done by x-ray diffraction, an inexpensive and rapid method. The carbonate species can effectively be
determined by staining methods.
Figure 10: Schematic cross section of a typical Kambalda ore shoot showing the MgO contents of the ore-bearing and barren komatiite units (after
Lesher and Groves, 1984).
Exploration Geochemistry
Franklin, J.M.
Figure 11: Ni-depletion in the ore-bearing komatiite succession at Kambalda, Western Australia. The solid line represents the model compositional trend
produced by fractional crystallization of olivine; the dashed lines show the effect of removal of olivine and sulphide in 200:1 and 50:1 ratios (Duke 1979).
The dots give the compositions of spinifex-textured peridotites (STP) from Lesher et al. (1981).
sample the fine-grained spinifex in the flow-top, that will most closely
approximate the initial liquid composition.
In dealing with plutonic rocks, it is only rarely possible to identify
rocks which have liquid-equivalent compositions. However, the chalcophile element depletion concept also applies to minerals which crystallized from sulphide-saturated magmas. Olivine is the most useful
mineral in this respect because it normally contains readily detectable
concentrations of Ni. Naldrett et al. (1984) have described a number of
examples of nickel depletion in olivine from mineralized intrusions
including the Insizwa Complex of South Africa, the Moxie and Katahdin
intrusions in Maine, and the Dumont Sill in Qubec. Paktunc (1989) has
documented Ni-depleted olivines in the St. Stephen intrusion in
New Brunswick which hosts a number of zones of magmatic Ni-Cu
Chromite compositions
Lesher and Groves (1984) reported that chromites from mineralized
komatiite sequences at Kambalda contain significantly higher levels of Zn
than those from unmineralized sequences, specifically, 0.6 to 2.2 atomic
% as compared to less than 0.6 atomic %. Chromites from ultramafic host
rocks to ore at Thompson, Manitoba were found to contain similar high
levels. The suggestion of Lesher and Groves (1984) that this enrichment
is due to concentration of Zn in the silicate liquid during sulphide segregation is inconsistent with the inferred silicate/sulphide mass ratio (see
Duke [1990] for a discussion of the silicate/sulphide ratio which may
have prevailed at Kambalda). A more likely explanation may lie in the fact
that the magmas from which the sulphides segregated almost certainly
assimilated significant quantities of sulphidic sediments which were also
Zn-rich. Whatever the explanation, however, the elevated Zn content of
chromites from some mineralized sequences may be a useful indicator.
Alteration associated with both lode-gold and volcanogenic massive
sulphide deposits results from interaction of high-temperature fluid
with wall rocks. The fluids responsible for both deposit types probably
had about the same range of temperatures (ca 300400C). Judging from
their respective products, lode-gold-related fluids had very low base
metal contents relative to VMS-forming fluids. Major districts containing either of these deposit types had fluids associated with them that
contained high CO2 contents; these CO2-rich fluids may not have been
the actual ore-forming fluid in either case, although these relationships
have not been clarified.
Precipitation mechanisms of the ore constituents (and certainly depositional environments) were very different. Gold deposits formed
through cooling on expansion of the fluid (e.g., in dilational structures;
Sibson et al., 1988) or through reduction of the sulphur content of the
fluid, by reaction with iron in the wall rocks to form pyrite. The latter
reaction effectively reduces the solubility of gold if it was being transported in a bisulphide complex. Deposition probably occurred about
4 km below the erosional surface of the time (Robert, 1996). Precipita-
Exploration Geochemistry
A few admonitions may be worth considering:
1. Geological models for ore deposition are based primarily on
empirical field observations, and refined using laboratory data.
The field observations typically include some recurring, somewhat
extraordinary assemblages of rocks, alteration patterns, or structures. Careful examination of geological information, or prefera-
Aggarwal, P.K., and Nesbitt, B.T., 1984, Geology and geochemistry of the Chu
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Ames, D.E., Franklin, J.M., and Froese, E., 1991, Zonation of hydrothermal alteration at the San Antonio Gold Mine, Bissett, Manitoba, Canada: Economic
Geology, Special issue on hydrothermal alteration as a guide to ore, 86, 3.
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Canada, in Macdonald, A.J., ed., Proceedings of Gold 86, an international
symposium on the geology of gold: Ontario Geological Survey, 3-22.
Anglin, C.D., and Franklin, J.M., 1986, Geochemistry and gold mineralization,
Geraldton, Ontario: in Chater, A. M., ed., Poster volume of Gold 86, an international symposium on the geology of gold: Ontario Geological Survey, 7-11.
Anglin, C.D.A., Franklin, J.M., and Osterberg, S.A., 1988, Use of U/Pb zircon
dating to establish some age and genetic constraints on base metal and gold
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mineralization, Geraldton area, Ontario: in Van Breenan, O., ed., Radiogenic
age and isotopic studies: Report 2, Geological Survey of Canada Paper 88-2.
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Beach, A., 1976, The interrelations of fluid transport, deformation, geochemistry
and heat flow in early Proterozoic shear zones in the Lewisian complex: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, 280, 569-604.
Bell, K., Anglin, C.D.A., and Franklin, J.M., 1989, Nd-Sm and Rb-Sr isotope systematics of scheelites: Possible implications for the age and genesis of veinhosted gold deposits: Geology, 17, 500-504.
Bromley-Challenor, M.D., 1988, The Falun supracrustal belt, Part 1, Primary
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The Bregsladen Province, central Sweden: structure, stratigraphy and ore
forming processes: Geologie en Mijnbouw, 67, 2-4, 239-253.
Callan, N.J., and Spooner, E.T.C., 1989, Archean Au quartz vein mineralization
hosted in a tonalite-trondhjemite terrane, Renabie Mine area, Wawa, North
Ontario, Canada, in The geology of gold deposits: the perspective in 1988:
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Cameron, E.M., Siddeley, G., and Durham, C.C., 1971, Distribution of ore elements in rocks for evaluating ore potential: nickel, copper, cobalt and sulphur
in ultramafic rocks of the Canadian Shield: Canadian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, Special Volume 11, 298-313.
Campbell, I.H., Coad, P., Franklin, J.M., Gorton, M.P., Scott, S.D., Sowa, J., and
Thurston, P.C., 1982, Rare earth elements in volcanic rocks associated with
Cu-Zn massive sulphide mineralization: a preliminary report: Canadian
Journal of Earth Sciences, 19, 3, 619-623.
Card, K.D., Poulsen, K.H., and Robert, F., 1989, The Archean Superior Province
of the Canadian Shield and its lode gold deposits, in Keays, R.R., Ramsay,
W.R.H. and Groves, D.I., eds., The geology of gold deposits: the perspective
in 1988: Economic Geology Monograph 6, 19-36.
Cathles, L.M., 1990, Source zone processes in seafloor hydrothermal mineralization: Geological Society of America program with abstracts, A10.
Clark, M.E., Archibald, N.J., and Hodgson, C.J., 1986, The structural and metamorphic setting of the Victory gold mine, Kambalda, Western Australia, in
Macdonald, A.J., ed., Proceedings of Gold 86, an international symposium
on the geology of gold: Ontario Geological Survey, 243-254.
Clark, M.E., Carmichael, D.M., Hodgson, C.J., and Fu, M., 1989, Wall-rock alteration, Victory gold mine, Kambalda, Western Australia: Processes and P-TXCO2 conditions of metasomatism, in Keays, R.R., Ramsay, W.R.H. and
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