3, July 2015
A Phonocardiogram or PCG is a plot of high fidelity recording of the sounds and murmurs made by the
heart with the help of the machine called phonocardiograph. It has developed continuously to perform an
important role in the proper and accurate diagnosis of the defects of the heart. As usually with the
stethoscope, it requires highly and experienced physicians to read the phonocardiogram. A diagnostic
system based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is implemented as a detector and classifier of heart
diseases. The output of the system is the classification of the sound as either normal or abnormal, if it is
abnormal what type of abnormality is present. In this paper, Based on the extracted time domain and
frequency domain features such as energy, mean, variance and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
(MFCC) various heart sound samples are classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM), K Nearest
Neighbour (KNN), Bayesian and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Classifiers. The data used in this paper
was obtained from Michigan university website.
Phonocardiogram; K Nearest Neighbour; Support Vector Machine; Gaussian Mixture Model; Bayesian
Cardiovascular diseases are among those seriously threatening human health. Heart sound
analysis provides good information of these diseases, which is significant for diagnosing different
kinds of cardiovascular diseases. In cardiac auscultation, an examiner uses a stethoscope to listen
for these sounds, which give important information about the condition of the heart. Heart is one
of the important organs in our body pumping blood continuously throughout the entire life-time.
Heart is made up of a strong muscle called myocardium, and has four valves for regulating the
blood circulation [5]. It beats almost regular intervals and is controlled by the electrical pulses
generated from the sinus node near the heart. The rhythmic beating of heart produces a sound
referred to as Lub-Dub due to the closing of the atrio-ventricular and the aortic-pulmonic
valves. Moreover, there are other sounds, which are due to the structural and functional defects of
the heart, called as murmurs. Stethoscope is still used as the primary auscultation device for heart
and lung sounds. However, analysis based on heart sounds using a stethoscope are depends on the
doctors experience and hearing ability.
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
The purpose of this paper is to develop an algorithm for Study and Design of Peak Spacing
Analysis for Estimating Arrhythmic Heart-Beat, Based on the algorithm, and every cycle of the
PCG signals is separated into four parts: the first heart sound, the systolic period, the second heart
sound and the diastolic period. Based on this information, the intervals of the systolic and
diastolic period are obtained consequently. Then both the systolic and diastolic periods are
analysed separately and at the same time in a combined manner. After that the heart signal are
analysed whether the sound is arrhythmic or not. If it is arrhythmic then of which type whether it
is overall arrhythmic or the systolic and diastolic periods are arrhythmic.
Hippocrates (460-377 BC) provided the foundation for auscultation when he put his ear on the
chest of a patient and described the sounds he could hear from it. The next step was made by
Robert Hooke (1635-1703) who realized the diagnostic use of cardiac auscultation. Although Dr.
Laennec's invention, the stethoscope, has been in clinical use for more than 180 years, and
electronic stethoscopes with variable amplification gain have been available for over 80 years, it
is still difficult to understand auscultation findings. The phonocardiogram, first developed in
1894, visualizes auscultatory signals. The spectral phonocardiogram has proven to be a reliable
tool that gives information of whether or not the murmur is pathological. Phonocardiography and
electronic stethoscopy attempt to improve the diagnostic accuracy of cardiac auscultation [7]. In
the most recent studies, digital acoustic analysis has demonstrated the validity of these methods.
Since the 1980's, phonocardiographic research activity had decreased due to the improvements of
echocardiography, which yields more visual information. During the past few years, however, the
improvements of personal computers have made it possible to design new low-cost, high quality
phonocardiographic devices.The phono-spectrogram combines traditional phonocardiogram with
time-frequency distribution presentation of the signal. The spectrogram was introduced for heart
sound analysis as early as 1955 by McKusik et al, but was afterwards almost forgotten. The
stethoscope (from the Greek word stethos , meaning chest and skopein, to examine)invented
during the early twentieth century, was one of the most primitive devices designed to aid a doctor
in listening to heart sounds. It was a simple tool used for transmitting the sound energy from the
chest wall of the patient to the ear of the physician via a column of air. The 20th century witnessed
extraordinary advances in the diagnosis of heart diseases, corrective surgeries, and other forms of
treatment for heart problem [8].
The Phonocardiogram (PCG) could be used as a simple but effective source for analysing and
detecting the arrhythmic nature of heart beat pattern. The heart rhythm is directly related to the
electrical activity of the heart as well as its valve movements. The data used in this paper was
obtained from Michigan university website [1]. The following methodology has been employed
to study the effectiveness of PCG in cardiac diagnosis.
Where x(t) is the original signal and the square operation leads to make peak signal more
prominent and weaken the noise.
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
E = |x|
Square Energy
E = x2
The squared energy method based on exponential weighing factors to high intensity components.
The absolute value technique associates same weighing factor to all components, which is
difficult to separate low from high amplitude signals.
Figure. 1 shows the energy based envelop of a simple PCG signal which is convenient to find S1
and S2 locations.
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
The computation of the MFCC includes Mel-Scale filter-banks [4], as shown in Figure .4 .The
Mel-Scale filter-banks are computed as follows[2], [4]:
Where f is the frequency in the linear scale and m is the resulting frequency in Mel-Scale.
Signal x[n]
loge |X[k]|2
The power spectral density (PSD) of the spectrum is mapped onto the Mel-Scale by multiplying it
with the filter-banks constructed earlier and the log of the energy output of each filter is
calculated as follows:
Where Hm[k] is the filter-banks and m is the number of the filter-bank. Finally, to obtain the
MFCC the discrete cosine transform (DCT) of the spectrum is computed:
Where M is the total number of filter banks.
3.5 Classification
3.5.1 support vector machine (SVM)
After the feature extraction process, support vector machine [2], [13] was used to classify the
data. Support vector machine is in fact a Two-class classifier in which a linear boundary is used
to divide the classes. In this method, samples closest to the decision boundary are called the
Support vectors. These vectors define the decision boundary equation. Each sample is shown as a
vector. To find the optimal decision boundary, the maximum margin method is used. So, the
decision boundary in addition to all instances of both classes should not only properly divide all
the samples into two categories, in this method it is assumed that the samples
label. The mathematical expression of the decision boundary in vector
space can be expressed as the following equation:
Where is the normal vector of the hyper plane and b is the intercept. The decision making
boundary should accurately classify the samples as the following equation:
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
The boundary of decision making should have the most distance from the samples of each class
as maximizing according to Figure.5 shown below
Karosh-Kuhen- (KKT) state [2],[13] that the optimal value is shown as
The value of b is calculated through equation (12)
Where Nsv is the number of support vectors.
3.5.2 K- Nearest Neighbour (KNN)
The K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) [13] method is a widely used technique in clustering and
classification applications. In this method given that a set of N points (training set), whose class
labels are known, classify a set of n points (testing set) into the same set of classes by examining
the k closest points around each point of the testing set and by applying the majority vote scheme.
There are different classification approaches based on the KNN such as the Density Based KNN
Classifier (DBKNN), Variable KNN Classifier (VKNN), Weighted KNN Classifier (WKNN) and
Class Based KNN Classifier (CBKNN).
Structural Density (SD) is defined as the number of points in the neighbourhood of an element
over the volume of this neighbourhood. Radius (r) is the parameter involved in defining the
neighbourhood, in this method. First, we calculate the density of all the elements as a function of
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
r and the average density of the whole set. We then search for a value of r such that the mean of
the individual densities is equal to the average density calculated earlier.
In Variable KNN classifier, a classification of it is performed based on various neighbourhoods
for each one of the training set elements the k value that maximises the DC of each classification
is found. Therefore, for each training set there corresponds a particular k value which is
considered the best available. Afterwards, for each unknown element, the nearest neighbour is
found and its k value is assumed. Then, the KNN classifier is applied on that test element, using
that k value.
In Class Based KNN, the k nearest elements of each class is taken for every test element. The
value of k is automatically selected by the classifier, so as to maximise the DC of the
classification. Afterwards, the harmonic mean of the distances of these neighbours is calculated.
Finally, these means are compared and the class yielding the lowest value is chosen for the
3.5.3 Bayesian Decision Theory
Bayesian decision theory [13] is a fundamental statistical approach to the problem of quantifying
pattern classification. This approach is based on decisions using probability Bayes formula [13]
can be expressed informally.
Posterior = (likelihood * prior)/evidence
There are many different ways to represent pattern classifiers. One of the most useful is in terms
of a set of discriminant functions gi(x), i = 1,c. The classifier is said to assign a feature vector x
to class wi if gi(x) > gj(x) for all j i. The minimum error rate classification can be achieved by
use of the discriminant functions
This expression can be readily evaluated if the densities
case, then,
3.5.4 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) [11] belongs to the stochastic modelling and it is based on the
modelling of statistical variations of the features. The GMM model is trained for each person and
a model is generated for each user which contains information based on statistical processing of
data. During testing, user is identified based on maximum probability criteria. In the first step we
choose the number of component densities required to specify a user. GMM algorithm is named
based on number of component densities. For example, if the number of component densities is
four, the GMM is called as GMM-4. Similarly, if the number of components is eight, the GMM is
called as GMM-8.
Mixture density in GMM is the weighted sum of M component densities and is given by the
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
Where, x is a D-dimensional feature vector, bi ( , i=1,2....M, are the component densities and pi
,1,2....M are the mixture weights. Each component density is a Gaussian function given by [11],
Where, i is the mean vector and i is the covariance matrix.
The goal of GMM model is to estimate the parameters of the GMM from the training heart
signals feature vectors. The most popular and well-established method for estimating the
parameters of GMM is maximum likelihood (ML) estimation [12]. ML estimation finds the
model parameters for the given training data and maximizes the likelihood of the GMM [11] For
a given T training vectors X = {x1 , x2 ,xT}, GMM likelihood is given by
This is a nonlinear function of the parameter and hence, direct maximization is not possible.
Hence we estimate ML parameters iteratively using an algorithm known as ExpectationMaximization (EM) algorithm [12].
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Science (IJBES), Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2015
Where Cn is the number of correct classifications and Tn is the total number of testing samples.
MFCC are extracted frequency domain features, based on these features KNN and SVM classifier
is used to classify whether these signals are normal and abnormal. Mean and variance of average
energy are extracted time domain features, based on these features Bayesian and GMM classifier
is used to classify whether these signals are normal and abnormal, and more over which is used to
check what type of abnormality is present. Classification accuracy of each method is shown in
Table.1 and Table.2
Table.1Acceuracy obtained using MFCC features
Linear kernel
Polynomial kernel(d=2)
Polynomial kernel(d=3)
Case-1 (i=2I)
Case-2(i= )
By the processing steps mentioned above heart sounds are processed and analyzed. From the
energy envelop and S1, S2 peaks, heart beat per minute is calculated. Experimentally it has been
observed that S1-peak values are normally larger than S2 peak values and also it has been
observed that the time period of Systole gap is always less than the diastole gaps. It is concluded
that the abnormality of heart sound is not only depend on the overall cardiac cycle whereas it
depends upon the individual analysis of systole and diastole period. By feature extraction of each
cardiac cycle and classification mentioned above, it is concluded that whether the signal is normal
or abnormal, and what type of abnormality present. And SVM with polynomial kernel (d=2 and
d=3) and second case of Bayesian classifier obtained 100% accuracy.
This paper will be incomplete without mentioning all the people who helped me to make this
possible, whose encouragement was invaluable. The authors would like to thank Mr.Abdul
Rahiman (Asst. Professor, AE&I), Prof. Shajee Mohan B.S, Associate Professor, Department of
Applied Electronics & Engineering for their committed guidance, valuable suggestions and
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Lubaib P has received B. Tech degree in Electronics and Communication from KMCT
College of Engineering, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, affiliated to University of Calicut
(2012). Currently he is pursuing his M.Tech in Signal Processing at Government
Engineering College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, affiliated to University of Calicut. He is
worked as Guest Lecturer at Government Womens Polytechnic College, Kottakkal, Kerala,
India. His research interest includes Digital Signal Processing, Communication System.
Ahammed Muneer K V received the B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication
Engineering from College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India in 2002 and completed
his post graduation-M.Tech in Control and Instrumentation Systems from Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras, India in 2012. He has been working as Assistant Professor in
Electronics Engineering in various universities of Kerala, India and has more than ten years
of teaching experience. He has got the best M.Tech project award from Indian Institute of
Technology Madras in 2012 for his thesis work. He recently published a paper in IEEE-EMBS international
conference titled Non-contact ECG recording Instrument for Continuous Cardiovascular Monitoring.
Presently he is working as Assistant Professor in Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode, Kerala, India. His
research area includes Electronic instrumentation and sensors, signal processing etc. He is pursuing his PhD
degree in National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India and the current research focus is on biomedical
image processing.
Abdu Rahiman V received the B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication
Engineering from Goverment College of Engineering, Kannur, Kerala, India in 1998 and
completed his post graduation-M.Tech in Signal Processing from College of Engineering
Trivandrum, Kerala, India in 2007. He has been working as Assistant Professor in
Electronics Engineering in various universities of Kerala, India since 2009. Presently he is
working as Assistant Professor in Govt. Engineering College Kozhikode, Kerala, India.He is pursuing his
PhD degree in National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India and the current research focus is on Signal