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A philosophical exploration is presented that considers entities such as atoms, electrons, protons,
reasoned (in existing physics theories) by induction, to be other than universal building blocks, but
artifacts of a sociological struggle that in elemental description is identical with that of all processes of
matter and energy. In a universal context both men and materials, when stressed, struggle to
accomplish/maintain the free state. The space occupied by cognition, inferred to be the result of the
inequality of spaces, is an integral component of both processes and process interpretation; arbitration
space, ubiquitous throughout nature, occurred to a vast number of vastnesses, a manifestation of the
existence of time dependent mass/number/amount, is argued to be located to the same judging criteria
with which principles are determined for sociological purposes: the processes of mind are determined
(excuse the pun) to occur as a free state that is reflectively equal to what is construed by the intellect as
universe. Scientifically determined states are not free states.
Key words: mind matter form and energy, observation interpretation and common causes, the concept and
physical parallels, sociological and scientific process, legality arbitration and nature, social equality and
mathematical inequality, the transcendental object.
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
The free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.
But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.
Maya Angelou (2009)
From within a surrounding cosmos, vast in proportion to
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected].
the self, surfacing from observation, measurement, experiment and experience from the known dawn of ideas
is question concerning the nature of time, fate and
determination related to choice and path, cage and
contents; in analogy to the modern study of determined
form from undifferentiated stem cells it can be asked
whether men and earth are determined products whittled
from a more potent, grander, eternal vastness of a
free(er) nature; whether processes of containment are
the consequence of size disparity or of, a more relative,
disparity of amount/mass that is independent of
absolutes, direction from vast to small, visa-versa.
In order to organize and reduce modernly uncontained
ideas about the self, in this presentation it is considered
that science method and modern technology endeavor an
unequal work of the self, of itself, with the states of nature
from which the self logically descends. Technological
creation relies on science theory and method that divides
nature into structured nature into structured orders,
that other than the random state, 'the analogy' itself constitutes the
free state that can be the victim of oppression. Defining 'the
analogy' as the free state infers that it has physical characteristics if
it is the consequence of comparison of states, one of which
(randomness) is physical in nature. Kuhn in the early 1900's further
questions the role of ideology to define a science process that
proceeds erratically in which validity of theory is judged in terms of
verisimilitude, truthful appearances, at the same time that Karl
Popper expressed belief that theories must be falsifiable to be
acceptable, while Feyerabend argues that few propositions would
be falsifiable. At the fringe of conjectures and theory, ideology, or of
ordinary common sense, is an outer margin of the small, vast that is
beyond witness and has been falsely placed by projection into the
same context as the scientist, citizen, either wanting freedom from
tyranny or from tyrannical natural law. A novel perspective to the
orientation of the nature of mind and matter will be presented; it
might be feasible to assume, at all perspectives, internal, and/or
external, that both outer and inner margins are always in physical
motion, engaged in relative motion if either bears physical
properties and can be joined by analogy, either that the proposed
analogy is neutral-i.e. analogy cannot be made between the self
and it's witnessed environment and an unwitnessible outer realm.
Introduction of theory by Albert Einstein concerning the nature of
light, proposing that matter and energy are inter-convertible, makes
visible (excuse the pun) a potential analogy of mind and matter
though it is difficult to fit to interpretation if the velocity of light is
constant and not relative, or if any facets of interpretation can
assume a comparison-defeating value of zero-i.e. the zero gravitation state of general relativity theory.
It is thus the method of research for this presentation to begin
with logical contest to the notion of a constant velocity of light, to
construct and to proceed with the employment of "the analogy" as
the unit of construction, oppression is 'dehumanizing' in the sense
that it is unnatural when visualized as an oppression to 'the analogy'
or 'the concept' rather than upon the individual for his specific ideas
or upon scientific contest for ideas and evidence with which to verify
existences. Ingold (Ingold, 1993) in anthropological theory for the
study of material culture from artifacts of the past, describes a real
world of contexts in which nothing is still, landscape, and the tasks
and activities of men, taskscape, in motion made in analogy to an
orchestrated musical composition: unification and division of men
and nature is only accomplishable with description entailing
contiguity that is both physical and temporal. Homeostasis,
generally used to describe kinetic balances in stochastic systems,
finds difficult analogy in social systems. . Presented here, in terms
of function that ubiquitously cannot not refer to structure, visa versa,
though each with minds of their own, , is intersecting and dynamic
distance containing distance, able to form designs that are
atemporal in nature and yet can bear time and motion. e.g. the
graphical shapes in the Figures, analogy is difficult to achieve
between matters that are necessarily in motion that appears to
have confining balances, scientific explanation for the means of
containing matter to form is not available from inductive reasoning
involving unwitnessible forces holding matter together, they do not
account for action and reaction, or potential forces that oppose
tangible structure. In the presented view the law of action and
reaction is inferred to encompass the entire in which the vast
assortment of entities/parts contained to it are postulated to move
directionally in alignment with (a) preceding action(s), to progress
directionally and obtaining a greatest life time. Analogy regarding
homeostasis is simultaneously confined to a whole that is contained
to the unwitnessible concept 'universe' that contains the intersection
of energy with tangible physical form, either neither determined nor
anarchic, egg stem cells as well as the cells of differentiated tissues
in this model are all in a state of directional motion that by analogy
is very old, related to prior impulse that is responsible for the
perception of kinetic homeostasis, here discussed to emerge strictly
from (natural, sociological or political) arbitration processes in which
Current scientific models when exposed to criteria employed in philosophical discourse involving the imagination, induction, validity, and coherency, the senses and
the nature of knowledge, anthropological discourse
paralleling the natural and social sciences, evolution and
culture, a lack of awareness of the physical/natural
scientist to the subjectivity of his work is revealed; misunderstanding involving a relativeness embodied to the
cosmos, existence of natural constants, the nature of
number and emergence, an inability to capture mind and
matter to congruent constituents, and a struggle to
capture description to universal terms are entailed. It is
hypothesized that interpretation has been made to be
overcomplicated, involves perplexity surrounding number,
infinity and zero, an innate imitation facility that bears
confused discrimination of action and reaction, transference and counter-transference, and is suggested to be
the consequence of problems resided historically to
chronic external material influences on the environment.
If in the act of arbitration of whatever topics arise to
created discourses, men/women are claimed to be actors
that mimic and learn by mimicking, then litigation/
arbitration behavior, described as effort expended to
resolve conflict, might be taken from its sociological
context to elaborate a view that the elements of natural
processes also find direction from acts of arbitration that
result in the taken courses of processes; humans learn
legatorial behavior from proximal experience with nature
and secondly apply the determined states inferred from
direct perception to science models with hope to find bail
from a prison of frustrations with nature. Description
coining the term man verses nature to describe both
scientific and sociological processes, in proceedings that
test the always becoming struggle at the interface of
science, society, and the individual, have come to
establish sovereignties of each in a setting underlined
with thoughts of conservation of energy, rather than
momentum; impulse based scientific test and invention
are judged with respect to appearing truthfulness, verisimilitude, centered on criteria of energy exchange applied
to, the miniscule in comparison, path of human impulse
tested entities, to warrant applications in communities, if
not on a global level.
It might not be improbable that a greed for resources
extending from an occluded greed of nature for assets
threatened by impulse(s) indigenous to unknown spaces,
other than motivating creative originality arisen from
within the self, might otherwise be reflected from struggling arbitration mechanisms of a pathology bearing
experience, hence, nature; the naturalization of epistemology is a central issue in philosophy. It would seem
proper to address a role of the theme of man verse
nature as it is inherent to scientific activity, momentum
and encounter entail propagation, the inheritance of
characteristics that is inherent to all processes but not so
obvious with respect to the topic of creative literature.
When the nature of thought, the imagination, mimesis
poesis, is raised to question, though more readily
apparent as actors in a plot confront each other, a
verses quality to the question of mimesis and nature
becomes obscure when it asked what the prose or poem
verses (excuse the pun). Perhaps it is true that men are
always in confrontation with nature whether they are on
one hand identical with it or on the other not identical with
it, raising to question whether nature and/or men, act or
react, create or mimic in response to a received universe
that cannot be contained without inclusion of the
transcendental object. In a discussion of the poet Sri
Aurobindo and Albert Einstein (Kumar, 2012), a view of
matter or substance as the object, energy as the
transcendental object is expressed, making matter in
analogy to the shadow of the transcendental. With
regards to the question of verses, as a reflection
necessarily moves with the object it reflects, it is plausible
to imagine that within the essence of nature that is
received/confronted, the object and its reflection are not
equal or in equal motion either within a nature that is
viewed separate from the self or identical to it; the
transcendental object is here attached to the arbitration of
path, establishes the thought, concept, chain of words
attached to the vision, from which intercourses ensue.
The question of naturalization becomes redundant;
either apparent in accounts of the confrontation, or
assumed in description if change-from within, e.g.
reaction, is held to account for all and is contained not as
creation, but to be creative, in likeness only to causes
from which characteristics are inherited by witness
association; reaction is but an unequal reflection of
causes in the sense that motion bearing form/shape is
the product of arbitration that is a property of all states,
the physical and conceptual self and their constituents.
The law of motion proclaiming that for each and every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction finds no
applicable use to define nature as it is experienced by
reasoning that is attached to the first perspective of the
senses; all experience can only be attached as it is
evolved, exclusively from the first perspective. It is not
difficult to see how the theory of relativity is so broadly
appealing in its handsomely round but incomplete
condition that divorces unfathomably high numbers
bound to unwitnessible vast physical dimensions with the
ascription of the apprehendable and more seducible
single allocation 'infinite universe bearing mass operating in a proximity dependent manner to effect weight or
force, but to consider the prospect of action at a distance,
rule of controlling elements existing under absolutely
For the purpose of sociological application, philosophical
discussion is ensued concerning the frustration to
extrapolate to determine a real nature of objects from a
distance with experiment that probes in the absence of
direct witness. It is concluded that processes referred and
focused with respect to a logical opposite meaning of the
qualifiers determined, as it references defined states
and entities in science theory, and free, as it references
the equality of individuals, can provide a natural and selfevident criteria for description of processes. It is
especially noted that universal rates of change with time,
expected to be relatively linear are experienced in
perceptually commensurable and interpretable sizes and
proportions at accessible witness points regardless of
location and nature of causes, challenge philosophical
rather than scientific capabilities.
It is plausible that mourning of loss on a global level of
an unknown simultaneous symbol and object, transcendental and unencountered material form has been
overtaking thought and behavior in historical scales in
advance of awareness, in sublimation of absent aware
perceptual/sensual experience and appropriate reaction,
to effect the association of form and function together in
pursuits of the unknown, to cause the realization of a
deeper loss than is actually occurred. Better footing on
such a dark slope might entail new philosophical
reasoning and interpretation of place in order to maintain
Valid understanding entails, beyond the application of
numerical balances/equalities, naturally occurred and
perceptually capable differences involving vast numbers
of vastnesses.
Cognition, construed to ensue in advance of standard
scales of measurement, from the senses by contrast,
might only proceed towards the successful resolution of
problems legitimately that same way with the continued
employment of inequalities to render disparities from the
outset in advance to the rendering of concepts, parities to
discourses, otherwise to potentially threaten innate
spaces reserved to reflections of a spiritual nature
involving strictly the free state. The containment of nature
to dimensionless form entails that the dimensions of
containers and their contents may bear no rigid or
absolute relations; containing truth, referring to number/
mass for its descriptive elaboration, is none-the-less
itself not a function of number/mass.
Modern science studies employing methodological
scientific apparatuses are able to effect from the
occurrences of a nature that contemplates within the
processions of becoming form, reduced conceptual and
material freedom; it is advanced here that sound
conceptual understanding precludes the inefficient use of
time and resources, potential damage to man and nature
from pursuits attempting to associate together analytically
with scientific method, functioning with form, conceptual
meaning involving a simultaneity of motion and form that
are logically discrete from each other, though evolved
mutually from the intellect by either experience, imagination and/or induction the imagined character of their
combined existence contradicts a real nature to the
perceiving of objects; concepts, belonging to the set of
concepts, can accommodate universal proportions only of
distance/volume that contains solely itself, constitutes
both itself and common objects (such as the real egg, a
rock, a dog) that are bound simultaneously to direct
perception and to the transcendental; other than the
arbitrated time-bearing reactions that compose material
history, it is more reasonably construed that the closest
and hence most powerful relative to the real contours and
surfaces of life, defining familiarities in contexts and
hence arbitrations and behavior at all perspectives for all
evolved spaces, objects and entities, is ironically a
transparent, but distance and form bearing, non-material
transcendental; similarity bearing physical substance
some of the time, ironically defines all of the time strictly
and inclusively the substance of experience, accounting
for all, the perceiver, the perceived, and the means of
navigating the world.
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