Seventeenth Senate Minutes 30 November 2007 11AM, Firstenburg Conference Room

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Seventeenth Senate Minutes

30 November 2007
11AM, Firstenburg Conference Room

1. Call to Order. Meeting was called to order 11:08 am by Vice President Sterr.
2. Roll Call. Senators Gaya was not present but her absence was excused.
3. Additions or corrections to agenda. Whitling moved to add “Elections Board
Calendar Approval” as item number nine.
4. Approved Agenda. The amended agenda was approved.
5. Approve Minutes. Minutes were not approved until next week.
6. Reports.
a. President Announcements –
i. Darren has been attending meetings, working 12 hours with Peter
on writing the business plan, and DLA interviews. He also
answered around 20 emails per day.
b. Vice-President Announcements –
i. Peter worked on the business plan, he worked with Mackenzie and
Jason to feed students (Costco snacks) during finals week, and
Rockstar is coming to give drinks out to students.
c. Executive Staff –
i. Activities Director:
1. McKenzie has been working the menu for the mobster ball,
a gingerbread making party, and the calendar of events for
next semester.
ii. Public Relations:
1. Emily has been advertising all the events organized so far.
The radio station decided not to work with us and we will
be working with another charity.
iii. IT:
1. Erik has been working redoing the website.
iv. Legislative Affairs: N/A
v. Director of Clubs:
1. Blake has held 2 forums and entered surveys online.
d. Committees Announcement –
i. External affairs – Toy Drive starts today. Guitar Hero
tournament’s profit will go to the Great Toy Drive.
Advertisements will go out today.
ii. Programming – will have a meeting next week at 10 am.
iii. Finance –Jason Wiggins spoke. The budget is on pace as we spent
less than three thousand dollars last meeting and will not spend
three thousand this meeting.
iv. Rules and Regulations – Jason will work on the elections part of
the by laws to be cleaned out and ready by January.
v. Budget- Not applicable at this time.
7. Old Business.
8. Elections Board Confirmations
a. Confirmed Tia Ostergren as Elections Board member by roll call vote.
b. Confirmed Sarah Harmon as Elections Board member by roll call vote.
9. Aaron explained the Elections calendar. He gave more time in the beginning and
added an extra voting day in hopes to get more students to vote. Idea of an “I
voted” sticker to advertise the voting.
a. Jason Wiggins mentions that there is a problem with adding an extra
voting day because voting is online through Pullman and we cannot
change the dates.
b. Senator Whitling moved to table the elections board calendar until next
c. Senator Fuller Seconded.
10. New Business.
a. Senator Resignation – Andrea Wooster
i. The senate recognized senator Wooster’s resignation. .
11. DLA Confirmation.
a. Darren spoke. There were 3 applicants and they decided on Andrea
Wooster. She has knowledge, experience, and passion.
b. Whitling moved to confirm Andrea Wooster. Brown seconded. Passed.
12. Senator Confirmation.
a. The Senate was given time to read over the applications.
b. Jacob Merryman spoke. He is a sophomore, biology major, wants an
active role in the school and community.
c. Ashley Harman spoke. She is a public affairs major, secretary of the
media board, understands how the senate works.
d. Brown asked if she would have enough time to do both secretary and
senate duties. She said yes.
e. Whitling moved to call to question. Hildebrant seconded.
f. Ashley was confirmed by plurality vote.
13. Pro-tem Resignation
a. Senator Wiggins resigned as Pro-tem.
14. Pro-tem nomination and Confirmation
a. Whitling nominated Senator Emily Brown as Pro-tem. Hildebrant
seconded. Roll call vote to confirm. Senate confirms Emily Brown as the
Pro-tem and she accepts.
15. Bill 17.026
a. Read by Senator Wiggins.
b. Whitling moved to second reading. Fuller seconded.
c. Hildebrant moved to amend to “The Great Toy Drive” Fuller seconded
d. Whitling moved to call to question. LaPore seconded.
e. Bill passed.
16. Bill 17.027
a. Read by Senator Whitling.
b. Hildebrant moved to second reading. Fuller seconded.
c. Hildebrant asked what foods will be bought. Wiggins replied with cliff
bars, granola bars, juice, water, starbucks mochas, and trail mix.
d. The distribution will be Finals Week. Monday and Tuesday from 9 am-1.
e. Whitling moved to call to question. Wiggins seconded. The bill passed.

Brian Raucher came to speak to the senate about his bill request. Etiquette Dinner for
Career Services. Work with other clubs, not just learning about forks and knives,
social environment, social skills etiquette, informal abilities, affect getting promotion.
f. Wiggins stated that there was money set aside as carryover from previous
senate, that money went to graduate travel expenses.
g. Whitling asked why 64 people, will there be tickets, will other clubs help
with funding? Raucher – last year it was based on a first come first serve
policy. They charges $5 to insure attendance. No set plans yet for joint
h. LaPore asked about the silverware costs. Raucher – They are planning on
renting it again.
i. Hildebrant asked if they want to do this every year. Raucher – it is not the
intent as of yet.
j. Career Service did not receive as much money as they had anticipated.
k. Whitling states that he is satisfied with the event and is willing to support
17. Bill 17.028.
a. Read by Senator Wiggins.
b. Herring moved to second reading. Wiggins seconded.
c. Whitling moved to call to question. Brown seconded.
d. The bill passed
18. Bill 17.029.
a. Read by Senator Whitling.
b. Fuller motioned to move to a second reading. Hildebrant seconded.
c. Herring asked how many pizzas. Wiggins answered that’s 100pizzas and
d. Herring moved to call to question. Wiggins Seconded.
e. Bill Passed.
19. Bill 17.030.
a. Fuller moved to second reading. Hildebrant seconded.
b. Herring moved to amend monthly meeting to read “on-going training”
c. Whitling motioned to call to question. Wiggins seconded.
d. Bill passed
20. Approval of Senate Meeting time for Spring 2008.
a. No objections to same meeting time.
b. Brown motioned to accept the current meeting time of Fridays at 11 am.
LaPore seconded.
21. Announcements.
a. Whitling asked about th meeting on the 14th of December. Peter replied,
plan on meeting on the 14th. Will be a training retreat in January. Plan on
meeting the first week back from winter break.
b. All student government training next Friday. Whitling asked that Peter
make a calendar of all mandatory meetings and training for all senators.
c. Please get W2 information to Arlene today. Senatorial Reports due today.
d. Michelle – fitness center is expanding into the old student government
office. Fitness fair Feb 23rd with chef and fitness trainers.
22. Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 pm by Vice President Peter

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