Childcare Provided at Pathway: Monday, February 22, 2010
Childcare Provided at Pathway: Monday, February 22, 2010
Childcare Provided at Pathway: Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, Feb. 25th Hot Dog($3.00) & Hamburger ($4.00) Lunch–includes chips &
Friday, Feb. 26th Baked Spaghetti & Bread Lunch ($3.00 per serving)
Please turn your RSVP cards for the Tea Party in today!
Saturday, March 6th The Girls Varsity Basketball Team is selling Rada
Cutlery, Stoneware, Cookbooks & more!
If you would like to help support them by purchas-
The Yearbook Staff
ing any items, please contact one of the players or
will be sponsoring a the Main Office.
Tea Party Money collected will help pay their way to NACA!
at the Event Center.
Light finger foods will be served!
Entertainment will be provided by The Honor Society will be collecting the
the Pathway Choir and Drama Class! following items for
Cost is $3.00 per person. Military Care Packages:
Please send in RSVP card to Mrs. 1. Bibles, devotionals, etc.
Locklin by Fri., Feb. 26th 2. Magazines & other reading material
3. Personal hygiene items: toothpaste,
toothbrushes, deodorant, etc.
Debt Tree Tags
4. Batteries-AA & AAA
5. Phone Cards
We have plenty more
6. Lip balm-blistex, etc.
Debt Tags located on the bulletin
7. Vick’s Vapo Rub
board in the foyer of the school.
8. Puzzles-word search, crossword, Su-
These tags are asked to be
turned in on Feb. 26th.
9. Baby powder
In the event of inclement weather,
10. Quart or Gallon plastic bags for
Pathway Christian Academy packing items
DOES NOT follow
Montgomery County School closings.
11. Hard candy, gum
“Pathway Christian Academy” 12.Monetary donations to cover cost
will be listed with any delay times or
closings on WDBJ 7, WSLS 10 and 13.Mechanical Pencils with lead for puz-
PAR FM. zles
14.Shampoo, hand soap
Panther Press kudos go out to Curtis Carr,
Mrs. Linda Eaton, Mrs. Stacey Clark, Mrs.
Tara Breeden, Mrs. Andrea Muscatello, Collection boxes will be by the front
Mrs. Rebecca Wilson, and God the Father, door of the school. Collection will end
THE Author and Finisher of our faith! All
Glory belongs to HIM! April 16th
Hello Pathway Families!
We would like to install hand drying units in the Pathway restrooms. Hand drying units would be a more sanitary option
for our students, avoid the variety of difficulties that have occurred with paper towels, reduce the waste that we gener-
ate and save money for the school in the long run.
We would like to have the unites installed before open house season in March/April. To get this accomplished we need
your help. The 1st step is to find someone who can install these units for us as a love gift (donation) We are going to
purchase 110 voltage units since it will be consistent with our existing wiring. Also, we already have a commitment for a
donation of two units. We would like to have a total of 5 units-two in each restroom, plus one for the staff restroom.
There are units available from $200-$400 depending on air velocity.
If you are willing to purchase a unit or donate towards a unit, or if you know an electrician that would be willing to install
these dryers for us, please contact Chad Clark, [email protected]
Thank you to each of you for being a blessing to Pathway.
The Event Centre. To sign up for the Potluck please log onto
Password: pathway
that way we will know how many are coming, but there is no
cost to