Finite Element Method Magnetics - FEMM 4
Finite Element Method Magnetics - FEMM 4
Finite Element Method Magnetics - FEMM 4
2 Electrostatics Tutorial
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David Meeker
[email protected]
revised December 31, 2014
1 Introduction
Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) is a finite element package for solving 2D planar and
axisymmetric problems in electrostatics and in low frequency magnetics. The program runs under runs
under Windows 2000, XP, 7, and 8, as well as on Linux machines via WINE. The program can be
obtained via the FEMM home page at
The package is composed of an interactive shell encompassing graphical pre- and postprocessing; a
mesh generator; and various solvers. A powerful scripting language, Lua 4.0, is integrated with the
program. Lua allows users to create batch runs, describe geometries parametrically, perform
optimizations, etc. Lua is also integrated into every edit box in the program so that formulas can be
entered in lieu of numerical values, if desired. (Detailed information on Lua is available from There is no hard limit on problem sizemaximum problem size is
limited by the amount of available memory. Users commonly perform simulations with as many as a
million elements.
The objective of this document is to get new users up and running with the program via a set of
step-by-step example electrostatics problems.
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as the value in the associated edit box and Hit OK. You have just defined a conductor that is fixed a
voltage of 0V, but you have yet to assign this condition to a particular part of the model.
Repeat the above process but instead name the new boundary condition one and apply enter a
prescribed voltage value of 1.
Select lines from the toolbar then right click on the each of the two segments belonging to the inner
conductor. When a segment turns red, you have selected it. Now press space bar and the Segment
Properties window will appear. From the In Conductor drop box change the selection from <None>
to one. Repeat this process for the outer conductor, but set the conductor type to zero.
(N.B. for arcs or segments with a prescribed voltage, it is permissible to define a Fixed Voltage
boundary condition in lieu of defining a fixed-voltage conductor property. The advantage of defining the
boundaries as conductors, rather than simple boundary conditions, is that charge on the conductor is
calculated automatically in the solver.)
2.5 Set Problem Characteristics
Select Problem from the menu bar. In the dialog that appears, make sure the problem type is
planar. Set the length units to Centimeters and set the depth parameter to 100. The default
solver precision of 10-8 (i.e. solution determined to single precision accuracy) generally need not be
modified. If desired, a descriptive commend can be added in the Comment edit box.
2.6 Generate Mesh and Run FEA
Now save the file and click on the toolbar button with yellow mesh: . This action generates a
triangular mesh for your problem. If the mesh spacing seems to fine or too coarse you can select block
labels or line segments and adjust the mesh size defined in the properties of each object. When you
are satisfied with the mesh, click on the turn the crank button
your model.
Processing status information will be displayed in a dialog box while the solver runs. If the progress
bars do not seem to be moving then you should probably cancel the calculation. This can occur if
insufficient boundary conditions have been specified. For this particular problem, the calculations
should be completed in less than a second (although the solution time is highly dependent on the
speed of the machine running the analysis). There is no confirmation for when the calculations are
completed, the status window just disappears when the processing is finished.
2.7 Display Results
to open the solution in a postprocessor window. The solution will then be
Click on the glasses icon
displayed, as pictured in Figure 3. By default, a color density plot of voltage is displayed when the
postprocessor starts. If desired, the default behaviors can be changed via the Edit | Preferences
selection on the main menu of both the preprocessor and postprocessor. The charge on each conductor
can then be determined by selecting View | Conductor Props off of the postprocessor main menu. A
dialog will then appear that displays the voltage and total charge for each defined conductor. For the
one conductor and with the default mesh size, the reported charge is 2.26651e-011 Coulombs. One
can use the fact that charge is equal to the product of capacitance and voltage difference to determine
the capacitance of the system. Since only of the total geometry is modeled, the total charge is
9.06604-011 Coulombs. In this case the voltage drop is 1 V, implying that the total capacitance is
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Force on the sphere can also be evaluated. Switch to the block postprocessor mode by press the block
. To select the surface of the conducting sphere for force integration, click on the spheres
surface with the right mouse button. When a conductor is selected, it is rendered in red. (In other
problems in which force on a volume, rather than a surface, is desired, the volume can be selected with
and select Force via weighted
a left mouse button click). Then, press the integral toolbar button
stress tensor from the drop list in the dialog that appears. This is probably the most accurate way to
determine forces in FEMM on objects that are completely surrounded by air. The resulting force on the
top sphere is -4.730649e-007 N from the FEMM model.
For comparison purposes, it is interesting to re-run the analysis with the zero boundary condition
applied to the exterior boundary. With a Zero outer boundary, the ground is at a finite distance,
rather than being located at infinity. In this case, the charge is 4.58617e-007 Coulombs the
presence of the artificial boundary slightly elevates the capacitance of the system.
From this second example, you should have gained the following additional principles:
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This document is based on the "Introduction to FEA with FEMM" tutorial by Ian Stokes-Rees, TSS (UK)
Many thanks to Kostadin Brandisky of the Technical University of Sofia for developing the example
problems used in this tutorial.
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