TheQuestiPhoneManual PDF
TheQuestiPhoneManual PDF
TheQuestiPhoneManual PDF
1.The Quest Background Story....................................................................................................2
Main Menu...................................................................................................................................2
Character Generation................................................................................................................... 3
Your Basic Attributes & Skills.....................................................................................................5
WHATS ON THE SCREEN...........................................................................................................8
Main game screen The Dungeon View..................................................................................... 8
Inventory and Other Screens........................................................................................................9
Character detail screen............................................................................................................... 11
Other character detail screens.................................................................................................... 13
Quest Log...................................................................................................................................13
Spell Register............................................................................................................................. 14
HOW THE GAME WORKS......................................................................................................... 15
Moving Around in the World..................................................................................................... 15
Towns......................................................................................................................................... 15
Talking....................................................................................................................................... 16
Alignment.................................................................................................................................. 18
Magic......................................................................................................................................... 20
Enchanting Items and Blank Wands.......................................................................................... 26
Playing With GolCrop.............................................................................................................. 31
List of cards................................................................................................................................31
Increasing Your Skills and Attributes.........................................................................................35
Training...................................................................................................................................... 35
Repair and Maintenance of Items.............................................................................................. 36
Rest and Restore........................................................................................................................ 36
OUTRO.......................................................................................................................................... 37
Technical Support...................................................................................................................... 37
Copyright Information............................................................................................................... 37
Credits........................................................................................................................................ 37
Warning: Seizures & Repetitive Motion Injuries......................................................................38
Page 1
o Main Menu
When you frst start your game after a brief intro animation you will be greeted by
the main menu screen. Here you may continue your game; start a new game; load your
game; save your game; modify the games graphic or sound options and access the in
game help.
When you have a game going (after you have created a character) and exit the game by
pressing the Home Screen button on your device, or the game is exited because of other
activites (a phone call, for example), it will create an automatic save. When you next
start the Quest, you will be brought to your last position in the world. You can also save
your game manually into four possible slots, see below.
When you start a new game, after a brief introduction, you are brought to the character
generation screen. See "Character Generation" below.
"Load game" gives you the option of choosing which save fle you would like to use.
To save your game, while in the main game view (see below), tap on your characters
face (or your health or mana bars), then on the icon on that looks like a green foppy
disk. That will return you to the main menu, where you may choose "Save game". It is
recommended that you save to more than one slot.
o Character Generation
On the "Create new player" screen, you may customize your character by choosing your
name, face, race and skills. Choose your race and skills carefully because how your
game progresses will depend on these.
Your default name is Player. To choose the default name, simply leave the name as
displayed. To change your name, tap the "Change" button to the right of "Player". Use
the left arrow key to backspace over the letters that are shown. Now type in your
character's name using the letter and number keys and space bar; you can use the shift
button to change the case of the letters any time. Hit the button to save your entry
and hit the X button to go back to the "Generate" screen.
Default is Male. To change this, tap on Female. Tap on the button to save. Your
gender can infuence your dialogues and quests during the game.
Default is Etherim. Tap on the "Change" button to select a different race. Five races
inhabit the Island of Freymore: Rasvim, Etherim, Seiry, Derth and Nogur. Each has its
own advantages/disadvantages and some special quests or quest-related items (for
example, in a quest, you may receive different rewards depending on your race).
Different races have different strengths or weaknesses (they receive different pluses or
minuses to their skills and attributes):
Etherim: The Etherim are natural hunters, and have a high dexterity and accuracy with
ranged weapons. They also have an innate magical ability that helps them harness
magical forces.
Rasvim: Also known as the Undead. The Rasvim are capable of becoming ferce
warriors or dark mages. They have high resistance to poison and infection, but are
vulnerable to spell based damage.
Seiry: This race has long been regarded as the best and most naturally talented thieves
and assassins of all the races on Monares. They are intelligent, perceptive, have cat-like
grace and come with useful thief skills.
Derth: The Derth are gifted scholars, and teachers, and are the most powerful teachers
of the races. While being stronger mentally, they are also physically weaker, and so lack
dexterity and endurance.
Nogur: The Nogur are the natural warriors of the races and are trained to fght from
birth. They are physically stronger, extremely healthy and have a high resistance to
infection, but are vulnerable to magic attacks.
Depending on which race you select, you will begin the Quest from a different part of
the world and with different equipment.
Melee damage, Encumbrance
Ranged attack, Melee damage, Melee defense
Encumbrance, HP, Resistances
Magic attack, Magic defense, SP
Mercantile/Persuade [skills], Magic defense
These attributes are important for your skills. Each skill has a governing attribute. The
skill's value cannot be higher than its attribute's value times two. For example, if your
endurance is 15 and you want to increase your skill in wearing heavy armor, you won't
be able to go above 30 (twice 15) until you increase your base endurance.
After you choose your race, you may select a pre-defned class by tapping on the
"Select" button or modify your skills by tapping on the six skills listed which will bring
up a screen where you may change the primary skills with which you start the game.
Tap the button to save and tap the X button to go back to the main menu when
you're fnished modifying your character.
Other than the six primary skills you choose, you will have all the other skills as
secondary skills, but you will have to work twice as hard to develop them as opposed to
your primary skills when you gain a new level.
The pre-defned classes and their assigned primary skills are:
Fighter: Heavy Weapon, Heavy Armor, Dual Wield, Repair, Block and Light Weapon.
Thief: Light Weapon, Light Armor, Accuracy, Persuade, Lockpick, Disarm.
Mage: Light Weapon, Heal Magic, Protection Magic, Attack Magic, Environment
Magic, Alchemy.
Battlemage: Light Weapon, Light Armor, Block, Attack Magic, Protection Magic, Mind
Ranger: Accuracy, Light Weapon, Stealth, Heal Magic, Light Armor, Alchemy.
Priest: Light Weapon, Light Armor, Heal Magic, Protection Magic, Alchemy, Persuade.
Your skills can change as you receive or distribute points during the game.
To the left of this screen is your view, and to the right, a map of your immediate
surroundings. Tap on the map to bring up the full view of where you are and an icon
that, if you tap on it, will bring up a complete map of the Island of Freymore. On that
World Map, your present position will be indicated by a red fag. Also here you can
check all area names on the island like forests, swamps, towns, etc. to have better
orientation during your adventures and missions. To go from the World Map to the map
of your immediate location, tap on the pound sign; or you can go back to the dungeon
view with the X button.
To the right of your character's face are two vertical bars that show your health points
(HP) and your spell points (SP or Mana). Watch these to make sure you're not dying or
running out of the ability to cast magic. If the bars are low, drink a potion or fnd a
place to rest. Your various abilities, including your health and mana can be fortifed by
casting some spells. Keep in mind that if youre a Rasvim (Undead) you may only
increase your health by using potions and spells that are meant for your Undead race.
If you drink a normal potion or use a normal spell, you will do yourself harm.
The arrow sign on the minimap shows the direction you are presently facing. To change
direction and move, tap on the arrows below. To fght, tap on the crossed swords; to
cast magic, tap on the stars, that will bring up a list of spells, select the one you want to
use and hit the stars inside the spell screen; to drink a potion, tap on the potion bottle,
which will bring up a list of potions, select the one you want to use and hit the potion
bottle within the potion screen; to rest at night in the wilderness, tap on the tent. You
must have at least one portion of food and water to rest. The other way to rest is to fnd
an inn.
Status Icons
In certain cases different status icons might appear on the 3d view in the top left part.
These represent detrimental effects your character is suffering from. The following
effects are shown:
Poison: you will lose hp every turn for a limited amount of turns.
Disease: you will suffer attribute penalties until you are cured.
Curse: your attacks will be less effective for a set amount of turns.
Paralysis: you will not be able to move or fght for a limited amount of turns.
Apart from the buttons at the side of the screen, you can move and interact with your
environment by different gestures. (This only works in the default control mode and not
in Virtual D-pad mode.)
You can move by using swipes: frst, touch the screen in the part which shows your
environment and your weapon(s) and/or shield (the dungeon view). Then, without
releasing your fnger, move it in the direction indicated below for the desired effect, and
fnally release your fnger. If you move your fnger only very briefy, it might not
register as a swipe. In that case, try longer swipes. The time taken to complete the swipe
doesn't matter, you can be as fast or slow as you like.
You can also talk to people by touching the dungeon view when they face you and are
not too far away (if they don't face you, you'll try to pickpocket them instead). If the
creature you are facing is hostile, you shall attack it by tapping. This works only if you
are directly beside it. If your enemy is farther away, you shall need to tap on the attack
button to attack it.
Also you can open containers or loot shelves on the wall by facing them and tapping on
the dungeon view. To open continers which are beside a wall (a barell for example), you
must also face the wall.
In virtual direction pad mode, you can tap anywhere on the main game screen (except
the Fight button) and after a short while the directional buttons pop up. You can move
by sliding your fnger onto the appropriate button. To stop, release your fnger. The
virtual directional pad activates only when you have touched one of the pop-up
directional buttons, so you can activate other buttons or interact with the 3d view just
by tapping (touching and then releasing your fnger), no matter whether the directional
buttons appeared or not.
Tap on your character's face (or your health and mana bars) to bring up a screen that
has icons on the left representing your Inventory (briefcase icon), Character details
(question mark icon), Quest log (sphere icon), and Spells (scroll icon),
Also you can go back from here to the Main Menu where you can save or load the game
(foppy disc icon), or you can exit the inventory screen and continue the game (X icon).
The amount of your gold and the weight of your pack appear at the top of this same
screen. If your pack is too heavy, you will have diffculty walking and will have to
either sell items, drop items or cast the spell Feather.
Inventory screen
Across the bottom of this screen are icons that help you flter your inventory items list
if it becomes too long: you can show just your weapons (axe icon), your clothes and
armor (armor icon), your accessories (medallion icon), your non magical books, letters
and maps (book icon), your mortar and pestle and alchemical ingredients (mortar and
pestle icon), your potions, including those that are homemade (potion bottle icon), your
scrolls and spellbooks (scroll icon) and your food, water and special equipment, for
example, lockpick and repair hammer (sphere icon). Also you can disable this flter
function to see all your carried items (fower icon at the top).
The up and down curving arrows at the lower right of this screen are used to pick up or
drop items. The up curving arrow allows you to pick up an item (items on the ground
can also be picked up simply by tapping on them); the down curving arrow allows you
to drop an item after you've tapped on it.
Tapping on the armor icon on the top of this screen brings up a picture of your
character's equipment. Tapping on any piece of equipment brings up the screen that
shows what class it belongs to so you can change the item if you wish. Tapping on the
Aa button gives you a description of the item you've selected, where you can check
it's condition, for example whether or not it needs repair or can be enchanted, its
attributes and weight. You can move back and forth between the two screens by
tapping on the armor and Aa icons.
To equip/unequip an item in your inventory, tap on the head icon. Choose your
weapons and other items carefully to maximize your power.
This screen shows your various statistics, such as your attributes, resistances,skills,
active effects and others. It also shows your name and face. You can change your face
or name at any time by tapping on them.
If numbers are shown with a blue color, something (a worn item, a spell or a race
ability) increases or decreases that characteristic over its base value.
Race: your selected race. It cant be modifed during the game.
Level: your current experience level. Your level depends on your experience points. As
you become more experienced, at certain points your level will increase and you will be
able to improve your attributes and skills by a set amount of points.
Xp: experience points and how much points are required to go to the next level. You can
gain experience by fghting monsters and by solving quests.
Fame: your fame, which can infuence the relationship with all characters youll meet in
the game. You can increase it by helping other characters.
Outft: this measures how well off you look. It's infuenced by all the clothes you wear
and also by your weapons, armor and accessories. It can be important at some
expensive places (the guards will not let you in a castle for example, if you look like a
Damage: your full damage with your weapons in a melee battle.
AC: armor class, the defense of all your armor which will lower your damage taken
from monsters in a melee battle.
HP: health points. If your health falls to 0, you will die. To restore health, have your
character drink an appropriate potion, rest at an inn, cast a healing spell or rest in the
wilderness. Remember that if you are a Rasvim (Undead), your hp can only be healed
with unholy healing potions and spells (other potions or spells will damage you).
SP: spell points (or mana), this determines your ability to cast spells. The best way to
restore SP is to drink a potion, rest at an inn, cast a mana spell or rest in the wilderness.
Crime: your crime level, if youve committed a crime.
The fve main attributes:
Strength: increases your damage with weapons and determines your maximum
Dexterity: increases your damage with weapons and your armor class (ac)
Endurance: determines your maximum health points (hp) and slightly increases
your disease and poison resistances
Intelligence: determines your maximum spell points (sp) and slightly increases
your magic resistance
Personality: determines your maximum persuade skill, slightly infuences
the mercantile skill and outft attribute
Resistances: shows your resistances against magic, poison, paralysis and diseases.
While fghting with magic-using enemies, your magic resistance will become very
important, because it works like AC in a melee battle.
Tap on "Skills" on the Main character detail screen to bring up a list of your primary
skills, other skills and available points to be allocated.
Tap on "Effects" and then on "Dynamic", "Constant" or "All effects" to see what special
effects your character has, depending on your race or items you've equipped and to see
if you are poisoned or paralyzed.
Tap on "Main" to return to the Main Character detail screen.
Important: Always check the bottom of the Main and the Skills screens to make sure
you've allocated all attribute and skill points available to you from having reached the
next level. To allocate a point to a skill or ability, just tap on the box with the plus sign
in it next to the characteristic you want to increase.
o Quest Log
This screen shows all the Quests you've received, completed (or failed) and gives a brief
description of the quests. Tap on "All", "Active", "Solved" and "Failed" to see the list
under each category.
o Spell Register
This screen shows the spells you've acquired and gives a description of each with its
current cost and effectiveness. (Effectiveness changes when you increase the relevant
magic skill.)
Across the top of the screen are various icons that show the spells you have available in
different categories. Tap on an icon to see the list available.
The categories are: Heal spells, Protection spells, Attack spells, Mind spells, Undead
spells (Can only be used if you are a Rasvim), Environment spells and your magic
wands and scrolls that may be used to cast spells. A detailed list of spells is below
under Magic.
o Towns
This is a map of the Island of Freymore and is similar to the one that is displayed on
your device. The numbers on the map correspond to the following towns and cities:
1. Matras -- a small village whose people are peaceful and loyal to the governor and
2. Vastares -- one of the largest cities on the island and home of the notorious Thieves'
Guild, which may prove useful to you.
3. Phryn -- a small village with much going on. The Mysterious Man lives near here
and it is home to a slave trade.
4. Mithria -- one of the loveliest cities on the island, this is the capital of the Island of
You will meet many people in the villages and cities, as well as in the outlands, that
may give you information or seek your help. You may also shop for items to add to
your inventory, gain training and special items and rest at an inn.
Examine everything! In the towns & dungeons, some containers, like vases and barrels
are flled randomlysome may be emptyjust luck. Keep trying others.
You will fnd people or creatures walking around in this world or inside houses or
shops when you tap on their doors. To talk to people or creatures in your immediate
vicinity, tap on them, which will bring up a dialogue screen. Greetings are at the top of
the screen. Talk topics, if any, are to the right of the screen. Tapping on a talk topic will
give you a response from the person or creature in white lettering. You may have a
choice of answers that will appear at the bottom in yellow lettering. To choose an
answer, tap on the yellow response you desire to give. If the person or creature has a
further response, it will appear in white lettering possibly giving you choices again in
yellow. You may move from talk topic to talk topic, simply by tapping on the white
lettered topic on the right hand side of this screen. You will be notifed in blue colors if
you have received a quest or item from the individual.
If the individual's response is a long one, you will see a small "Continue" button on the
bottom of the screen, just tap on that to continue the conversation. (You cannot talk
about another topic or exit the conversation while there is a contine button on screen.)
Tap "Goodbye" at the lower portion of the talk topic screen to leave the dialogue and
return to the dungeon view screen.
If you tap on some citizens while they are facing away from you, you may have a
chance to steal from them. If you are successful, you'll receive your loot and you'll be
notifed that you've committed a crime.
If you have committed a crime and have not served your time or paid your fne and you
move close to a guard, you will be arrested.
At shops, you will have opportunities in addition to conversation to increase your skills,
to buy, sell, repair or enchant items.
Each city has various shops where you can talk, buy, sell, repair and enchant items.
Some shopkeepers may also give you special quests. Tap on the appropriate buttons on
the right side of the screen which appears after you've entered a shop. You can do that
by tapping on the shop door or just moving forward through it.
The training screen will show you what training is available, your present skill level
and how much gold you must spend to advance your level. Tap on the button to
buy an increase in level. Tap on the X button to return to the topics screen.
If you tap on the "Buy/Sell" button, you bring up a screen that shows you what items
are available in the shop to buy and their cost. If you wish to purchase an item, choose
it by tapping on it, then tap on the "B" button at the bottom of the screen to buy it. Tap
on the "X" button when you have fnished shopping. To sell any of your items, tap on
the "S" button at the bottom of the screen, this will bring up a screen showing items you
have in your inventory of the type bought and sold in that particular shop and the
amount of gold you'll get by selling your item. To sell an item, tap on it to choose it and
then tap on the "S" button.
(Tip: sell everything you dont need to get more money.)
At the bottom of the screen you will see how much gold you have and the weight of
your pack.
Beware: Choose carefully when buying and selling, you may buy an item in haste only
to realize it's not useful to you, then if you wish to sell it, you'll fnd you paid much
more for the item than its sale price.
The price you pay and receive for items will depend upon your Mercantile skill level.
Also, the larger cities, Vastares and Mithria, have fner items available. You might get
more gold by selling an item in those cities' shops than if you tried to sell the item in a
small village.
Inns: If you rest at an inn, your current HP and SP will be restored above the maximum
and you will be cured of possible poisoning.
Libraries: Found only in the two large cities. Here you can fnd out about the library,
buy or sell both general and skill books and gain training.
Blacksmith: You can buy heavy weapons and armor and repair your items and can also
Tailor: You can buy light weapons, armor, clothing and train.
Jeweler: You may buy adornments.
Alchemist: You may buy potions and alchemical ingredients and train in alchemy.
Curative Herbs: You may buy alchemical ingredients and train in alchemy.
Magic Shop: You may buy scrolls and spellbooks, train or enchant your equipment.
You will fnd more variety of shops in the large cities than in the villages.
Also you can fnd many of these options at some NPCs (non player characters) who are
walking around the world or just standing at an exact place.
Your alignment depends on your fame. Every item can specify the required alignment
good or evil. If the item specifes evil as required alignment, then your character
cannot equip it if your fame is positive and vice versa.
You may commit a crime in various ways: by picking someone's pocket (your chances
will depend on your stealth skill but if other citizens are near your chances will be
worse), by breaking into certain homes (some houses can be broken into day or night if
you have a skeleton key some windows that are not blinking in the night time can be
broken into with your weapon), by harming a peaceful civilian or creature and by
stealing. If you attempt to break into a house during the day, a citizen may catch you
and call the guards. At night, you can try to by-pass the guards.
Unless you bypass the guards, you will be arrested you will then have to pay a fne or
work off your time. In jail, you may try to lockpick your way out if your lockpick skill
is high enough and you have a lockpick. You also can spend your time in prison (try to
pace up and down to pass the time) and then get out, but then some of your attributes
and/or skills will decrease.
Lockpicks and skeleton keys can be purchased in shady shops or from certain
individuals throughout the island.
Some special villagers will clear your crime rating for money.
o Combat
Combat is turn-based. Your success will be determined by your abilities compared to
those of the enemies you encounter. If you are paralyzed, you will not be able to attack
for a few turns. If you are cursed, your ability to attack will be lowered. If your health
meter falls to 0, you have lost the battle and the game. If you are successful in battle,
you gain experience points. The Character Detail screen shows how many points it will
take you to reach the next level.
When facing multiple opponents, they might attack you in pairs. This is indicated by
displaying two rectangles with the names of the monsters and their health points,
instead of one. In this case, you can select which monster to attack with your melee
weapon, bow or crossbow by tapping the the monster's information box. The selected
monster is indicated by the red crosshair icon before their name. This targeting only
works for physical attacks, attack spells target each monster in their range.
If its raining or nighttime, both your and your opponents judgment of distance is
hampered, so these are the best times to fght with monsters who use ranged weapons,
for example, archers, as they cant really see you perfectly.
o Enemies
The various monsters you encounter will have attributes of their own. For example,
some may be able to resist disease, magic or poison. Others may resist normal
weapons, cast certain types of magic, be able to teleport or take a high quantity of melee
damage. You will gain experience in how to deal with the individual monster types as
you travel through the world.
Warning: all killed non-special monsters respawn after a week of game time, which
means they will appear at their place again.
o Magic
The Island of Freymore is full of magic. Potions, spellbooks, scrolls, wands, staves can
be found, purchased or gained during battle when youve killed a monster.
Spell name
Cure light wounds
Cure wounds
Cure paralysis
Cure paralysis touch Touch
Remove curse
Remove curse touch Touch
Cure plague
Cure plague on otherTouch
Cure wart
Cure warrt on other Touch
This spell restores some health
points (self).
Restore hp
This spell restores some health
points (self).
Restore hp on
This spell restores some health
points of another fellow (self).
Cure poison
This spell cures poison (self).
Cure poison on This spell cures poison on another
fellow (self).
Cure paralysis
This spell cures paralysis (self).
Cure paralysis on This spell cures paralysis on
another fellow (self).
Removes curse This spell removes curse (self).
Remove curse on This spell removes curse on
another fellow (self).
Restore hp to full This spell restore full health points
Cures all (poison, This spell cures everything
paralysis, curse, poison, paralysis, curse, diseases
Cure plague
This spell cures plague (self).
Cure plague
This spell cures plague on another
fellow (self).
Cure warrt
This spell cures warrt (self).
Cure warrt
This spell cures warrt on another
fellow (self).
Restore hp
Protection magic
Spell name
Resist poison
Resist paralysis
Stone skin
Resist magic
Magic immunity
Add poison
This spell provides resistance
against poison (self).
Add paralysis
This spell provides resistance
against paralysis (self).
Add Warrt
This spell provides resistance
disease resistance against Warrt disease (self).
Add Plague
This spell provides resistance
disease resistance against Plague disease (self).
Add disease
This spell provides resistance
against all diseases (self).
This spell provides physical
protection (self).
Add magic
This spell provides resistance
against magic (self).
The player is
This spell provides magic
immunity (self).
immune to
magic, BUT
he/she also cant
cast spells!
This spell provides overall
against poison, resistance (self).
diseases, magic
Attack magic
Spell name
Magic missile
Lightning bolt
Lightning Storm
Burning hand
Thief touch
Harm undead
Poison cloud
Poison touch
Smite foe
Damage all
This spell damages an opponent
Damage all
This spell damages an opponent
Damage all
This spell damages more
(more monsters) opponents in a radius (ranged).
Damage all
This spell damages an opponent
Damage all,
This spell damages and poisons an
opponent (touch).
Damage all
This spell damages opponents in a
radius (ranged).
Damage undead This spell damages an undead
opponent (ranged).
Damage all,
This spell damages more
opponents in a radius (ranged).
Small damage, This spell poisons an opponent
Damage human This spell damages an opponent
and could kill it instantly below a
certain health level (touch).
Mind magic
Spell name
Drain mana
Sap will
Mage curse
Detect mind
Drain sp
This spell drains mana from an
opponent (ranged).
Drain sp
This spell drains mana from an
opponent (touch).
This spell calms down an
opponent (touch).
This spell curses an opponent
This spell paralyzes an opponent
Level Drops
This spell causes an opponent to
lose a level (ranged).
Lowers the
This spell lowers the intelligence
intelligence of the of an opponent (ranged).
Gets information This spell displays the properties
on the opponent of an opponent (ranged).
Improves stealth This spell improves stealth skill
Drain hp
Damage living
Plague infect
Unholy word
Restore hp
Drain touch
Drain hp
2 tiles
Plague infect
2 tiles
Drain hp
Undead Curse
Level drops
Unholy pray
Restore full hp
This spell drains hp from a living
opponent (ranged).
This spell damages a living
opponents health (ranged).
This spell infects opponents with
Plague disease (ranged).
This spell restores some of the
undeads life force, while damages
the living (self).
This spell drains hp from a living
opponent (touch).
This spell infects opponents with
Plague disease (ranged, in a
This spell drains hp from the
opponents (around the player, in a
This spell decreases a monsters
level for a certain number of
rounds (ranged).
This spell restores the full undead
life force (self).
Environment magic
Spell name
Town portal
Recharge wand
Enchant weapon
Enchant armor
Create food
Disarm trap
Unlock door
Mark position
This spell disarms a trap (touch).
This spell unlocks an object (touch).
This spell memorizes a position
Recall position This transfers the player back to a
memorized position (self).
This spell lightens encumbrance
Teleport (script) This spell transfers the player to
the nearest city (self).
Recharge wands This recharges a wand or flls it
with a new spell (self).
Enchant weapon This spell enchants a weapon (self).
Enchant armor This spell enchants an armor (self).
Creates some
This spell creates some food (self).
Drain hp
Drain sp
Cast spell
Infect disease
Resist diseases
Resist spell
Fortify spell
Fortify magic
Fortify melee
Magic immunity
Detect mind
Town portal
Recharge wand
Create food
Level drop
Fortify outft
Poison opponent
Curse opponent
Paralyze opponent
Drain hp (damage value)
Drain sp (damage value)
Cast a spell (a specifc one)
Infect disease (a specifc
Monster, accessory, spell, potion,
Resist all diseases
ingredient, ability, disease
(-100% .. +100%)
Monster, magic staff, accessory, ability,
Resist a specifc spell
(-100% .. +100%)
Monster, magic staff, accessory, ability,
Fortify a specifc spell
(-100% .. +100%)
Monster, magic staff, accessory, potion,
Fortify magic effects
alchemy ingredient, ability, disease, magic (-100% .. +100%)
Monster, magic staff, spell, potion,
Fortify melee
alchemy ingredient, ability, disease, magic (-100%..+100%)
Provide magic immunity
Could instantly kill an
(below 25% hp)
Calm monster
Provide information about
an opponent
Mark/recall a position
Teleport to the nearest city
Enchant armors, weapons,
accessories, magic staffs,
bows, throwing weapons,
blank scrolls, empty wands
Recharge wand
Create food for rest
Monster , spell
Lose xp
Permanent bonus to a
specifc attribute
Potion, alchemy ingredient
Alcoholic effect (+str, +end,
-dex, -int, -per)
Armor, weapon, accessory, magic staff,
Fortify outft quality
o Alchemy
Using your mortar and pestle, you can create potions and homemade drinks from
plants, fowers or mushrooms you fnd in the world or buy in Curative Herb or
Alchemy Shops. Your success in brewing and the effectiveness of these potions will
depend on your Alchemy skill level which can be increased by reading books that teach
alchemy and by training at an Alchemist's shop or a Curative Herbs shop.
To practice alchemy, tap on your face. Select one of your mortars in your inventory then
tap on the mortar and pestle icon at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up a
screen that shows you your mortar and pestle and alchemical ingredients. This screen
allows you to go through the steps of creating a homemade brew:
1. Select which mortar and pestle in your inventory you'd like to use. Always use the
best one.
2. Select which alchemical ingredients you wish to use. In the three boxes, scroll
through your inventory using the up and down arrows. Look for ingredients that have
a characteristic in common with the potion you wish to brew. For example, if you wish
to create a resist warrt potion, look for ingredients that include resist warrt.
3. When you have one, two or three displayed that include the desired effects and a
type of potion or brew is listed under "3, Select the potion to be created, highlight the
desired potion and tap on the button in the lower right corner. You will receive a
message that you have succeeded or failed. If you've succeeded, that homemade potion
or brew will now be in your inventory.
Every alchemical ingredient has different effects. There are books in the world that will
teach you Alchemy recipes. If your alchemy skill is not strong enough, you may get a
potion "Unknown effect". You can try to brew something. You will get a message
whether you have succeeded or failed.
List of cards
Warrior deck
This deck sports the simulation of a warrior. The character utilizes weaponry and war gear
(shields, armors, etc) to win the game.
Rapid stab
Dual strike
War cry
Combo card, you can table another card which effect's doubled.
Tower shield
Long sword
Kite shield
Battle axe
Plate mail
Heals 5 points.
Healing potion
Heroic Remedy
Arrow storm
50% damage bonus but 30% more damage taken per turn. Turns: 2.
Sorcerer deck
This deck features the simulation of a sorcerer. The class utilizes different magics and spells to
win the game, the backbone of the system is how to use well the node and aura combos. This
deck requires a completely different approach compared to the other two classes.
Life node
Aura of air
Death node
Aura of water
Moon node
Aura of fire
Sun node
Aura of earth
Ice bolt
Chain lightning
Blade storm
Rage of nature
Healing shower
Heals 4 points.
Healing scroll
Heals 7 points.
Heals 15 points.
Mana explosion
Mana storm
Combo card, you can table another card which effect's doubled.
Necromancer deck
This pack sports a Necromancer and his various abilities. Based on the trend initiated with the
previous two classes, this one has its own peculiarities. This character can summon various
creatures, animate corpses and release powerful spells, utilizing his own flesh and blood
(practically consuming his own HP).
Blood chant
Inflicts 2 damage.
Dark touch
Poison cloud
Blood filch
Vampire bite
Soul crush
Bone wall
Blood golem
Blood moat
Acid rain
Corpse army
Vampire bats
Unholy seal
Blood boil
Heart pile
Soul pile
Combo card, you can table another card which effect's doubled.
o Training
You can gain training in various shops and from various people or creatures you meet
in the world; for example, streetwalkers can train you in lockpick. As you go higher in
a skill, your training will be more and more expensive. Also, there is a limit to training
that is available in the various towns or cities as you progress through the world you
will encounter shops or individuals that can give you a higher level of training.
o Technical Support
If you have any problems running or playing The Quest, please contact Redshift by emailing [email protected]
Support for the game may also be found at Redshift's website: which lists FAQs and forums.
o Copyright Information
The information in this document, including references to URLs and other internet web
site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example
companies, organizations, products, persons, places and events depicted in the Quest
and herein are fctitious and no association with any real company, organization,
product, persons, places or events is intended or should be inferred. Complying with
all applicable copyright and intellectual property right laws is the responsibility of the
user. Without limiting the rights under copyright and/or other intellectual property
right law no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written
permission of Redshift and/or its principals.
Redshift may have patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual
property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided
in any written license agreement from Redshift, the furnishing of this document does
not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual
o Credits
This game is the result of the efforts of:
Sylon (graphics, world building)
Elendil (3D engine, iPhone porting)
Stewe (original game engine)
Catacomber (sidequests, game manual)
Brian (music)
Special thanks to Barny (card game)
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