Dream Big Ghana Foundation
Dream Big Ghana Foundation
Dream Big Ghana Foundation
The purpose of Dream Big Ghana Foundation (DBGF) is to promote and support the charitable
work of Dream Big Ghana NGO in the following core areas sanitation, public health, education
and youth sports development.
Maths, English, Art and ICT subjects with other classroom teachers, thereby making an impact
on the lives and future of the children.
Youth Sports Development
One of the key objectives of Dream Big Ghana Foundation is to support Sports Development in
the local villages where it operates. Due to this, they have earmarked football as one of the ways
that this can be achieved. With this in mind, they decided to support a Junior Football Academy
because of the popularity of football in Ghana and how it fosters development in the community.
Furthermore, there are opportunities for a scholarship for students who have exceptional talent as
this could be the chance to have a bright future.
Overview of spend
Over the course of its work in Ghana, Dream Big Ghana has spent money in the Volta Region;
specifically in Dzita and Abgledomi. They have raised over 1,000 from various projects. Some
of them include:
Reggae and Afrobeat Night: This was held at the University of Nottingham and over 400
was raised in the process.
Toilet Twinning Initiative: This initiative was the brainchild of Chris Croudace; the Chair of
Dream Big Ghana Foundation, which was held at Frome and over 500 was raised. The
motivation behind this initiative was due to the poor sanitation record in Ghana, preventing
diseases like diarrhoea and its impact on the health of people in the local community
Also for enquiries about the foundation and how you can volunteer or support, you can send
emails to:
Dr Linda East
[email protected]
Contact Information:
Dougal Croudace
Operations Tour Manager
[email protected]
UK +44 (0) 7530238907
Ghana (+233) 543670194