2014 Constitution of The Junior Chamber International Philippines, Inc
2014 Constitution of The Junior Chamber International Philippines, Inc
2014 Constitution of The Junior Chamber International Philippines, Inc
NAME: ................................................................................................ 5
EMBLEM: ............................................................................................ 5
USE: ..................................................................................................... 5
FORFEIT: .............................................................................................. 6
INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATION: ........................................................... 6
DOMICILE: ......................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II ...................................................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE 2-1. JCI MISSION AND VISION: ................................................................ 6
ARTICLE 2-2. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES: ........................................................ 6
ARTICLE 2-3. JCI VALUES: ....................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE 2-4. PURPOSES OF THE ORGANIZATION:................................................. 7
ARTICLE 2-5. NATURE OF THE ORGANIZATION: ..................................................... 7
ARTICLE 2-6. NON-PROFIT: ..................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 2-7. POLITICS: ............................................................................................ 7
ARTICLE 2-8. RELIGION: .......................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 2-9. HUMAN RIGHTS: ................................................................................ 7
ARTICLE 2-10. RIGHTS OF THE CHILD: ..................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 2-11. WORLD PEACE ................................................................................ 8
ARTICLE 2-12. GENDER EQUALITY .......................................................................... 8
CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................................... 8
MEMBERSHIP AND AFFILIATES ....................................................................................... 8
LOCAL ORGANIZATION:................................................................... 8
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS:...................................................................... 9
SENATORS: ....................................................................................... 10
JUNIOR JAYCEES: ............................................................................ 10
CHAPTER IV .................................................................................................................. 10
THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................. 10
ARTICLE 4-1. SUPREME AUTHORITY: ..................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 4-2. COMPOSITION: ............................................................................... 11
ARTICLE 4-3. POWERS AND PREROGATIVES: ...................................................... 11
ARTICLE 4-4. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: .............................................................. 11
ARTICLE 4-5. QUORUM AND VOTES REQUIRED: .................................................. 11
ARTICLE 4-6. SPEAKING RIGHTS: ........................................................................... 11
CHAPTER V ................................................................................................................... 12
DEFINITION: ...................................................................................... 12
PURPOSE: ......................................................................................... 12
DATE AND PLACE:........................................................................... 13
SPECIAL CONVENTION: .................................................................. 13
SUPERVISION OF BUSINESS:............................................................. 13
CHAIRMANSHIP: .............................................................................. 13
CHAPTER VI .................................................................................................................. 13
NATIONAL BOARD ....................................................................................................... 13
COMPOSITION: ............................................................................... 13
DUTIES: ............................................................................................. 14
REGULAR MEETINGS: ...................................................................... 14
SPECIAL MEETINGS: ......................................................................... 14
QUORUM: ........................................................................................ 14
FORFEITURE OF OFFICE: .................................................................. 14
VACANCIES, SUCCESSION: ............................................................ 15
COMPOSITION: ............................................................................... 15
POWERS AND DUTIES: ..................................................................... 15
MEETINGS: ....................................................................................... 15
QUORUM: ........................................................................................ 16
VOTES:.............................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER IX .................................................................................................................. 18
POWERS AND DUTIES OF NATIONAL OFFICERS .......................................................... 18
ARTICLE 9-1. NATIONAL PRESIDENT: .................................................................... 18
ARTICLE 9-2. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT: ........................................ 19
ARTICLE 9-3. AREA VICE PRESIDENT: ................................................................... 19
ARTICLE 9-4. REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT: ........................................................... 19
ARTICLE 9-5. NATIONAL TREASURER: ................................................................... 19
ARTICLE 9-6. GENERAL LEGAL COUNSEL: ............................................................ 20
ARTICLE 9-7. IMMEDIATE PAST NATIONAL PRESIDENT: ....................................... 21
ARTICLE 9-8. SECRETARY GENERAL: .................................................................... 21
ARTICLE 9-9. REMUNERATION: ............................................................................. 21
CHAPTER X ................................................................................................................... 21
This national association of Junior Chambers shall be known as Junior Chamber International
Philippines, Inc., otherwise known as JCI Philippines, hereinafter referred to in this Constitution as
the Organization.
The emblem of this Organization shall be the shield used as the symbol of the Junior Chamber
International (JCI) inside of which is the map of the world and the capital letters "JCI" on the left
side of the shield with the word Philippines on the right side of the shield. The emblem of this
Organization may be changed by majority vote of the voting members of the National Board to
conform to the policies and directives of the Junior Chamber International.
The use of the name, initials and emblem of the National Organization and those of JCI shall be
restricted to properly affiliated members of the National Organization and shall not be used by
others without the written consent of the National President.
The right to use the name shall be automatically and forthwith forfeited on termination of any
member's affiliation or any such group's formal recognition.
The Organization shall be and is hereby affiliated with the Junior Chamber International (JCI)
and its Constitution, Rules and Regulations as well as its policies and directives, not otherwise
inconsistent with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, shall form a part of this Constitution.
The headquarters of the Organization is located in 14 Don A. Roces Ave., Quezon City, Metro
Manila, Philippines.
The principles of the JCI inspired by the JCI Values are based upon a belief in:
A. Faith in God
B. The brotherhood of man
C. Individual freedom and dignity
D. Government of laws
E. The value of human personality, and
F. Service to humanity
The purposes of the Organization inspired by the Declaration of Principles shall be:
A. To develop and advance the purpose of JCI ;
B. To coordinate the activities of its members to achieve these purposes;
C. To promote the extension of membership to all young people;
D. To promote the concept of universal interdependence.
The Organization is not organized for profit and no part of its income or net earning shall be
distributed or shall inure to the benefit of any officer, member or trustee. Any net proceeds
which the Organization may obtain as in incident of its operation or from the implementation of
any project shall be devoted to the furtherance of the purposes of which this Organization has
been founded.
The Organization and its affiliates shall refrain from partisan political activity of any kind. Any
officer in a national or local position shall be considered automatically on leave of absence
from his position from the first day of the campaign period up to the Election Day where such
position is contested.
SECTION 1. RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES: The Organization adheres to religious freedom and shall not
engage in sectarian or religious activities designed solely to promote one particular faith, sect or
SECTION 2. CONCEPT OF GOD: The concept of God in the context of the JCI Values or
Declaration of Principles is to be interpreted according to one's own religious belief.
The Organization recognizes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as an example of the
promotion of universal respect for, and observance of, human rights, freedoms and equality.
The Organization, recognizing and supporting the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the
Child, shall conduct permanent and continuing programs that assist with providing for one or
more of the basic needs of children as set out in the Declaration:
A. THE RIGHT to affection, love and understanding
B. THE RIGHT to adequate nutrition and medical care
C. THE RIGHT to free education
D. THE RIGHT to full opportunity for play and recreation
E. THE RIGHT to a name and nationality
F. THE RIGHT to special care, if handicapped
G. THE RIGHT to be among the first to receive relief in times of disaster
H. THE RIGHT to learn to be a useful member of society and to develop individual abilities
I. THE RIGHT to be brought up in a spirit of peace and universal brotherhood
J. THE RIGHT to enjoy these rights regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national or social
The Organization, recognizing the fundamental goal of the founder, Henry Giessenber, Jr.,
commits itself to strive for a true and everlasting world peace.
The Organization recognizes that gender equality is an indispensable tool for advancing
development and reducing poverty.
SECTION 1. DEFINITION: A Local Organization, whose objectives and activities are in accord with
the purposes of the Organization, shall, upon approval of application for affiliation by the
National Board, be recognized as affiliated Local Organization of the Organization.
SECTION 2. USE OF NAME: A Local Organization shall identify itself by its respective city or
municipality together with the word "JCI" or "Junior Chamber International". In case another
Local Organization already exists in the same city or municipality, the proposed name should be
distinct from the name already affiliated with the Organization, unless majority of the members
of the Regional and Area Councils with jurisdiction over the Local Organization shall give
SECTION 3. FISCAL YEAR: All Local Organizations shall be required to observe a uniform calendar
year commencing on January 1 and ending in December 31 of the current year.
have a membership of not less than twenty five (25) individual members in order to be affiliated
with the Organization. When a Local Organization fails to maintain the minimum membership
required on the succeeding year, it shall be deemed delinquent and shall be under automatic
suspension. The suspended Local Organization shall be given one (1) year to bring its
membership to the minimum number, otherwise, the affiliation of the Local Organization
concerned shall be terminated by the National Board.
composition shall be the internal concern of the Local Organization provided that its
Constitution and Policy Manual is in accord with the Constitution and Policy Manual of the
Organization and the Junior Chamber International.
SECTION 6. EXTENSION EFFORTS: It shall be a continuing goal of the Organization to extend the
purpose of the JCI to all young people in every community in the Philippines. For this purpose,
Local Organizations are encouraged to extend new chapters within the same city or
municipality, or same Region, subject to the rules on extension. Any Local Organization to be
extended in a different region should be endorsed to the Regional Vice President with
However, not more than three (3) members are allowed to transfer membership from an existing
Local Organization to a newly-organized Local Organization, until after its charter date. Further,
said transfer shall not result in lowering the membership of the existing Local Organization below
the minimum requirements. In addition, said transfer must be in conformity with Article 3-2,
Section of this Constitution.
SECTION 7. MULTIPLE LOCALITIES. - A chapter may be organized among residents from two or
more cities and/or municipalities, provided they are contiguous to each other. Further,
population and mutuality of interests among the prospective members shall be considered.
uniform rules and regulations governing the affiliation of a Local Organization which shall form
part of the Policy Manual.
SECTION 9. AFFILIATE IN GOOD STANDING: An affiliate in good standing is a Local Organization
which has paid in full its current and past national dues and assessments in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter XIII hereof, or is not delinquent or under suspension or termination for any
cause other than financial at least one (1) month prior to the first day of the National
Convention. Furthermore, only Local Organizations that paid their dues in arrears (full dues from
the previous years) on or before March 31 of the current fiscal year shall be considered an
affiliate in good standing.
SECTION 10. SUSPENSION OF AFFILIATION: The National President shall suspend a Local
Organizations affiliation for three (3) years, in case one of its endorsed members knowingly and
purposely made an illegal overstay in a foreign country after representing the Organization in
attending an international convention or activity organized by the JCI.
SECTION 1. DEFINITION: Persons who are members of any Local Organization shall be Individual
Members of the Organization.
1. Be between the ages of eighteen (18) and forty (40) years, except for the Immediate
Past President, who may serve in that capacity for not more than one (1) year. Further, in
case of members turning 40 years old, their membership shall continue to the end of the
calendar year of their fortieth birthday.
2. Undergo the basic orientation course prescribed in the Policy Manual
3. Pay the appropriate dues or assessments through the Local Organization
4. With good moral character
5. Must not have been convicted by final judgment by any court of law of any crime
involving moral turpitude.
SECTION 3. EXERCISE OF VOTING AND OTHER RIGHTS: Individual members shall have no voting or
property right in the Organization except as herein otherwise provided. Their voting privilege shall
be exercised through the Local Organization or Affiliates in which they are members.
SECTION 4. PROHIBITION ON DUAL MEMBERSHIP: No individual member shall, at any time, be a
member in good standing of more than one Local Organization.
SECTION 5. TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP: No transfer of membership of an individual member from
one Local Organization to another shall be valid unless it has the prior written board clearance
or endorsement of his former Local Organization. In case of dispute, the matter shall be referred
SECTION 1. DEFINITION: A JCI Senator is an individual who has been awarded by Junior Chamber
International in honor of outstanding service to the JCI Organization.
SECTION 2. STATUS: Upon awarding of JCI Senatorship to any individual member, past or current,
such member shall also be a lifetime member of this Organization. All duties of a JCI member
shall likewise apply to a JCI Senator. A senator is qualified to vote, to be elected or appointed
an officer of the Organization provided he is within the JCI age.
SECTION 3. APPLICABILITY OF RULES: All JCI Senators or aggrupation of JCI Senators are subject to
the Constitution, policies, and regulations of this Organization and those of Junior Chamber
International (JCI). The Constitution and policies of JCI on Senators shall be made as integral
part of the Policy Manual of the Organization.
SECTION 1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be subject to change to whatever is
adopted by the Junior Jaycees General Assembly.
1. Between the ages of fourteen (14) and twenty-one (21) years, provided that membership
shall continue to the end of the calendar year in which the members reaches the age of
twenty-one (21) years
2. Must freely and fully accept and put into practice the principles, creed and purposes of the
SECTION 3. AFFILIATION: The Junior Jaycees shall be organized under one national organization.
Its organization and management shall be its internal concern provided that its Constitution and
Policy Manual are in consonance with the JCI Philippines, Inc. and Junior Chamber International.
This national organization shall be a special affiliate of the Junior Chamber International
Philippines, Inc.
SECTION 4. EXTENSION EFFORTS: It shall be a continuing goal of the Junior Chamber International
Philippines, Inc., through its chapters to assist in the extension of Junior Jaycee chapters in every
community in the Philippines. For effective management and effective support, all Junior
Jaycee chapters must be attached to the regular chapter.
SECTION 5. SPEAKING RIGHTS: - The Junior Jaycees shall have speaking rights on all issues
affecting the Junior Jaycees in the General Assembly of the Junior Chamber International
Philippines, Inc., its National Board meetings, regional and area meetings and conferences,
through its National President or authorized spokesman. They will have no voting rights.
The General Assembly shall constitute the supreme authority of the Organization. It shall direct
the affairs of the Organization. It shall retain all rights and privileges not specifically assigned to
the National Board or the Executive Committee, the National President or any other officer of
the Organization.
The General Assembly shall have the exclusive prerogative to vote on any or all of the following
a. Election of officers;
b. Approval of the Constitution;
c. Venue of the regular National Convention;
d. Such other matters as may be necessary and proper to effectively discharge the aims
and purposes of the Organization.
The General Assembly shall likewise receive and act on any matters recommended by the
National Board, Executive Committee, the Area Council, the Regional Council, and the National
The presence of at least forty percent (40%) of the total voting strength of affiliates in good
standing of the Organization shall constitute a quorum, a majority vote of which shall constitute
a valid act of the Organization except on matters specified herein or under the Corporation
Code of the Philippines.
SECTION 5. VOTING STRENGTH: On any vote of the General Assembly, all Local Organizations in
good standing are entitled to one (1) vote by virtue of its affiliation which shall be cast personally
by the Local Organization President or Chief Delegate and a total number of additional votes
based on the following schedule:
a. From 25 - 34 members - 2 votes
b. From 35 - 44 members - 3 votes
c. From 45 - 59 members - 4 votes
d. From 60 - 74 members 5 votes
e. From 75- 100 members - 6 votes
f. More than 100 members - plus (1) vote for every 25 members declared in excess of 100
SECTION 6. BASIS FOR VOTING STRENGTH: The voting strength of Local Organizations shall be
determined by the number of individual members whose dues have been fully paid on or before
the deadline fixed in this Constitution.
SECTION 7. VOTING DELEGATES: Local Organizations intending to cast their votes must submit to
the Secretary General, on or before May 31 the following
1. Duly-accomplished Voting Delegate forms, indicating the name of their voting delegate
to the Area Conference or National Convention and their respective alternates
2. Four (4) copies of the most recent photograph
3. Four (4) specimen signatures of each voting delegate and alternate.
SECTION 8. VOTERS ID CARD: Within sixty (60) days from May 31, the Secretary General is
required to send all voting delegates a voter's ID card which contains the picture of the
delegate and the signatures of the Secretary General, the National Treasurer and the COMELEC
Chairman. However, failure to produce this voter's ID card on elections held during the Area
Conference and National Convention shall not disenfranchise the voter as long as his name has
been duly submitted to the Secretary General as herein provided and a reliable governmentissued identification card (i.e. Passport, SSS ID, driver's license) is produced in lieu thereof,
indicating the name, date of birth, and picture of the voter.
SECTION 9. CASTING OF LOCAL ORGANIZATION VOTES: In the election of officers of the
Organization, the voting delegates shall cast the votes that their Local Organization is entitled to
on the basis of its voting strength. A voting delegate shall only vote once. On voting other than
for the election of officers, the Local Organization votes shall be cast by its President, or in his
absence, its duly accredited Chief Delegate or all or any of its duly designated voting
a. SECRET BALLOT: The selection of the site of the National Convention shall be by secret
b. VOTE BY ACCLAMATION: In the event of an uncontested selection of the site of the
National Convention, vote by acclamation shall be allowed.
c. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VOTES: The number of votes received by each applicant shall be
announced to General Assembly
The annual meeting of the Organization shall be known as the National Convention.
The purpose and business of the National Organization Convention shall be:
1. To receive the report of the Board of Directors
2. To induct elected National Officers for the ensuing year
The National Convention shall be held on the second week of the month of October but prior to
the JCI World Congress at the principal office of the Organization or any other place in the
Philippines that the General Assembly may designate at each National Convention at least two
(2) years prior thereto.
The election of the members of the National Board shall be a special order during the National
A Special Convention may be called by the National Board upon thirty (30) days written notice
to the affiliates.
SECTION 1. BUSINESS: The call for a special convention shall include the particular business to be
taken up and no other business shall be transacted except when authorized by a majority vote
of the total voting strength at such convention.
SECTION 2. RULES: Special conventions shall be governed by the rules on regular conventions so
far as the same are applicable.
The supervision of the business arrangement and the general program of a national convention,
including the extension of invitations to speakers, shall be the responsibility of the Secretary
General acting under the direction of the National President.
The National President may delegate the chairmanship of a meeting to the Immediate Past
National President, or in the latters absence, another designated by the National President,
subject to the approval of the General Assembly.
The National Board shall hold regular quarterly meetings each year, the first to be held in the
month of January, the second in the month of April, the third in the month of July and the fourth
to be held during the first day of the regular National Convention. Unless otherwise specified in
writing, the regular board meetings shall be held at the principal office of the Organization,
except the last regular meeting which shall be held at the place where the National Convention
is to be held.
Special meetings of the National Board may be convened by the National President when
necessary or when requested in writing by at least three (3) members thereof. Written notice of
special meetings must be given seven (7) days prior to such meetings. Notice may be sent via
electronic mail to the e-mail address submitted to JCIP Secretariat.
The presence of a majority of all the elective members of the National Board shall constitute a
quorum, the majority vote of which shall constitute a valid act of the Board unless otherwise
provided for herein.
The failure of any member of the National Board to attend two (2) consecutive board meetings
shall ipso facto result in the forfeiture of his seat therein unless said member submits a written
justification and such absence or absences are subsequently deemed justified by the National
Board. Board meetings as contemplated herein shall include regular and special meetings of
the General Assembly, National Board and Executive Committee, and a meeting shall be
counted in the number of absences incurred even if no business was transacted due to the
absence of a quorum. In case an Area Vice President or Regional Vice President, the forfeiture
of his seat in the National Board shall result in his removal from office.
Section 1. Vacancies in all elective offices other than that of National President, National
Executive Vice President and Area Vice Presidents may be filled through appointment by the
President, subject to the approval of the National Board.
Section 2. In case of death, resignation, disability or incapacity of the National President to
discharge the duties of his office, he shall be succeeded by the National Executive Vice
President. The remaining members of the National Board shall elect from among the Area Vice
President the one to assume the position vacated by the National Executive Vice President. In
case of vacancy in the Area Vice President post, the respective Regional Vice Presidents shall
elect among themselves. Provided, however, that the successor shall serve only the remainder
of the term of the office assumed.
The National Board, may motu propio or upon petition by any person, inquire into the any
malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance committed by any national officer, director or
chairman and after due hearing take whatever action it may deem warranted. Such action
may include suspension or expulsion from office.
The Executive Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
1. During the intervals between meetings of the National Board and subject to such limitations
as may be prescribed by the General Assembly or by the National Board, the Executive
Committee shall administer and manage the affairs of the Organization.
2. The Executive Committee shall be constituted as the Finance Committee to review and
revise the annual budget as may be necessary for submission to the National Board for
3. Receive reports from its members and advise them.
4. Recommend action to the National Board.
5. Undertake and carry out such powers, duties, functions and responsibilities as may be
delegated to it by the National Board and shall have the power to act as and for the Board
in regard to such powers and duties, functions and responsibilities, subject to ratification by
the National Board.
The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the National Board, the National President, or
on petition of at least three (3) members thereof. A virtual meeting may be validly conducted
with the use of technology and Internet, provided rules and regulations shall be incorporated in
the Policy Manual.
Majority of the elective members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
All elected members of the Executive Committee shall have one (1) vote. In case of a tie, the
IPNP shall vote. Proxy voting is not permitted.
The elective members of the National Board shall be elected in the following manner:
a. The area conference of the five (5) areas shall be held simultaneously during the first week of
September. The five (5) areas will hold their consensus voting on Sunday of the first week of
September starting at 1:00 P.M. The Local Organization Presidents and voting delegates will
vote on all the positions on all elective officers listed under Section 1 of this Article.
b. The Area Commission on Election will count the votes for all elective positions cast in the
Area Conference concerned. The candidates for AVP in that particular Area and for RVPs of
the different regions of the said Area receiving the highest number of votes by plurality shall
be declared as having been elected to their respective positions, provided that no election
protest has been duly filed against the winner of the election.
c. With regard to the votes garnered by the candidates for the positions of National President,
National Executive Vice President and National Treasurer, the five (5) Area Commission on
Election will submit the results to the National Commission on Election which will be
contained in a tally sheet duly signed by all the members of the Area Commission on
Election and authenticated by the incumbent AVP and all RVPs. The National Commission
on Election will canvass the results from the five (5) areas and the candidates for the
National President, National Executive Vice President and National Treasurer receiving the
highest number of votes by simple plurality for their respective positions will be automatically
be the sole and only nominees for the said three (3) positions.
d. At the election of national officers in the National Convention during the second week of
October, the National Commission on Elections shall declare the candidates for National
President, National Executive Vice President and National Treasurer as elected.
Unless otherwise provided herein, all elected and appointed national officers, national
commissioners and national committee chairmen shall have the following qualifications:
1. Age - No individual member shall be elected or appointed who will reach his fortieth (40 th)
birthday prior to assuming office.
2. Membership - All nominees for national elective positions must be members in good standing
of the Organization for at least three (3) consecutive years prior to the first day of assuming
office. All appointed national officers, national commissioners or national committee
chairmen must be members in good standing of the Organization for at least two (2)
consecutive years prior to the date of their appointment.
3. Financial Condition - The Local Organization from which the nominee or appointee for an
elective or appointive position, respectively, belongs must be, at the time of election or
appointment, current in the payment of national dues to the Organization, otherwise, the
said officer's election or appointment shall be void ab initio.
4. JCPEA Points The Local Organization of any candidate for a national position must be
certified by the JCIP as having at least one hundred (100) JCPEA Points upon the submission
of the said candidates Certificate of Candidacy.
5. Area Conference and National Convention Attendance - Every nominee for election must
be a registered delegate at the Area Conference and National Convention at which he is a
6. Residency A nominee for Regional Vice President or Area Vice President must have
completed One-Year-to-Lead as President of a Local Organization within the region or area,
where he is to serve. In addition, in case nominee has transferred to a different Local
Organization, Region or Area after serving his One-Year-to-Lead as President, he must be a
member of that Local Organization, Region or Area for the past three (3) years prior to filing
his certificate of candidacy.
7. Qualifications for Specific Officers - In addition to the foregoing qualifications, each nominee
or appointee must meet the qualification for the particular office for which he is elected or
appointed as provided in this Constitution or as may be stated in the Policy Manual.
8. Every national officer or appointee must not only qualify at the time of his election or
appointment, but must continue to hold the same qualification until the term of his office or
appointment expires.
9. The affiliate or Local Organization to which an officer or appointee is a member must be in
good standing with the Organization and Junior Chamber International (JCI) throughout his
term of office. Should it become disaffiliated for any cause provided herein and the officer
or appointee concerned has not changed his own affiliation, the officer or appointee shall
automatically forfeit his office.
SECTION 1. FOR ALL ELECTIVE NATIONAL OFFICERS: All nominees for national elective office must
have been a chapter president who has completed a one-year term of office by the time he
assumes his national post.
for National President and National Executive Vice President must have been an Area Vice
President, National Treasurer or Regional Vice President who has completed a one-year term of
office by the time he assumes his national post.
SECTION 3. FOR NATIONAL TREASURER: All nominees for National Treasurer must have served as
an elected Area Vice President, Regional Vice President or officer of the Organization. He must
have a general business background and experience including a working knowledge of finance
and accounting.
SECTION 4. QUALIFICATIONS: The General Legal Counsel shall have served as an officer of his
chapter or area or regional organization and must possess the following qualifications:
1. A JCI Member in good standing for at least three (3) years at the time of appointment;
2. A member of the Philippine Bar in good standing
3. In the active practice of law or must have held a position requiring knowledge of law for
at least five (5) years prior to the time of appointment
Every nominee for election must have gone through the Officer's College, whose operating
policies and procedures shall be covered by the Policy Manual.
No elective national, area or regional officer of the Organization may hold the same office
twice, regardless of transfer to another region or area.
All national, area or regional officers shall assume office at the beginning of the calendar year
following their election for a term of one (1) year. The members of the National Constitutional
Commissions shall assume office upon their appointment to serve until their fixed term shall
expire, unless sooner terminated for cause. All appointed national officers, commissioners and
committee chairmen shall assume office upon their appointment with a term of office coterminus with the appointing authority, unless sooner terminated for cause.
In the event that no election of officers is held due to any cause, the officers enumerated in this
Article, except the members of the National Constitutional Commissions shall remain in office
beyond their terms until their successors are elected or appointed in accordance with the
SECTION 1. POWERS AND DUTIES: - The National President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of
the Organization. He shall preside at all meetings of the General Assembly, the National Board
and the Executive Committee. He shall direct the overall operations of the Organization and
shall travel on its behalf. He shall report to the General Assembly, the National Board and the
Executive Committee.
SECTION 2. HEAD OF THE ORGANIZATION: As head of the Organization, the National President
shall be its official representative in all ceremonies, affairs, proceedings and transactions.
However, any act of the National President binding the Organization to a financial or
contractual obligation shall be subject to the approval or ratification of the National Board.
SECTION 1. POWERS AND DUTIES: The National Executive Vice President shall exercise the powers
and perform the functions and duties of the National President during the absence or inability of
the latter to act and shall also perform such functions and duties as are assigned to him by the
National President, the Executive Committee and the National Board. He may be assigned to
supervise the National Commissions and Committees for the promotion and implementation of
JCI and JCI Philippines Programs as well as the executive directorates for development and
programs. The National Executive Vice President shall also serve as Chairperson of the Long
Range Planning Committee and act as the National Planning Chairperson who shall supervise
the preparation of plans and programs.
SECTION 1. DUTIES: The duties of the Area Vice President shall include:
1. Supervision over and assistance to the Regional Vice Presidents assigned to him by:
a. Coordinating and supervising the activities of the regions within the area;
b. Coordinating, motivating and directing their work in the field of programming.
2. Travel and visitation of chapters within the area;
3. Liaison with other Area Vice Presidents;
4. Reporting regularly on the activities of the area;
5. Assisting in the promotion and implementation of the commission/ committee structure
among all affiliates concerned;
6. Reporting to the General Assembly, the National Board, Executive Committee and the
National President; and
7. Performing such other duties and functions as may be delegated by the National Board,
the Executive Committee and the National President.
SECTION 1. DUTIES: The duties of the Regional Vice President shall be to communicate with, work
with and visit the chapters within his region for the following purposes:
1. To promote the purposes of JCI in accordance with the JCI Values, purposes and
2. To promote and coordinate with the implementation within the chapters assigned to him
of JCI Philippines and JCI programs;
3. To guide and assist chapter officers in the development of their chapters;
4. To conduct training in chapter and leadership development;
5. To promote and give guidance in executing planned extension;
6. To ensure effective communication between his assigned chapters and JCI Philippines;
7. To promote the constant broadening of the base of membership in JCI.
SECTION 1. POSTING OF BOND: Upon assumption of office, he shall post a bond in an amount
equivalent to 5% of the annual budget of the Organization answerable for funds which he may
not be able to account at the end of his term. All other signatories shall likewise post a bond in
an amount equivalent to 5% of the annual budget of the Organization answerable to funds
which they may not be able to account at the end of their term.
SECTION 2. DUTIES: The National Treasurer shall have the following duties:
SECTION 1. APPOINTMENT: The General Legal Counsel shall be appointed by the National
President and confirmed by the National Board. He shall be an ex-officio member of the
National Board and the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2. DUTIES: The General Legal Counsel shall have the following duties:
1. Legal - The General Legal Counsel shall be the adviser on legal matters pertaining to the
Organization and shall advise officers and Local Organizations on the interpretation of
the Constitution and the Policy Manual.
2. Parliamentarian - The General Legal Counsel shall serve as Parliamentarian of the
General Assembly and shall rule on matters of parliamentary procedure and legal
interpretation at the request of the Presiding Officer.
3. Admissions Committee - The General Legal Counsel shall serve as Chairman of the
Admissions Committee for new affiliates of the Organization.
4. Consultative - The General Legal Counsel shall give advice and suggestions to the
Organization and to Local Organizations on the development of constitutions and
policies which will give a clear guide for the activities of the Organization and the area
and regional councils.
5. Supervision - The General Legal Counsel shall ensure that the National Board and the
Executive Committee function in accordance with the Constitution and the Policy
Manual, and for this purpose, he shall attend all meetings of the National Board and the
Executive Committee.
6. Counsel - The General Legal Counsel shall represent the Organization in all actions or
lawsuits to which the Organization is a party.
7. Corporate Secretary - The General Legal Counsel shall be the custodian of the official
seal of the Organization and the records of all meetings of the General Assembly, the
National Board and the Executive Committee. He shall perform shall other duties as may
be required of Corporate Secretary.
SECTION 1. DUTIES: As an officer of the Organization and an ex-officio member of the National
Board and the Executive Committee, the Immediate Past National President shall have the
following duties:
1. Be the Chairperson of the Senate Affairs Commission and serve as the Organization's
representative to the Philippine JCI Senate and shall recommend and head the
Screening Committee of all application for JCI Senatorship.
2. Be a member of the National Nominations Commission
3. Be the Chairperson of the Officer's College.
SECTION 1. APPOINTMENT AND TERM OF OFFICE: - There shall be a Secretary General who shall
be appointed by the National President, for a term of one year, subject to confirmation by the
National Board.
Section 2. DUTIES: The Secretary General shall perform the following duties:
1. Be the special representative of the National President in official functions of the
2. Be the official liaison officer of the Organization in its dealings with the Philippine
Government, third parties and other establishments or bodies;
3. Exercise control and general supervision over the National Secretariat established herein;
4. Perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the National President or the
National Board.
There shall be an Executive Director to be appointed by the National President subject to the
confirmation by the National Board. The term of office and other terms of employment of the
Executive Director shall be provided for in his employment contract as determined by the
National Board.
The Executive Director shall have the following duties, among others:
1. Head of the Secretariat He shall be the head of the National Secretariat and shall be
responsible for the operation, management and maintenance of the said National
2. Administrator - He shall be the Administrative Officer of the Organization and shall be
responsible for the implementation of the Organization's policies under the direction of
the National President;
3. Personnel - He shall be empowered to employ such personnel as may be required and
authorized by the National Board for adoption a salary pay scale for all the
Organization's paid employees;
4. Records - He shall maintain the records of Local Organizations and their individual
members together with all reports as may be submitted to the National Secretariat by
the Local Organizations;
5. Contract - He shall negotiate for contracts affecting the operations and maintenance of
the National Secretariat, acting in consultation with the National President and the
General Legal Counsel;
6. Publisher - He shall supervise, and if necessary, authorize the publication, printing and/or
production of the Organization's manuals, handbooks, directories and such other
materials which may be required in the management and administration of the
7. Ensure that a budget has been allocated for the Salaries and Benefits of the
Organizations employees, including, but not limited to, government-mandated benefits,
Health Insurance, Retirement Pay and Accident Insurance.
recommendation of the concerned Area Vice President, subject to the concurrence of the
National Board for a term of five (5) years without reappointment.
SECTION 2. QUALIFICATIONS: A member of the Commission must possess the following
1. He must be a regular member in good standing of his chapter for the last three (3) years
prior to his appointment;
2. He must be a member of the Philippine Bar;
3. He must not be over 35 years of age at the time of his appointment;
4. He must not come from the same chapter of the outgoing Commissioner he is replacing.
SECTION 3. POWERS AND DUTIES: The National Commission on Elections shall have the following
powers and duties:
1. Enforce and administer all rules and regulations related to the conduct of elections
embodied in the National Election Code and made an integral part of the Policy
2. Be the sole judge of all election contests, including pre-proclamation and quo warranto,
and protests relating to election returns, qualification of voters, canvassing and validity of
3. Hear and decide election contests within thirty (30) days after the same are submitted for
4. Register and accredit voting affiliates and voting Local Organization Presidents and
voting delegates.
5. Submit to the incoming and outgoing National Board at the National Convention on the
day following the national election, a report on the conduct and manner of election
and a statement of disbursement of funds allocated to the Commission which shall be
subject to the accounts or audit.
6. Recommend to the National Board effective measures to further minimize election
expenses and prohibit all forms of election frauds and malpractices, political opportunity
quest or nuisance candidacy or similar acts.
7. Promulgate rules and regulations consistent with the Constitution.
SECTION 4. FILING FEES: All filing fees or assessments to be required from the candidates, other
than the imposition of penalties, shall be subject to the approval of the National Board.
SECTION 5. PROHIBITION AGAINST MEMBERS: No member of the Commission shall engage
directly or indirectly in JCI partisan politics not hold any other elective or appointive position or
chairmanship during his term of office.
SECTION 6. AREA COMMISSION ON ELECTION: There shall be an Area Commission on Elections in
each area composed of a Chairman and two (2) Commissioners appointed by the National
President with the concurrence of the National Board to serve for a term of one (1) year.
on Elections shall enforce the rules and regulations governing the conduct of election in each
area conference concerned as provided for in the Election Code under the supervision and
control of the National Commission on Elections.
National President shall act as its Chairman. Any appointee to a vacancy shall serve only the
unexpired portion of the term of the predecessor.
SECTION 2. POWERS AND DUTIES: The National Nominations Commission shall have the following
powers and duties:
1. Exclusively pass upon the qualifications and eligibility of all candidates to the National
Board provided for in this Constitution and in the Policy Manual;
2. Examine, verify and approve the certificates of candidacy, NSO-issued birth certificate
with Official Receipt, and nomination papers submitted by candidates;
3. Examine and evaluate the candidates ability to carry out the duties of the office being
4. Certify to the National Commission on Elections the individual candidates have or not
have satisfied all the requirements of this Constitution and in the Policy Manual, and any
candidate who shall possess any of the disqualifications shall be disqualified by the
National Nominations Commission from running for office.
5. Promulgate rules and regulations consistent with the Constitution.
the National Board shall appear personally before the National Nominations Commission. For this
purpose, the commission shall convene, with notice to all candidates, within seven (7) days from
the deadline for the filing of the certificate of candidacy to perform and discharge its duties.
Failure to personally appear by any candidate before the commission shall be a ground for
office in the Organization must file with the National Commission on Elections, copy furnished the
National Nominations Commission, their Certificate of Candidacy in the form provided for in the
National Election Code accompanied by the written endorsement of the Board of Directors of
their respective LOs not later than July 31 of the current year. If July 31 falls on a Sunday or a
holiday, the certificate shall be filed on the next business day.
Provided that; in the event that there is no candidate for a certain office, the deadline for the
filing of a Certificate of Candidacy for that uncontested position shall be allowed up to one (1)
day before the scheduled election date; Provided further, that should there still be no
candidate for such uncontested position, the election for the officer thereof shall be by floor
nomination during the closing plenary session in the Area Conference. Provided, finally, that the
said nominee shall possess all the qualifications and none of the disqualification provided for in
this Constitution and in the Policy Manual.
SECTION 1. BOUNDARIES OF AREAS: In order to ensure that the most effective service is given to
Local Organizations and individual members, the Local Organizations of this Organization shall
be grouped into five (5) AREAS. Each AREA shall include the REGIONS as indicated below:
Cagayan Valley
Central Luzon
Northern Luzon
Metro East
Metro North
Metro South
Cavite North
Cavite South
Southern Tagalog East
Central Visayas
Eastern Visayas
Western Visayas
Northern Mindanao
Southern Mindanao
Western Mindanao
Central Mindanao
SECTION 2. PROVINCES AND INDEPENDENT CITIES: The provinces and independent cities
comprising each region shall be specified in the Policy Manual. No transfer or reassignment of a
city or province shall be made unless endorsed by a majority of the Local Organizations in the
region affected.
National Board upon prior consultation with and as much as practicable with the endorsement
of the majority of the Local Organizations that maybe affected may create, abolish, merge,
consolidate or reorganize a region in any area for the purpose of effective administration.
SECTION 4. NEW PROVINCES OR CITIES: Any new province or city created by law shall be
assigned to the region from where it was taken, unless the National Board determines otherwise.
SECTION 1. AREA ORGANIZATIONS: The Executive Committee of the Area shall be composed of
the Area Vice President for the Area, the Regional Vice President from each Region with the
Area, the Area Secretary, the Area Treasurer, and the Area General Legal Counsel, provided
that the mode of selecting the last three named officers shall be left to the discretion of the Area
Council. The Immediate Past Area Vice President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive
Committee. Appointed officers shall have no right to vote unless permitted by the Area Council.
SECTION 2. SUPERVISION: Each Area Vice President shall be responsible for supervising and
coordinating the activities of the Organization within the area, subject to the limits of the
authority given to him by this Constitution.
SECTION 3. AREA COUNCIL: The board of an area shall be called the Area Council and shall
consist of the aforementioned officers in Section 1 and the Presidents or the authorized
representatives of the affiliates within the regions of the area.
SECTION 4. FUNCTIONS: The Area Council and the area officers shall administer the area
according to the Constitution and Policy Manual of the Organization. To assist in administration,
the Area Council may adopt policies not otherwise provided in this Constitution and not contrary
SECTION 5. POWERS AND DUTIES OF OTHER OFFICERS: The powers and duties of the officers of the
Area shall be provided in the resolutions or other directives of the Area Council. In the absence
of such provisions, the said officers shall have the powers and duties as may be provided in the
Constitution, Policy Manual and other resolutions of the National Board.
SECTION 6. MEETINGS: There shall be three (3) Area Council Meetings for the term. The first three
(3) meetings shall be held in the months of January, April, and July, all after the Regular National
Board Meetings. The Executive Committee of the area shall meet from time to time to supervise
the day-to-day operations and activities of the area and report on conditions of affiliates.
SECTION 7. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Upon the instance of the Area Vice President or on the petition of
the majority of the area council members, there shall be Special Meetings called to discuss
important matters and issues regarding Area Organization.
SECTION 8. VOTING RIGHTS: All members of the Area Council in attendance at a meeting shall
have one vote. There shall be no proxy vote. Appointed officers shall have no voting rights unless
permitted by the Area Council.
SECTION 1. FUNDS: The Areas and Regional Councils may impose additional or special
assessments to be collected from the affiliates subject to the approval of the National Board. In
addition to other powers, the council may accept or solicit monies, materials and other
contributions from chapters or individual members.
SECTION 2. BUDGET: The Area Vice Presidents and Regional Vice Presidents shall prepare and
submit to their respective Area and Regional Councils their recommendations on their
respective operating budgets for the calendar year. Council officers and members shall not be
entitled to any salary or compensation except the reimbursement of reasonable expenses for
travel during meetings. No disbursement shall be made except in accordance with the budget.
An individual member of a Local Organization shall pay JCI Philippines the annual dues of at
least One Thousand Five Hundred (P1,500) per year. The said annual dues shall be determined
by the National Board, which may adjust the said annual dues from time to time taking into
consideration the rates on current JCI dues, the dollar exchange rate and in accordance with
the needs of times.
The amount to be remitted by the Local Organizations for JCI dues shall be automatically
adjusted in accordance with the exchange rate as of December 31 of the immediately
preceding year. The dues shall be remitted by each affiliate or Local Organization to the
If an affiliate disagrees with the statement of account made by the National Treasurer, a written
objection thereto must be filed with the Secretariat within one month after notice thereof. If no
objection is made on time, the affiliate shall be responsible for the membership dues stated in
the said statement of account. If an objection is duly lodged, the National Treasurer, with the
assistance of the Secretary General, shall inquire into the correct number of membership of said
affiliate for billing purposes. Any dispute arising herewith shall be resolved by the National Board
whose decision thereon shall be final.
Newly-chartered affiliates shall pay their annual membership dues amounting to Two Thousand
Five Hundred Peso (P2,500)
Dues must be paid in full on or before March 31 of each calendar year. Only Local Organizations
that have paid their dues in full on said date shall be entitled to vote in the area conference
and in the national convention.
The National Board may provide for an incentive scheme for early full or partial payments.
Section 1. DELINQUENCY: Any Local Organization that failed to vote at the Area Conference or
National Convention due to non-payment of dues shall be automatically considered delinquent
and shall be deemed suspended from all rights and privileges as an affiliate, provided, however,
that if said Local Organization is able to pay the dues and surcharges within the period of one
(1) year from its delinquency, it shall be automatically restored as an affiliate in good standing.
SECTION 2. DISAFFILIATION: In all cases, the failure of any Local Organization to pay any amount
due from membership within one (1) year from date of receipt of the written notice of
delinquency from the National Treasurer, or within the one (1) year deadline set forth in the
preceding paragraph shall be a cause for its disaffiliation or the forfeiture of its charter and
membership in the Organization as may be determined by the National Board.
SECTION 3. REVOCATION: Any Local Organization that shall continuously fail to pay any amount
due from membership for two (2) consecutive years shall have its affiliation or charter
automatically revoked without the need for any action on the part of the National Board and
said delinquent Local Organization shall be deemed never to have existed for purposes of
chapter extension.
SECTION 4. RESTORATION OF CHARTER: A disaffiliated Local Organization may have its charter
reinstated upon application with the National Board subject to the guidelines to be issued by the
National Board for this purpose, provided that a reinstated Local Organization can exercise its
voting rights only upon the full payment of its dues for the current year and other back dues, if
No financial commitment on the part of the Organization shall be made over and above the
budget approved by the National Board, provided that expected savings may be committed
upon authority or approval by the majority of the total membership of the National Board.
Until otherwise revised by the General Assembly in the allocation of the membership dues
collected by the Organization, priority shall be given to the payment of JCI dues such that the
specific amount for this purpose shall be immediately set aside. The balance will be available at
the discretion of the Organization for its operations, provided that the National Board should
specify in the budget amounts for the Area Councils, the Regional Councils and for the
leadership development programs.
All funds, real properties and other assets shall be held and maintained in the name of the
The Secretary General shall prepare and submit to the National Treasurer his recommendations
on the operating budget of the ensuing year.
A special surplus shall be created which shall not be less than ten per cent (10%) of the yearly
income excluding sponsorship income. This fund shall be accumulated at the rate of not less
than one per cent (1%) of the total dues income per year until the appropriate amount is
reached. Disbursement from this fund must be approved by the General Assembly at a National
Convention upon the recommendation of the National Board.
Subject to the provisions of Chapter VIII and Chapter XIV of this Constitution, all disbursements
from the Organizations bank accounts or certificates of deposit shall require at least two (2)
authorized signatories, to be designated by the National Board in a resolution for that purpose
unless otherwise provided for herein.
The offsetting of an account or membership dues by any Local Organization with any obligation
of the Organization is prohibited unless the account is mutually agreed upon within ten (10) days
prior to the deadline for the payment of such dues or accounts.
Until otherwise provided by the National Board, the host Local Organization of any National
Convention shall remit to the Organization ten per cent (10%) of its gross receipts collected from
registration fees.
The Organization will maintain its account with at least two (2) banks, to be approved by the
National Board upon recommendation of the National Treasurer. No account can be opened
by a project commissioner/chairman in the name of the Organization or in his own project
without approval of the National Board and unless the National Treasurer is one of the
signatories. All such Organization Bank accounts and national project accounts so opened shall
be closed at the end of the calendar year and all funds therein shall be transferred to the
regular account of this Organization, under the name of the incoming authorized signatories. All
funds remaining in the hands of the outgoing National Treasurer, officer, project chairman or
commissioner or person under their direct and indirect control shall likewise be turned over to the
incoming National Treasurer.
The Organization shall have an External Auditor approved by the National Board. He shall
conduct an audit of the Organizations finances at least once a year, or as often as the Board
may decide. The External Auditor shall not be a JCI member.
The Organization shall conduct bidding procedures for expenditures amounting to one hundred
thousand pesos (PHP 100,000) and above.
Any member in good standing of a bona fide Local Organization may be appointed by the
National President as National Director, Chairperson or Program Manager of a Directorate,
Committee or Commission, with the concurrence of the National Board. His tenure shall
commence upon acceptance of the formal directive. However, failure to convey acceptance
within five (5) days automatically entitles the National President to designate a new appointee.
No National Director or Chairman shall have two positions in the same year. The
appointments must be presented during the first regular national board meeting. No appointee
shall serve for two consecutive years. An appointee may qualify for the position again if he does
not serve for the same position during the previous year.
The National Board may create such committees or commission as may be necessary to carry
out the program of activities of the Organization.
The National President, the Secretary General and the National Treasurer shall be ex-officio
members of the committees and commissions.
All committees and commissions shall be under the supervision of the Secretary General or such
other officers authorized by the National Board.
All monies, funds and properties received by any committee or commission shall be deposited in
the name of the Organization and no withdrawal from such fund shall be made without the
signature of the National Treasurer and in accordance with the budget.
Policies and procedures governing institutionalized projects shall be embodied in the Policy
Manual and such can be amended only at a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the National Board.
SECTION 1. FUNCTION: To recognize and honor outstanding achievements in the fulfilment of the
purpose of the JCI by Local Organizations or individuals.
SECTION 2. DEVELOPMENT: The development of the national awards shall be initiated by the
National Awards Committee (NAC) who shall ensure their relevance to the areas of
opportunities and to the membership development of Local Organizations.
SECTION 3. NEW AWARDS AND CHANGES: The adoption of new awards, substitution of or
changes in the award description shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly.
a. Each of the five (5) area councils shall submit fifteen (15) names to compose the pool of
judges one (1) month prior to the Area Conference. However, they should not come
from the same Local organization.
b. Each member of the panel of judges shall have one vote. All decisions will be made by a
simple majority.
c. Upon completion of judging, the awards judges shall review the entry rules and related
matters, and propose desirable changes to the National Board at their meeting
immediately after the National Convention. The Board may adopt these rules by a simple
SECTION 1. COMPOSITION: There shall be a National Training Directorate composed of five (5)
Training Directors coming from each of the five (5) areas and a Chairman to be appointed by
the National President
SECTION 2. TERM OF OFFICE: The Training Directors, who shall be endorsed by their respective
area councils and the Chairman, shall be appointed by the National President with the
concurrence of the National Board and shall each have a term of one year. The appointee to
any vacancy shall serve the unexpired term of his predecessor.
SECTION 3. QUALIFICATIONS: Members of the National Training Directorate shall possess all the
qualifications and none of the disqualification as a regular member of the Organization.
SECTION 4: DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The National Training Directorate shall have the
following duties and responsibilities:
1. To plan a concrete training program for the NOM in accordance to JCI Training Policy;
2. To make available to and conduct in all regions and areas JCI and JCIP prescribed
seminars and JCI Official Courses;
3. To continuously design, formulate and conduct trainings and seminars for whatever
purpose or involvement to all JCI members or any organization, office, aggrupation,
group or association who may wish to avail of the same;
4. To coordinate and conduct trainings in the Local Organizations and NOM prior to its
execution and circularize such for proper promotion for all members to avail of.
SECTION 5. FUNDS: Five (5%) of the JCI Philippines annual budget less the JCI dues and
Admin fund expenses shall be allotted for training programs to be administered by the
Directorate. These funds must only be spent for printing of seminar materials, manuals and
publications and in no case shall the funds be used for travel expenses and/or honoraria of
the members of the Directorate.
There shall be a Policy Manual of the Organization, the purpose of which is to institute rules
governing the Organization and its affiliates and the conduct of its business and the provisions of
which may be changed from time to time by the National Board after thirty (30) days from the
completion of its publication in an official website and/or newsletter distributed to all affiliates in
good standing. In case of conflict between the provisions of this Constitution and the Policy
Manual, the former shall prevail.
The Executive Committee shall prepare such Policy Manual of the Organization and upon
approval of the National Board shall be binding on all the affiliates.
The business of the Organization shall be conducted according to this Constitution and the
Policy Manual and where not otherwise provided, by the Roberts Rules of Order.
This Constitution may be modified, altered, amended or repealed by a majority vote of the total
strength of the affiliates in good standing represented in any regular or special national
convention called for the purpose and by the majority vote of the National Board consistent
with the provisions of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, provided that no amendment
shall be made oftener than once every five (5) years from ratification hereof unless petitioned by
at least two-thirds (2/3) of the total strength of the total voting affiliates in good standing.
All existing National Board resolutions, decrees, orders, policy manual and guidelines and other
issuances not inconsistent with this Constitution shall remain operative until amended, repealed,
or revoked.
This Constitution shall be effective upon approval of the General Assembly. The provisions of this
Constitution shall be prospective in character and nature. This Constitution shall not, however,
affect the qualification, eligibility and tenure of the present elected and constitutionally
appointed national officers who shall continue to serve the remainder of their term.
Attested by: