Coursework 1
Coursework 1
Coursework 1
Audit reports..................................................................................................4
audit reports.........................................................................................................5
1.0 Introduction
The aim of this coursework is to identify and outline necessity for auditors of
large plcs to produce more detailed audit reports and particularly on risk and
materiality issues and beneficial for users of accounts if enhanced reporting.
Through the process of doing this coursework, the author have been done a lot
of relevance research and information that could help for this coursework. It
helps the author understand deeper of obligation of an auditor and what should
include in the audit reports. This coursework lead the author observes or
measure what she had learn and noticed that how important of an auditor for a
company which to supervise or monitor the firm. Besides, it is also to identify and
evaluate the risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, at the
financial statement.
can never fully convey the basis and context of those judgments. Auditors report
such matters to those charged with governance like audit committees or
supervisory boards, but as part of a two ways and dynamic dialogue that
provides the context necessary to make it meaningful.
In author opinion, believe that certain core content of the auditors report
should also be retained as useful information in communicating key concepts.
Enhancements can be made to this wording that would be value to users,
including explanation of how the concept of materiality is applied in audits
generally and matters relevant to auditor independence. Explaining the nature
and extent of the auditors involvement with other information in the annual report
would be useful as well. These matters may contribute to the expectations gap
Furthermore, another area of particular concern about close call which
as regard of going concern, such as circumstances when events or
circumstances raise doubt, triggering additional work effort, but the auditor is
ultimately able to conclude that a material uncertainty does not exist. The close
call would meet the requirement or identifying key audit matters because
evaluating whether a material uncertainty exists could involve the auditor
attention. Going concern is concept that an organization will continue in
operation in the foreseeable future and that its assets are therefore to be
accounted for on the basis of continued use rather than on the basis of market or
liquidation value regarding (Arnot, 2004). The International Auditing and
Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is also proposing requirements for auditors
to include specific statements about going concern in their reports. In particular:
a statement by the auditor regarding the appropriateness of managements use
of the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial statements;
and a statement whether the auditor has identified a material uncertainty that
may cast significant doubt on the entitys ability to continue as a going concern.
In addition, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)
reporting would, of itself, increase costs. That has led some to suggest that if the
auditor is not able to recover any increased costs through their fees, it may
create pressure to reduce work in other areas, which could have a detrimental
effect on audit quality. Some have cautioned that additional reporting in the form
of auditor commentary may widen the expectations gap, as may the option to
change the structure and format of the auditors report, as discussed in Section
III. On the other hand, greater transparency about the audit performed may not
only enhance users understanding of the audited financial statements, but also
affect their perceptions of the quality and value of the audit. For example, if users
are informed about areas of the audited financial statements that required
exercise of significant auditor judgment, they presumably would have a better
understanding of the auditors opinion on the financial statements as a whole.
3.0 Conclusion
Through this report, it notices that how important is the auditor toward an
organization. It have established rule that the auditors are to play a vigilant and
objective role in ensuring the shareholders interest and the management of the
company have acted within reason. It is the shareholders who primarily depend
on the good faith and efficiency of the company's auditor to ensure that
company's actions in the day-to-day operations are verified. It is hoped that the
standards of corporate governance can be increased and improved to meet the
demands of the challenging global market to prevent case of Enron and
WorldCom happens.
(2162 words)