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JULY 28, 2015: Program: Marti Carlson Meals On Wheels

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JULY 28, 2015

NEXT MEETING: August 4, 2015

Program: Marti Carlson; Meals on Wheels

Roger treated us to his a capella rendition of

the Merchant Marine song Heave Ho,
My Lads, Heave Ho, (wasnt that
Blackbeards song?) which may give us a
hint as to why it remains very obscure. .
Late news flash: Roger, approaching
seniorhood rapidly, has remembered the
last line of the song which you all have
probably forgotten by now: Damn the
submarines! Were the men of the
Merchant Marines!.
So there.

Greeter: Herb Wehmeyer

Invocation: Marv Ellenberg

**Aug. 11 Speaker: Edy Schwartz,Highlights of the

Annual Moraga Film Festival
(Bring Spouse and Friends)
*Aug. 18 Speaker: Andrew Pierce, West Nile Virus
*Aug. 25 Speaker: Doug Perez, Reading Advantage
*Regular Noon Meeting

** Second Tuesday Evening

President Roger Gregory whomped the bell to
open the meeting, and John Erickson gave us a
few of his favorite inspirational quotes and led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Our guests were:
Larry Tesler of the Chamber of Commerce and
Bill Eames of Lafayette Rotary, and our speaker,
Larry Sly. Honorary Member attending was Lou
Announcements from President Roger:
The Board voted to contribute $400 to Lafayette
Rotary to help defray expenses of the
USO Show Operation Swingtime at the
Lafayette Reservoir on July 18. . . .
Roger was informed that the Merchant
Marine flag (Military Sealift Command)
was not represented at the show, so he
took it upon himself to acquire such a
flag and give it to Bill Eames to take to
his Club to rectify the negligence
(although fining was not authorized).

Raj and Mike Mike McCluer show the flag

Anyone wanting a District shirt should give
Roger your specifications; your credit is good
for at least a month.. . . . TGITLFOTM
(pronounced Club Social) will be this Friday at
Marv and Joyce Ellenbergs, 300 Constance
Place (check your Mapquest; if you cross the
Canyon bridge you have gone a bit too far).
Party starts at 6 pm. . . . The District is hosting a
Foundation and Membership Seminar on
August 22 at Solano Community College in
Vallejo. Hours are 8:30 to 1:30 and include a
working lunch. Ask Raj for details.
Barbara Bruner sopped up some culture with
five plays in Ashland OR over the weekend, and
gave a High Five to celebrate . . . Dianne
Wilson gave two Happy Bucks for a great

family vacation just completed . . . .Al

Simonsen gave an HB for Barbara Bruners
lift to the meeting, since Al is recovering from
foot surgery. . . .Kevin Reneau didnt part with
any money, but pointed out that if you give a
High Five you could get to sign a bookplate for
books bound for the Juvenile Hall library.
President Roger announced that Mike
McCluer is our newest member. The Raj said
Mike brings new energy to our little Club and we
look forward to a long, fun association. Nothing
is better for the heart than service. A close
second is joyful friendship. Your Club is a
doorway to both. Well said, Rajah!


Chairperson Debbie announced that the
planning and preparations to date are so
complete that we dont need another meeting to
discuss them. So if we all do our jobs, same-ol
same-ol, we should have a successful service
project/fundraiser. There are still job openings
for members, spouses, grandchildren, brothersin-law, etc., so anyone who hasnt yet signed up
should call Frank May ASAP. The event will be
held on August 7, 8 and 9.
We still need some big coolers to be loaned
by members, so bring them to next weeks
Rotary meeting and Gary will hoover them up.
Hell return them, too, eventually.
Our speaker, Larry Sly, has been with the Food
Bank of Contra Costa and Solano since 1976,
almost since it began. He is on various Boards of
food bank organizations, and he chairs the local
Emergency Food and Shelter board that allocates
Federal emergency funds to agencies in Contra
Costa County. Larry is a Director of the Concord
Chamber of Commerce, and is a Past President of
the Rotary Club of Concord.

The Raj, Cliff, Mike McCluer, and Frank

PRIP Cliff Dochterman gave a brief speech
welcoming Mike to the worldwide Rotary
fellowship of more than 1.2 million members in
34,000 Clubs, and produced the usual pin, red
badge, official certificate, and the ABCs of
Rotary, signed by the author. Mike has already
signed up to work on the logistics team at
OMPA. Welcome, Mike!!!
Larry Sly and the Rajah

Larry mentioned that this week is the 40th

anniversary of the founding of Food Bank of
Contra Costa and Solano. Larry was the
second employee, as a truck driver. He is
amazed at the growth of the organizationfrom
distributing 30,000 pounds of food in the first
year to 20,000,000 pounds last year. About half
of the food is perishable fresh fruits and
vegetables, which require special distribution
methods to assure freshness.
The food bank has been one of 200 similar
organizations in the FeedingAmerica network,
which solicits non-spec but good food products
from manufacturers. This was a good source of
food until discount non-brand stores began to
buy and resell such food. Now, food banks
generally buy their food, and raise funds from
individuals, companies, and some government
grants. While Larry personally does not like
direct mail solicitation, he acknowledges that it
provides a great way for individuals to support
the food bank. Their annual budget is $10
million, with roughly half from individuals and
half from companies and other organizations.
The food bank now has several new distribution
methods, facilitated by computer systems where
county organizations can place a complex order
for delivery on a specific day and location.
They also have a specially designed truck with
bins for various kinds of food that can be driven
to a location where customers select their own
Q & A: FBCCS cooperates with Meals on
Wheels as to client health needs but generally
does not provide food to them. . . . Expiration
dates on food products for adults are
considered just advisory, as the food generally
is good for a year of more after the date . . .
They have had some unique donations: a rail
car full of pink grapefruit juice, which everyone
liked; raisin bran with too many raisins; and
cereal with the wrong team on many boxes
the food was used and the boxes were

destroyed. . . .FBCCS services are for legal CA

residents only, by law.
President Roger gave Larry a certificate
showing that 200 doses of polio plus vaccine
had been donated in his name, and he signed a
book to be given to the Juvenile Hall library.
Raffle: Bill Eames won just $10 as the white
marble eluded him, but after the inspiring
program, he donated the money to the FBCCS.
Community happenings: 2015 Moraga Night
Out, to bring neighbors together to discuss
emergency preparedness, is on Tuesday
August 4. [email protected]
Friends of the Moraga Adobe (which is
actually in Orinda) are holding Fantastic
Fandango fundraiser to preserve and renovate
this historic structure, on Saturday August 29 at
Scheduled greeter/Invocators:
8/11 Rich Render
8/18 Barbara Bruner
8/25 Evie Michon
9/1 -- Dave Kruegel
We all know the author of The ABCs of Rotary,
but how did it get started? Cliff told his table
that once, on a visit to Rotary HQ in Evanston,
the RI President asked him a question that Cliff
answered that he, while PE of Berkeley Rotary,
wrote a series of short stories about specific
and different aspects of Rotary to be read to his
Club each week. The RI President wanted
copies, and he later came back with 1000
bound copies, and Cliff sure hoped they could
get rid of that many. Of course, the book
became extremely popular worldwide, and has
been translated into many languages.


July 31 -- TGIF Club Social At the home of
Marv and Joyce Ellenberg
Aug 7-9 OMPA Swim meet food booth
Nov 21 Rotary Day at Golden Gate Fields
Mar 12, 2016A Nite at the Races


President.Roger Gregory
President-elect ..........Kevin Reneau
Past President.Debbie Roessler
Secretary........ .Kevin Reneau
Treasurer.... Lad Lynch
Community Service Chair......Barbara Bruner
New Generations....Rich Render
International Service Chair.Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations .. Gary Irwin
Membership.......... Frank May
Director at Large... John Erickson
Director at Large ..Marv Ellenberg
Director at Large Cliff Dochterman
Director at Large ..Linda May
President, Rotary InternationalRavi Ravindran
District Governor.Ken Courville
Assistant District GovernorMark Roberts
Newsletter Editor for June Gary Irwin

Rotary International Theme for 2015-16

Be a Gift To The World

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