Other Causes of Fastener Failures
Other Causes of Fastener Failures
Other Causes of Fastener Failures
Carrie Menendez
Failure Metallurgist
Stork Materials Testing & Inspection (SMT &1)
15062 Bolsa Chica
Huntington Beach, CA 92649 USA
1 st Case History:
Reverted Austenite
Category of Failure Mechanism in Survey:
Heat Treat Related Failures (2%)
A batch of stainless steel fasteners (Type 17-4 PH) was
submitted to SMT &1 for passivation, as is typical for this
material. The fastenerswere passivated in accordance with a
specification such as QQ-P-35, which specifies the solution
to be used (20% to 25% by volume ofHNOJ and 2.5% :i: 0.5%
by weight of Na2Cr207x 2H20) as well as the time and the
temperature of the passivation process (20 minutes at 120F
to 130F or 49C to 54OC)basedon the material.
After passivation it was noticed that the samples appeared
corroded or attacked, with a dull gray surface finish (as seen
in Figure 1) that felt slightly gritty to the touch. The failure
analysis group was asked to determine the cause of the problem. In this case, the fastener had not been in service, therefore the problem was limited to a manufacturing problem, a
heat treating problem or a passivation process problem.
A longitudinal metallographic cross section through one
of the "attacked" fastenerswas mounted in Bakelite and then
ground and polished to a metallurgical finish. An examination
of the cross section in the as-polished condition did not reveal any obvious anomalies that would account for the responseof the material to typical passivation procedures.However, in the etched condition, it was clear that the fastener had
been attacked or eaten in areasthat were metallurgicallydifferent than the bulk Type 17-4 PH stainlesssteel material. The
etched microstructure exhibited a distinct non-uniform white
Fastener Technology
and overload
Recently the failure analysis departmentat SMT &1 in Huntington Beach created a brief survey of fastener failures analyzed by the group over a ten-year period and found that
there were four predominant failure mechanisms accounting
for 77% of the fastener failures analysis by SMT&I personnel. Thesepredominant failure mechanisms were categorized
as fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement, stresscorrosion cracking
and overload.
In general, most people working in the fastener industry
have experienced or dealt with one or more of these major
failure mechanisms and will sometimes elect not to perform a
full failure analysis because they are "familiar" with these
failure mechanisms or because the cost of the analysis exceeds the replacement costs of the fasteners.
However, there are numerousother failure mechanismsthat
are not as prevalent and may not appear as often in the fastener and precision formed parts manufacturing industry. This
article presents three such failure mechanisms encountered
by SMT&I failure analysis personnel.
be dealt with
by fastener
Fig. 2 -Reverted
austenite layer layer on
fastener (magnification SOX).
rd Case ffistory:
Segregation of Inclusions/Forging
Category of Failure Mechanism(s) in Survey:
Raw Material Defects (1%) and/or
Manufacturing Defects (8%)
Severalaluminum toe bolts were submitted to SMT &1 personnel to determine the causeof crack indications/bursts visible on the point end of the bolts (Figure 3) from two groups.
One of the submitted groups
of toe bolts did not exhibit
any obvious indications of
defects and was to be used
as a control or comparison
group of samples.Sectioning
one of the "bad" bolts resultedin the core material falling out of the threaded portion as though the threads
Fig. 3- Cracks & burst
were a sleeve or a shell (as visible on point end of bolts.
seenin Figure 4).