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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 1 | Issue 10 | April 2015

ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Permanent Magnetic Generator

Sangam Rane
Department Mechanical Engineering
Theem College Of Engineering

Shivpal Barai
Department Mechanical Engineering
Theem College Of Engineering

Mainuddin Chaudhary
Department Mechanical Engineering
Theem College Of Engineering

Laxman Prajapati
Department Mechanical Engineering
Theem College Of Engineering

Mubin Choudhari
Department Mechanical Engineering
Theem College Of Engineering

Imagine a motor that is propelled by magnets only. No electricity in; no petrol in; just torque out, to be used to turn a generator
or a driveshaft. Science does not yet have models to describe how this works, largely because the scientific community at large
does not believe it is possible. Notwithstanding academic snubbing, many thousands of individuals have chased such a dream,
and some claim to have achieved eureka. Of all the free energy technologies, from solar and wind, to cold fusion and zero point
energy, the magnet motor is probably the sexiest. There it is spinning away, in violation of known laws of physics, creating
useful energy. What you have is a motor that you could plunk down just about anywhere (environmental conditions/protection
depending), and it will run continuously, with no visible energy input, needing only occasional maintenance of the bearings and
such. Heat is the enemy for such a system, because at higher temperatures, the magnetism of the magnets is lost. A magnetic
motor (or magnet motor) is a device which converts power of or relating to or caused by magnetism (e.g., "magnetic forces") into
mechanical force and motion, with no other input. It usually provides rotary mechanical motion. The machines that utilizes the
properties of a magnet for mechanical energy.
Keywords: Electricity Generator, Generator, Permanent Magnetic Generator



Perpetual motion describes hypothetical machines that operate or produce useful work indefinitely and, more generally,
hypothetical machines that produce more work or energy than they consume, whether they might operate indefinitely or not
.There is undisputed scientific consensus that perpetual motion would violate either the first law of thermodynamics, the second
law of thermodynamics, or both. Machines which comply with both laws of thermodynamics but access energy from obscure
sources are sometimes referred to as perpetual motion machines, although they do not meet the standard criteria for the name.
Despite the fact that successful perpetual motion devices are physically impossible in terms of our current understanding of the
laws of physics, the pursuit of perpetual motion remains popular.



A. Electricity Generation:
Electricity can be made or generated by moving a wire (conductor) through a magnetic field. a coil of wire is moved within a
magnetic field so that it passes through the magnetic field, electrons in the wire are made to move . When the coil of wire is
connected into an electric circuit (at the terminals A and a) the electrons are under pressure to move in a certain direction and a
current will flow.

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Permanent Magnetic Generator

(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 004)

Fig. 1: Electricity Generation

B. Working Principles:
There is an undisputed scientific consensus that perpetual motion violates either the first law of thermodynamics, the second law
of thermodynamics, or both. The first law of thermodynamics is essentially a statement of conservation of energy. The second
law can be phrased in several different ways, the most intuitive of which is that heat flows spontaneously from hotter to colder
places; the most well-known statement is that entropy tends to increase, or at the least stay the same; another statement is that no
heat engine (an engine which produces work while moving heat between two separate places) can be more efficient than a
Carnot heat engine.
C. Working:
Magnets are placed on rotor and stator. The screw mechanism is added at the base of chassis for opening and closing the
casing(stator). Since magnet is present on the stator and it have its own magnetic field. There will be attraction and repulsion
both present between the magnet and casing which results in the rotation of the shaft. As the bearing is placed at the each end of
shaft. It will make the rotation smooth. The motion of shaft is further transferred to the rotor of electric dynamo via pulley. The
pulley is provided to increase the speed. The rotation of rotor shaft electric dynamo create the magnetic flux inside it. There is
present a winding of coil is called the stator winding. When this come into the contact of magnetic flux created by the rotor. This
will cut the magnetic flux produced by the rotor and electric current is produced in the stator winding. The coil of stator winding
is connected to output terminal of electric dynamo from where we get the output in form of voltage.

Fig. 2: Project Model

Fig. 3: Magnets Placed On Stator and Rotor

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Permanent Magnetic Generator

(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 004)

Table -1:
Properties of Magnets

Maximum energy product


Residual flux density


Coersive force

Sintered alnico5
Cast alnico 8
Samarium cobalt 20(1,5)
Samarium cobalt 28(2,17)
Neodymium N45
Neodymium 33UH





Table -2:
Generator Data



The strength of generator depends on:

"l"- Length of the conductor in the magnetic field
"v"- Velocity of the conductor (speed of the rotor)
"B"- Strength of the electromagnetic field
You can do calculate the electricity produced(e) using this formula:
Power of the generator can be calculated as
I = Current Produced (Amp)
V = voltage
Note: the current produced by the dynamo generator is direct current.



In coming days, this will prove a great boon to the world, since it will save a lot of electricity of power plants that gets wasted in
illuminating the lights. As the conventional sources are depleting very fast, then its time to think of alternatives. We got to save
the power gained from the conventional sources for efficient use. So this idea not only provides alternative but also adds to the
economy of the country. Now, magnetic power can be utilized for power generation by means of new technique called power
hump. It has advantage that it does not utilize any external source [12]. Now the time has come to put forte these types of
innovative ideas, and researches should be done to upgrade their implication. Our design system has several advantage over the
other type of conventional generator.

We would like to take opportunity to express our deep sense of humble gratitude and respect to our project guide Prof. Sangam
Rane. Under whom we executed this project. We are highly obliged to Prof. Shakeel Tadvi. Head of department, Mechanical
Engineering, Theem College of Engineering, for his constant support, stimulating suggestions and encouragement. We are also
helpful to Principal Dr. N.K Rana. Theem College of Engineering, for providing us with all the necessary facilities and resources
required, along with timely encouragement and motivation for successful completion of this project.
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Permanent Magnetic Generator

(IJSTE/ Volume 1 / Issue 10 / 004)


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