Strategic Marketing Planning VOLVO: Ali Abdurahiman
Strategic Marketing Planning VOLVO: Ali Abdurahiman
Strategic Marketing Planning VOLVO: Ali Abdurahiman
Limit the impact, but also take advantage, of macroeconomic
To be the worlds most desired and successful premium car brand
To be a world-class provider of treasury services, valued as the natural and
integrated business partner to the Volvo Group companies. Volvo also aims
at being the World Leader in sustainable transports solutions.
Our vision: Zero accidents We have worked diligently for more
than 80 years to develop increasingly better protection for people in
the case of an accident.
Our Accident Research Teams have given us good insight into the
causes of accidents and injuries and what can be done to prevent
them. Our products are built to minimize the consequences of
accidents. In recent years we have also launched intelligent safety
systems with the potential to prevent accidents from happening in the
first place.
Our ultimate goal is zero accidents with Volvo Group products.
This vision of zero accidents guides our product development. We are
committed to work hard to prevent accidents, but we are also aware of
the fact that most accidents involve factors that are out of our control.
users, authorities,
scientists and other actors in society who want to create a safer world.
Safety innovations: A series of pioneering safety innovations has
made Volvo a world leader in automotive safety over the years. It is our
The new cab is Volvos strongest so far. And the worlds toughest
crash tests show that drivers have a good chance of survival in an 50
mph crash with a stationary object
Political factors.
There has been an increased regulation on the car industry and also automotive
industry is facing a huge taxation on trade.
Growing environmental concerns are forcing governments around the world
to introduce harsher regulations for the automotive industry. These include
strict regulations on carbon emissions, increased taxes for cars with higher
carbon dioxide emissions, rise in insurance prices and new safety regulations.
Volvo's main markets (US and Europe) are affected by the above the
Government foreign policies are important to the industry. There are extreme
tax policies adopted by developing countries for local automotive industry
Low - emission cars benefit from tax incentives, such as free road tax, lower
insurance prices, free parking and so on.
BRIC economies are gaining substantial power against of those of the
Western World.
Economic factors.
There is rise in the fuel prices, and this economic factor has hit the automotive
industry fiercely and leads to reduce the performance of the company.
2008 economic recession has hit the automotive industry immensely. Many
companies field bankruptcy and many auto brands have disappeared.
Social factors:
The major problems Volvo is facing is shift in the consumers preferences from a luxury,
large engine cars with huge carbon emission to a fuel-efficient, and small cars, due to
many reasons like rise in the prices of oil, and also governments are providing tax
incentive to those who buy fuel-efficient and eco-friendly cars and other incentives
include free parking and road tolls. Volvo much emphasis on family sector but in Europe
there is decline in the number of families. Hence Volvo market segmentation is wrong
and may not be useful for sales growth.
Technological factors:
Environmental factors:
Due to the emission of large carbon from the big size cars increased the pollution and
hence have caused many problems like polluting air, etc.Because of global warming the
concern of society towards environment safety has increased.
Legal factors:
New laws on the protection of the environment have started rallying and this has hit the
whole automotive industries. Due to these environmental protection acts and Clean air
Act, which was passed by the legislation, brought about a changes in the preferences
and shift the needs and hence as discussed above choosing for eco-friendly cars.
The governments are proving more tax incentives for those who choose fuel efficient
cars, like free road tolls and parking etc. Volvo has introduced flexi-fuel cars but they did
not show a good sign on the profits of the company.
Safety of both the environment and driving is the main strength of the
Volvo cars, and hence the Governments policies on safety in driving
will not have much influence on the performance of Volvo.
Volvo has a reputation for big estate cars and last for long periods of
Goteborg safety center which is a world renowned, and hence after the
acquisition, Volvo has introduced ten new models for its customers,
and hence earned more profits for FORD.
Volvo has 2400 dealers worldwide and has its presence in 120
countries of the world.
Volvos most of the production is from the Belgium and hence, the cars
produced in Sweden is very expensive for the US consumers. This is
due to the less facilities of production of Volvo cars in US.
further growth for the business ,start new business in china and
Develop a production plant in third world countries.
Expanding Automobile market
Acquiring more market share in integrating with current entities involved
in automobile business.
The increasing per capita income and purchasing power.
Has the Volvo only concentrates on the Safety in its product design,
and ignoring on the other aspects like eco-friendly and fuel efficient
cars (Toyota Lexus), performance, styling, reliability, handling and
Competitor Analysis:
Infinity, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Toyota so on. And all these
brands are quite competitive in the automobile market, especially about
the premium-segment cars.
business. This model helps to identify what have to be marketed and at what
time and risk involved in marketing these products.
The alternatives available to the Volvo cars are:
taxation policies, etc. hence , reducing the price of the cars will not be
the best solution to face the challenge.
Diversified strategy will not have a positive effect on the growth of the
business as this is risky, and Volvo which is facing a huge performance
crisis should not be risk taker but should be risk averter.
The reasons for choosing the product development strategy as the best
alternative for Volvo cars is, because product development is the only
alternative which meets the target customer's (especially Volvo's target
segment of last 15 years) needs and this is the only possible solution to
withstand with the challenges Volvo is facing, and Volvo should also consider
the some of the aspects like the competitors of Volvo has already met the
needs of the customers who are seeking fuel-efficient cars, and hence Volvo
have to integrate all the aspects like safety, performance, reliability, fuelefficient, with low carbon emissions and comfort to compete with their
competitors, as Volvo is already reputed for safety and reliability, Volvo has
to some other elects in list of product design to provide a best alternative for
its customers. Volvo's introduction of Flexi-fuel cars to reduce the sales
shrink as the customers are moving to fuel-efficient cars shows a positive
sign in its performance in the future. Future Product development programs
also helps Volvo to achieve its programs like Volvo 2020, where it is trying to
differentiate itself on two factors safety of both the environment and driving.
Volvo should conduct a budgetary process on the available resources as
product development process requires an excess investments into many
aspects like research and developments and raw materials and advertising
The Volvo Car Corporation is one of the car industrys strong brands. The company
is committed to :