Site Exploration
Site Exploration
Site Exploration
Soil Investigation
Should Include
Phase I
Collection Of Preliminary Information
Obtain information regarding the type of structure
to be built and its general use
A general ides of the topography and the type of soil
Geological survey map etc.
Phase II
The engineer should always make a visual inspection
of the site.
To provide a general picture of the topography and
geology of the site.
Phase III
Site Investigation
Consists of planning, making test boreholes and
collection soil samples
For a 30 wide building, depending on number of
stories (1 to 5 stories) 3.0 m to 24 m deep borings can
be made.
For a multi story building borehole spacing is 1030m
The exploration cost is generally 0.1-0.5% of the cost
of the structure.
Phase IV
Report Writing
A clear description of the soils at the site
Methods of exploration
Soil profile
Test methods and results
The location and condition of the groundwater
Disturbed samples :
Used for grain size distribution, liquid and plastic limits,
specific gravity, compaction test, moisture content, soil
classification in the lab.
Undisturbed samples :
Consolidation test, permeability, shear strength test.
More complex jobs or where clay exists
In sand it is very difficult to obtain undisturbed
proctor test
2. VST vane shear test
3. PMT
meter test
4. CPT
penetration test
5. DMTDilatometer